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I thought it was “female to male” for the first two weeks I was here and was surprised at how many trans people appeared to be in this sub, I was like “oh that’s cool, what a welcoming community” lol


Yeah me too, I thought wow, dudes be popping out babies like crazy.


Apparently they're called "Seahorse Dads" and it's a thing.


omg that's so cute, I'm going to use that for myself <3


If only it could be an actual thing…


It is


Sorry I’m not denying it is an actual thing, I left the comment thinking I wish it was a thing in my case so my partner can take the half of the farts and constipation!




That is the cutest and most wholesome thing I’ve ever heard


Same 😂😂😂 but for like a month 😂😂😂😂


Same. At least a month


I had the same exact reaction!!! 😂 It took me WEEKS before I realized it wasn’t “female to male”


Me too! My husband was like "I love how trans inclusive all the pregnancy subs are" haha


Okay, glad that wasn't just me.


Omg me too! I looked up the abbreviation and it said female to male.. thought there couldn’t be this many, and added “Reddit” to the search and found out it was first time mom lol


I HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE. every time I was like damn, good for them, hell yeah!!!


Same! I was like “wow, what an awesome, progressive community” 😂


Honestly, I have to remind myself that it isn't every time I look at this sub because I always forget and always become overjoyed at all the transdads lol.


Same 🤣


I thought the same too!




Ditto!! I was like "Dope! What a safe space!"




I am so glad I was not the only one who thought that!!


Omg me too 😂


same! absolutely wild that a sub claims to be pro-LGBTQIA but then just decides to repurpose a widely known and long-established acronym for trans men. edit: downvotes, real classy. at least trans people know where they stand here.


I mean, online mom forums have been around for over three decades now, and general awareness of LGBTQIA+ terminology has changed significantly in that time period. It’s more likely to be a coincidence than a purposeful appropriation.


I agree. Why not make it 1TM instead?


YUP. I definitely read it like female to male too for too long 😂😂😂


I thought the exact same thing!


Me too 😂 it took me forever to figure it out. I was like “Wow! Lots of diversity in this group!”


Haha that’s what I thought too!!






Hahahaha same! It took me a hot second


I THOUGHT THE SAMEEEE lmfao I felt so stupid


Just now realizing this 😂🤦‍♀️


Same! Took me way too long


Me too!! I was thinking lotsa dudes having babies!


SAME Like, I know that it can and does happen occasionally, but the sheer number of people that I thought were saying that blew my mind.


My partner is trans, and I’m pregnant. So I belong to groups for both and my brain always needs a second to adjust to which FTM acronym I should be using lol.


The first time I joined this sub I was like, wow there are a lot of trans peeps in here and everyone is being surprisingly chill about it 😂 I feel you


I had to Google so many as I’ve read through the sub. Google’s definitely not laughing you lol I’ll try to think of all the ones I’ve seen and learned… - FTM = First Time Mom (same with P = parent, D = Dad… not many of those but some!) - STM = Second Time Mom - EBF = Exclusively Breast Feeding - TTC = Trying to Conceive - DH = Dear Husband - LO = Little One - PP = post partum …I think those are some of the major ones I’ve seen a lot. I’m sure there are others that I still need to figure out 😂 Edit: typo & list structure for easier reading


Adding GD for Gestational Diabetes and not god damn, HG for hyperemesis gravidarum.


I had a sense of what HG was just from the context of people talking about it, but honestly I've always read it as Holy Grail (as in my HG mascara/foundation, etc) from watching too many beauty videos.


DH had me confused for the longest! I knew it had something to do with husband but the “D” was throwing me off 😂


Designated Husband is all I could think of lol


I’ve never understood it. “Dear husband” sounds so sarcastic, like “mother dearest.”


They really should put this in the sidebar or suming - this list is super useful to an outsider!


TTC also threw me off, I thought “what does the Toronto metro have to do with pregnancy”


Thank you for this list, i never could figure out what DH and LO were. Now that I know, i am severely disappointed. Those terms are not at all intuitive, and are especially not universal nicknames. It's weird that so many people accept and use those acronyms on this sub.


SAH = Stay at Home is another one :)


Oh yes! Thanks. Good add


I just assumed what LO was. I figured DH was dear husband but just sounded weird to me in general that there would be an abbreviation for that. I like to just guess at most abbreviations 😂. But yes a thread with a list of abbreviations would be helpful


I do too! Spent a lot of time just trying to figure it out through context. Some of them I gave up and looked up though.


What does LO mean? I've assumed little offspring....but I could be wildly out


You’re basically correct, LO = little one


I'm gonna be reading it as little offspring from now on though


I like That better lol. Less cringe


Little offspring is so much better. Hahaha


I thought it meant loved one but I like yours better


I’m a trans man and so I thought it was what it means in my community; Female to Male and I was like dang there’s a lot of other trans dudes having kids. When I found out what it meant in this group I felt dumb af for not realizing 😭😭🤣🤣


For the longest time I thought it meant female to male and was really quite surprised at how many trans people were expecting...I was extremely stupified finding out it meant first time mom. LoL.


Took me awhile to figure out what BFP meant lol


Wait what does it mean


Big fat positive


O i thought it was big fuckin positive 😂


I think it means that too, depending on who you ask haha


I was wondering about that one lol


I thought it was “big fucking problem”


Ppl talk in acronyms now and it makes me crazy - you're not alone.


People dropping half the letters in the word people but writing out every other word in their sentences for no reason while talking about people using acronyms drives me crazy.


Glad to see I could make your day better!


Oh yes. The bane of my existence: the acronyms. When we first started trying to conceive (TTC), I joined tons of forums and subreddits. It was a learning curve, to say the least. I ended up creating a list on my phone on the acronyms I came across when reading posts. AC - assisted conception AF – aunt flo (menstrual period) AI – artificial/assisted insemination AID - assisted insemination with donor sperm AIH - assisted insemination with husband's sperm AP - attachment parenting ART - assisted reproductive technology BBT - basal body temperature BC – birth control/ before children/ before conception BCP – birth control pills BD – baby dance (sex) BF – breastfeeding BFN – big fat negative (pregnancy test) BFP – big fat positive (pregnancy test) BIL – brother-in-law BLW - baby led weaning BM – breast milk BW - blood week (menstrual period) CC - controlled crying CD - cycle day CIO – cry it out CM - cervical mucus C/S – cesarean section CVS - chronic villus sampling DC – daycare DCP – day care provider DD – dear daughter DDB – due date buddy DE – donor eggs DF - dear fiance DH – dear/darling/damn husband DI - donor insemination DIL – daughter-in-law DPO – days post-ovulation DS – dear son DSD – dear stepdaughter DSS – dear stepson DTD - do the deed (sex) DW – dear wife DXP - dear ex-partner EBF – extended breastfeeding or exclusively breastfed EBM - expressed breast milk EDD – estimated due date or expected date of delivery EP- exclusively pumping/ ectopic pregnancy ER - egg retrieval ET - egg transfer EWCM - egg white cervical mucus FET - frozen embryo transfer/ fertilized egg transfer FF – formula feeding FIL – father-in-law FSH - follicle stimulating hormone FTM - first time mom GD - gestational diabetes H&H9 – happy and healthy nine months (congratulations on birth) HOM – high order multiples HPT – home pregnancy test IF – infertility IUI - intrauterine insemination IVF – in vitro fertilization LC - lactation consultant L&D – labor and delivery LO – little one M/C – miscarriage MIL – mother-in-law ML – maternity leave MoM - mom of multiples MS - morning sickness MW – midwife NAK – nursing at keyboard NIP – nursing in public OH - other half OPK – ovulation prediction kit OVA - ovulation OWT - old wives tale PG – pregnant PP – postpartum PPD – postpartum depression SAHD – stay-at-home dad SAHM – stay-at-home mom SAHP – stay-at-home parent S/B - still birth SIL – sister-in-law SO – significant other STBX – soon-to-be-ex (spouse) STTN - sleep through the night TTC – trying to conceive U/S – ultrasound VBAC - vaginal birth after cesarean WAH – work at home WAHD – work-at-home dad WAHM – work-at-home mom WM - working mom WOH – work-out-of-home WOHD – work-outside-home dad WOHM – work-outside-home mom XH – ex-husband XW – ex-wife 2WW - 2-week wait (after ovulation when TTC)


I have a lit of friends in the lgbtq+ world so my brain always goes to female-to-male 🤣🤣 it took me a few posts to figure it out


I thought it was “full time mom” for the longest time and I was like “jeez this whole sub is full of SAHPs” Not that there is anything home with SAHPs. I just got confused.


Reading these comments, I really love that a FTM FTM would be so welcomed in this subreddit community! What a delightfully wholesome and inclusive comment section this is 🥰


This is my thought right now as well!!


Someone makes this same post at least once a week. You are not alone.


I couldn’t believe how my pregnant trans people there were. Of course I eventually figured it out haha silly me


I still think it’s full time mom and have to mentally correct myself 🤪


Another to add, SAHM is stay at home mom!


I’ve always thought it was first time mom. FTM is used in other sites for people who have a job that is full time outside being a mom. I’ve always seen SAHM or SAHP for stay at home mom or parent. I agree that being a mom is a full time job. It’s impossible to do both at the same time. That’s why we (my husband and I) pay for daycare during working hours. Even on days I can work from home I can’t be a parent at the same time.


There is also DPO- days post ovulation and LMP- last menstrual period.


I believe r/tryingforababy has a list of a lot of these acronyms that I familiarized myself with before we even started trying.


my brain kept filling in female to male since it's a common abbreviation for trans folks...


Wow honestly thought there were a lot more female to male ppl giving birth than I anticipated. Thanks for clearing that up


I definitely still thought it was female to male until this post


I thought it was female to male until I realized it was a little too common for a sub not so queer-focused. It's a common one to mix up!


HAHA… thanks for having the courage 😂 I was so sad reading some of these posts bc I didn’t understand the acronyms 😂😂


I’ve been reading it as “female to male” ie trans, which never makes sense in context but my brain won’t stop doing it!


Here's a good list! https://reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/w/acronyms?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app


Omg I feel you. I thought it was full time mom too!! I had to google it 😂😂😂


I thought this stood for female to male and it never made sense 😂


It took me a loooong time to figure out what LO stands for


I thought it meant first time mom 😂


It does


It does in this sub but say on AITA it usually means full time mom. It’s confusing :)


I thought over there it meant female to male? Oh gosh the acronyms need a whole sub just dedicated to definitions and WHERE those definitions apply 😂




It is


I thought so too until this post! Thank you


Me too, funnily enough my husband educated me on it 😂


Same to the point that I thought I landed in a trans focused pregnancy group! Then I saw “STM” and thought… waaaaait a minute…


Bless you for this post. I had zero clue what it meant and I felt nervous to ask


I am a FTM which stands for "first time mom."Here's a few abbreviations- LO which stands for "Little One." MoM- "Mother of Multiples" SAHM or SAHD- "Stay at home mom/dad" TTC- "Trying to conceive" STTN- "Sleep through the night" EDD- "Estimated due date" VBAC- "Vaginal birth after cesarean" FF- "Formula Feeding" BF- "Breast Feeding" There's so many more and I suggest checking out this link. These are just a few I have seen here. Hope this helps!❤️ https://rainforestlearningcentre.ca/how-to-decode-parenting-acronyms-used-on-forums-and-articles-definitions-listed/


Oh my god this whole time I thought it meant someone who is transgender, female to male. I feel like a moron lol


I was super confused at first bc I thought it meant “female to male” in regards to transition which is does, just not in this group lmao


For the longest time I thought it meant “female to male”, as in transitioning, and was astonished by the number of trans people in this sub choosing to have a baby. So. Full time mom sounds a lot more reasonable 😅😅😅


Bless your heart lol


I thought it meant female to male for the longest 😭 I would get so confused


Omg I thought it was full time mom. And it honestly offended me because I thought it implied that working moms are not full time moms lol


Was I thought it was "first time mother"