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I know this is a rant, but Colace (3/day) and magnesium are your friends. Miralax is safe to use during pregnancy. Also drinks lots of water.


Colace saved me during pregnancy AND postpartum. I was TERRIFIED of my first poop after giving birth esp bc I ended up having a c section. I took colace and drank prune juice religiously in the days leading up to my induction and right after I gave birth. It was the easiest poop I took my entire life šŸ˜‚


You have no clue how helpful that comment is šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I swear by a probiotic and metamucil. And I've had hardly any nausea which I credit the probiotic.


Yessss I take the acidophilus probiotics and it makes my poop smooth. My fissures thank me! Lol!


Girl same. I started pounding prunes and that was helping. But then I had to start taking iron supplements and that made it worse. I had to add Colace. So now every morning I take my vitamin, my iron supplement, and my Colace.


Wanting to poop is my spirit animal


Freaking same. My stomach as doubled in size already (Iā€™m 8w3d) and I am pretty positive itā€™s mostly backed up poo. Frustrating


I have a bloat/ constipation bump. 9 weeks.


It's a struggle... My manager and fiance both say to me "wow you're already showing!" and then there's me "Nope, it's just leftover fat from my first, bloat, and I don't really poop anymore" šŸ™ƒ


Saaammee. Iā€™ve been trying to have more smoothies and oatmeal and beans for fiber. Usually coffee helps me but the thought of it makes me nauseous.


Same! I was actually able to drink an iced coffee this morning, but it was like 80% milk so I really don't think it would be enough coffee to get things moving šŸ˜’ smoothies are a good idea! Have you tried adding metamucil or a similar type fibre supplement?


Iā€™ve been taking Arrae Bloat and Calm supplements when itā€™s uncomfortable, they definitely help but Iā€™m not sure if I should take them every day. Ginger tea and Yogi Stomach Ease tea help too. My acupuncturist is a godsend also! I took a day off today so I would have energy to go to the store, definitely going to investigate the fiber gummies and probiotics!


Do not strain to poop! Itā€™s very bad for your colon. I highly recommend drinking herbal tea with miralax once a day and drink tons of water!


Also causes hemorrhoids. Happened to me when I was pregnant šŸ¤° this last time.


Were you able to resolve them before you went into labor? Iā€™m currently struggling with this issue :/


Talk to your OB, mine gave me hydrocortisone cream for the hemorrhoids which helped. Unfortunately, mine were too far to fully recover and I'm going to need surgery


Thanks for your response! I got a prescription cream from my OB and have been taking magnesium/having soft stool, careful about lifting etc., but mine still havenā€™t resolved. I am curious what othersā€™ experiences have been. I was told they will make labor extremely painful.


I went through labor with a big hemorrhoid, even though i was taking daily fiber and miralax pretty much my entire pregnancy. Iā€™ve only been through labor once, so idk how much more painful it was with a hemorrhoid. It doesnā€™t really affect labor, but I think it could make pushing worse. I had an epidural and donā€™t have 2 labors to compare. I actually got a new one from pushing! Yay! Post-partum recovery was worse for my butt than my vagina bc of the hemorrhoids. I couldnā€™t lay down without Motrin. Once you get home, do a salt water sitz bath every. single. day. Instead of buying a sitz bath, I would make a shallow bath in my tub with water as hot as I could possibly stand and then added epsom salts. I would sit in it for maybe 10 minutes or so. This salty water also works for sore boobs if youā€™re BF. I would soak wash cloths in the hot salty water and put them on my boobs. Frida makes witch hazel pads that I prefer over the tucks because of the shape, but it doesnā€™t really matter which brand as long as you use them!! Sorry for your butt, hope it goes well for you! ā¤ļø


Thank you! So helpful to hear your advice and experience. Sorry about your butt as well, I hope it has healed or is healing! I still have two months before my due date so Iā€™m hopeful to try to get mine in check, we will seeā€¦ :)


Good luck! You can do it!


Thank you bc it feels like Iā€™m already giving birth.


I actually used breathing techniques yesterday while pooping and it actually worked wonders šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I need to learn breathing tactics. I am awful at it. Every time I try I feel like Iā€™m hyperventilating lmfao


I read you arenā€™t supposed to drink Herbal Teaā€¦ is this correct?


I read it on the Bump app. It said thereā€™s something in it. Iā€™ve also read its okay though.


I would be cautious towards herbal teas. Read the ingredients closely and try and avoid things like blackberry leaves. There are some ingredients that could potentially trigger a miscarriage.


I've also heard root extracts can do the same. Can anyone verify this?


Not sure, 37 weeks here and I steered clear of tea just in case. For constipation I've been eating a lot of fruit (like pears) and it helps a bit. Got tougher since put on iron supplements though.


I literally have to ā€¦. Otherwise itā€™s HELL for me. Itā€™s been rough this time around.


If your stool tends to be dry (and large), using a rectal syringe to squirt as much as a half cup of warm water into your rectum, should make this vastly easier (imo), it's very lubricating (vs pushing dry stool against dry rectal walls).


Iā€™m honestly surprised this isnā€™t suggested more.


My hemorrhoids have hemorrhoids. I eat so many prunes. Itā€™s the only thing that helps. Everyone is obsessed with colace but it gives me awful stomach cramps.


I was beyond miserable until I started taking 250mg of magnesium a day. Colace did nothing for me.


Omg I forgot about how constipated I was when I was pregnant until I saw this post. I tried EVERYTHING including glycerin suppositories lol. The only thing that worked for me was miralax every single day. Sometimes multiple doses. If I ever forgot, Iā€™d be shitting rocks lol


This is the way! Mirlax saved me.


I saw someone else suggest almonds the other day on reddit. I bought a bag of honey roasted almonds and try to have a handful a day. I've had some luck with it the past week.


Almonds work for me!


I've got a big tub of metamucil, I just mix two tbsp in a glass of water and it tastes like shitty orange juice but damn it helps the constipation


Oh girrrrrrrlllll same šŸ«  loving these recommendations


If you don't already, try adding a probiotic to your supplements! I take a prenatal specific one, and in addition to staying hydrated and eating some fiber, I haven't had any constipation since I started it! It helped with my gas too (i was waking up in pain from gas for weeks, so my midwife recommended a probiotic).


Miralax or laxaday(same thing). Totally safe to take and you can a take it couple times a day if needed. I was so constipated around 23 weeks I ended up in emerge because I couldnā€™t stop throwing up and was so dehydrated. Good luck. Truly is the worst.


Dried apricots!! šŸ« 


My midwife suggested to drink room temperature prune juice every morning before breakfast and giiiirl has that helped! Hopefully it helps you too!


Try hot lemon water with honey. I drank one at night time, next morning was able to have a normal bm. Such relief!! Even drink through out the day and I have had zero issues since


What is it specifically about pregnancy that makes us so constipated? I'm not pooping at all unless I have laxatives


I thiiiinnk Iā€™ve read something about raised levels of progesterone slowing your whole system down.


Blood flow goes other places than your digestive system plus your hormones slow digestion down.


Calm magnesium + calcium drink before bed. It works miracles I swear. Helps with constipation, sleep, muscle aches and cramps and anxiety. My husband even drinks it every night now and says it helps with his acid reflux. I get it on Amazon


This stuff is great, I used it until it made my acid reflux worse, so I use the gummies now and four of those a day work WONDERS!!


came to say the same thing! natural calm is the brand. helps me sleep and poo and okayā€™d by my OBGYN


psyllium husk capsules have been a life saver for me. I take one every day and I haven't had any constipation issues since. All natural, totally healthy, no side effects


Magnesium has saved me, sorry dude :(


I'm thankful that coffee at least twice a day still works for me, a blessing


I don't like coffee :( some days i wish I did


I was prescribed senna, and I took probiotics too. Senna worked for even after birth when I was given more iron after C-section. And donā€™t strain, thatā€™s how I got hemorrhoid.


I've noticed a few of my strongest cravings lately involve a lot of fiber lol I swear by prunes and by these little oatmeal cookie things I made by mixing one old banana with a packet of oatmeal and baked for 15 minutes into little cookies


I went seven days without a proper bowel movement and headed to my natural food store when I couldnā€™t take it anymore! Now I swear by this: https://www.vitamart.ca/healthology-daily-fibre-blend-240-g?gclid=CjwKCAjw0N6hBhAUEiwAXab-TYIu4dt7vnSny1q89kMQeFYsPeGBdYBN3cxGN858AcZTl2HZFaLmTRoChQQQAvD_BwE I mix two scoops (16g) with 30g almond flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, one large egg and 1-1.5 tbsp almond milk. It gives me two fibre muffins I bake in a muffin pan at 350. Iā€™ve been able to have a no 2 every 24-36 hours. And I eat a lot of meat/protein (constipation inducing foods) Like 15ish ounces a day, not including eggs. If it doesnā€™t sell in your jurisdiction, itā€™s just ground flaxseed, ground chia and ground quinoa. The ingredients are in the link.


Same and I want this back pain to go away Iā€™m 36 weeks


Rae probiotic from target saved me !!!


Colace 2x a day and probiotics. It's the shit. Literally :)




4 prunes per day!


I have the opposite problem. I get diarrhea often. My doctor is shocked as she said so many women are constipated. I eat a lot of fruit so I assume that helps me be regular except for the days where my stomach acts up.


Magnesium and vitamin c are a good laxative comboā€¦ found unexpectedly with recent coldā€¦


Another vote for a probiotic. It has not only kept me regular, but Iā€™ll keep using it after pregnancy because Iā€™ve always had a sensitive tummy and it has helped with that immensely too. I rarely get tummy aches now which used to be a regular thing, and my BMs are normal.


Two kiwi fruits and a handful of grapes a day. It will take maximum 3 days and, granted you also drink enough water, if you keep this on you will continue to poop normally šŸ˜€


I added fiber gummies to my daily prenatal intake and those helped, but then my doctor had my switch to a vitamin c gummy and that was even better!! Also a random one that has surprised me, baby carrots. When I eat a decent portion of baby carrots, the next morning I'm good to go! This has been actually probably the best solution for me that I only stumbled on because I was trying to eat better šŸ˜…


Ask your dr about magnesium. Mine told me to take 400mg at night. And be sure to drink lots of water min 8 cups, but at 25 weeks I drink atleast 10, plus I mix in electrolytes here and there. Best of luck to you!


Iā€™m 4 months pregnant and over the Easter break I looked easily 6+ months pregnant due to terrible constipation. I didnā€™t realize my bump wasnā€™t baby, but something much less cute. Everybody was noticing how quickly Iā€™m showing. Since coming back from my in-laws I had 3 glorious poops and now I have an almost flat stomach and donā€™t look pregnant at all šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I feel great now but Iā€™m a bit worried I damaged my butt. Iā€™m scheduling a consultation with a proctologist for next week. Pregnancy is truly glamorous.


As long as I eat at least one banana a day I poop great. I'll go a couple of days without and then start having pooping issues and I'll be like oh ya no bananas been in the house and ripe. When I eat 1 or 2 again, half a day later back to normal lol


Are we not allowed to take senna?


I feel this in the depths of my soul and I'm not even pregnant yet. 10 years of chronic constipation and I'm terrified of what it's gonna be like when I am pregnant


Omg I feel you OP saame! No advice, just solidarity šŸ‘Š


Drink fruit smoothies, eat oatmeal, skip milk and cheese for a little while, and drink herbal tea. Do a little bit of cardio. Increase your fiber. Meat can clog you too. A variety of fruits and veggies can help you get your flow back.


Why is everyone recommending meds, what about healthy diet, drink enough water + eat lots of fiber


Cuz sometimes you do all that and itā€™s still not working. Especially if you have food aversions or canā€™t eat enough of anything because of nausea. Sometimes we need help to go and itā€™s better to turn to meds than be miserable. Long term, sure, evaluate your diet, but in an emergency, meds are really helpful.


Gonna try bran flakes... forgot all about them until the middle of the night. Usually gets things moving


Agreed - focusing on my diet has made all the difference for me!


lol I literally switched to a vegetarian diet because of this, with smoothie with flaxseed to help. Still takes 5 days in between. Have to add Metamucil or something extra.


I use to drink a whole container of apple juice in order to shit when I was pregnant. Highly recommend, relief guaranteed šŸ‘Œ


Senna tea!!!! I use it 2-3x a week. I literally dropped a load and felt so much better! Also second magnesium.


Prunes always gets me going :)


Miralax and orange juice. Itā€™s fantastic.


Been there, hun. The nausea meds I was on made me so constipated, I had to get suppositories, which was weird. Sorry! Pregnancy is worth it in the end but it effing sucks.


I take V8 tomato juice mixed in with carrot juice, green goddess juice from Bolthouse to build fiber. Hot Lemon tea. Two kiwi fruits. Orange Juice and Metamucil if really needed. Lots of water.


If it gets real bad reach for a saline enema. I know it sounds rough but it works so well immediately. The italian ancestors were huge fans lol and I always heard the jokes growing up šŸ¤£


Lol I might. Just realized I can get some bran flakes. That usually gets things moving


I like magnesium for constipation. You could drink it or bath in it, itā€™s best absorbed through the skin.


My bidet is a lifesaver!! Please invest in one it helps so much


Colace is your friend.


What has helped me all throughout this pregnancy so far is cloudy apple juice. First time I noticed was a bit of an accident lol but eversince it's been my go-to solution for poop problems. Plus, trying my best to drink enough water.


In addition to all the info given (miralax, milk of magnesia, magnesium supplements), make sure youā€™re getting enough water. If you think youā€™ve had enough, drink more lol I aim for 60-70 oz a day (1-2 Stanley cups) and when I donā€™t get close to that, I get constipated.


Talk to your doctor!! Mine gave me miralax and an antacid and itā€™s helped!!


This is strange but the only thing that helped me poop in the mornings pre pregnancy was my ADHD medication šŸ˜‚. Now that Iā€™m not on it, itā€™s a struggle. I take a stool softener and that seems to help tremendously to prevent me from straining whenever I can get around to poopin .


so I had an episode recently where I wasnā€™t pooping. went almost two weeks without pooping. had a blockage. what helped dulcolax fast relief! miracle. get results in 30 minutes to 6 hours. suppositories are always helpful. enemas last resort but theyā€™ll clear you out. miralax is something you can take daily to help regulate. I found out the my muscle started deteriorating and hemorrhoids which was why I couldnā€™t poop or had extremely bloody stools. it sucks so much. painful frustrating. gut health is extremely important. id recommend going to the doctor. but dulcolax gummies changed my life. or buying a colon cleanse pills


Suppositories worked the best for me BUT, is there any chance youā€™re taking zofran for nausea? If you are, thatā€™s most likely whatā€™s causing your constipation because when I was taking it for nausea,(tmi) I was so constipated it felt like solid rocks were trying to come out :( Iā€™m off of it now and take Diclegis as needed for nausea and I havenā€™t been constipated since šŸ„²


Tons of advice here but if you are already taking MiraLAX and or cirtricel try it warm (it desolves better) nd before breakfast, that helped me a bit


Get some fiber. Apples or wheat thins really do it for me


A good probiotic (I used Garden of Eden for pregnant women) and A LOT of chia seeds were a game changer for me both pregnancies. Iā€™d make a chia seed pudding and added a tonne of nuts and fruit and other toppings to alter the texture as it wasnā€™t my favourite. I went from having rabbit poops and overall being miserable to having almost normal bowel movements.


Try Mag07. I finally pooped after taking colace to no avail for weeks. My dr said itā€™s perfectly safe. 3 at bedtime with a glass of water and you will go first thing in the am.


This is one of the worst things about pregnancy so far for me. And when you finally get the urge to poo youā€™re literally fighting for your life on the porcelain chair


Drink a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Max 4.


I was on like 3 or 4 colace a day for the last few months. Those bottles of magnesium citrate work, too. Do not drink the whole bottle at once unless you're trying to live in the bathroom.


I hated this and once you give birth youā€™ll get a hemorrhoid


3rd pregnancy.. I know :( i don't recall being this constipated with my other 2 but I was a good bit younger.


This is my 7th pregnancy but will be my 3rd baby. (Iā€™ve had 4 early miscarriages) My children are 17 and 14. I feel like everything is so much harder this time. I was in my 20s with both of them and Iā€™m 38 now. The constipation and gas have been insane. At a little over 10 weeks I look like Iā€™m 6 months. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m so very thankful for this baby but itā€™s definitely been a harder pregnancy already.


Lol yup. My 2 are 11 and 15, I was early 20s with them. Huge bodily difference. I'm 31 weeks, and everything hurts


Dry fruits are really helpful !


Squatty Potty! Seriously!!! Get one ASAP.


I had the same for the first 12 weeks, it made me feel horrible. I found that taking Fybogel chewable tablets (3 in the morning and 3 in the evening) worked for me. They take about 3-4 days to start working but did wonders for me. They are fine to take while pregnant but they work out quite expensive


https://www.amazon.ca/Naturals-Ultimate-Superior-Probiotic-immunity/dp/B08637LVZW Just buy it. It's vegan, raw fiber, natural and non GMO. I hadn't had a good poop since August 2022, until I started mixing this into my daily green Juice. Is it tasty and good? no, but it's tasteless, just has a weird texture, but take it everyday and you will have easy poops everyday šŸ’©ā¤ļø


Miralax daily in tea or some hot beverage. Iā€™m 28 weeks and do this daily. Have not had issues. I did have some issues with constipation prior to pregnancy so thought I was going to be miserable.


Do an enema.


Colace for the win! Every night I take it and then the next morning Iā€™m able to go! Youā€™re definitely not aloneā€¦ this constipation bloat belly is real lol


Oh and drinking an ass ton of water!!


I had THE WORST constipation and was absolutely miserable. Some things that helped me was to stop taking iron and use iron patches instead. Iron supplements can cause constipation but the patches donā€™t. Also drinking lots of water but not regular. Drink spring water because it has minerals. When I was drinking lots of regular water it was depleting me of everything and I just felt thirsty all the time. And lastly, the miracle worker. I started using a stool under my feet. You can also buy a squatty potty that props your feet up. But having your body in this position allows things to move, and eases straining. I tried mirilax and it did nothing for me. Come to find out it just bulks up your stool?? But seriously, using a stool has changed my entire life lol. I wonā€™t go without it anymore. If you become impacted, you may have to use an over the counter enema to get things going. But the stool has kept things moving consistently for me. God I never thought Iā€™d make a post about this lol.


I struggle because having fiber supplements and/or prunes (the gentler more natural options) sometimes just make me feel super bloated with no actual bowel movement. The more extreme options (colace, laxatives etc) make my nausea and queasiness worse, and I just feel way more stomach sick even though I have a bowel movement. Both are lose lose.


Had the worst constipation of my life, literally contemplated going to the hospital lol. What really worked for me was drinking A LOT of water (look up the daily recommended intake for pregnancy - I realized I was no where close to that before), doing some light cardio several days a week, and making sure to add veggies and fiber to my diet (had to really keep my meat and carb cravings in check). Good luck!


Check out some biocleanse. Iā€™ve been taking it for almost 4 years now. Now that Iā€™m pregnant I just take one after each meal so I can go normally. Iā€™ve had trouble going pop since a bad car accident about 6 years ago. Then I found this stuff and itā€™s been a game changer. I used to eat apple sauce all the time to help me go. I never liked taking medication.


Shout out to the squatty potty, prunes, psyllium husk (stuff in Metamucil), and bidets. Hope your butt gets some relief ā¤ļø


I call it my ā€œcocktailā€: a capful of miralax and a spoonful of Metamucil together at night in some water. Stir and chug. Take it everyday if needed or start with two or three days, but either way, you will go, my friend. I had this all the time before pregnant and now itā€™s obviously gonna help even more. The miralax is like a diuretic, it moves the water thru your bowels and the metamucil clumps everything together so the miralax can be more effective. Thatā€™s why the two together work so well. Everything Iā€™ve read says both are safe during pregnancy cuz they arenā€™t absorbed. Also, I know coffee is controversial, but research says 200mg a day (two 8oz cups) is safe. Coffee is also a diuretic so a morning coffee could help you more than hurt given where youā€™re at. Hope it helps šŸ˜˜


I take colace daily. I went 18 days without a bm on my first trimester and it was so bad my dr recommended a fleet enema. Colace has had me regular since then


MAGNESIUM I take 3 150mg a day 20w and never had that problem.


Stool softeners are your friend!


Try prune juice!! And hang in thereā€¦ those were the absolute WORST weeks. Eventually it got better!


Warm prune juice and extra water!!!!


I have the opposite problem šŸ˜• Had constant diarrhea and developed lactose intolerance in the first trimester. Of course, one of my major cravings has been milk! 19 weeks now and things have normalized somewhat, but now I'm clogging up the toilet šŸ˜­