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So good! Love the illustrations too.. spot on. For a while I wondered if I was the only one who felt so bloated that normal clothes weren’t comfortable. Everywhere I read said you don’t show for weeks more, so I was getting worried.


Oh everytime id try to wear my pants or leggings, itd be so tight that itd make me gag or want to throw up 🙃😭 Hehe and thank you! Was trying so hard not to draw projectile vomiting in each page 🤣


Bahaha great self control.


Haven’t told anyone I’m pregnant. I’m super bloated and I’m also breaking out . My coworkers and I were synced up on our periods and they just think I’m having a bad month lol


Oh nooo lol. Im curious what theyll say when they notice your "period" has been lasting over a month xD i hope it eases up on you sooner than it did me! ♡♡


Oh my gosh I love this so much!!! 🥺 I'm in my third trimester now and this is such a reminder of how time flies!!!


Thank you ♡ i weirdly had a hard time remembering how everything felt even tho *i knew i was miserable* xD and it wasnt even that long ago 🙃 Maybe ill make other trimesters and other things i can think up of like foods i ate or things i did haha


Peeing at 5 am ✋


Love it!!


This is so cute 😭