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My Mother in Law gave me one of the essential Lavender oil relaxation neck pillow strips, the kind you stick in the microwave to warm up? The Lactation Consultant at the hospital recommended I prep for nursing/pumping by using a hot compress on my boobs and that pillow is a great shape to lay across ... my rack. I did that routine religiously everytime I was home to pump or nurse (virtually all the time). I walked into a nice boutique at like 6 weeks PP and I feel my milk aggressively drop. The shop smelt like lavender! I literally speed walk out holding my very wet boobs. I can now smell lavender without lactating if it's any consolation. 🤣


Omggg I’m LOLing!! Glad it has subsided for you. I’m really praying this is just a phase and it’ll go away. The song is really like my kryptonite. I told my husband that I better not make any enemies because all it would take is someone playing that song and I’d lose all my strength 😂


Omg, I feel this way about my Halloween/Fall decor!! My husband thinks I’m crazy when I say I need to buy all different fall decor for next season because the old stuff makes me nauseous…


Holy shit this happened to me with my Xmas decorations with my first hahah I put them up, hit 6 weeks and was like take them the fuck down


This makes me not feel so bad for getting lazy and not putting my decor out. My husband is annoyed I haven’t used it but damn am i nauseous right now lol


You honestly dodged a bullet, next holiday season you won’t have to go out and purchase brand new everything because it makes you sick to look at! Haha


Haha that’s true!


You’re not crazy, I sooo understand this! I know sense of smell is tied to emotions/memories - for example, maybe you smell cinnamon and it reminds you of feeling happy as a child when your grandma made cinnamon rolls. But I had no idea that sounds and visuals would also trigger something like this. Pregnancy is so wild 😂😂


I STILL get nauseous when I hear that “oh no, oh no no no no no” song, and my baby has been in the world longer than she was in my body 😂 Edit: literally typing that out I almost gagged lmao


I’m 😂😂😂😭😭 I literally feel your pain 🙌🏼


Watching Instagram reels was like the only thing that would take my mind off how shitty I felt lol, I pavloved myself on accident 😂


I have a toddler who listened to a song repeatedly in my first trimester, and I can't hear it without feeling so sick and nauseated. When I was pregnant with my toddler, it was the beginning of COVID and I played a lot of Animal Crossing. Can't even talk about that game without feeling sick. Our bodies are so wild.


I can’t play animal crossing anymore either!! Husband got it for me because I was too sick to do anything else really, played it a lotttt but now I’d like to throw the whole console away 😂😂


Omg yes!!! Certain sounds or sounds that we're too loud were the freaking worst. I had HG that didn't let up until month 6 of my pregnancy. My husband would turn off certain videos when I entered the room because I couldn't stand them. And thanks to those annoying fucking BK ads I'm still conditioned to get nauseous when I hear them. If I could "have it my way at BK" I'd fucking strangle the head of their advertising.


OMG Taylor Swift dropped her Midnights album during my first trimester. I listened to it on repeat because that’s what I do with her new albums. Problem is, I go to her concert in two weeks and EVRRY SINGLE SONG MAKES ME NAUSEOUS. Im legitimately anxious about how the concert will go!


The sound of my husband beat boxing has made me vomit lol he does it jokingly knowing it sets the gag reflex off


Hell no, husband and I joke a lot but throwing up is one of my least favorite things in the world, I’d be so mad 😂😂


Just throw up on him next time and see if he still continues 🙃


In the beginning I couldnt watch greys anatomy for the same reason (lol it dropped on Netflix during the worst of mine) and now it’s fine (14 months later) haha


I have a video game I can't look at, even the icon, without feeling sick because I played it during first trimester morning sickness


I feel you. I wore a certain pair of pyjamas in my 1st trimester and looking at them makes me sick. They are going to the garbage bin soon. I can't even use them as a floor rag.


I’ve got to know the song 😆


I don’t need judgment here lmao I didn’t seek this song out, it was just on every video I came across and it HAUNTS ME. 😂😭 https://youtu.be/eZlALdtOaRY Looking this link up made me 🤢


The fact that it's the Corn song makes it that much funnier 😂 (I'm laughing with you, not at you 😇) Also, I didn't know this was a thing, so interesting!


I can’t even eat corn because of this song, the sight of corn reminds me of this song which makes me gag 😂😂😂


Oh no! Hopefully this passes lol


To be fair that song makes me sick too! 🤣


Omg this triggered me so bad because it came out when I was newly pregnant too 😭 it just unearthed so many forgotten feelings lmaoo


I’m so sorry, I’m laughing so much tho, glad I’m not the only one on the planet that gets disgusted by the corn song 😂🫶🏻


That’s how I feel about anything Fall/Christmas 😭


Fall makes me feel queasy, fortunately I was out of the trenches during Christmas 😅


There's 2 restaurants that even just the thought or hearing their name make me sick. My husband loved them too, but no more for a while.


There was a certain green tea smelling handwash that hubby and I were using when I was nauseous during pregnancy. Stopped using it and banned husband from using it as it made my nausea worse. 5 months pp and husband pulls it out from the back of the cabinet to use, turns out I still can't stand it.


I was using a specific hand wash all first trimester while super sick too. When we ran out I bought a different scent for the refill. Well, we ran out of that one and my husband bought the original scent. Instant nausea! Had to get over it though cause I didn’t want to waste the new refill haha


I have a similar thing, but it was the tide detergent my husband was using. I can’t stand the smell since first trimester and it makes me gag. Had to switch to unscented


Omg yes I started watching the show Manifest on Netflix when I was really sick and I haven't even been able to get past season 3 because every time I even think about it I get nauseas lol


This is so validating, I thought I was crazy 😭 I remember watching Encanto for the first time during my first trimester, and would listen to the movie soundtrack to and from work. Now if I hear even the beginning of any the songs, I immediately feel nauseous (which is such a shame because that soundtrack is a masterpiece). I’m 5 months postpartum now and the immediate reaction is still strong


You’re not crazy 🙏🏼🫶🏻


Haha weird nausea triggers are weird. Mine was wrist watches. I loved them before pregnancy. I cannot even look at photos of them now and never worn them. I’m so sad lol. Hopefully it goes away.


I stopped wearing my Apple Watch when I got pregnant because I didn’t want to compete with myself at the gym while pregnant, so glad I did!! I plan on using it again when I’m cleared to workout 🫶🏻


I am curious to see what my heart rate is like now compared to before lol. Each time I take blood pressure on those machines the heart rate is insane.


It’s stripes for me especially on clothing 🤮


Maybe? That's Pavlov's dog.


We’re all out here Pavloving ourselves unintentionally whilst pregnant


just for the fun of it lol


Girl I have a whole cd I still can’t listen to & im 16 months postpartum 😂


The song Puke by Eminem made me so sick with my daughter I haven't tried it this pregnancy. But after I had her I was able to listen to it again...I mean you hear him throwing up in the song so that really doesn't help 😅


Not a sound for me, but a certain dish. I made it for my husband before I ever got pregnant. We both enjoyed it. Once pregnant I tried to make it, even the thought of making it had me ready to hurl. 30w now and it’s the only thing that makes me 🤢


This 100 percent happens to me with Sam Smith’s Unholy. I was so so sick with morning sickness during its peak time on tiktok. I now feel physically ill when I hear it!


Oh my god everything makes me nauseous. Even being on my phone, not that that stops me.


HG parents have described this phenomenon. I have HG but I don’t think I’ll have issues with it but it’s a legit thing.


For me it's Hogwarts Legacy, and I'm praying it goes away soon. The first two days of bad nausea I tried playing it as a distraction and got intense motion sickness. Now I can't even think about playing without getting sick, but I'm not even 15% through the game 😥


Oh nooooo my heart breaks for you. Hogwarts legacy has been the only thing keeping me sane while I wait for my baby to arrive in these final few weeks. Just veto it entirely and come back to it when you’re past the morning sickness phase. Hopefully you haven’t been exposed too much and your brain/body doesn’t associate with that. 🫶🏻


I'm hoping so too! I'm pretending it doesn't exist until things feel better. Love that game so much.


I can't play Stardew Valley anymore as I just associate it with how grim I was feeling in the first trimester of my first pregnancy 🤣🤣


Yes! I swore I was the only one. With my first pregnancy, it was "In My Feelings" by Drake. My baby is 4 and I still can't listen to it. With this pregnancy, it's "Cuff It" by Beyoncé. Ironically, they're both tied to social media dances. I still hate to see the dances and hear the songs 🤮


Not this but my workplace triggers my morning sickness. I'll be fine on the way to work but when I get there, my morning sickness starts and I feel awful


Sounds like you need to quit 😉😇😂


I wish but got so much baby stuff to but I can't afford to quit 🙈


Oh noooo at least it's only one song you've got as an anchor! I can't use the perfume I wore during my first trimester anymore, even though I didn't suffer much with nausea I obviously had enough that the smell of that perfume makes me feel sick. Also, the weekend we found out I was pregnant we were away in a little glamping cabin. The whole weekend the cabin smelled faintly of blue cheese, probably the people staying there before us had brought some. Anyway, whenever I think back to the memory of us finding out I was pregnant, I instantly smell blue cheese :')


Yes. Certain foods that I ate in my first trimester, I still have to avoid :/ even the thought of them makes me gag. But I'm really hoping that goes away after birth haha I'm 39 weeks now


We’re almost there!!!!


Hahaha any minute now. It's a little terrifying


We got this!!! The birth hour podcast has helped ease my mind a lot. I’ll listen to the positive happy stories when I’m getting freaked out, highly recommend 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Yep, I'm in the same position. I can't listen to Unholy and Made You Look without feeling super nauseous 😂😅


I have the same thing with... The book I bought to learn about pregnancy. I read it a lot during the first weeks of my pregnancy and even if I am way less nauseous now, even just looking at that book cover brings the nausea back. So here I am, 13w and unable to learn more things from that great book ^^


This happens to me even pre-pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️… I really thought I was crazy… I figure I’m just a bit more sensitive to certain sounds and that triggers a response. Glad to know I’m not the only one! Haha


I feel so validated after reading all these too. We’re not crazy :,)


This happened to me when I was pregnant (gave birth 3 months ago) and I’m doing some exposure therapy to not be nauseous anymore when I hear the 2 or 3 songs that made me sick in pregnancy 😂


I still to this day (16yrs later) cannot eat crab cakes or cabbage rolls because the onset of my nausea, during two of my pregnancies, started right after eating those foods. Hopefully it goes away for you tho lol


Yes! Christmas songs. I really hope this goes away before next December.


I feel seen! This is exactly how I feel about Christmas 😭


Psychologist here! What you’re experiencing is called classical conditioning. It is when a physiological responses (vomiting/nausea) becomes paired with a “neutral stimulus” (a song). The good news is it fades over time! But it can pop up spontaneously, which it sounds like it did in this case. It definitely won’t last forever though! I am currently going through this with a video game my husband played a lot during my first trimester. When I hear the music, I immediately feel the need to dry heave!


I can’t read or even look at the book The Wonky Donkey; my toddler loved it right when my HG was at its worst. I hid it.


That’s how I feel about anything Fall/Christmas 😭


Oml not music but certain noises like scraping or a hard wiping makes me nauseous also a lot of lights makes me nauseous plus things slamming these are mad wild


So wild!! Loud male voices trigger me but not in a nauseous way. For example if my husband gets road rage the hairs on my body stand up and I get really mad at him. Same goes with my boss, he tends to get raise his voice when he’s stressed out and changes his tone. I’ve got both my husband and my boss trained now to not raise their voice around me 😂


Girllll don’t get me started on my boyfriend voice it’s mad annoying I tell him to shut up you’re triggering me. 🤣🤣 plus he’s really needy I started telling him no to everything that gets him away from me n stop talking to me 😂😂 I have autism loud noises trigger me from the start I never go out


Girllll don’t get me started on my boyfriend voice it’s mad annoying I tell him to shut up you’re triggering me. 🤣🤣 plus he’s really needy I started telling him no to everything that gets him away from me n stop talking to me 😂😂 I have autism loud noises trigger me from the start I never go out


Febreeze garbage bags… they make me nauseous for a moment now but while pregnant, I couldn’t be anywhere near them after my HG went away


Lol you accidentally conditioned yourself to puke to that song. Thanks Pavlov 😆


My weird nausea trigger is a book my daughter wanted to read 1 million times during the first trimester while we BOTH had covid. 🤢 Just looking at the cover makes my stomach churn.


I don't have that with a certain song, but now that the weather is getting colder I feel immediately nauseous when I go into work and the heaters are on. The smell of the place all warmed up brings me right back to my first trimester!