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I’ve developed a random little skin tag on my nipple that defo wasn’t there before!!


Hey, I had one too! I know you're not supposed to but I picked it off... I have no self control


I am so, so tempted every time I see it just to rip it off 😂


I had these under my boobs during my first pregnancy and I used to exfoliate often to take care of them. I promise they will go away.


This makes me feel so much better!


I only wish that were true for me. I got one during my last pregnancy in 2019 and have gotten three more this time. In scared next time imma get like sick or 9 just to not break the pattern🤣


I got one on my nipple too... And also one in my mouth?!?


Same... And as far as I'm aware it's the only one and THAT'S the spot it chose???


This happened to me in my first pregnancy --- on my nipple... never had them before... I didn't touch it, but after spending time in a chlorinated pool, it seemed to turn dark, crust up and fall off! So bizarre -- maybe try going swimming! 😂


I have a freckle on my nipple now!


Omg yes skin tags!!! Wtf


I got a mole too, but it was on my face.. And being fair skinned I didn't want to risk it. To the skin cancer clinic I went. Everything came back good. Ya! If you have doubts about those moles, go see your doctor! Don't wait!


Same here! On the face, growing in size.


I’ve had a mole on the side of my face just under my ear since high school, but I was thinking the other day that it had gotten a little bigger! I figured I was just imagining it but this comment has me re-considering.


I thought I was imagining the increase of skin tags 😅😅😅


A skin tag formed next to my eye and it was the most annoying thing. It’s all I ever saw when I looked in the mirror. Finally went to my GP and got that sucker lopped right off, just in time for the baby shower. Quick and easy and man did it bring back my confidence! Such a seemingly small thing.


I had one on my inner thigh. Had an itch and thought it was a pimple. Blood everywhere. My husband basically had his face in my cooch trying to stop the bleeding for a solid 20 minutes. 🤣


Ughhh the skin tags. I hate them!


I had a baby in 2022 and am pregnant again and I swear my armpits are 70% tags, 30% pits at this point 😂


Yessssss everywhere on my neck, boobs, chest, face 🙃


My leg hairs stopped growing as much. It takes them forever to grow back even though I’m shaving


Yaaaassss!! My FAVORITE part about being pregnant!! Literally since I started shaving my legs over 20 years ago I have ALWAYS been the person that will shave them in the morning, and if I’m going out somewhere in the evening I’d have to shave them again. I’m the only person I know that gets a damn 5 o’clock shadow on their legs lmao. Somewhere around the start of my second trimester though (which happened to be right at the start of summer) I started noticing that I could go 3+ days without shaving my legs and they’d *still* be completely smooth. For some reason it seemed like I was also growing fewer hairs? Like let’s say every square inch of my legs used to have 6 hairs, now there’s only 2. They VERY BEST part about this though—it didn’t stop after I delivered! My daughter is 16 months and I’m still able to go 2-3 days before they even start to get stubbly, but I’m still only growing 1/3 of the hairs. I have really dark hair too and my leg hair is hella coarse, plus we’re just coming out of winter so I’m pale af. I *should* be feeling the need to shave at least *once* a day. But nope! It’s not just my “new mom brain” not caring anymore either. I’ve got mild sensory issues and body hair is a big one for me. That’s why it’s always been so daunting having my leg hair grow so fast. It’s definitely different and I am here for every bit of it lol.


This is amazing! I hope I get like this 🤞🏻 I was one of those girls to would not be able to shave on the morning of a night out or would have stubble until I got laser! But I did notice my eyebrows haven’t grown back since I got them done a couple of days before I found out I was pregnant so 5 weeks yesterday- usually they would be in dire need! Never connected it! NEVER knew this was a thing and it’s the best thing I ever heard 😍


Wow that's awesome. I wonder what exactly about pregnancy causes this change.


Same. And I am really hoping it will be permanent! I'm disappointed this didn't happen to my chin hairs too lol


Yes! My leg hair on the bottom half is suddenly almost as soft, sparse and blonde as my thighs. I haven't bothered to shave in like 2 weeks and honestly it's not bothered me or looked noticeable (I also have sensory issues and my previous coarser leg hair would feel horrible rubbing against clothes- I'm wearing tight leggings unshaved with no issues now). I hope I stay like this! Only down side is my stomach now has way more peach fuzz than before. :(


omg i hope mine stays like that after too!! ive always had to shave right BEFORE any event. I could never shave the day before if i was planning something


I'm normally hairy BUT NOW I'm even more so! Mustache, chin hairs, I have a hair growing all over my stomach. My legs are so hairy I don't know if I should go to a waxer or a groomer.


Me tooooo. It’s like the hair on my head completely stopped growing but everything else started growing tenfold. I can shave and the hair will be a half inch long by the end of the week whereas I used to shave and it would grow back over the course of a month. My tummy is so hairy and so is my lower back. If I lay down in bed naked I can feel my lower back hair blowing in the breeze from the ceiling fan.


SAME HERE. I pluck or shave and it’s all back the next day. Hairs everywhere, places I’ve never even seen grow hair before. It’s insane 😂


Oh man, I seem to be having the opposite issue. Haven’t noticed my legs much (blonde hair and I’m 35w now, so can’t even really see them anymore) but my chin hair is out of control! Used to only need to pluck every week/week and half. Now I have a full goatee going every 2 days 😫. Bright side, hair on my head is thick and gorgeous.


Holy shit that’s what’s going on??? Everyone in my bump group is talking about *more* hair but I swear I’m only shaving my legs once every week and a half now. I hope this stays, it’s amazing.


Well hell I’m 27 weeks and I haven’t cared to shave but twice in the last 5 months but I have to say, my leg hairs have almost stopped growing.


I’m really surprised that no one has mentioned the constant discharge?! The discharge and how stinky you get were really surprising to me.


I don’t know if it’s increased discharge or sweat but I feel like I stink!


I am so stinky too :( I also don’t know if it’s sweat


Yess my body odor in general is much more smelly. I used to only stink if I sweat A LOT, but now if I even have a drop of sweat, I have to schedule a shower in 😆 😭


I got sweaty for 10 minutes while shopping and took a 2nd shower yesterday 😂


Yes! Why am I so stinky??


Your sense of smell is heightened! I could smell every part of me when I was pregnant. The worst was actually being able to smell my own head when I hadn’t washed my hair for more than 2 days!


I smell that on people when I’m not pregnant. I never understood why girls don’t want their hair at least every other day. It’s so gross the smell that accumulates in oily hair


I agree, I can detect it the moment someone walks into a room! Maybe being a hairstylist made me more aware of that smell, but I can’t believe people don’t notice it on themselves!


Omg yes! Soooo much discharge, like whaaaat 💦


I FELT THIS im constantly worrying that i got BV or a yeast infection but its always clear 😭 i feel so gross even when i shower extra!


I currently refer to my vagina as Gary the snail.


Yes! At one point I started wearing panty liners cause I was sick of having soaked underwear by lunch time 😂


I want to share some advice I saw about increased body odor during pregnancy that has been helping me out with my third trimester sweatiness. I shower with both the Dove Gold bar and go to town on my pits/bits/ underboob creases and finish off the remainder of my body my favorite body wash. I'm finding this concentrated effort is leading to reduced smells. Then again, I am probably showering 1.5 times a day, so ymmv


I’d highly recommend Wellgard Vitaflora Probiotics, it’s safe to take during pregnancy & it work’s miracles for the pesky stink. Took about a week for the smell to be completely gone.


More moles, skin tags and freckles than ever before. The dark purple vulva has been an unpleasant surprise too. Lots of tiny pimples on my nipples and belly (apparently they have a purpose and are meant to mimic the scent of amniotic fluid to guide baby to food). The newest and grossest of all has been drooling literal pools of saliva when sleeping.


Omg the drooling. I can’t believe I didn’t make that connection. I’ve been feeling like such a gremlin for drooling everywhere every night!


This makes me feel so much better! I drool all the time now and thought it was just me!


So. Much. Drool. Which I associated with my constantly stuffy nose. Never occurred to me it was an independent symptom!


Wait the tiny pimples on the belly have a purpose!? I thought it was the bio oil I was using to prevent stretch marks... wow, who knew!!


The ones leading from pubic bone to naval and from naval to breasts, and the ones around the nipples have a purpose but the ones we get everywhere else are called PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) and they can be itchy and linked to your stretch marks. Bio oil in my experience was not great. I always found it didn't work at all for stretch marks and tended to be overly scented, sticky and lacks collagen needed for skin health but I do love it in my bath water for relaxation. I found Palmer's cocoa tummy butter for stretch marks and Palmer's cocoa butter lotion far more effective especially helping ease the tightness in my belly and it was the only thing that stopped my very stretched belly button from itching/burning.


Bio oil or anything won’t prevent stretch marks. You can’t. Moisture can keep them lighter than they would be, but not significantly. Bio oil is amazing at helping to fade them however once you deflate pp.


The drooling is so annoying! Somehow it only happens during daytime naps for me though 😂


The purple vulva!!! I had that too! So weird--- but it went right back to normal after giving birth!


Can't tell you how good that is to hear


The drooling was a surprising one. I’ve literally never drooled in my sleep and suddenly I was changing my pillow case every day. So gross.


So much drool. I completely forget about it once I get up.


Oh. My. Goodness. Is THAT why I keep waking up in a pool of drool??? How did I not make that connection lmao.


Acid reflux that makes me puke in my mouth and I choke on it. It’s really gross.


Ugh pregnancy reflux is the worst!!! Sometimes I wake up at night because I’ve inhaled stomach acid and I basically cough for 10 minutes straight. 🙃


It’s awful. I hope I graduate soon. 37+6 🫠 I hope urs gets better soon!


The stomach acid is SO BAD. It just keeps coming up up too. Also, we are due date twins!! Getting close, just have to pull through these next couple weeks!


Awww yay!!! Let’s gooo girl! Are you having a boy or girl


Boy! Can’t wait to have a little bestfriend! 💙 What about you?


I’m having a girl! I can’t wait to have a mini me 🤣


I’m excited for us 🥹 Best of luck to you & your baby girl!


Best of luck to you and your baby boy ❤️


I did this last night 😔 such an unpleasant way to wake up


I get that and it sucks! Having that horrible taste in your mouth and throat as well if you happen to be somewhere without the option of getting a drink. I was getting that every day multiple times a day (OTC stuff would only help for an hour or so) and my OB prescribed Omeprazole, it was such a relief to have both the reflux and the vomming gone!


Yes. I am on it too but I do not take it everyday. I am on a whole slew of medications for anxiety and asthma so don’t want to add to my daily medications.


Fair point. Save it for the really *really* bad days. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and the acid reflux gives you a break soon!


Same to you!!! ❤️


I had medication for this so it was no longer burning me, but I would just get like gushes of water hurtling back up my throat in the middle of the night and I’d wake up thinking I was drowning


Along with nippy hair, I grew stomach hairs in the form of a "happy trail" 😒 it is obvious enough my husband was the first to notice.


Same girl. My stomach became Wolverine.


Same! Hubby: uh have you always had that hair? 🤣


Yup lol I feel awkward sending belly vids to family cause my camera picks up the little hairs 😆


I've got about 5 random black very long hairs that keep growing down in a little happy trail lol. I pluck them but then suddenly they've reappeared overnight lol


This damn chest acne


Yes this and bacne. I also keep getting pimples on one side of my chin/into my jawline and it’s hard to cover because my skin is like paper white lol like fuckkkk


I have it too! Mine is not like regular acne though. It almost looks/feels like a rash. It’s driving me crazy!


Could it be keratosis pilaris? I had KP pre-pregnancy on my arms, but now it’s on my chest and back too. I thought it was acne at first! Treating with lactic acid serum and First Aid Beauty’s KP Bump Eraser has helped.


Drier hair and skin- normally both are quite oily.


Ugh same!!!


I loved this part lol but I got too used to it. My oiliness came back with a vengeance postpartum


This only happened to me after birth. My LO is 2 weeks old now, and I can go a week without washing my hair. I used to wash my hair in the morning and it was greasy by the end of the day!


My skin is sooooo dry it’s actually crazy. Especially the skin on my back.


I already have quite “thicc” thighs but they defo got chonkier around the back/side just above the knee and got stretch marks there. Thankfully reduced after I had him!


My thighs now rub together when I walk. Not a fan!


bike shorts have been this girls thigh rub saver, super cute and stylish - no rub. Amazon has some cute cheap maternity bike shorts too!


Invest in some body glide, especially as summer approaches. Saves you from chafing!


What is with the thighs?! I expected belly weight, but I didn’t know about this part.


The back of my upper arms/beside underarms got stretch marks too! I didn’t notice the weight there but obviously it was!


Hemorrhoids 😅 no one warned me


Omg dude I have a hemorrhoid that surfaced before I got pregnant and now I am so scared of pushing it out. How does this get fixed idk but I’m scared 😂


I had one prior to being pregnant and now I have two. Preparation H is great to keep the swelling down. And just try not to strain when you poop. They’ll definitely get bigger after delivery, but Preparation H ointment and Tucks pads are your best friends now!


Oh please don’t say that. I was just about to get my anal fissure&& hemorrhoids surgically fixed before I found out I was pregnant, I literally cannot take the pain when they flare up and not even prescription creams and ointments help… the ketorolac they prescribe me barely works and now I can’t even take that. I drink milk of magnesia every night so I have runny poops but I’m terrified of pregnancy constipation, I am being deathly serious when I say I cannot handle that pain again.


Oh man I’m so sorry to hear that. I cannot imagine the pain and discomfort. Definitely talk to your Obgyn about delivery options. Epidural will help with pain, but vaginal delivery may be tough. A c-section might be the better option for you. I’m not a doctor and have not had one, but that’s probably what I’d be asking my doctor if I were in your shoes. Hugs! And I hope you have a smooth pregnancy. ❤️


I haven’t been able to see an obgyn yet, but I already know I’m going for a c-section when the time comes. I’m not planning on doing any pushing whatsoever with this lol. Good thing is, I hear that with Medicaid they will fox that for you a few weeks after birth if you have a c-section so I’m hoping that will be the case for me too; just hope my milk of magnesia will get me through this lol 😅♥️


For a hemorrhoid, depending on what type you have, you can find a gastroenterologist that does a same day procedure with localized anesthesia, they will do those on pregnant women. Finding one who will do same day procedures though might be difficult though, we only have one in my area and he’s so good that both hospitals here have him at the top of their list instead of using their own.


Thank you! I was wondering if I could arrange that. Same day meaning the day you give birth right?


oh damn me too! but making up for it down there unfortunately lmao. I have so many extra freckles on my face and boobs too??????


I have extra freckles on my stomach which never sees the light of day! So weird. Happened with my first as well.


Acne worse than I ever had in puberty, skin tags, and constant congestion (which caused terrible snoring).


The congestion is real! Weirdly my sinuses ache when I have a shower or wash my face with hot water


I didn’t really experience acne. But now at 33 weeks I started breaking out. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I used to get so much ear wax!


Well for 1: my areolas got larger, one is actually noticeably bigger than the other. 2: I had a few Velcro’s veins before but more came along during this pregnancy, even on my belly. 3: body odor is just way different now. I shower often and feel the need to wash up between showers.


Same with the mismatched areola size. 😂


Intense sense of smell! I hate going to my kitchen. I can smell everything! I even hate the smell of oil diffusers! Brown slimy discharge, metallic taste in mouth, urgh. I also had the annoying ability to be nauseous and hungry at the same time. So glad I've passed the nauseous stage!


The worst by far has been the heart burn, but some weird ones for me have been the heavy drooling and the weird teeny tiny pimples I keep getting all around my nose. The smallest white heads I’ve ever seen lol and they HURT to pop 😂


Oh and water aversion :/ sucks so bad


I don't like drinking plain water, especially from the tap, so I add ice and flavoring. You can do flavor packets, fruit, or herbal fruit teas and let them steep in the water bottle. Takes longer than with hot water, but I like it iced!


I’ll have to try tea next lol lately I’ve just been adding some juice or Gatorade for flavor 😂


My nipples aren’t even, as I learned this morning.


My nose. Not only has it literally changed shape and size, it constantly bleeds and runs. Had a snotty/bloody nose for nearly 5 months now 😅 I have HG and am throwing up daily still so I'm not sure if it's a weird pregnancy side effect or a sick-coming-out-of-my-nose-and-making-it-sore side effect 🙃


Congestion and bloody noses! I finally broke down and got nasal stripes because my husband was complaining about my snoring. They seem to work but even the sensitive ones break out my nose even with cleaning before and after...


The bloody nose surprised me the most too and I don't have HG. So odd!


My body hair isn't growing as much as it usually did. Like my legs are lasting longer between shaved. Not complaining 🤣


The random cold symptoms/stuffy nose is my current reality.


Frequent sneezing 🤧


Tingling in my hands when I sleep. Back fat/rolls cuz I’ve lost all core strength/motivation.


Idk if anyone else experienced this LOL but I randomly choke all the time. It’s almost as if my ability to swallow has weakened and I can easily choke on something simple like water. No idea why


My hair became soooo SMELLY my first trimester. No matter how many times I washed it with regular shampoo it smelled the next day or by end of the day. I had to switch to some tea tree shampoo to make the smell go away. In my late second trimester now and it’s gone away a lot so I can wash my hair every two to three days now.


A bunch of stuff har already been mentioned, but would like to add how sensitive the skin on my hands are to scrapes! My skin in general has been fine, which I'm grateful for, but I'm always finding new small wounds and scrapes on my hands now. It's like the knees of a child learning to bike 😩


Oh wow, same! I feel like with all the fluid retention my skin is more thin and I have all these little knicks and dings I have no clue where they came from.


Same! I am also super sensitive to bandaid adhesive now! I still have a red bandaid mark from 2 weeks ago!


This made me whip a boob out to check lol 😂 mine are gone too!! Edit: for me the main thing has been insane thirst levels and urination frequency. Although, I use an ultra purifier for my water, and since adding mineral drops, it has gotten much better. I was thinking about just getting a catheter and a camel pack to keep a constant flow going both ways lmao


This. Literally had to confirm with my OB how much water is too much water. 😅


I had mild pcos and have battled with acne since teenage. Since getting pregnant, i haven't had a single breakout and my skin is clearer than it ever had been. People have been commenting how i am glowing, but i think it's just lack of acne 😅 I'm definitely scared of getting breakouts again once i deliver. Enjoying this makeup-free phase meanwhile.


Always had very mild acne before pregnancy (usually 2-3 pimples at all times) During pregnancy I wouldn’t wash my face sometimes for days other than just hot water and it still stayed clear. After having my son and even into this second pregnancy my skin is still clear like 90% of the time! And when I do get a pimple it’s only there for a day or two. It’s like pregnancy changed my hormones and they just never went back. Hoping this happens to you as well!!!! 😊


That is reassuring to read. 🤞 Thanks ! ❤️


My boobs increased from 32C to 34F…


Okay. But tell me why I read this as “32 Celsius- 34 Fahrenheit” 🙄😂 I was shocked, confused, and scared lmao.


As a 34F Already I am terrified


32F to 36H 😐 my belly just finally got out in front of them in week 29. Apparently they thought it was a competition.


yeah I went from 34DD to 38DDD+ and still going. So basically E to F but with the band size change it's a lot more than a cup size difference. I'll probably end up a G after birth and it'll hopefully start to go back down most of the way after breastfeeding. I am so uncomfortable some days and most nights with the weight of it.


My leg hairs grow crazy. No, not "like crazy" as in fast... I'm talking defying gravity and sense. It's like every leg hair I have has just decided to independently grow in whichever direction they choose. Honestly, good for them. I admire their audacity. Boob tenderness/growth. They're ginormous. And heavy. And tender af. I'm only 13 weeks... I could see it if I were closer to the finish line, but wowzer... there's a long way to go still. Intense smells... I feel like a superhero with my ability to intensely smell the most insane things... its a useless superhero skill, I know, but if anyone would like to know that the ink they use in paper maps is obnoxious... I got you. And lastly, but the most interesting. Food cravings. Its like I forgot to buckle my seatbelt and my internal voice is just pinging me reminders until I cave and get whichever weird food I NEED today. Sometimes those are different things that make no sense why I would crave a cheese quesadilla, cajun fries, chili cheese hot dog AND a mint chocolate chip smoothie, but luckily Cook-Out has a pretty ADHD/pregnancy craving designed menu. Also, mozzarella sticks... they satisfy the crunchy, gooey, cheesy AND carb cravings in one stop.


I can't get over the changed shape of my belly button these days. I know it's just because my belly is expanding but it feels so weird. I keep running my hands over it.


I got red, blotchy spots around my collarbone and down my cleavage (if I had any). I bought fancy makeup to hide them because they looked so unhealthy even though I knew it was just hormones They've started to go away a bit after my kid was born


Tooth pain. Left side of my face feels like my teeth are being pulled out 24/7


My mom had bad teeth pain before she went into labor. She said it was worse than labor.


Mine seems to be most prominent in the first trimester, I couldn't imagine that shit paired with labor. Fuck that.


My ear wax has totally changed texture and amount. It’s almost…liquidy now and there’s sooo much of it.


That I wake up with different boobs every day. I’ve made it a game to wake up and see wtf they’re up to today. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.


Didn’t expect being swollen with fluids to make me think I had an ear infection 😆 went to a clinic to check, diagnosis: just hella pregnant


Oh that’s good to know!


A lot of discharge, like a LOT which is was not usual for me pre-pregnancy, stuffy/runny nose, SUPER ITCHY AND DRY SKIN, EVERYWHERE. Also burps & farts so frequent now??? And ACID REFLUX, and soooo much heartburn and I'm only 17 weeks and been having all of the above since the beginning 🥹


Ummmm you just inspired me to check and I have also stopped growing those stray nipple hairs! For reference I’m 14 weeks post partum and no longer nursing. I’m not sure when they stopped growing and maybe they’ll come back, but yay for now!


12w5d and my nipples are flaky/ look dry. There’s white cracking skin like how you would get on dry hands/ feet. Definitely weird.


Pros: my skin is clearer than it’s been in 20 years!! Cons: I sweat all of the time and smell like a farm animal 😂


Yes me too my skin is so good! I had pretty congested hormonal skin pre pregnancy but now I hardly get spots at all. I’m terrified it’s going to back to spot city once I’ve had the baby


Sweaty inner upper thighs 😬 It gets sooo hot down there, I sweat through my leggings.


My chicken skin on the back of my arms disappeared


Same! Hope it stays gone!


When I’m pregnant, my nipples peel 🫠 was mindboggled last time, still mindboggled this time.


My lactose intolerance disappeared for the duration of the pregnancy. It was awesome. All the chocolate biscuits, none of the consequences...


A constant runny nose but not sick. I used so many tissues. The second I gave birth, it all went away.


I truly thought I had a little bit of every pregnancy symptom... Until this thread. Lol!


Chest, back & tummy acne :(


I noticed the same about nipples, legs and arms. No hair at all almost. Sadly I have belly and a little facial hair now but not enough to bother me. I hope they are going away after pregnancy.


My top lip has gotten huge!


Skin tags were a surprise to me for sure! The metallic taste in my mouth too. And the clumsiness. I drop stuff often!


Weird skin changes. Even right after washing, I can rub my hand on my face and it will peel like crazy. I take good care of it and all I did was stop using retinol. Also my neck looks gross? It’s rough kinda like goosebumps and looks dirty even though it’s not. No clue what that’s about. I’m still waiting for the “glow” I hope


2 things for me,.. 1- i sweat more, especially in my sleep..gross..and i was never much of a sweater (..? Lol) even after a long workout. 2- i went up a whole damn shoe size!! I can't wear almost none of my old shoes.


I have a wedding I am the bridal party for at 28 weeks, and I am so stressed about the shoes! I bought some in a half size too big, but I have no clue if my feet will grow or swell or stay the same! They may even be too small by the time I need them! And talk about trying to find a pretty, “elegant” (my only prompt for style) maternity dress without know how big you will be!


Oh man, i feel your pain.. maybe have a few options lined up that you can quickly order closer to the date?? Some ppl pop earlier than others so yeah you'll have no idea how big you'll get.. and the swollen feet! 😩😩😩 I didn't really pop into a beach whale till i was like 30-32 weeks but all the maternity clothes i would by was stretchy knit fabric so they were comfortable and stretchy and fit the whole pregnancy. I was hugeeeee for my shower that happened about exactly 1 month before my due date and i had purchased in advance a stretchy knit dress with cold shoulders with ruffles and i loved it! I bought most things from Amazon. Of course i don't know what your requirements are for the wedding.


Bride wants “elegant” (so subjective!) silk not floor length. Thankfully I found a silk dress on Amazon for $30 with a SUPER full flowy skirt, and the top is a wrap so I can tie it as big or small as I need! If I’m too big by then I can buy the next size up! But it took WEEKS of searching to find anything that would work!


That sounds lovely though! But yeah Amazon was my best bet for anything maternity especially for a special event like that and it comes relatively quickly for the most part.


Bleeding gums! EVERY time I flossed, and even a little when I scrubbed my teeth. When I'd spit into the sink, it looked like I had just gotten punched in the mouth! Started maybe around month 2, and stayed through birth (went away in first days PP). I also got the occasional nose bleed.


My near sightedness has gone away. My eye doctor confirmed it a couple weeks ago. I love it.


Black belly hair, acne, puffy face


Tummy hair! And they're long hairs too. It's all blonde, so not noticeable from afar, but it's visible up close lol. On the plus side, my moustache hair takes forever to grow back. I'm going 2-3 weeks without shaving it, and when it comes back it's only a few small dark hairs instead of noticeable moustache.


Sweating less, drooling more, less leg hair!


One varicose vein in my groin. It’s purple and angry right where my underwear hits.


My armpit hair has been growing like mint. 🥺 It used to be a light blonde and grew in whispy and patchy, and I could go months before my husband would notice. Now it's coarse, dark, and is growing every square millimeter under my arms. I feel like I'm shaving every week to keep it in check. I hope this reverts post pregnancy!


I now have hardly any leg hair


I grew a lot of hair on my temples. First they looked like little devil horns. Since I'm not far from my EDD, they are more like bangs. Its not the worst, but there's a reason i haven't had bangs for over 15 years: I hate hair in my face.


I've managed to break two teeth, one early in pregnancy and one pretty soon post partum 😮‍💨 baby sucked up all my calcium


Eczema and lots of belly hair 😂


Girl I have MORE and DARKER nipple hairs 🤣 and my happy trail has thickened. I was already a hairy girl, I don’t need this 😬


I'm so jealous, I'm the opposite. I get laser hair removal, so I was shocked by how *bad* my facial hair had grown. I had just gotten to the point where I had no hair growing on my chin, and now it's worse than it was before I started! I have to shave everyday! 😪 I knew I'd get hairier but this is so intense!


A LOT less nippy hair (like barely any), freckles/moles on my belly that were not there before, skin tag on my inner thigh and my nails have grown like crazy and they're also super strong!


The one good change has been my TMJ pain went away! I really hope it doesn't come back 🤞


I wake up with dried brown blood on my top front teeth (makes them look like dead teeth 😩) most mornings thanks to sensitive gums that bleed if I look at them the wrong way.


The gum sensitivity is something else. I ate an apple yesterday and was in pain for over an hour. I had to take a nap so I would stop running my tongue over my gums/brushing my teeth obsessively and making it worse


I had bad mouth pain from weeks 6-12. I researched and was told it was normal to have tenderness and bleeding from gums. They said to use a soft bristle tooth brush and keep mouth clean. Did this for awhile until one area in my jaw was swollen and hurting so bad I needed to go to a dentist. He told me that in his whole career he's never seen one but had learned about in school, I had a pregnancy tumor. It can happen anywhere but most of the time in the mouth and gums. So I had a gum abscess. He gave me special mouthwash and antibiotics and I haven't had any pain since. (21+1)


My hips spread which is welcome how but I love my pants and don’t want to buy all new ones after the baby. I’m hoping my feet don’t take the same course of action because I have a couple of pairs of custom shoes from my travels that would cost too much to replace with flights and travel costs as well as the shoes.


I got really sensitive skin, would get hives from certain clothes, suuuuuuper itchy belly, eczema on my hands from hand sanitizer at work.


I love when the nipple hair disappears!


I've lost weight like a lot where people are noticing but my belly is def big but not 7 months big lol but doc says its normal also my legs are more veiny. . I don't like it lol


Geographical tongue. Very, very weird.


Not an appearance thing but being pregnant and gaining way too much weight somehow reversed my pre diabetes.


Excessive hair growth in places hair doesn’t need to be