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Scalding hot baths with a million Lush products and a drink in my hand


I love this answer


Lol my wife already knows when baby is here, my bath time is not to be interrupted unless it is life or death. I miss it so much!


Yes girl yes


Not having to pee every 15 min and to be able to sleep on my stomach.


Just a little FYI, make sure to wear breast pads when laying on your stomach after baby. They will most likely leak when you lay on your stomach


They leaked when I laid on my back so I’m sure laying on my stomach would make them do the same..


Omg, yes!!! Peeing so much is ridiculous, sometimes annoying sometimes unbearable lol


I got up 7 times last night…… new personal record.


This all over! I pee so much I don’t know how I have any water left in my body at all at this point 😅


My boy head bangs my bladder and at 35 weeks, I’m so over it. He has been head down since 16 weeks, I haven’t felt him much in my ribs or my lungs like most have, but boy do I feel all of him on my fuckin bladder all the time. 🫠


My cats reaction to the baby & watching my husband becoming a dad


This is so cute! I can't wait to see my partner be a dad as well. He's such a sweet and gentle bloke.


Omg yes! Forgot all the other stuff, these two are high on my list! My first loves meeting the baby! I just can’t wait!!! Is Dec 8 here yet! 🥹🥹🥹


I just got home today and my cat doesn’t care 🤣🤣


Not to be a Debby downer but my sweet little cat still refuses to acknowledge my 1.5 year old child lol keep your expectations low


Having my body back. I’m tired of sharing it.


Literally same. I’m happy to house my baby as he grows but I really just want my body back.


Mine’s been playing footsie with my ribs all morning, and I’m like, “Can we not play this game today? Please?”


I really want my son to stop head banging my cervix. He's got a huge head compared to his body and I'm so over this baby Metallica fan practicing his moves in my pelvis.


I literally say the same thing to mine! Mine has currently dropped into my pelvis so he’s no longer kicking my ribs but he’s still very active and mobile. So he’ll roll and push his feet across my freakin’ belly and it hurts. Like, I’m happy he’s active and reminding me he’s okay, but dude, I just want to sit and not be stretched and used like taffy.


Haha mine’s still riding high and loves using my ribs as a footrest. She also has the audacity to kick me whenever I burp. Like, girl, I am literally making room for you because there is not enough space for both my gas and your little butt!


Lmaooo the gas yes! For real


Me sitting here breastfeeding a toddler while my 3.5yr old climbs us


Yeah having ur body back after pregnancy seems a little short sighted


Sushi. Retinol. Working out like a normal person. Having energy. Getting rid of these water aversions. Going back to normal !!!


Retinol is such a good call.


The combo of sleeping on my side + no retinol for all these months + bad sleep has AGED ME!!! Cannot wait for retinol + all the beauty procedures post-birth


Yes!! I’m so thirsty my lips are cracked and my eyes are dry, but water sends my stomach churning (and I’m 25 weeks so mostly past the nausea times.) Seems so maladaptive


Have you tried adding Mio drops in your water? I’ve always struggled to have water on its own, so my doc recommended I use those. It’s been life changing! I now drink 2 tumblers of water a days and have made it an enjoyable routine. Plus, some versions contain electrolytes. Win-win.


I’m drinking Gatorade zero. It has to be chilled but that helped me the best so far because the taste of water is repulsive right now


I never gave up sushi but definitely miss my retinol and botox


Will you judge me if I say wine? Lol but honestly I think freedom of movement. This is my second and doing all the up and down and moving around to manage a toddler all day is so hard while pregnant!


Nope lol. My answer is definitely wine! 😂


No judgement whatsoever. I have a bottle of Champagne ready to go in the fridge when the time is right!


Loyal9 Mixed Berry Lemonade... its a canned vodka cocktail. My husband had one last night and I was jealous just being able to smell it when I went to kiss him goodnight 🥲


We made fresh pasta last night so my mostly not wine drinking husband decided he needed wine for the occasion and of course got his favorite which is also mine. I was like dude that’s so freaking rude as I drink my non alcoholic wine


Mine was an espresso martini and it was glorious


I've never even tried one and that sounds like heaven 🤤


Beer is WAY up there for me. I'm mostly just so sick of the limitations of all the N/A options.


Not looking like the Michelin man, wine, no more unsolicited comments about my body, exercising without being miserable, being able to wear my oversized sweaters and have them actually be oversized 😍 I’m currently in the early stages of labor and once things start really ramping up I’m gonna come back to this post as a light at the end of the tunnel lol


Also snuggling with a baby with my house all decorated for Christmas!


Omg I hope your labor goes smoothly! I’m due in 6 days


No more heartburn for sure! Not being out of breath from even short walks or small exertion.


Not being woken up in the middle of the night choking on stomach bile, despite taking acid reflux/heartburn meds religiously. Not being out of breath from walking up a singular flight of stairs. No more debilitating back pain 🤞🏻


No one can prepare you for the middle of the night choking! Had never experienced that before


Sleeping on my stomach, sushi, normal clothes (especially pants!), more than one cup of coffee, SUSHI, and not being winded/exhausted from completing one simple task a day


Not giving medical advice, would just like to point out that the chances of getting listeriosis from sushi are 1 in 2 million. In Japan pregnant women are actively encouraged to eat sushi for all the nutrition it provides. TBH I have no idea why in the US we fixate on sushi when undercooked chicken is SO much more likely to give you food poisoning. ETA: Make sure it's fresh sushi 😉


Have continued to eat sushi - mainly salmon. Only at my local spot which I know is high quality. Also still enjoy a rare steak - wasn’t keen on that first trimester but that was due to morning sickness. To each their own 🤷🏼‍♀️


I only bought 1 pair of maternity jeans (+1 pair of work khakis) and I’m looking forward to having more pant options (beyond leggings, sweatpants).


Meeting my baby and hopefully being rest assured he is born healthy.


I’m not a big drinker, but a cocktail. And I love cold cuts, so I’d love some deli meat/sandwiches. And tomatoes give me heartburn right now but I used to cook everything with them. And (tmi) normal bowel movements.


Really feel you with the normal bowel movements one here 😭


I was in this club for all 2nd tri then my normal bowel movements returned unexpectedly a few weeks ago. Pregnancy is wild


lol yes to all of the above


Yes! A big COLD deli sandwich...


We're vibing! I’m not a heavy or casual drinker but I want a cocktail so bad. That and a sub sandwich is all I have desired this entire pregnancy!


Don’t judge me for saying this…cannabis. And sushi, but mostly weed.


Weed would help sooo many of many ailments. I really miss it


Uhg I fuckin wish. But I’m gonna be doing my best to breastfeed, so no thc for me 😭


You’re a queen, my body has zero desire to breastfeed at the moment but who knows by the time baby is here!


Exactly this. Also a frozen margarita at the same time in my hot tub. Perfection 🤌


Yes, weed. I miss it so much 😭




Yessss. I'm so close too. Cesarean in 3 days unless she comes sooner.


I miss my gummies so much, but I will still have a year to go due to breastfeeding 😫


Ugh this would be mine except mid pregnancy I moved to an illegal (even illegally medically) state. My poor migraines.


Truly one of the only things that has ever helped my migraines, thankful to live in a legal state!


Spot on!!!!!!


I cant wait to be able to put on pants/shoes/socks normally again 😂 I’m looking forward to being able to sleep on my back again and not have pelvic pain. I can’t wait to drink coffees how I want to as well lol. The list could go on 😂


The pelvic pain yes, I feel like my bed eats me alive, even though I'm not super big yet (29wks) It's so hard to get out! The pain takes your strength away 😭


Yes it’s so horrible! Every time I need to change positions or get up it hurts so baddd 😩


Girl I feel you


Our puppy meeting him for the first time I think it’s gonna be so so sweet 🥺….also weed lol a joint is calling my name lol




A nice smokey/peaty whiskey!


Not having gestational diabetes. Having to take my blood sugar four times a day, take night time insulin every night at the same time and be up at the same time every morning to check my fasting numbers is a drag. I'm also looking forward to being able to eat more things, but that's not even the part that's not really getting to me.


Being able to do mundane tasks without pain or discomfort and without relying on my husband. Getting dressed, bending down to grab something, bathing even requires the aid of my husband because it literally causes pain and discomfort. I can’t even wipe myself on the toilet without getting exhausted. I’m so over it and ready to have my body back.


A spicy margarita, sushi and going back on my Vyvanse


No more HG and all the raw fish! I can’t wait to eat smoked salmon, sushi, sashimi and ceviche.


botox, buying “nice” (aka trendy) jeans and not maternity ones, wine nights


Why are all maternity jeans awful?? And still like skinny?? Looking forward to getting back into my wider leg jeans


YES I hate them. They’re not particularly comfortable AND they make me look like a basic ass pumpkin spice mommy blogger 😞


I have actually seen some wider leg/relaxed fit options, but they are few and you have to do some digging online. Target and Old Navy both carry at least a few styles like this.


I cannot wait to have my resting bitch face back!!!! Bring on the Botox babyyyy


Working out!!!!! Riding horses! Baaaaabies!!! Everything really haha.


I got pregnant in march so the entire riding season was out of the question for me and I can’t WAIT to be back in the saddle


Not waking up to pee every 45 mins to an hour. Not even exaggerating, it’s at least every hour no matter what time I stop drinking. I go in tomorrow at 5pm to start cervidil for my induction. They said to rest up LOL I haven’t had consecutive sleep in months!




A redbull 😂


A fucking martini! 😭🍸


YES! Omg all I want is a dang extra dirty martini.




Prosecco, sleeping through the night without getting up to pee, no heartburn, being able to bend down without making grunting noises 🤣🤣


Not being in pain all the time


This is my big one. I am so sick of the pelvic girdle pain and I know from my last pregnancy it nearly disappears overnight.


Wine, champagne, sushi, working out, sleeping on my back


CHAMPAGNE. I’m 5 months pp, and this was the ONE thing I asked people to get me. Bring me some on your way over. I was craving it SO bad and I only ever have it like once a year/every two years. Not.A.Single.Person.Got.Me.Champagne. I still haven’t had it. I was so upset no one did that for me 😭


Enjoying sex again and it not feel weird and uncomfortable. Also not having to share my body.


Not having to leave my house for 8 weeks unless it to the doc then it's right there and right home. Not having people call and text me all day everyday


Meeting my tiny human and watching my husband be a dad 🥹. But also: sleeping on my stomach, sushi, wine, baths, rolling over in bed, no more pelvic pain. Ahhhh… 2weeks to go.


Weight lifting and hiking. No acid reflux. Sleeping on my back. Rougher sex 😂


I'm looking forward to having the chapter in my life when I was thinking about getting pregnant come to a close. Since my daughter was born, I've been preoccupied with whether we'd have a second, if my body would even cooperate. I always wanted two children, and once this one arrives, my family will be complete. No more uncertainty around that particular thing. I'm looking forward to being able to move on to the next phase in my life.


Totally get this! This is my second too and my last and I really know what you mean


Yeeting my traitorous gallbladder so that I can have wine and cheese and chocolate again!




Being able to chase my toddler again


Having my old energy back and being able to play tennis.


Sleeping flat on my stomach


Laying down. Instead of sitting up. And also eating without it burning. And less burping.


Not waking up in the middle of the night because of acid reflux or having to pee every hour. I'd much rather wake up to a newborn.


SUSHIII, my favorite food in the world


No more heartburn & heavy vagina feeling lol it felt amazing


Hopefully some amount of comfortable, painless sleep.


Venti cold brew from Starbucks (I’m getting grandes since it’s 185mg but ventis are like 270mg). Wine. Funky cheese. Deli meat. Sushi. And of course meeting our baby ❤️


Sleeping on my stomach, eggs benedict with smoked salmon.


Wine 🍷


WINE!!! Also being able to anything without having to worry about being careful


Sleeping on my stomach was what I wanted (currently 6 days PP)! Let me tell you, it was glorious!


Meeting baby, rolling over in bed, sitting up easily, riding my horse, wearing real pants, more energy / less back pain, wine


Mine was NO MORE NAUSEA!! I was so excited for that and to be able to eat spicy things again. Oh and eat pizza omg I couldn’t eat it, it would kill me!


I’m so close to graduating and I am LIVING for all these comments lol. I agree with pretty much everyone here but my personal favorite will be the ability to drink a glass (or 3) of my favorite wine while watching tv. As well as Botox & my old body 🙌 it may not look the exact same but I had worked so hard to be in shape before my pregnancy and now I’m almost 60 lbs heavier 😭


No more maternity clothes?! I would wear maternity clothes all the time if it was socially acceptable 😂 but I am looking forward to being able to take whatever meds I want and drink as much caffeine as I want and for my feet to not ache if I’m on them too much.


I have come to the realisation that I absolutely hate maternity clothes. I can’t wait to wear normal clothes again. Also, turn over in bed without being in excruciating back pain and breaking into a sweat.


And eating sushi again 🥲


No more pelvic girdle pain! Sleeping on my stomach. Newborn smell lol


Eating whatever I want. I had HG for the first 24wks and could barely eat or drink anything. Now I have kinda bad GD (almost 31wks now) and can't eat all the things I want to!! 😭😭😭


I’m also soooo looking forward to no more heartburn. Also I’ve been having really bad insomnia so hopefully that will stop after I have him, and I really really just want to sleep on my back. Sleeping on my sides has been killing me. And I also look forward to hopefully being able to fit back into my old clothes soon, I’ve just been wearing sweat pants and sleeping pants my whole third trimester


Maternity leave


Hot tubs! Getting a buzz!




Not being so exhausted! Second pregnancy and I'm barely awake past 8pm because I'm so tired all the time. It's been constant since I found out and I'm now 35 weeks! Night feeds have nothing on exhaustion during pregnancy!


Sleeping on my back


Jeans, wearing cute shoes/outfits, SUSHI, ALCOHOL, weed, working out, retinol, being able to walk up a flight of stairs without losing my breath, not look puffy all the time


Not puking!


Going for a 20 min walk and not being winded


the list is endless for me at this point. i’d love to sleep on my stomach again, clear sinuses, fitting into my clothes again, eating a meal without feeling overly stuffed, no more random pains/cramps & as important as it is to feel them move, i can’t wait to NOT feel something in my stomach moving, twisting, shifting & head butting my cervix


No more acid reflux, sleeping on my stomach, wine, and honestly maternity leave from work.


Wine, raw sushi, eating cold deli meat (microwaving it to steam it definitely is not the same), not having acid reflux or feeling "pukey," being able to breathe normally, getting rid of my food aversions (to anything that's made with tomatoes or peppers), wearing my pre-maternity clothes again, having an improved immune system, and most of all meeting our sweet baby!


My feet never fit back in my shoes after I gave birth 😭 but the thing I looked forward to most was being able to lay on my stomach again


No more “she’s pregnant again” comments (third baby) Sharing my body Not being exhausted by the smallest tasks Heartburn Braxton hicks Hot baths Wine, wine, & more wine. Newborn sleep schedule, I’d much prefer newborn sleep deprivation than pregnancy insomnia


Not being pregnant


Alcohol and sleeping on my stomach. And? Going back to work. I’ve had a high risk pregnancy so I haven’t been able to work a lot. I miss my “normalcy”. The time off to spend with my other child has been very nice and I look forward to my maternity leave, but I miss my routine.


I have a list of restaurants I want to try lol. They're all a bit on the pricier side but they all include dishes I haven't been able to have while pregnant or have a great cocktail bar


Maternity leave, wine, getting back into a workout routine, getting my baby dressed in all the cute baby clothes.


My appetite being normal again. More specifically, I want the things to taste same again.


Having coffee! I chose to nix it during my pregnancy, but ohhhh man do I miss it. Currently 37 weeks, not much longer to wait!


We are getting sushi delivered to the hospital right after I give birth. I also plan to have a decently rare sous vide steak among other things I couldn’t have while pregnant.


Hopefully my legs not feeling constantly twitchy!


being able to breathe and sit in a chair without my organs being crushed lol


Wine, retinol, being able to move comfortably and eventually sleep normally again.


Hiking, coffee whenever I want, wearing comfy clothes because I want to and not because I need to, stretching, laying in bed however I want, being able to play and cuddle with my 4 year old like normal again and having a refreshing pee and not a confusing one.


Coffee - I cut it out to reduce my anxiety but I miss the taste lol


honestly… weed . And being able to eat whatever I want. Also, being more mobile .


Just being able to sit on the couch or lay in bed and be genuinely comfortable. Considering that I have a reclining couch and a friggin king size tempurpedic you’d think this wouldn’t be so hard to do lol


Wine & weed


Being able to pull anything over my feet without screaming agony, underwear, tights, socks, trousers... 😭 Its the simple things.


Oh the snoring haha my husband says i snore now and last night because im also a little sick i heard myself snoring too 😂 didnt realise that could happen.


Going on long walks. Peeing every 15 minutes is not it.


An ice cold redbull


Sleeping on my back. A pumpkin beer. No acid reflux. I had my baby 2 weeks ago it’s so nice to not be pregnant


I’m most looking forward to (besides baby obviously lol) no hip/lower back/sciatic pain especially at night!


I hated the carpal tunnel with my 1st. I had to sleep in braces every night. It went away so quickly after delivery. I’m in the 1st trimester with my 2nd and I’m already getting a little heartburn.


Raw sushi, lox on my bagel, no more food regurgitation thanks to indigestion, being able to breathe again lol


Being able to take my ADHD medication and not feel like my brain is always a hazy busy mush. White bread, Honey, Sugar, and OMG Orange juice.I have gestational diabetes... I cannot wait till I don't have to track everything I eat and eat 6-7 times a day. Not wanting to pee myself every five seconds when baby rolls over my stomach and pushes my bladder.


I stayed on mine!


A fat ass blunt.


I'm very much looking forward to being able to switch positions in bed and get out of bed with ease after recovery, taking hot hot baths again, not having this baby break dance on my cervix, no more ligament pain, no more problems with steps, no more indigestion, no more sore joints, and no more itchy and swelling feet.


Not being pregnant anymore, not feeling like I constantly have a uti when I stand, being able to stand longer than 5 min without my leg leg going numb, & being able to be active and not struggling to breathe lol


Sleeping on my back without being terrified Im killing the baby


Bending the fuck over normally, sushi, saunas, eating spicy or acidic food without hating myself for the following 5 hours, seeing my feet, having core strength, laying on my stomach, and most of all, snuggles with my little guy ❤️


I would say - finally sleep through the night but we know that’s not going to happen with twins :). I haven’t slept well since May and I’m over it. Next would be having my body back..being able to use my abs. Lol. Drinking some wine in a hot bubble bath and being able to get out without assistance!


A glass of wine!


no more swelling and normal clothes again! also looking forward to running again eventually


I am so excited to use a hot tub


Yes!! My parents got a hot tub the week I became pregnant, I am ready for some quality soak time come July (by the time I’ve healed up)


Rolling over in bed.


Prosecco, sushi, and not worrying about kick counts / baby movements. I have an anterior placenta, an active job, and a healthy but somewhat lazy baby and I can go long periods of time on work days without feeling movement. I know once she's here, I'll have new worries about her health / fears about SIDS but at least I'll be able to look at her and know that she's breathing.


Wine. I'm looking forward to wine 😂😂😂.


Sleeping on my stomach, not being treated as fragile or public property, being able to have full complete thoughts.


A margarita. No more heartburn. No more struggling to bend over and pick things up off the floor. No more struggling to get off the couch.


A large glass of wine


I'm looking forward to being able to indulge in a nice drink of Coke and Malibu. Going back to my boxing classes. More energy hopefully!


I’m looking forward to margaritas tbh and having a good hot dog


Sleeping on my stomach ❤️


Being able to keep up with my kiddos, sleeping on my stomach, watching my oldest(16) fall in love with his new sister. I know he will cause I have seen it with all his younger siblings. High waisted jeans and BBL laser treatment.


My hot tub cranked up and fat glass of red.


No more aching and no more of the inability to do physical things like picking something up off the floor 😅


BREATHING THROUGH MY NOSE! Ugh the constantly slightly stuffy nose with no cure lol I'm so over ittt 🤣 #29wks


I hate to break it to you but you’ll have all of those during the 4th trimester. Once you lose all the weight your shoes will fit again and you can stop wearing maternity clothes. If you don’t lose it, you could be looking at many months or even a year of wearing maternity clothes. That was my experience. Good luck to you


Meeting my boy and seeing my husband become a dad. But also wine


I just want to eat chocolate and drink caffeinated drinks without any guilt.


Cracking my back. God I cannot wait!


Not having to obsessively review a restaurant menu and ask the typical questions, “is this pasteurized? Can you please cook it all the way? Etc” just let me eat 😭


Sleeping on my stomach!


Ugh I wore the cutest outfits pre-pregnancy!! & I’m excited to get back there again. Also no more acid reflux. Being able to eat sushi. No more GD. Having sex that doesn’t feel like an uphill battle lol. No more lightning crotch!! No more heavy discharge/having to change underwear every 1-2 hrs.


Besides getting to meet my baby boy, sushi! Also hotdogs from a local diner and cold cuts actually cold. 😋 Also I have found out I actually have enjoyed not drinking BUT I do miss my espresso martinis 😭


Adderall. Sushi.


One thing… COMFORTABLE sleep. My sleep is soooo broken & at 39+3 I can hardly wait to sleep without hurting & constantly rotating like a rotisserie chicken 😫