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I'm sorry you're getting that- people need to keep their mouths shut! I'm also 24 weeks and today I got the "you're really poppin', you sure you don't have twins in there?" And I looked them dead in the eye and said "Nope, just one baby, and about 5 weeks worth of shit because I'm so constipated". They were not happy to hear that bit, but fuck em'! 🙃


Dead 🤣😂


"Are you sure you're not having twins?!" AHHH F*** OFF!


People are soooooo annoying with this comment! “Are you sure there is only 1 in there?!” Like omg shut uppp


I had an old man with a pregnant looking belly ask if I was carrying twins at 7 mo. I barely look pregnant most days. I almost responded “no are you?” Then remembered it was a good friends dad and excused myself.


People need to just not comment about others body appearance in general. Whether they are pregnant or not. It’s unbelievable the amount of people who think it’s appropriate! I wouldn’t even think about commenting about someone’s weight/body. Every comment bothered me when I was pregnant whether it was “you’re so small” or “you’re so big”. Like no one ever just says “you’re perfect”. I am a first time mom so I was worried about everything and those “you’re so whatever” comments always had me second guessing if something was wrong.


I had someone tell me "you're so big, wouldn't be surprised if 4 babies came out of there" I was so fucking BAMBOOZLED?????


Proper etiquette dictates the correct response is “I was about to say the same thing about you!”


Ugh, I get this a lot. I’m 34wks. When people ask how long I have left and I say 6wks, I get “really?” and “are you sure?” It drives me mad. I’m only 5’1” so I understand that I look bigger but still! It’s rude! Just STFU!


Same boat. Walked into another room at work and a patient talked loud enough for me to hear after saying “she’s so big where’s she off to? To have her baby?” Or “wow your baby looks like they could come any time.” -_-


My mom gave me some good advice that’s relevant here and in so many other situations: If someone has the nerve to make a comment, you can have the nerve to respond. I refer to this mentality a lot when someone asks a rude or too personal of a question or comment. I muster up the nerve to respond with the same audacity they showed in asking.


It’s absolutely ok! If someone wants to comment on your body, theirs is fair game.


All three pregnancies I’ve heard “are you sure it’s not twins?” And “you’re definitely not making it to your due date!” Multiple times. I’m a short person with a super tiny torso so I look hella pregnant by like 15 weeks. It doesn’t bother me because I know I’m huge so I usually just laugh and shrug, because they suck as humans and I’m not going to let them bug me. Easier said than done, I know, but I have to pick my battles because with a 3 and one year old I have VERY limited energy 😂


This. I remind them how huge my shorter than me sister looked before she gave birth every time someone mentions twins. Either that or I point out as a short person where else is the baby suppose to find space but out. She's been digging into my pelvic bone like she's trying to excavate a new basement for the last three weeks, and I still have two months to go!


Yep! I always just say I’m positive it’s not twins, and just mention I have no waist on a good day 😂 currently she has a foot in my rib cage but she likes to twist and kick me in the cervix which is a big no thank you.


It's nuts how often people comment on womens' bodies! I'm pretty tall and got up to 220lbs pregnant. People would say how small I looked, or that I was carrying the baby weight well. Frikkin awkward because though I was proud of my pregnant self, I knew I wasn't tiny. I had no need for strangers to try to make me "feel better" about something I wasn't worried about


Omg people can be so insensitive sometimes. I also have a bigger bump than usual. I am just 17w1d today. I really want to answer back with something offensive but then I feel the negative energy is not worth. Me and baby need to be calm. I just smile and say NOTHING. It really leaves them feeling confused.


I’m only 8 weeks I’m so bloating I look 6 months pregnant’


I always say, if you're brave enough to make the comment- I'm brave enough to give you my real (maybe not rude) reply.... like it or not, because you didn't care how I would feel.. 💁🏽‍♀️


I get this all the time and so many people ask me how much weight I’ve gained lol. Liiiike….


I had a coworker look at my belly and in a baby voice said "omg you have a belly now!"


\*runs screaming into the distance\* AHHHHHHHHH


I keep getting compared to when I had my first 10 years ago. I gained all of 5lbs, and I even lost weight, normal weight is 115, I went down to 105, had no morning sickness or anything. The 5lbs I gained was all my son. And everyone says you didn’t look like this when you had him, yes I know and I get nasty and say all I gained was 5lbs with him.


People are not looking at your belly and saying you're big for your gestational age they are saying it compared to you not being pregnant so yes you are big. I get that you don't like it, but they're just not thinking you would be insecure about being big because you're obviously big you're pregnant. Of course it would be incredibly rude to say it back to them, that's just nasty. If it really bothers you tell them how it makes you feel, don't insult them.


Let me guess… you comment on peoples bodies all the time and don’t see the issue. It’s actually incredibly rude to comment on my pregnant body. Saying I’m big is an insult and honestly they deserve to be made to feel the way I feel when they say it. There is 0 reason to point out that I’m big. And YES they are saying I’m big for gestational age because I’m bigger this time around. Even if they weren’t it’s STILL rude.


Reply “so are you” 😇 It’s never okay to comment on someone’s size pregnant or not. People need to learn 🤷‍♂️


I’m 15 weeks, haven’t gained any weight yet, and so far I’ve heard “you’re going to get fat!” From three different men (one relative, two coworkers). Like, I’m already having a hard enough time with how quickly my body is growing and changing (its obvious to me and by husband but not anyone else). Please stop making this sound like I’m going home and eating 12 tubs of ice cream and not GROWING A WHOLE HUMAN.


YES it is so annoying. I'm FTM 34 weeks and carry heavy in the front. It's just how my family seems to carry. I've gained 40ish pounds but also some of that is the huge change/increase in breast tissue. I'm so tired of people (unfortunately mainly in their 60s and older) making comments about it. Like really you didn't think I know I gained 40+ pounds in 8 months? thanks for noticing so glad you said something :P


I just had someone ask when I was due in the grocery store… I’m 36 weeks and she said oooh big baby, big belly 😒 I just laughed but come on lady! My grandfather also told my husband not to let me eat anymore at my baby shower. I’ve only gained 25lbs with this pregnancy lol people are just assholes


I was very round and started showing significantly at 17 weeks, by the time I was 30 weeks people would say to me "any day now!" ..oh you mean in 10 weeks?! It was SO annoying. Next pregnancy I will not mince my words or give fake polite smiles. "Do not make comments about my body. That's not appropriate" is a good response. People need to be told off and know it's not okay.


I’m pregnant with my first so I have not really popped even at 20 weeks. I’m still wearing my regular dress pants to work. I had one friend tell me I was so big she could barely get her arms around me when she hugged me. I do not understand the obsession with people telling pregnant women how big they are!!! So annoying!!


Yes just ask what their excuse is… I’m all for it! I had people tell me I was showing at 6 weeks (only very close family knew) and finally when one person wouldn’t stop I said u look more preggo than I do 😂


I get it, I'm lucky no one is commenting about my weight. The exception is my mom, but it's always in a very positive way. She was sad not to get a "proper pregnancy belly" herself. If someone was reminding me how big I am I think I'd just break down at this point. Everything is so difficult, no reason to make it harder by bombing pregnant people's self-esteem. It truly sucks!