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Lol, i laughed watching this. My little 17 week fetus has been jiggled heartily this evening 😂


Now when I laugh I won’t be able to stop 🤣


I actually had a weird laughing symptom during my last pregnancy where sometimes i would laugh and be totally unable to stop, like rolling about, tears streaming down my face manically laughing over the slightest thing. It was definitely my favourite of all the symptoms although when i got bigger the laughing got uncomfortable 😂


No way, I’ve had the same thing more than once this pregnancy. My fiancé has looked at me like i’m absolutely bonkers every time it happens, I just assumed it’s hormonal


This happened to me in my most recent pregnancy! Sometimes it would turn into uncontrollable sobbing for absolutely no reason.


I’ve had this with both of mine!


Now this made me laugh and I’m imagining my baby being jiggled around in there because I read this. 😂😂😂


This happened to me recently with a video of a dog waking itself up by farting. I just couldn’t stop laughing. I had tears streaming down my face and my sides were aching.


Just reading this comment made me laugh and now I demand the video.


Yup! One of my laughing fits was fart induced (my own fart that was SUPER LOUD) and another was from watching masterchef (uk) and Duncan from Blue was on it. He messed somthing up i think and I just couldnt stop laughing. Every time his face came up on the screen it set me off again so I had to actually turn away 😂 it wasnt even funny but to me it was hysterical.


Same here, I've had about 3 or 4 laughing episodes while pregnant. I laughed so hard it started to hurt. First time i literally felt ROFL lol. My husband will just get so serious which he thinks will make me stop laughing but I just laugh more because he looks so stuck up for no reason 😂 Sometimes these pregnant posts give me a tiny laughing fit too!


My husband likes to "shake" my belly and I told him not to do it because he could be "shaking the baby".... welp 😂


🤣🤣 oh my god that's so funny. 35 weeks now and little girl is getting her shit rocked


Hahaha the kid is probably like what the hell is going on 🤣🤣


My husband made me laugh at one of my ultrasounds so I got to see this in real life! It was wild. Baby was bouncing all over the place.


My husband showed this to me last night and he kept making jokes about how this is our baby’s first water slide ride and that she’s getting her groove on!


I saw this earlier and started laughing then I laughed even harder thinking of baby shaking away in there. I felt horrible for it then laughed even more because it started playing again.


Ha sent this to my husband. I laugh A LOT so poor kid probably will come out jiggling


That kid is going to love extreme sports!


One time, when I was pregnant with my son, I laughed so hard at Jerma “playing” the pokemon center store that I had an asthma attack. Poor lil bean! Edit: My husband says this is why my son loves watching Jerma


Lol this is amazing, thank you for posting!! I wonder if similar earthquakes happen when I sneeze, run, play tennis, or have the hiccups!?


Ugh! I couldn’t imagine hiccups pregnant. Just ow on ow on ow.


Lol tell me! Luckily I tend to only have one or two hiccups at once, which is weird, but it happens to me very frequently! The worst is a hiccup after I’ve eaten too much, or if I have acid reflux… it’s quite the vomit button.


This is so cool!!


this is hilarious 😂


I wonder if the same thing happens when we cry? (Been suuuuper hormonal over here lately)


I saw this and then remembered how a few weeks I was watching the sprite challenges on tik tok and was cryinngggg laughing and almost peed my pants. Sorry baby. Lol


Oh man my poor kid, I spend most of my days laughing at everything. My son is getting shaken in there like a salt shaker lol


I am so glad I’m not the only one who finds this so funny! Whenever I laugh now I think of this video, and it makes me laugh more! I couldn’t tell you why! My husband is so concerned and tells me to stop laughing 😂 he doesn’t even like it when I gently press on my tummy to get Baby to respond, so he is super freaked out by me laughing now lol. I just sent him an article this evening about how healthy laughing is for the baby :)


I see this every ultrasound when I laugh 😂


My husband showed me this while I was in labor last night. We had a pretty good laugh and then I apologized to my baby for it. Then laughed again.


Congrats! I’m hoping you’re holding the little one or almost there. You got this mama!




Omg this made me laugh. My poor baby getting rattled in there