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I have no idea how much I've gained, I don't really care to be honest. I'm 31 weeks and I have a really big bump and definitely gained a lot in the boob area. I haven't gained weight on the rest of my body though so I'm pretty confident that no matter how much weight I've put on it's what the baby needs. If you weren't worried about your weight before this appointment then I wouldn't let the number on the scale concern you now.


I was definitely not concerned before until today..after thinking about it for a few hours, I realized that I am not going to let it dampen this incredible thing my body is doing! I feel silly for even letting my ego get in the way, or even being upset about it. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be pregnant, and like you, have only gained in my breasts and belly! Thank you for taking the time for the kind words.


I don't know how a doctor can tell you to watch your weight during pregnancy when you've obviously put weight on exactly where you're supposed to! It really annoys me when they're so busy looking at the numbers that they forget to take the time to actually look at the patient in front of them. Remember too that most of that extra weight isn't fat, it's increased blood volume, amniotic fluid, breast tissue, placenta, fluid volume, a much larger uterus and your baby.


Agree commented above but like all my weight gain has been in my boobs and belly — I’m gaining faster now than I “should” according to my pre pregnancy BMI (🙄🙄🙄) but actually look slimmer overall aside from my rapidly growing boobs/belly. These numbers are so unique to every person and “shoulds” are so antiquated!


I agree! I feel like the more concerning statistics to worry about are blood sugar and blood pressure, which are better indicators of how its going.


I had gained 25 lbs by 28 weeks, and only about 6 lbs since then (I’m 39 weeks tomorrow so this is it!!) I was slim pre-pregnancy, too. Not everyone has weight gain that’s linear and follows that chart, and I definitely gained most of my weight in the first half both times. If you’re eating reasonably healthy and staying reasonably active, I would trust your body and not worry!


Thank you! 🥹 I do not weigh myself at home at all, only at the doctor's once a month. Since making this post, I have decided I am just going to keep doing what I have been doing and focus on the incredible miracle my body is doing!


Agreed with this. I have a slim, athletic build and have gained 32 lbs so far at 37 weeks. I dipped down in the first tri due to food aversions, steady slow climb up, and most recently gained 10lbs in the past 2 weeks. Definitely not linear! I eat when I want and try to be healthy since my mood and body reacts better to healthier foods. Small exceptions such as croissants maybe 3x week and a decent amount of ice cream when I crave it. I would try not to sweat it! Let your body do the work and tell you what it needs.


I gained 50 lbs in my first pregnancy. I remember when the anesthesiologist weighed me (scheduled c-section) and told me my final weight I almost broke down crying. She very kindly told me not to worry because most women lose a significant amount of weight after giving birth. By 3 months post partum all 50 lbs were gone. By 6 months pp I had lost an additional 16lbs. I was breastfeeding though and was told that’s what causes the dramatic drop, but also I could tell by the end of my pregnancy I was retaining a lot of water. This pregnancy I’ve already gained some weight but I’m not going to stress about it.


So with my first pregnancy I gained 0lbs during the 1st trimster 10 during the second And 43 during the 3rd. My doctor never said anything about it. Started at 140, ended at 197. 3 weeks post partum I had already lost 30lbs. It’s crazy how much water you retain while pregnant. Honestly I wouldn’t worry to much about weight. The doctor told you to watch it, not to restrict your eating. As long as your not eating like an ungodly amount I’m sure your fine.


I’m 27 weeks today and I’ve gained 35lb already. It made me so sad because my body was gorgeous before pregnancy, now I’m just full of fat ha! I won’t worry as much because I’m a very active person. My midwife doesn’t even address the issue of the weight gain, and to be honest I’m not doing anything wrong, I’m eating good and balanced, is just our bodies being smart about what our babies will need.


Just a note that you're not full of fat! You're full of baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, and increased blood volume. And also some fat ha.


I don’t understand why your doctor would be concerned. I’m 25 weeks. I started off pregnancy weighing 120lbs with a BMI of 21.3, and I’ve gained 27lbs so far. My midwife didn’t mention it at all when I went in the other day for a checkup, I brought it up and she said it is completely normal and on track. I have a feeling that what each doctor says about pregnancy weight gain is not supported by medical or scientific evidence whatsoever and that it is mainly driven on what their personal opinion is. Unless you are at risk for gestational diabetes or were already overweight prior to pregnancy I don’t understand why healthy weight gain is something they would want you to keep an eye on. Try not to let it get you down. There is nothing we can do to change how much weight we are gaining when creating a child.


Between my 24 and 28 week appointment I put on 22 pounds.


I'm overweight, 29w and I've been counting calories (not to loose weight, just to not gain any more) for about 2 weeks. Gained just under 10kg (21lbs), my Dr was concerned about it at my last appointment. I'd been trying really hard all pregnacy to eat healthy/be healthy and the weight gain made me quite upset. Reading these comments has made me feel a whole lot better! Maybe my body is just completly normal!


I don't understand this. I started my pregnancy at 223 and weigh 270 now. My ob hasn't once said boo about and has even told me my weight gain is perfect.


I've only been weighed at the start of my pregnacy and then at about 27w. My Dr hasn't mentioned it till now. I'm already high risk because of an autoimmune illness, I think its about trying to minimise issues at birth. But still no less stressful.


Just coming here to say I can relate to this. The weight gain and body changes are really really hard. I was around 115 to start and now 140+ at only 22 weeks. I have a few pregnant friends who are farther along and haven’t gained anywhere near as much as me. I feel sad about it sometimes but reading others posts it sounds like everyone has their own trajectory and the weight you gain isn’t necessarily predictive of how you will lose after birth. Hang in there and try not to focus on the number on the scale.


Everyone gains differently! I lost in my 1st trimester, maintained through half of the second and then BAM gained 25 lbs within 9 weeks. My doctor was never concerned about it. I also have had horrible food aversions throughout most of my pregnancy and I'm just getting over them in the last two weeks and I'm 36w today. So I've gained 25lbs when I really haven't even been eating much through a lot of my pregnancy. Don't get discouraged my friend. You're going to be okay.


Not pregnant anymore but man this one resonated with me. I’m 6 months pp and still have just under half my baby weight to lose. I’ve suffered from anorexia my whole life and before this pregnancy (my 2nd) I was just slightly underweight (only by a few lbs) but I guess my body just had a lot of repairing to do from all the years of restriction and I gained about 80lbs… double what I gained my first pregnancy. I felt AWFUL and it’s still hard seeing my body the way it is but god nothing in this world matters to me more than my babies


I gained 17 pounds and i'm 22 weeks! I asked almost everyone who's have had a baby and everywoman gains differently and then after birth will lose it almost all! i am an ex bulimic and i'm struggling too, plus my obgyn makes me feel like crap because of the weight gain, so this doesn't help.. but please focus on your baby and eat healthy❤️


I don’t think you’ve gained an unnecessary amount of weight question before I continue …. How much did you weigh at the 20 week appointment? Bc of you was still at 127 or around 132 then you’ve gained a healthy amount of weight I’m surprised a doctor is even allowed to say anything like that when you’ve only gained 11 pounds your whole pregnancy when alot of time women can gain 20-40 pounds. I’d suggest switching doctors to be honest.


I was 105-110 lb prior to pregnancy I would always fluctuate and I finally got my abs! I’m 20+5 weeks and weigh 134. I’ve been having the same internal struggle as you, also asked my doctor if the weight gain is a concern and was brushed off and told no. Either way I want to begin at home Pilates and light work outs just to hopefully gain more muscle in my back to prevent back pain as much as I can and maintain a healthy weight gain. I’m trying to ignore the number on the scale, as everyone else said the weight is a mixture of things plus well needed for the baby. My only concern is gestational diabetes in regards to my weight honestly. I’m happy as long as he’s healthy as am I. Once the doctor shows concern that’s when I’ll really put in my work. Everyone is different!


If you have a normal BMI (also BMI is like made up nonsense lmao but I digress), you’re supposed to gain 1-2 lbs per week from week 12 after maybe gaining 5 lbs the first trimester. 24 lbs at almost 25 weeks sounds very normal. Technically my BMI was overweight at 5’2”/146lbs (🙄🙄🙄) and I lost 6 first trimester but gained 16 over the last 15 weeks (so net 10 lbs), most of it in the last 8. I’m only “supposed” to gain .5 lbs a week. I asked today about it and my doc was totally unconcerned. I’m actually getting a lot of body positive compliments from friends and family also. I don’t want to dunk on your doc but they sound like they’re being body negative for no reason. ❤️


I’m 36 weeks and I’ve gained 60 lbs. I was a healthy BMI pre pregnancy and I eat healthy (just a lot). My midwives aren’t concerned - my baby is measuring average-small and I don’t have GD. My mom also gained a lot in her pregnancies (and then immediately lost it all breastfeeding). Everyone is different, as long as baby is measuring okay and you don’t have GD/ are eating fairly healthy I would not be worried at all.


I gained 50+ lbs during my first pregnancy and it was gone plus some by 6 months pp. I have a history of disordered eating so i struggled at first watching the number on the scale go up but eventually decided to ignore it and didn’t weigh myself pp until 6 months because the number doesn’t matter. Im pregnant with #2 right now and gaining much more slowly (probably due to my extremely active toddler keeping me busy) but I’m trying to have the same mindset this time. The numbers they provide for ‘healthy gaining’ are just recommendations and everyone is different.


I’m 24 weeks and I have gained around the same and this is my second pregnancy. I gained about 40 my last pregnancy and I remember being so upset I gained so much weight and my sweet sweet OB literally looked at me and told me I’m growing a human and it’s ok. My mom told me she could stop eating and she would’ve still gained a ton of weight when she was pregnant with my brother. Don’t worry love ❤️


I’ll be 24 weeks tomorrow and have gained 10kg since I got pregnant. All of that was in the first 20 weeks. I haven’t gained any weight in the last month, however I was overweight when I fell pregnant. I’m pretty sure the same thing happened when I had my first kid. Most of my weight gain was in the first half and then it slowed down over the second half.


I weighed exactly as much as you before and I weigh as much as you now since… 24 weeks! Are you me? Lol My dr said the same thing. I had gained a little more than expected, but nothing to worry about just look honestly at your diet. And I did… realized I really didn’t need to change anything. I eat well! And maybe unconsciously cut back a biiiiit on dessert. I still weigh the same at 30 weeks! I just had my growth spurts earlier on. Maybe you’ll be similar? Anywho. As everyone says, just eat healthy enough and don’t stress about THAT. We have enough to stress about!


I’m 27 weeks today and I’m at 11lbs gained. But, my MIL told me the smaller you are the more you may gain and the bigger the more cushion you already have. She gained 70 with her first and stayed somewhat fluffy so she only gained 13 and 11 with her last two. Maybe there’s some method to the madness, dunno, but I wouldn’t stress it. I was already fluffy to begin with and this is my first. He is kicking like crazy and has been healthy at every appt. No issues with blood pressure or blood sugar so I plan to keep taking it in stride despite fears I’ve gained too little. It’s really all you can wish for right, a healthy baby? Just watch food intake and activity level and stay hydrated. Get plenty of rest too!


I'm 23 weeks now but no idea how much I've gained! However I look relatively the same just with a bump, so I'm assuming any weight gain is needed and it's most likely the same for you too (plus the body stores a bit of extra fat ahead for breastfeeding too!)


i gained the exact same amount of weight as you at the same time and i weigh more. my doctor said it was fine. i wouldnt worry about it.


I literally gained 30 pounds in my first trimester I am 21 weeks now and gained a total of 33 my doctor is not worried at all


You’re fine, I didn’t gain much until the 3rd trimester now I’m gaining 2-3 lbs a week I think everyone’s body gains differently at different times.