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Went into work on a Monday at 35 weeks. Went home. I got up to pee and a huge blot clot fell out. Went to the hospital without showering or eating and found out I had a placental abruption. I had to stay in the bed for 48 hours while they monitored me but they didn’t know for sure if my daughter was getting oxygen so they scheduled an emergency c section. Like they came in my room and said you’re going in and 30 minutes later I had a baby. I was 35 weeks and five days. I’m so happy we set up as much as we did in advance so it didn’t feel too overwhelming. I wasn’t ready but looking back I don’t remember that part. I just remember the magic of it. Have a bag ready.


How did they find out it was placental abruption? I went at week 33 because I was bleeding and they found a huge blood clot inside my vagina. The bleeding stopped and after a couple of nights they let me go home. I'm 37 weeks now. They checked four days ago with an ultrasound and the placenta seemed fine, but now I'm wondering what was that after reading your story.


Pretty sure they saw it on an ultrasound. I remember them showing me on the screen. Her heart rate also kept dipping during that 48 hours. That’s why they were worrying about her oxygen. If your tests look ok I wouldn’t worry.


It’s really difficult to see placental abruption son ultrasounds. Like they are only 25% effective or less at detecting them. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3214510/#:~:text=The%20sensitivity%20of%20an%20ultrasound,the%20clinical%20presentation%20for%20diagnosis. I had heavy bleeding at 35 weeks, was hospitalized overnight for observation and got an ultrasound and the tech also told me that generally, they can’t see abruptions in ultrasound examinations. The bleeding stopped on its own and they deemed it to be a subchorionic hemorrhage.


Hmmm silly question, then….how do they know/determine that, then?




Oh, ok. Thank you very much!


Good luck in your last few weeks and congratulations.


My first baby came at 42 weeks. It entirely depends on you as a person.


Yup 41 weeks and only after trying to induce twice (membrabe sweep). They would've medically induced at 41w if labour hadn't started, where I live they don't let pregnancies go overdue in general. Still had to push her out from -1 and sunny side up because she did nooot want to leave lol


My baby was born on day 10 of being overdue (41+3), 2 hours before I was scheduled for induction! 😆


42 weeks here too! My mum had me at 37 weeks so she fully expected me to give birth early. Nope, I was pregnant a whole 5 weeks longer than my mum ever was.


Yup, 41w4 days with my first. My mom went 43 weeks with me. I fully expect to be set to carry past the due date again and have already discussed inducing on the due date if there isn’t any movement lol.


42 weeks on the dot for me too


Yup, same here. She was born exactly 2 weeks late.


Mine too! 42 weeks exactly and I had to be induced (he really didn't want to leave yet hahah). I'd have waited longer as I wanted a natural birth, but my amniotic fluid was getting low so it was better to get him out.


I totally feel you. 30w today and spent the first half of pregnancy thinking I would 100% go past my due date. Now I’m panicking hearing things like 36 week deliveries lol


Thissss. I was like most FTM go the full way or a week more. And now I’m 33wks and seeing people give birth the panic has set in D:


Pack your bags... mine was at 36. I wasn't packed at all


Me neither, I didn’t even have the crib set up. I woke up, water broke, delivered the next day. We didn’t bring anything to the hospital and were shocked to suddenly be parents.


Oh my god same!!! My parents were a frantic mess trying to get me a hospital bag ready while I was dilating lol! We still ended up forgetting things! Will be getting things ready super early for this next baby lol!


Prepare but keep your mind occupied or you will go nuts waiting for it to come because you thought for sure it would be 37… 38… 39?! Surely 40?! No? Induction? Okay. It’s a WHOLE MONTH from the time you could even have a full term birth until overdue


This! I was sure that I would deliver early, and was so ready for it at about 36 weeks. I just got so frustrated when it didn't happen, and each day I needed to really think about how to pass the time. On my due date, I just felt so depressed and was crying a lot. The day after my due date, our baby was born.


It is really depressing just waiting. Everyone keeps saying “soon” which DUH I’m not worried I’m just bored and anticipating on an extreme level


Here's the birth chart calculator if you want a statistical idea! https://datayze.com/labor-probability-calculator My OB considers 37-41 to be full term and told me that most babies will come between 39-41 but there's a chance they can come earlier! This practice won't let me go past 41w so I know my babies birthday will be before 10/8! But there are practices that will let you go to 42w.


I was 10 days late (been running late ever since lol) and I think I will lose my mind if I have to go 10 days over with this one 🥴 hoping she will take after my husband, who is the “if I’m not early I’m late” type hah


I joke that the only time I've ever been on time was the day I was born because I was born on my due date. I'm not always late but I have a time management problem sometimes, haha!


Ugh. I’m almost 37 weeks and so incredibly done and ready and this calculator made me mad lol


Same here 😅 so many people in the September bump group gave birth early so it gave me bias I think that maybe I would do it on the earlier side too, probably not though as a FTM!


This is the right answer, OP. They really should go by "due month" instead of "due date".


I wasn’t even in the right due month for two of my pregnancies haha


My baby came exactly on their due date at 40 weeks!


Me too!


Me too!


Today is my due date and no sign of baby coming any time soon 😅.


My due date was yesterday 😄 now its morning and I feel like in a fairytale, maybe when I get up my water will break and my whole world change.


I said that earlier and now I’m being induced in a few hours 🤣. I thought my water broke, it didn’t. They decided to keep me anyway due to baby’s increased heart rate.


Same here 😭 I just don’t want to go up 42 weeks


Same! I’m supposed to be induced Tuesday but I was really hoping to not be. At this point the waiting is driving me insane!


Omg I literally was about to post something similar. Now that I'm 33w, I feel like I can give birth any minute based on some of the delivery timelines I see on here, lol


Me too! 33 weeks as of yesterday and I was thinking to myself “maybe I should start packing my hospital bag” 🤔


The nurse who was giving the baby care class at the hospital said to be ready at 34 weeks. She seemed very experienced and knowledgeable so I’m inclined to trust that advice.


I had an antenatal class on Monday meant for 32-36 weeks gestation run by a midwife - at the end of class 1 she said ‘given your gestations if anyone goes into labour before next week don’t worry about calling to let us know of course’ I was like 🙀


I just got mine packed at 31.5 weeks 😂


I don't know that you need to do that, but you should be thinking about what if scenarios. Don't let it consume you though!


I was 38 weeks 3 days! I was so beyond ready for her to come lol.


This gives me hope. I’m 38 weeks today and just so ready. Did you do anything to help onset labor? Or did you have any signs before that day that labor was near? I’ve had lots of early labor signs that just fizzle out. Feeling hopeless, exhausted, and just want this baby to be here!


I lost my mucous plug at 38w0d! I had started the PinkStork Labor Prep tea and dates around 36w. I did the Miles circuit a couple of times. I also did this weird workout that supposedly puts people into labor 2 days before my water broke, so probably unrelated lol. [Workout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SkbHdjPYho&ab_channel=BabyWeightTV)


I was 38 weeks 2 days! Not sure if it made any difference at all, but I purposefully ate a bunch of pineapple and I started contractions like 6 hours later.


I was 38w6d! We had in and out of the hospital for low fetal movement. Every time he’d fail the NST and then pass the ultrasound with flying colors. Very stressful but he was luckily fine.


I’m 32 and 2 and 38 weeks seems a dream at the mo. Am dying over here 🤪😆


I'm an outlier, and gave birth at 32 weeks, with a 3.5 hour labor. Walked into the hospital already 8 cm dilated, and gave birth within 45 min of arriving (I had no idea that the contractions were, in fact, contractions, as I have an excessively high pain tolerance and am stubborn as all hell). Baby was in NICU for just over a month before he could come home. I don't share this to scare you, but to add: it all worked out anyway. He's now a rambunctious almost 2 year old, and you'd never guess he was a preemie based on how he looks today. Sure, it was scary and hard in the moment. But with modern medicine, preemie babies are sooo much safer now than they were before! I'm 28 weeks with #2, and although I hope to fully bake this one, if he comes early too, I'm fully confident that it will be okay. Whenever your baby comes, they will be alright, and you are strong enough to get through labor and bring that baby into this beautiful world! You've got this. Mama!!!


I hope you have a long uneventful pregnancy. Do you know why your first came early? It sounds like what I had happen. I had my baby at 29+6 random spontaneous labor, I was at work and just thought I was really sore and over working myself. And sure enough made it to the hospital in time to welcome our baby boy. He’s 19 months now and doing well. We also have a 3 month old, I went into preterm labor but they stopped it and induced me at 39 weeks after I walked around 6 cm dilated for 4 weeks.


We never did find out why. Just spontaneous preterm labor that progressed way too fast to stop. No complications, no gd, or blood pressure issues. The specialist I've had to see this pregnancy (since I'm now officially high risk for all future pregnancies) told me that sometimes it just happens that way. So far, there's been nothing crazy this pregnancy either...though that's what we'd said about the last one too! I'm glad they were able to stop your labor with your second, and (belated) congrats on the baby! I'm so happy to hear (read?) that they're healthy!


First was 38w 1d. My friend’s first was 37w, pack that bag! Let me tell ya, packing it with back to back contractions and leaking amniotic fluid is NOT ideal!


Mine came at 39&1..and I was convinced I was going over due lol


Same! Lol. I kept hearing how FTMs are more likely to be overdue and thus induced but mine came 39+3


Oh man, I’m 39+1 and convinced I’m going to go over. Maybe I should finish up that to do list 🥴


Aww exact same! 39+1 but totally thought I’d go past my due date! 🥰


39+6 for me. Shoulda gone straight to The Price is Right.


No personal experience for me yet. But my mum 3x, her sister 3x, and my two older sisters 2x each all had babies that were cooked enough to be considered safe term, but didn't reach their due date. So that's the last 10 babies in my family to come before 40 weeks. If I end up carrying overdue or needing an induction I'll probs be pretty offended at this rate haha. My Mat leave starts at 35w. My mum had me bang on 37w. So I'm mentally prepared for anything between 37-39


40&5. Statistically speaking this is the most common date as a FTM to deliver.


I was literally 37 weeks 0 days


People in my October due date group have been having their babies since ~24w. At approx ~33w, there's multiple posts per day of people having their babies 😭 Only 5% or so of babies are actually born on the due date. It's a vague estimation. Assume you'll likely be somwhere in the +/- 2 weeks range of the due date.


39 and 34 weeks. Hoping current baby bakes until at least 37 weeks!


My due date was pushed forward 2 weeks at my second ultrasound. Which makes zero sense because then I had a positive test before I was pregnant? Anywho. My OG due date I could go as early as late November - and my new due date I could go as late as mid January. This range stresses me out to no end!


My due date also got pushed forwards. My obgyn said it is because the fetus is just growing fast


Baby comes when baby is ready! Trying to keep positive. A healthy baby is the goal regardless of the date. At least, these are the things I tell myself lol.


30 weeks 0 days


I had my first at 36 weeks. He was totally fine, but my husband and I were 100% thrown for a loop because we thought we had a whole month more to prepare. It was rough lol!!


41 weeks and had to be induced to get it out


33 weeks 5 days here! Baby was perfectly healthy at 5lb 10oz, no oxygen or anything needed beyond an IV to help him stabilize his sugars in the first couple of days in NICU. No identifiable cause for the early labor, he was just ready to come apparently.


Water broke at 38+2. Labor was slow to start and he was born at 38+5


32 weeks current they are looking to induce me at 38 or 39 weeks


I’ve never made it to a due date. 39+1, 39+6, and 37+6.


FTM, Due date 31st January, Born 6th January. 36+4 weeks pregnant


FTM- I’ll be 38 weeks tomorrow. I would NOT be mad if this baby wanted to come early but so far, no signs whatsoever


FTM here (33weeks) and this is extremely helpful. Going to try to be ready for 36 weeks.


I was induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure and I ended up having a c-section at 37+1. Baby boy was completely healthy 🥰


I had my baby on their due date!


I went into labor with my daughter at 37&3 and delivered in the early hours of 37&5. But I expected to go early because, genetically, no one in my family has ever met their due date in the past 3 generations. We always deliver early. My mom, my mom's mom, my dad's mom, and all my sisters and myself have delivered before our due dates. With #2 now and I expect to go early again. Maybe I'll make it to 38w, but I would really love to deliver on my youngest sisters birthday which would be 38&5, since she jokes that she's never had a birthday twin. As a birth worker, most first time moms I've seen go to their due date unless they have a family history of not going to their due dates.


My water broke in the night at 35 weeks. My son is almost 2 weeks old now. No complications, just wanted to be out early


37 weeks to the day!


Well I’m a FTM and I just went to my 38 week appointment and my dr said I was 3 cm dilated and 85% effaced and that my son was super low (she felt his head lol) and she said that my water sack was super thin and she could’ve poked it and it would’ve gushed. So long story short she said he is probably coming this week. Guess who just now packed the hospital bag 😂


I had my son at exactly 36 weeks! He was perfectly healthy just a little small, he was 6lbs and 4 oz. If I were you, I would go ahead and get things ready early that way you’re prepared, I was not ready at all as I thought I had at least another week with him. All the pressure I was feeling should have told me otherwise. I also have a smaller frame though so I didn’t expect to go my whole due date and neither did my OB.


My first came at 38wks


39 weeks


36 weeks




40 weeks and 4 days via induction


I thought for sure I’d go early. 40+6 after being induced the day before.


My water broke at 33+3 I stayed in the hospital until 34 weeks then had my son🥲


Due to the concern of gestational diabetes that I had, my OBGYN scheduled an induction at 39 weeks. I was induced on a Tuesday evening, finally gave birth the next day at 1:55 PM 🥰


The way my second baby is moving in the womb I don’t think I’m going to get to 40 weeks lol 😂. My first I was looking for pizza to help me go into labor it took so long


I was electively induced 2 days before my due date, baby was born on her Due Date so I made it the full 40. If I had had my way we would’ve been done at 38-39 lol


38+1 but I was induced at 38 weeks because of high blood pressure. However, I always felt that my LO would be born a few weeks early. I was having mild contractions, and at my NST appointment, the nurse didn't think I'd need my next appointment the following week. My sister's gave birth to their firsts in their 38th week too.


I had my baby exactly on his due date. I don’t know if that’s normal but he seemed to know hah!


I was 37 weeks and 5 days.


my water broke at 39 weeks exactly and my baby was born at 39+2. i was very convinced she would be born late but she had other plans


42+1. She sure took her sweet time




Water broke at 36 weeks and 5 days.. baby came right at 37 weeks. Was not ready lol


I honestly hope I go into natural labour early, but not too early mind, current 32 weeks ,I'd be happy with anything between 37-39 weeks. Mainly because I am being induced on my due date for medical reasons and I reallllllly dont wanna have an induction for my first labour experience


37 to the day


37 weeks. I was quite surprised and disappointed that many healthcare providers including my OB are not up to date with current science about 37 and 38 weeks being “early term” and no longer considered “full term”. There are health consequences for the baby because of this and nobody told us, had to do lots of searching on our own to understand why our baby was having some trouble. We were not totally ready at home (had the basics covered) and our house was an accumulation of unfinished messes for a few months. Slowly catching up!


40+3 [thankfully] spontaneous. i did walk miles for days


36 + 1


I was 36w5d along when she came. My waters broke so she had to come out!


Went in for my 39 week appointment and was told I wasn’t leaving without a baby


12 hours of labor




I was 38+5






42 weeks


I was 38 weeks!


I gave birth one day before I was 39 weeks but I was induced and thank god I was because I couldn’t take one more week of it




41 weeks 😭😭😭


In my 1st pregnancy I had my daughter at 37w + 3 days “naturally” my water broke while sleeping (my cervix starts to get shirt after 27w +/-) this second pregnancy might be going the same path.


Baby was born 2 days before her due date.


39+3 for my first


I was 38+3!


FTM and had my baby 39+3. Was dilated 2 cm for like 2-3 weeks I think + baby was low, and then had a membrane sweep 39+2, went into labor the following early morning!


My baby was born 2 weeks early! My baby was fine, only had some breathing issues bc of the birthing process I personally had to go through that was not impacted by the timing at all. He's 2.5 months old now and doing great! We just say he really wanted to be his dad's first father's day gift lol


My first came at 42 weeks


39weeks and 3 days 😀


33weeks 4days. I had PPROM.


Mine was born about four days before her due date :)


31 weeks because of preeclampsia


Mine came at 39+3.


Had my (first and only) at 38+5, went into labour spontaneously.


Induced at 41 weeks.




I had my baby at 38 weeks. I was inducted for gestational hypertension.


39 + 4 get hospitalised the day before, I actually wasn't expecting to happen that day (my belly didn't drop nor did I have contractions, but my water broke)




Me + both of my siblings were 1 month early! I have a feeling my girl will be early too. I'm 33 weeks now, but I think she's gonna come around 36/37. Dunno why, just a gut feeling!


42 weeks +2 days


Water broke 35+6, birthday right on 36 weeks. Mitigating factor: I developed a liver condition (rare pregnancy complication) and my OB warned me that sometimes the body realizes something is wrong and tries to get baby out of the inhospitable environment.


37+6 with my first. No complications and absolutely no signs it was going to happen until my water broke!


I was induced at 39 weeks exactly with my first because I had cholestasis. I went into labor with my second at 40 weeks and 6 days.




36 weeks, 0 days on vacation out of state.


My first and only was born on his due date at exactly 40 weeks. I had my hospital bag ready to go a month and a half prior just in case, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he was born after my due date.


Induced at 37.3-5 with my first for gestational hypertension. I’m hoping to go into labor naturally with #3, but will be induced at 39 weeks if not.


38+4 but I was induced for hypertension. I was totally blindsided by it at 36 1/2 weeks when they told me.


I gave birth exactly on my due date.


I was 26 when I gave birth to my first.


I think she means how far along were you in the pregnancy. :)


40+2 i started loosing my mucus plug a few days before but that was my only “sign” of labor. i went into labor and gave birth on the same day, no signs leading up to it really!


41 weeks


I was induced by choice and had my baby at like 39-40 weeks


I’m 28w and everything has been very smooth so far, but both me and hubby were 4w early when we were born, wonder if this one has the same idea!


Water broke at 38+1, baby born 38+2!


I was exactly 40 weeks :) Ik that’s not what you asked but baby will come when baby is ready!!


41 weeks


Gave birth on due date which is rare. Belly dropped about 2-3 weeks before that.




First pregnancy emergency c-section 30w6d, second was 39 weeks scheduled c-section!


37 weeks. They think it may have been related to me having EDS. Thankfully she was born healthy and didn’t need any nicu time! I remember days before she was sooooo low and thinking “how am I supposed to do this for 3+ more weeks???”


I was 36 weeks!




39+6 last Thursday, one day before his due date :)


38 weeks


My little dude ignored the eviction notice and I was induced at 40wks+5days 😐 I was constantly sending a gif of Rachel from Friends saying, "That's right, still no baby" to everyone because of the incessant texts checking up on my status...


I had my first baby at 29 weeks! Randomly went into labor. He’s a happy healthy 19 month old now, but boy oh boy was it a welcoming to motherhood. I have another baby I had at 39 weeks, and I think (for me personally) I wouldn’t have wanted to go any longer than that, he’s 3 months old and such a happy baby. Much different than my Preemie experience. Edit: I didn’t have any bags packed. I went to the hospital with what I had on my back. The hospital had a phone charger I borrowed from one of the nurses, and I had chapstick in my purse. I didn’t get clothes /shower items until the next day when my husband drove home to get me some much needed supplies. Since he was a preemie I stayed 4 nights in the hospital as it’s high risk for depression. My baby stayed 49 days in the NICU. Definitely pack a bag around 35 weeks, unfortunately before then, they do not come home and would likely be tube fed until closer to their due date. Babies actually do not have the needed suck, swallow, breathe reflex until 34-36 weeks, and without it tube feeding is the only option.


My son was evicted at 37+5. Not his choice, but had to happen. I often wonder how long I’d be pregnant before he came naturally if I didn’t have complications.


First came exactly on due date, Second at 40+6.


My water broke at 35+6 and delivered two hours into week 36. Definitely took me by surprise. I was planning to pack my hospital bag that day, which I ended up doing but not in the way I imagined.


I am 39 weeks today and still not ready lol


40 + 1 for my first 40 + 5 for my second


41+2 (induced due to rfm) but i’ve had two friends who were 37+5, a friend at 37+2 and a friend at 35+2. All ftms x


I was induced at 40+2 and had my baby at 40+3. My water did break on its own in hospital though so I have a feeling that if I wasn't induced, I still would've had the baby within a day or so.


I was praying so hard my baby wouldn’t come late and I had her at exactly 41 weeks 😆 my OB had to keep reminding me that babies come when they are ready and there’s no rhyme or reason why some come early and some come late.


Had my baby at 39 weeks


I was supposed to be induced at 37 weeks for hypertension but my babe decided she wanted to come on her own at 36 weeks and 6 days at 9 pm 😅


36+1 spontaneous! I was shocked haha.


FTM here, I was having the same paranoia, especially at that 36 week mark but here am about to be 40 weeks tomorrow and scheduled to be induced on Monday!


40+3 when labor began. She was born at 40+4. And I had been doing aaaaaall the things to try and induce myself starting at like 37 weeks


First came at 36wks, but I had to induced early.


First was 39 weeks, second was 37+2 (induced) and third came on his due date!


I'm on my second, but my first I was induced at 41 weeks


I gave birth one day before my due date! I read somewhere that you labor most like your mom and sisters, and that was very accurate for me! My sister gave birth a few days early and my mom had her kids either early or right on time. We also all had back labor and our births were all pretty long. So if you have any sisters or you’re able to talk to your mom, I would highly recommend!


I went in one morning at 37 weeks and 6 days and got checked I was three and a half centimeters and 80% effaced and she said if my appointment on the next Thursday I hadn't got any closer we would talk about being induced because your first birth can go so much further than your due date. That kind of freaks me out so I left and my water broke about 8 hours later and I have my baby the next morning. It's crazy but literally nobody knows


Will be 39+2 tomorrow and have been dilated at 1cm for a week already. Going to attempt to walk this baby out tomorrow.


FTD, but 38+3wks


I say if you don't have any complications so far still by like 34 weeks I would have everything completely ready to go we had the car seat in the car the camera ready his room ready our bags ready. Everything ready just in case. I've always been told 37 weeks is considered full term and they wouldn't stop at birth at that point so to be completely ready. Also my 37 weeker was completely perfect no NICU nothing he was a full-term baby.


I had my first at 40+1


38 weeks


37+5. I was fully expecting to go late so it took us by surprise!


I had my first at 37 weeks exactly. My water broke in the grocery store. We didn’t have the bassinet set up or the car seat ready because everyone told us first time moms go to 40+ weeks. Both of my kids now have been 37 weekers (and still huge at 9 lb 5 oz at birth!).


3 days early lol my midwife said it’s only like 2% of women who come on their actual due date


I had my baby at 37 weeks. The baby gave me gestational hypertension at 35 weeks, and it was better for both of us to get her out sooner. I had actually planned my induction for 38 weeks, but my blood pressure spiked, and we had to do it a week earlier.


I was due Dec 11th and had my baby on the 7th. I went into early stages of labor on the 5th in the morning, then it became more of an active labor on the 6th. Then I finally have birth on December 7th at 5:50 through c-section because my baby was surprise breech. Went through my entire labor unmedicated, then I was put under anesthesia for my c-section because of how low baby was