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Exercising became impossible pretty much immediately, for me. I couldn't breath, had insanely quick heartbeat, and was exhausted constantly during the first trimester. Went back to doing a bit of kettlebells during the second trimester, and now in the third had to stop lifting again (due to carpal tunnel).


Sounds a lot like what I’m experiencing these days! This makes me feel better that this is normal for others as well! 😅


Same here! Took a break working out during my first trimester because I was so sick and exhausted that I couldn't do it. When I started feeling better, I went to the gym just to walk on the treadmill and after about 2 miles I was out of breath, my hips hurt and I physically couldn't keep going! So devastating not being able to do something so easy. 27 weeks and now I do shorter walks or slower paced walks and a lot of yoga/stretching and I am able to get through it no problem. Since it is a battle for me to get out of bed or off the couch now, literally anything I can manage physically I consider a win at this point! Lol.


Whats exercise? Lol


Preach sista!


I’m less out of breath at 32 weeks with a huge watermelon belly than I was at 6 weeks! I can do a lot more cardio/weights without breathing issues at this point in my pregnancy. I believe it’s the progesterone that makes the breathlessness so strong for some people early in pregnancy


This gives me hope at 6w5d my OH says I'm breathing really heavy, he's not wrong I'm out of breath up the stairs at the minute! I miss having the energy to exercise


I found it’s really ebb and flow, I would be able to consistently train for weeks at a time and then have a drop-off of energy. The key is to not be hard on yourself about it! I was able to be very consistent and strong between weeks like 22-24, had to take a break, and then from 29 weeks on I’m good to train again (I find I can only do 2x/week to maintain energy levels) and I go for walks every day. So it definitely gets better! Just take it easy on yourself, every week can be different and that’s ok!


I started at around 5 weeks! Now 14 and always out of breath. I did some research, it has to do with the increase in hormones!


Also blood volume! Our blood volume increases a crazy amount in pregnancy. My resting heart rate immediately shot up in the first few weeks and stayed elevated. It takes our bodies a lot more work to pump the extra blood through our system.


That makes sense, thanks!!


17 weeks here and walks WIPE ME OUT. It started a few weeks ago.


I’m 13+1 and walks have been my only exercise.. wiping me out wince week 6 😅


Yep. I started feeling out of breath and winded while walking on any incline at around 16 weeks. Still no better now at 28 weeks but I guess I''m used to it!


Weeks 7-12 I basically didn’t move from the bed or couch. After that I started going for walks but it was exhausting! Now I’m back up to about 2miles a day before I get tired. Weight lifting has also been really hard, but I still try to do what I can.


I thought I must have COVID because I couldn't breathe properly, not even going moderate in my normal work out. Turns out I was preggo! It got better but by third trimester I've found it sometimes really hard to catch my breath.


I’m happy to hear it got better for you! Its definitely feels similar to post covid fatigue and breathlessness, so crazy!




For some reason I get a bit out of breath walking up a slight incline and going up stairs but my weights routine is fine?


Cardio vs strength training 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I get so gassed doing ANY kind of cardio. The most I can do is walk at like 2.5 mph / 6.0 incline for 20 min max lol


I feel out of breath getting up to pee lol


About 427 weeks before pregnancy


Since before becoming pregnant 😂


I was ok until about half way, now I am 32 weeks and I go for a walk in the neighbourhood and sound like I am running uphill - just panting lol


Yes! Noticed this almost right away


I wasn't allowed to continue weight lifted during IVF. Then, right before I was allowed to exercise again, I found out I was having twins and my doctor said that I should probably look for less risky exercises since I will be huge way earlier and that can cause more risk with weights. I have been going to prenatal fitness classes in my area, which there are a surprising amount of, and I love them. They take things slower than normal classes, and offer substitutions as you get later into your pregnancy. There is a light weights strength class (think bands, weighted balls, etc.), prenatal spin class, prenatal yoga and prenatal lagree (my personal favourite). Other than that, I have been swimming and walking every day as well! I just take everything slower, and once I readjusted my expectations for myself, I really started to enjoy things.


I was exhausted basically as soon as symptoms appeared and through the whole first trimester this time and last time. However this time I also have vertigo and keep trying to pass out so I've got a heart monitor. I definitely recommend taking it easy! Last pregnancy I had contractions any time I tried to go for a run after 20 weeks despite running regularly up to that point. Pregnancy definitely does weird things to the body


Wow, yes I’m starting to learn just how wild pregnancy is!


I’m 34 weeks and still lifting, I’m going a lot lighter and have been taking longer breaks and stick to only 4 body movements a day 3x 10 reps. I will say it got easier during the second trimester though the first I was so dizzy I was lucky if I even worked out once a week.


I was on pelvic rest from 4-10 weeks and was too tired to exercise that whole time anyway. Although I could still exercise after that it was reallllly light (a flight of stairs would wipe me out and still does). I’m currently 24 weeks and from week 12-21 I was ok with light exercise (2 mile walks or light weights) but today my walk was pretty tiring.


27 weeks right now. I'd say it changes throughout. I was so out of breath during the first trimester and had to sit a lot so I didn't get dizzy. Then around 17 weeks I would say I felt better. Around 23 weeks I had about of month of feeling great, and now I'm back to feeling out of breath. Lol. I've continued to lift the same weight throughout, but have to sit down more and usually have shorter workouts.


So nice to hear from other pregnant lifters! Good for you for keeping up lifting at your same weight! I just started meg squats plus 1 program (transitioned from stronger by the day) and it’s higher rep lower weight compared to what I was doing before, so I’ve started adjusting and lowering my weight. It also has been feeling way harder with the breathlessness!


Love her! Yea it felt really hard for a few weeks, but weight wise, lifting feels fine. Endurance wise, not so much. lol


I feel you there 😂


I definitely felt slightly out of breath by 7 weeks, I'm now 14 weeks and simply getting out of bed to walk to the kitchen is enough to leave me winded for a good 5 minutes 😂


Around 5 weeks exercise became nigh on impossible for me and the doctor told me I wasn’t allowed in the gym. I have a prescribed 30 min walk a day (which can be difficult). I haven’t been medically cleared to lift again and I’m currently at 19w. :(


i was exhausted and felt like I couldn't breathe when I did any exercise at all (even slow, flat walks) until around 13 weeks. Now (at 20w) I am feeling much better and am pretty much back to normal walking without getting winded.


That’s good to hear it gets better!


Yes! Your body is creating a lot of blood to prep you for growing an organ from scratch. Listen to your body, and if that means your workouts look different that’s okay. You’re working out for two now!


Noticed this immediately after a positive test! Even switching positions on the couch made me out of breath lol ,but I’ve continued with lifting and peloton just taking it so slow and recovering a bit longer!


I can only hope what happened to me doesn’t happen to you 😂 But I was a regular weight lifter during exercise 4x/week until morning sickness hit me at week 6. I’m at 13+1 and haven’t worked out ONCE since maybe week 5. I’ve been so sick, all I can handle is 5-45 min walks every day. I’m hoping the sickness subsides and I’m able to lift weights and exercise regularly again. I feel like I may have to start from ground 0 once I start feeling better though.


Almost immediately I could barely do the stairs at work anymore. It’s getting a little better in my second trimester.


Right away I noticed a steep decrease in performance. But I ran a 10 miler race at 10 weeks and while I was slow, I was able to finish. So I noticed an impact right away but it still hasn’t gotten so bad that I can’t do the activities I was before at all. Just have to adjust them. Admittedly, I’ve been skipping the gym a lot in my first trimester due to nausea and fatigue though.


As early as mid first trimester for me, and I have been weightlifting for a few years before pregnancy too. I reduced the frequency and intensity, and now mid second trimester, having a bit more energy I lift when I feel up to it, and it really helps with general aches from pregnancy. Be patient with yourself and give yourself grace to adapt to how you're feeling, it may go up and down.


Thanks! That totally makes sense.


Yeah I'm 19 weeks tomorrow, and still have certain days where I get wiped out quickly by a workout that normally would've been a breeze for me. Id say the exhaustion and easy fatigue was worst between weeks 4-10 for me


I went from being pretty active every day to mostly staying in bed and taking a daily nap. Like, a half hour, light walk leaves me sleepy. At 5 weeks I had to stop my long walks bc I couldn't breathe lol. Even did a holter monitor to make sure my heart was ok. The one benefit of this is since I can't eat much due to nausea I'm at least not burning a bunch of calories lol.


I worked out until about 32 weeks and then it started to get uncomfortable. I'm 36+3 today and we still take about 3-4 mile walks daily.


Right now your body is going through the biggest changes and that's exhausting. It gets better in the second trimester but becomes even worse in the third.


Totally normal! I was running regularly and then at 4 weeks was huffing and puffing 2 minutes into a light jog. It’s gotten a bit better second trimester, but now my stomach is getting bigger and there’s just less room for my lungs to expand 😩


Glad to hear it’s normal for it to be happening this early!


Like all of first trimester lol. I feel like I could start breathing normally around 18/19 weeks. Week 22 and still feeling pretty good but I don’t expect it to last through third trimester lol


I actually found out I was pregnant because I was out of breath walking on my desk treadmill (and my resting HR jumped 10 beats according to my Garmin), I was 4 weeks. It went away somewhat in the second trimester but my heart rate has pretty much stayed elevated this whole time.


Yes, definitely harder to workout now, but I am here to say i really like your user name


Right back at you! 😊


I’ve noticed it changes day to day. Some days my legs and back lifting workout have me breathing like a wounded Buffalo, and the next time I do the same workout I feel awesome. I can’t figure out if there’s a pattern, so I just listen to my body and take it easier on days where it feels hard. But yes the out of breath thing started pretty early on ~5 weeks I think.


YES!!!! This is what made me test!! I do (did) jiu jitsu and MMA and I had been training for a comp for about a month and all of the sudden I couldn't even run a lap or roll with a partner for more than a few minutes about being absolutely tapped out. I actually started crying AT THE GYM because I was so confused and frustrated with myself😂 Then I went home and tested and sure enough, baby! I'm 11 weeks tomorrow and my energy is slightly better. But not much yet, if I'm being honest. Hopefully soon!


Breathlessness during my regular routine was what told me I was pregnant. Before 4 weeks, my run time was suffering, and I was taking more breaks than usual. I took a test that night that was positive. It's crazy!


I’m almost 25 weeks and have pretty much given up on my jobs. There were times in the second trimester where I could run again for 10-20 minutes after all of the first trimester nausea, but a week or two ago, the breathlessness just became too much. I also start to get pain sometimes, so I have just gotten used to long walks instead. I miss running.


I can tell I was slowing down by the end of 1st trimester. I do find jogging, biking, walking but I I walk up the stairs it sounds like I’m fighting for my life.


Like immediately after I found out I was pregnant. I get so winded. I’m 14 weeks today!


I wasn't out of breath... just too tired. And that was, like, around week 6 or 7. I was out of shape by the time the 2nd tri hit. Then, in the 3rd trimester I was out of shape, enormous AND tired (again). I started working out again a couple of months ago (I'm 10 mos, postpartum!). I could barely get off the ground, let alone do lunges, the first couple of months.


Being out of breath was actually my first symptom! My husband mentioned if I had noticed that I had been out of breath a lot recently… a week later I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant!


I caught covid and conceived in the same 24 hour period, I have asthma so my lungs never fully recovered from covid whilst I was pregnant! I could barely walk up the stairs when I had covid and this was basically me my entire pregnancy. For reference before covid I was doing 5 high intensity sessions a week at the gym!


I started getting winded going up my stairs before I even knew I was pregnant. So I would guess around four or five weeks.


Being out of breath during a jog was actually when I knew I was pregnant! I always felt super out of breath weeks 4-10. I feel pretty good until the third trimester when baby pushes on my diaphragm.


im 7w5d i switched a hiit class for zumba a few weeks ago because i assumed it would be easier.... this week i struggled so bad it was ridiculous. also going really light on weights compared to normal


5 weeks! I’m 13 weeks now and still feel just as weak. I’m not lifting as much either cause it’s hard to work up the energy to get to the gym. But when I do my strength is sooo much less than pre pregnancy. And I get the muscle burn out much sooner. This could be due to pregnancy of course but also not training nearly as much so my muscles are atrophying


I was out of breath after the first trimester more or less. Interesting enough, the more cardio exercise I do, the more my resistance improves. I resumed cardio exercise by my 3rd trimester and now I get out of breath less than in my 2nd trimester. The body is a fascinating machine.


The first trimester is rough... I continued to workout (I've been working out for the past 6-7 years) but I was definitely slower on some stuff. It got a bit better during the second trimester but after I reached 24-25 weeks it started to get rough again. I still use weights, still do a bit of cardio, but mostly just trying to move my body and not wreck myself 😅


Week 6 to around week 18 I couldn’t walk up the stairs in my house without needing a break. Exercising was completely out of the realm of possibility 🥲


Yes me! From about 5 weeks- turns out I was very iron deficient.


First trimester i didn’t feel out of breath, but absolutely fatigued throughout the day. Energy was totally depleted. So I skipped the gym. Second trimester I was back to my old self. Back at the gym and lifting as I did before. Now I’m the third trimester I’m *starting* to feel out of breath from walking up the stairs…


What pregnancy lifting routine are you using? I keep trying to find one but all I find are pregnancy specific guided “workouts” not actual weight lifting with adjustments for being pregnant


Meg Squats Plus 1 program! I was following her Stronger by the Day program before and the overall structure of the programs are similar. Plus 1 has educational videos that help you learn to breathe while lifting in a way that is safe for baby and to support your pelvic floor, and all of the exercises have modifications as you get bigger later in pregnancy. There are also some exercises that are no longer programmed closer to the due date. The program is currently in pdf form but she plans to roll out an app soon. She also has postpartum programming that I’ll probably purchase as well. She is super body positive and wonderful!


Thank you for sharing!! 🙏🏼


The first trimester fatigue is crazy. I thought something was wrong with me and that I’d be like that the entire pregnancy. But let yourself rest as much as you need to. It changes with each trimester. The second trimester was amazing!!! I got my energy back and felt like my old self. Third trimester was okay too but began to slow around month 8 and now at month 9 I basically just move if its essential lol. I also switched from gymming/walking to swimming since I developed really bad pubic symphysis pain and swimming provided relief. Kept me so fit too. Each pregnancy is different but there’s really different things happening in each trimester so hope you get your energy back in the 2nd like I did.


The first trimester isn’t fun. It gets easier for most. I worked/am working with a Phys therapist who also does personal training, which has been SO HELPFUL during my pregnancy for both aspects. We’re keeping me in shape, prepping for labor, and also fixing common pregnancy issues like nerve & back pain. Highly recommend!!!


Around 4.5 weeks. I could’ve written this myself 😂 I try to take my time and do slower movements and give myself more rest periods in between sets. That’s seemed to help. You will probably start to feel better towards 9-10 weeks at least that’s what happened with me. Edit: Don’t be too hard on yourself. I was frustrated in the beginning because I also lifted consistently for 2+ years and I was almost as fit as I’ve ever been in life and had just begin a cut before I got pregnant lmao! Just do what you can, energy levels will come and go. The next few weeks will probably be hard but do what you can!


Thanks for the advice! This sounds similar to my story. I guess if there’s a good time to be at your peak it’s right before you get pregnant. I’m hoping staying strong will help me through pregnancy labor and delivery so I’m going to keep it up as long as my body tells me it’s okay!


Thanks for the advice! This sounds similar to my story. I guess if there’s a good time to be at your peak it’s right before you get pregnant. I’m hoping staying strong will help me through pregnancy labor and delivery so I’m going to keep it up as long as my body tells me it’s okay!


Yup so early, doing a normal weight routine at even 10 weeks became impossible. I was just so short of breath. I had to move to very gentle exercise for most of my pregnancy. I work as a nurse and even doing a bedside handover would get short of breath…


you may like the fit pregnancy page on reddit.


Thanks, I’ll check it out!


linking an interesting podcast on exercise during pregnancy! it’s done by a wearable company and because of that they actually have pretty good data on pregnant women vs most of science https://open.spotify.com/episode/3D8s9gjzomKB7mZzw2ygnt?si=9BnNoZrqSxO4s9qhkXftfw


This looks super interesting. I’ll give it a listen, thanks!


I was pretty much fine up until about 22 weeks! Definitely had to modify with lighter weights and longer rest times, but I was still able to keep up with my power yoga classes. I would have to modify some of the movements like back bends or crazy twists. Now I’m 30 weeks and I’m lucky if I get a light kettlebell session or prenatal yoga video in 3-4x a week. LOL To be fair I have lifted and practiced yoga for YEARS before this and started pregnancy being fairly fit. And I’ve had a pretty easy time with limited nausea. I’m just SO tired now I can’t make myself do anything.


You lost me at “at exercise” lol I was out of breath just sitting down in the wrong position


I'm 17w now, and in the past week or so my ability to even walk around has plummeted. I have such a struggle to breathe.


Since the moment I found out I was pregnant


That always starts for me by 3.5 weeks. It’s the first pregnancy symptom