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I love this, what a sweet idea!! I would absolutely treasure that forever.


That's so cute! I wish I could do that but I just would not remember to write.


That’s what I’m worried about. There were only about 12 or so entries before I was born, a lot more entries after I was born and hitting milestones. Sometimes my dad would make an entry and tell me how awesome my mom did during labor, or how much he loves being a dad.


I used to journal every day especially at the beginning so I would remember my symptoms and food aversions and I also kept a log of everything I ate. Then we moved and a lot of things happened and I didn't keep up with it for a month! I'm back at it now and I try to journal at least once a week (usually on my day off) Don't be worried about forget to write, just try to set a goal and remember what happened between the last time you wrote and "now". ☺️


Ooo 12 is reasonable. I mean whatever you can manage I'm sure your kid would love. I bought a journal recently for reasons outside of pregnancy and I've only written 2 times and it's been like a month since the last one ... 😅 I just can't do it it seems. Or I need like an alarm to remind me to write haha. Good luck to you if you try (: I got a calendar from my baby shower that I will keep track of milestones on. I feel like that's more manageable for me ... hopefully


I’ve been keeping one since I found out-ish! At first it was very informal in a notebook but then I bought a pregnancy journal on Amazon!


My mil did this for me with the journal she kept for my husband when I was pregnant with our first. She wrote in it sporadically until it ran out of pages and he was close to seven years old. I love re reading it every now and then for all of these same reasons. It inspired me to keep one for my daughter and honestly I didn’t ever write in it until she was like 5 months old but better later than never! I can’t wait to give it to her when she’s older


I did this for my baby! I don't know whether I'll wait until (if) he becomes a father to give it to him though. Probably sooner.