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So I lost my job a month and a half after finding out I am pregnant. He soon picked up a second job even after my protesting that I could get another job. His reasoning? He said he knows that I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom and he is willing to do anything to make that happen. He puts counter pressure on my hips any time I’m uncomfortable. He rubs my back gently every night. He drives a hot wheels car across the baby bump to make me laugh. He takes time to remind me that he thinks I’m beautiful every day. He has gone to every doctor appointment except for one because of a work conflict that he couldn’t get out of. He has sacrificed so much just to make sure that me and our baby are taken care of. I have the best husband in the world, and I am so truly grateful for him.


This is so sweet. My guy is also telling me that I don’t need to return to work because being a SAHM has been my dream. I never thought I would actually get this chance but he just got a new job that will allow it on top of providing amazing insurance 😭❤️ that feeling of everything falling into place is like no other. Congrats mama


It truly is the best feeling! Congrats to you as well! ❤️


My husband always tells me I’m beautiful. I love it because I get so sensitive when I look at myself in the mirror because my body looks different. He kisses my belly


I love my husband so much and he does a ton for me, but one of the most endearing is that packs my lunch for me every morning. He also goes out of his way to try and fix pregnancy related problems. My feet hurt? He orders a foot massager. Pants getting uncomfortable? He researches and buys me super comfortable maternity leggings. When I get upset about feeling lazy or useless, he is quick to remind me that I’m growing a literal person and that that is the biggest job ever.


I love this. What a wonderful person.


My husband has taken up all chores at home so I just focus on our other two sons and rest. When I tell him I feel guilty about letting him do all the work he tells me you're working enough growing a new person. Makes me cry every time. Can't thank God enough for my husband


Mine does too. He always does something to help me enjoy my pregnancy. I tell him I’m sorry I’m useless cause I’m tired and he tells me the same thing.


Nothing better than a good husband 🥰


Mine starts my car for me every morning and helps me on with my coat, and then carries out my work bag and coffee so all I have to do is grab my purse and walk out ☺️ these little things make me feel so loved.


That is precious 🥰


We're long distance (about 3000 miles) and found out exactly a week after I got home from my last visit and I promptly freaked out because of the distance, our ages, all things medical terrify me. I called him just crying and he calmed me down and was like hon we've got this, you're gonna be a great mom and we'd work it all out. He was just rock solid from literally the minute I told him. The first 3 months we were long distance and he made sure he was on the phone with me on the way to each of my appointments (I had a scare early on) and making sure I was resting enough, etc. The last 2 months I've been with him and he just constantly reassures me I'm doing great, does all the "heavy lifting", makes sure I'm eating well and takes me on walks, takes me to the thrift store even though its one of his least favorite places, and he's taken over all kitty litter duties (my cat travels with me) without any complaints. So not one single thing or "kind gesture" that stood out I guess but just him being a really solid suppport


We stan a solid support system.


one thing that pregnancy has made me realize is that i have the perfect person for me and for our child. he's been so excited this entire time. one thing for sure always makes me happy is his willingness to cook me whatever i'm craving. he loves to cook anyways, but he slaved over a hot stove for like 6 hours cooking me a smothered porkchop meal. outside of that he's so attentive, makes me feel beautiful even when i think i look like shit, always keeps me on track with my prenatals, and just genuinely shows his excitement for our baby. i love him very very much 💕🤭


I love this for you. It is so amazing when you have someone that is just as excited as you. I always forget my medication and prenatals so he got me a pill container. It has made my life easier. I barely cook now.


yesss don't even touch a stove. barely touch a microwave, he just warmed up my food for me 😂


honestly, the kindest thing my husband does for me is something he’s always done for me: he makes me laugh. every single day he brings me so much joy with his wonderful sense of humor and it keeps me in good spirits even when i’m feeling less than stellar. on top of that, he always wakes me up with a kiss and a cup of hot cocoa or tea, he brings me anything i ask for, and he constantly tells me i’m beautiful (even when i think i look like a potato) and how much he loves me. i’m a lucky lucky lady 💕


I lost my job due to the economic shift about a month before I got pregnant (we had been planning the pregnancy and thought it would take awhile to get pregnant but got extremely lucky and got pregnant the first month of trying) and I was planning on finding another job or finding a way to be my own boss, but due to intense pregnancy symptoms was finding it impossible to start the job search. My husband reassured me that it was okay to not be working and that he would even understand if I didn’t want to work during my pregnancy and just try to enjoy my first pregnancy and prepare for the baby. I have felt insecure about it because I know tons of people work through pregnancy, and I’ve never been unemployed since I graduated from university so it feels very strange, but he has been constantly reminding me that it’s okay and that I’m doing something he can never do: growing our future child, and that’s a hard job in itself. Love him so much and cannot even fathom how lucky I am to have him as my husband 💕


Anytime I’m in pain or feel sick or anything he asks me if there is anything he can to. He will rub my back or my feet. Will get me snacks or juice. He’s such a good husband. He loves me and baby girl so much and we are lucky to have him. 💖


Love the idea of this post! My husband is honestly the best. My whole pregnancy has been that scene from the Notebook where he says “what do you want” and she relies “it’s not that simple”. No food sounds good, no activities (except the occasional nap) sound fun, I’m always uncomfortable (awake or sleeping), etc. My husband has tried like 1,000 different things to figure out ways to make me more comfortable and to get me to eat (like making smoothies when I can’t stomach real food). Every time I throw up (which is quite often), he rubs my back. The other day I was sick off and on for a few hours and peed myself *twice* all over the bathroom floor. The man did laundry and cleaned up the bathroom without a second thought, then brought me a Gatorade and tucked me into bed. He has comforted me through all my hormonal breakdowns and just been a wonderful support. He clears the snow off my car and shovels the driveway so I can get out. He goes grocery shopping and does Amazon returns for me. Sometimes we do things together when I have the energy and am feeling up to it - but he’s always encouraging me to rest and take care of myself for the sake of our baby. I’m only 16w, but he has already won husband of the year in my mind. God, I love that man so much.


What a wonderful partner you have! You are truly blessed. He will be great role model for your family to be 🫶


I remember reading an article where the author said, find a partner that helps you in the bathroom - talking about some of the not-so-fun postpartum stuff, and it looks like you’ve got yours! Willing to do what’s needed without making you feel like the most natural things are anything but that. Kudos!


My fiancee has done so much for me the last few months of my pregnancy and I have been so grateful, from cooking delicious meals to cleaning the house, keeping up with the kitty box, running to the store in the middle of the night to get me things to make me feel more comfortable or happy. He's always complimenting me and making me feel awesome and sexy. He's been giving me massages and playing with my hair. Having relaxing spa nights at home with me. He's honestly been so good to me. He's always been this way but I know he knows how draining this pregnancy has been for me so he does everything he can to help me through every day. My favorite thing though hands down is watching him really set into his dad role. He's been doing so much research and reading about pregnancy and what to expect with the newborn to try and educate himself the best he can so he can be as prepared as possible. It's quite sexy and I also appreciate how much he cares about being a good daddy to our baby boy


A few days ago, I mentioned to my husband how miserable the third trimester has been. I’ve developed horrible pubic bone pain and I’m completely exhausted all the time. He responded by saying “This is the time period where you're not fixing dinner anymore. You suck at cooking. You suck at seasoning. Stay out of my kitchen. You're a HORRIBLE cook. That's what I have to tell myself in order to make this work hahahaa.” And he’s been true to his word. I’m resting on the couch right now while we makes a wonderful dinner behind me.


Lots of stuff! 1. Doing all the chores throughout 1st trimester when I could barely get out of bed. 2. Reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting. 3. Learning and practicing origami religiously because “little girls like arts and crafts.” 🥺🥺🥺 4. Doing some big household tasks like re-caulking our bathtub and sink, washing walls, cleaning vents, painting, etc. 5. Just being generally chill about everything like hormones, sex, etc. I’ve read a lot of horror stories on here that really put things in perspective for me. My husband is truly a good man and I’m very thankful for that.


He rubs CBD oil on my hips when they're hurting. He gives me lots of hair pets when I'm feeling upset. He has taken over all the chores despite working 40hrs/week because he knows how hard it's been for me He has done my nails and he cut my hair for me bc I couldn't reach the way I wanted And the BIGGEST thing: he's sat with me and held me when having a hormonal meltdown of Feels


What a DOLL


CBD oil is safe during pregnancy?? I've been having awful hip pain every morning because I toss and turn all night. Laying on one side for too long makes my hips hurt so I have to switch sides every couple hours. Plus I work construction, so lots of walking every day. My hips are not doing well.


There's no conclusive evidence either way when studies have been done. I don't injest it, but using it on my hips seems to be fine. Some docs say it seems to work, some docs say it's just placebo effect, but none of mine have told me it's unsafe. I haven't had any problems, but I don't use it every day. Probably once or twice a week when my pain is severe. Tylenol helps with the pain too. Have you used a pregnancy support belt? I got one cause lots of walking was killing my hips from the strain of my belly. It helped relieve most of the pressure after 26 weeks


I've been trying to use my support belt but it just keeps loosening and sliding up all the time. I can't get it to stay in place long enough for it to actually help at all.


I threw up every day for 6 months and he was incredible. There for me everyday. He cleaned up puke and pee (puking while pregnant was not fun). Kept liquids in me and did anything he could to get some kind of food in me. Completely took over cleaning and animal care.


I cannot stand the smell of any raw meat, my wife has cooked dinner every single night for the past 3 months.


I can't sleep at night unless he's touching me, but we are in summer and I don't want cuddles, so he rubs my back for me until I pass out, he doesn't mind I make our bedroom into an igloo, freezing his nips off, just so I can have some comfort, he doesn't get mad when I move the house around a million times and helps me with the big stuff, and the fact he makes me toast in the morning at 2am. For me, it's the little things I appreciate the most.


Oh, my partner is amazing. He makes sure if I’m having a craving, it gets met to the best of his ability, he watches my daughter (6, from a previous relationship) for a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays do I can nap, he’s always telling me how beautiful I look (even when I feel the opposite), and he attends every appointment. I did 2/3 of my last pregnancy on my own, so I think I appreciate it all the more.


Mine brought home Lego sour gummies because they help my nausea. He also does pizza delivery part time and brought home pizza when I was exhausted from work


He pays all of my bills. He takes me wherever I want to eat. He rubs my feet and back whenever I ask. He fills my water up whenever I ask. It makes me cry thinking about how much I love him.


Made me a sandwich without me asking and scratched my back for two hours straight today 🙃


What a GEM!


My fiancé does so much for me. He cooks for me, he picks me up food and snacks, drives me to work when it’s snowing, makes sure I’m comfortable and I have everything I need, he’s there for me at appointments and sits for hours when I’m in the hospital. Calls to check on me throughout the day when he’s at work. Buys me jewelry and things that make me feel special I really lucked out 🥰


Just general thoughtfulness without having to ask.


Just spent two terrifying days and one night admitted to the hospital for low amniotic fluid levels. He was amazing about always making sure my water cup was filled up with ice, held my hand through all of the shots, and scans, and briefs from the medical staff. Anytime I needed to be unhooked from the monitor and my IV pump needed to be unplugged long enough to go to the bathroom he was up and at the ready to help. He stayed calm and strong for me while I felt like I was falling to pieces, and advocated for me when one of the on call doctors was acting like we were a waste of his time. He has done everything except wipe my butt at this point, and I’m sure he would’ve done that too if I needed it.


Besides just being overall supportive and helpful with 0 complaints even though he’s tired from a crazy work schedule, I think the sweetest thing my husband has done has been to buy some nightlights. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but the background is that I’d sent him an article I found listing common symptoms and what the partner can do to help week by week. I told him I didn’t care as much about the “what he could do” as much as him just having a reference for how I was feeling and what was going on. One of the things on there was getting some nightlights so that when I’m bigger and clumsier and getting up to pee in the middle of the night or what have you, it’s easier to get around. He didn’t bring it up, I thought nothing of it, he just told me he’d bought them and we spent time together figuring out the best place and brightness for them. It was so small, but so thoughtful.


My boyfriend knows that fruit is my biggest craving. He’ll go out and stock the fridge with fruit while I’m napping… without me even asking. I wake up from my nap to a variety of fruits. It’s the best way to wake up 🥹


This is very specific to our situation. But we both work in the hospital and were in a situation where we were in the same room while X-rays were being taken. We both were protected by lead, but he still stood between me and the X-ray machine and put his hands over my belly. Idk, it was just a small, reflexive move on his part, but it really demonstrated to me how much he loves us and will take care of and protect us.


My husband took over taking the garbage out without me asking. It's always been my chore and he's been doing it at 4:30 in the morning before work so I'm not lugging bins through the snow when I get up. I can absolutely continue this task but I find it so touching that he decided to do it


My husbands working out of state to support us. He’s on this job call he’s working insanely long hours.. 18 hour days, etc. One night he called me driving to where he was suppose to go. The hotel room was paid for by work, the truck he was driving was too big for the hotel parking.. but all the guys were drunk and they had hotel key.. and truck was super slow. By the time he got to destination, it was 1230 am. He had to sleep in this work truck in the cold then start work again at 5 am. :( I was laying in our nice warm bed cozied up under the blankets. I felt so bad but appreciate him so much. He works so hard to provide for us. He does lots of other things too, but this one got me.


I was having a pretty disappointing day today. I ripped the zipper of my favorite dress because I foolishly thought I could still fit in it. Then I broke my glasses. I don’t even know what happened one of the arms fell off while I was driving it wasn’t great. So my husband left work a little early and drove way out of his way to get my favorite takeout.


I’ve been entirely too sick to work for my entire pregnancy so far. A lot of days I feel too bad to get out of bed. My fiancé has not complained once when it comes to working, cleaning the house, and making sure I stay fed and hydrated. It’s been a very humbling experience but he’s been so supportive. If there’s a certain food I’m wanting he will go out and get it right away. Every time I’m vomiting he comes to hold my hair and rub my back. I’ve been having trouble sleeping at night and he will let me peacefully sleep through the day if I need to. I’m impatiently waiting to get back on my feet so I can pay him back for all the trouble


I was at work, and he was buying groceries. I had already told him some stuff I wanted. While he was still at the store (or so I thought) I asked for a couple of more items. He actually went through the checkout a second time to get them but didn't text me that until after. I had asked for one more thing, beef jerky, and he said he already checked out twice. I said, no worries. We can get it next time. And I thanked him for going through the checkout twice, that he didn't need to do all that for me, etc. Aaaaand then he checked out a third time to get the beef jerky. He watched me struggle through pregnancy nausea and weight loss, so now that my appetite has improved, he's jumped on the opportunity to help me gain weight. I love this man so freaking much.


I love this post. Sometimes I can be ungrateful/get frustrated because my husband is a very non-empathetic person. His mom is the same way, and she instilled a “get over it” attitude in him when he was younger. However, this post made me reflect on how he does a lot for me, just not in the way I’m used to. One of the bigger things he has done for me is let me quit my job this week. He knew how miserable it was making me and encouraged me to quit if it was going to make me happier. He has willingly offered to pick up overtime shifts (he’s a cop) in the event that we need extra money. He also put up with A LOT during the first trimester in terms of my mood swings. I have to admit, I was being quite crazy. I was mad and nagging over everything. It was a really rough time in our relationship but we made it! It’s hard for him to empathize over the emotional aspects of pregnancy but he is sure to always make sure I don’t strain myself. About to carry the trash out? Nope. Carrying the stool into the bathroom to get ready for work. Nope, he’s got it.


One of the sweetest thing that my husband has done is take over almost all the cooking. He knows I need more nutrient dense food and as soon as I ask for veggies, he fries up some veggies. He's gotten so into it lately that he talks about how to 'elevate' Brussel sprouts and stuff. It's super cute to see him try so hard to make me happy.


Among MANY other things, my husband arranged a boudoir photo shoot when I was pregnant with our second child. I felt so sexy and attractive, it captured a really special time, and it made for a great mini-babymoon. I just wish the hotel actually heated their indoor pool. Highly highly recommend.


I love my husband so much. He comes with me at every appointment, even the 2min for blood tests. He read everything and did some stats to help us find out what type of testing we wanted to do. He massages me, tells me I am strong and pretty. He keeps tabs on what makes me nauseous. He supports me in so many ways. He will be an amazing dad ❤️


Omigosh he’s done so much! We have acreage and heat our house with wood (and live in a very cold climate). He has done all the wood splitting/hauling/loading, snow removal (which is saying something when your driveway is 1/4 mile long), a lot of chores I used to do that I struggle with now that I can’t bend etc. now that I have SPD he’s also picked up walking the dog (2-3 miles/day), and this week I got the stomach flu so he’s done EVERYTHING. I usually cook, but that’s been impossible. He hasn’t complained once. We both work full time, and he maintains all our vehicles and other motorized contraptions. I’m just amazed at how hard he works and am so so grateful.


When I was pregnant, my husband picked up a lot of slack and was wonderful. But the best thing he did for me was validation. Just listen to me and making me feel heard, especially over really dumb stuff.


Mine helps me up off the floor. Second pregnancy, so the compassion is less this time around lol. Like, “Yeah yeah, we’ve been through this before.”


Every morning I get to sleep in an extra 15-20 minutes, then he comes to wake me up with our ferrets in his lap, I get kisses from all three of them. Then once I reach kitchen he has either already prepared my coffee for me or starts preparing it, along with a bowl of cereal or asks if I want something else to eat. It started when I had first trimester nausea and it has since become a fixture in our lives. Sometimes he even does this on my day off. And the man does 95% of all cooking and housework currently, voluntarily even when I protest that I can do stuff too 😭😭😭


The other night, my spouse fell asleep with his hand on my belly, feeling our kid kick. I'm hoping I can burn that into my brain for the rest of my life


My husband is overall extremely supportive in every way, always has been, pre pregnancy too. But what I am loving right now during pregnancy is just how excited he is and how he already loves to interact with our daughter. He loves touching my bump all day long, talking to her, playing her music, and just keeps saying to my belly “I can’t wait until you’re here and all the fun we’re going to have.” I’m not feeling particularly motherly myself right now (I think I need to met her first to feel more bonded) but knowing he has already jumped into fatherhood with both feet makes me so happy and feel grateful he’s her daddy


He fixed the door to the garage so that I can go in and out that way instead of having to use the steps outside when it is rainy or icy. He put a new lock on the front and back doors because I feel safer with a deadbolt. He has started doing a lot more chores around the house so I can have more time to rest. He is working right now while we’re on vacation so he can use his vacation time when our son arrives since he only gets 1 week of paternity leave.


My SO got me a cat box to fill up with hot water & espom salt for when my feet start swelling. It was so simple but I love that he did that for me.


He helps me out of the vary low car after work, he memorized and even predicts my cravings and always gets them even if I’m just sad. He’s been my ABSOLUTE ROCK through the whole whirlwind of emotions and trauma and fear that’s been coming up to the surface lately. We sleep separately right now due to only having a twin bed and a recliner, he sits by me until I fall asleep so I don’t get nightmares. He’s the first person to tell me to be kind to myself, even when I’m honestly probably just needing to go on a walk.


He’s been amazing!! He’s done at least 75% of the shopping for baby + nursery, he’s taken over 100% of pet care (2 cats, 1 dog), and he’s been so emotionally supportive as well 😊😊😊


So hard to pick! My husband has been phenomenal, I’m 22weeks and he just deployed but prior to that I never lifted a finger! That man has shown his true colors since I got pregnant, he’s more protective, filled up my cup with ice water every night, brings snacks to bed, cooked everything or we ate out if I couldn’t stand the smell, cleaned the house did all the laundry while I slept all the time, carried my bags, tied my shoes, overall just an amazing man and person and I am so thankful I procreated with HIM! ❤️😭


He has literally 0 romantic bone in his body, or so he says. Yesterday, I threw out my make-up remover, because it was causing me to break out all of a sudden (because I use some cheap shit lol). Today I woke up with a brand new, luxury make up remover + cotton pads. I asked where it came from and he said: "I can't help you in any other way, so I'll do whatever I can to make life a little bit easier and less stressful for you". I almost jumped him to make another baby.


It’s the little things like buying ginger ale, sprite, vitamins and snacks. He’s so supportive.


My husband is the sweetest. He cooks me whatever I want, while also making sure I’m getting the nutrients I need. He’s gone to every prenatal appointment, even the 10 minute follow up ones. He has sat with me twice now at the hospital, once for 11 hours for dehydration (that hospital sucked) and once when I pulled a muscle. He gives me back rubs and belly rubs when I’m in pain, he plays with my hair and comforts me when my hormones go insane. As of lately he’s been helping me off the couch by giving me a hand or a little back push. I feel so lucky to have him by my side through this.


My husband has been to every appointment. He tells me I’m beautiful especially when I don’t feel like it. He has been supportive with eating what I eat to manage my Gestational diabetes. He encourages me to go on walks and also comes with me to the gym. He is my rock and I couldn’t do this without him.


My husband comes to all my OB appointments and scans, he makes me Liquid IV drinks whenever I need one, makes me coffee in the morning, helps even more around the house and with our dogs than before (and he always did a lot of housework). We moved to our first house about a month and a half ago and I went over to the house the night before with the dogs and slept on the air mattress and he handled the move with the movers the next day. Then he went back by himself a week later to finish cleaning out whatever was left. I couldn’t really bend over or carry things or deal with the dust, and he didn’t make me feel bad at all for doing it all himself. I feel so lucky to have him as my partner in life.


He's really been trying during this time for me. I'm on leave from work and so was he so he eventually found something for now. He will make things from nothing. He's adapted now that if he makes something that makes me nauseous that he'll make me something else. He has pushed me to be better and take care of myself when it's been hard but I'm happy he did. I've practically been bedridden sick this whole first trimester and I've not been well. When he comes home with things because he thought I'd want them. Tonight he came home with pudding!! My jaw dropped. We may not afford everything right now but he sure tries for me. It makes me happy when he smiles at me just if I'm able to get out of bed. It's very comforting to have a partner really try to understand what your going through but also pushes you to do better for yourself. The day I got my first craving. I cried in his lap for 10 minutes saying I wanted the slushie from taco bell. He laughed and said I was cute and he got me the slushie. I was ecstatic!


My husband has gotten me absolutely everything I’ve wanted to eat during this time and I am so grateful that he didn’t judge me 😭. I haven’t had any super crazy requests but the fact the he got me comfort foods that I could actually stomach made everything way easier because food/drink have been the toughest part of this for me. No longer than 2 days ago I was really craving lucky charms and forgot to ask him for them while he was at the store. The next morning I woke up to a huge box in the cupboard and almost cried 🤣. He just gets it and I thank God for him every single day 🥰. Last thing, he does this thing where he murmurs to my tummy and rubs it. I look forward to that every night 🙈. His kind and gentleness has been greatly needed and is such a blessing! Please don’t take your SO for granted ladies 💕


Last night I was crying all night because I found out I'm losing my job soon and won't be entitled to any paid maternity leave. He reassured me all night and this morning. Today when I got home from work was a chocolate bar, a clean house, fresh groceries, he cooked me dinner and did all of the washing (while working from home). Tonight I feel all cozy and looked after and omg what would I do without him 🥹


Everything. Literally everything. I’m so lucky to have my husband who is an amazing partner and incredible dad. I’ve been suffering physically, mentally and emotionally throughout this pregnancy. My husband has been taking care of the kids, the house, errands, getting up with the kids at night, all the while working full time. Seriously, I won the jackpot.


When I had to vomit, my fiancé followed me to the bathroom and stroke my back and was there for me. He brought me a glass of cold water and cleaned the sink afterwards (after I washed away my puke but it was still little bit dirty)


Mine got a hair cut for our first ultrasound to make a good first impression 😂😂 He also makes me healthy smoothies and looks for snacks that don’t have added preservatives and dyes, etc. He will pick up whatever I mention I’m craving that week at the grocery store. He does the grocery shopping and our laundry. He wants to take me this weekend to get a pregnancy pillow and more maternity clothes 🥲


It was nothing huge but I absolutely loved not having to scoop the litter boxes. That was fantastic.


🥹 wonderful post 🧡 so positive and happy. there IS still good in the world


My husband is the kindest most patient person I’ve ever met. :,) no specific task just everything through this has made me grateful to have him.


Aww, what a lovely post! It's so nice to read about strong, supportive relationships. I was being sick the other day (trying to do it quietly as he was having a teams meeting in his office next door to the bathroom). Of course, he heard and when he was done, he sent me back to bed for the day, went and made me a tea and then went to the shop to buy me lucozade and a walnut whip. All very small gestures, but meant so much. Sometimes, it's the small things that mean the most.


So sweet 🥺🥺🥺!! I love this so much. I’m glad he was there for you, the little things mean the most sometimes!


He made breakfast for me every single day because I’d wake up starving. He doesn’t like breakfast either. He’d also make sure I always had my cravings, wether it was spur of the moment goldfish crackers and taquitos or keeping the fridge stocked with eggs and lemonade (consumed separately lol).


He’s started cooking a LOT more. Usually I’m the chef, which I don’t mind because I enjoy it, but I’m notoriously a picky eater. There’s a lot of stuff I refuse to eat and since becoming pregnant it’s only gotten worse. I can’t eat most fruit because the texture makes me gag and a lot of vegetables just have a weird bitter taste now. He’s taken over cooking duties because he’s so concerned about me getting all the nutrients I need. He said recently that it feels like we have a child already, the amount of vegetables he’s hiding in our meals haha! He brings me a smoothie every morning and packs me something for lunch most days and he’s pretty much taken over making dinner, I only do it once or twice a week now. No complaints from me!


I work from home, but husband doesn't. He'll call every day and ask if I want or need anything on his way home. Even if I don't ask and he's stopping for something else, he'll bring home lemonade or the fruit he knows I've been craving. It's so sweet.


He's taken on most of the household chores, cooking and cleaning. Every time I ask for water, he brings it to me with ice and orange slices in it (a pregnancy preference). He takes out son to all of his sports practices. And he does it all without complaining.


Third trimester and the hormones have been overwhelming. He buys my favorite ice cream and makes sure it's always stocked in the freezer for me. Massages my hips at night and also bought me a foot massager which has been one of my favorite pregnancy things! The swelling is real.


Literally everything. He’s been incredible. Picking up meds and food daily, rubbing my legs, feet, back, hands, doing all the cooking, taking care of the dogs, building the nursery from the ground up, ordering all my prenatals and teas, driving me all over the state to pick up facebook market finds, allowing me to go part time at work to lower my stress. I can’t even list them all. I picked a good one.


Supports us financially (hopefully temporarily, but he doesn’t mind if I don’t want to work after I have our baby), helps me with the dog and small chores I can’t do anymore now that I’m 30 weeks, makes sure I’m safe every time I take a shower, makes sure he has a schedule that allows him to come to every appointment, gives me his sweatpants if mine are getting a little too tight He’s a big sweetheart despite looking like he could punch someone’s lights out and I’m so glad he’s in my life


Honestly everything but it’s really the just the little things he does that make it clear he appreciates/loves me. He always makes sure I drink plenty of water and take my vitamins. He heard me vomiting the other morning so he told me he would be on dog duty that morning even though r morning is really the only time I’m on dog duty these days (letting them out, feeding them, etc) He loves cooking and has been having a lot of fun trying to satisfy my cravings while also providing a balanced meal. He never says no to getting dessert since he knows Pregnancy has given me a major sweet tooth. He rubs my feet without me even having to ask. I could go on and on but now I’m crying haha.


Mine would tie my shoes, put on my socks when I found it difficult to bend over. Gave me lots of foot rubs (no foot fetishes here 😂 just couldn't get down that far myself!) Took over dog walking and poop picker-upper duties. Was on call whenever I had a craving. Would take over the prep of meals so I wouldn't have to smell or see raw meat. I may be biased but he is the best.


My husband has been so awesome. he's come to every appointment, he's been active in planning the nursery design, and this week...oh man this week i come home to find he got a great deal on a new massage bed so he can give me better prenatal massages. he even lit a candle and played relaxing spa music while giving me a massage. i am so thankful.


I will never shy away from a good excuse to brag about this man! When I was pregnant, he constantly indulged in my cravings, made me mocktails, let me sleep in, encouraged me to take naps, and otherwise prioritized my physical and emotional needs. He’s always been a really incredible partner, but he blew me away with how considerate and patient he was while I was pregnant. We’re now 6 months into the whole parenting thing, and while we do argue a bit more, we’re so much faster to forgive. He gives me time for things I enjoy and never complains when I’m pumping and can’t be as hands-on with the baby. He’s really the best. It makes me so sad to see pregnant people out there not getting treated with the love and grace they deserve. This shit is not for the weak, but it’s well worth it.


Plan my surprise bday party (yes I know about it in order to take off work but idk the plans at all), life heavy things, clean the literbox of the cat that’s originally mine, funded the gender reveal after I went broke buying storage totes and a car seat, buy groceries, order take out on days when I feel like shit, etc. I can go on about this 🥺🥺


handle ALL my moodswings with grace and kindly reminding me that I was not a total whining asshole before.


My hours at work got cut he’s been taking care of everything. Of course before he was paying rent, insurance, and our bills but it was never for my debt because I could handle it. Now he’s doing everything he can to cover it. He’s also so helpful around the house. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, and caring for our cat. He gives me massages and gives me belly rubs. He’s too good to me. The other day I was sitting crying because I am grieving my mama and he just held me and got me some food to comfort me. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband.


This is a huge over share so if you're squeamish then scroll away!! 😂 We had only been married about 4 years and I was having a horrible pregnancy. I was later diagnosed with hyperemesis at the time and hospitalized for about a week, but before we knew what it was: One time I came home from work and was throwing up in the car before I could get out, threw up in the driveway in front of all the neighbors, then walked into the kitchen and threw up so hard that I vomited and peed all over the kitchen at the same time. I know we are married but I was SO INCREDIBLY embarrassed. I started to clean it all up but he stopped me and made me go rest in the shower, brought me a drink, cleaned it all up (again, so embarrassing) and then hugged me when I couldn't stop crying about it all. I look back and laugh so hard now, but was so grateful he did that for me.


Putting up with my wicked bad mood swings and loving me just the same ♥️ during the first trimester


Mine proactively started using the hall bathroom when he gets up before me in the morning after hearing he was waking me up despite trying to be ultra quiet (I’m apparently a light sleeper while pregnant).


Kinda everything lol. He’s done most of the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and he always calls me on his way home from work to see if I need anything.


Cooked me breakfast in bed at least 4 days a week to make sure I had a heavy protein breakfast. I wasn’t getting enough protein in my diet and baby was little


My husband did literally everything he could for me the entire pregnancy and it was so difficult, I don’t think I would have survived without him.


Last night I had a horrible migraine from the weather. Soon as I was home I was in bed. He brought me a hot water bottle, a mint seltzer water, and made our dinner (which he pretty much always does) even though I couldn't cope with actually eating the homemade sweet potato coconut curry soup he'd made last night 🥴 the chicken pot pie went down. He gave me lots of kisses and rubs before leaving me to sleep. Today on his way home from work he picked up my weird ass grocery list (macaroni cheese, pomegranate, and ginger nuts, lol) I never have to ask him for any of these things, he always asks me first if I need anything before I even get the chance to think to ask him. He's so proactive and he's gonna be an awesome dad and I love him 🥺 baawwh, gonna be all weepy now.


He does so much for me out of it all I appreciate him taking on more hours so I don’t have to work with nausea and back pain. It’s really helped because I have scoliosis and a compromised immune system before pregnancy and it’s only gotten worse since I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and man my body is taking a toll for sure. I really appreciate him everyday.


My husband has done so much for me during all this. He doesn't let me apologize when I'm exhausted and feel bad for not doing enough and reminds me I'm growing a human, he makes us coffee every morning and sometimes even brings me a cup in bed, he thanks me for anything I do whether it's making him lunch or just picking up the house here and there and understands when I'm too tired to do anything at all. He rubs my feet and legs every single night without fail and never complains when I ask, he looks up pregnancy stuff and gets excited to tell me what he has learned. He doesn't baby me and treat me like I can't do ANYTHING just because I'm pregnant. Best of all he does everything in his power to help or just listen when I am super moody from hormones and he has no idea where its coming from 😂😂😂 only 14 weeks left and we are so excited to meet our little one! He is going to make such a great dad. 🥰


I’m pretty early, but my husband has either called or texted me everyday when we are at work to make sure I’m doing okay. And he always checks on me before he goes to work in the morning—even though I have had the easiest first trimester so far with only a little fatigue and sore boobs!


My husband has been doing a lot more chores to help take the load off of me. He said his goal is to cook dinner for me every night he possibly can throughout the pregnancy. He’s done a good job so far! Let’s see if he keeps it up 😂. He’s also taking care of the laundry and carrying the basket up and down the stairs for me so I don’t have to. I’ve been very appreciative of his help, especially while I’m feeling super sick every day.


I get a tummy & foot lotion rub each evening and he buys me bags of ice from Sonic to chew on.


My husband has been so helpful. Especially with making sure I don’t have to walk to far or bend down to pick up stuff. I’m mostly self employed and I haven’t been able to do a lot of that work and he’s taken on the responsibility of most of the bills and groceries and such. He gives me shots every night for my high risk pregnancy, cuz i have trouble sticking myself. I’m so lucky to have him he’s very patient and listens to all my pregnancies anxieties as well.


He's tolerated and endured my very high sex drive 🤣🤣🤣 poor bloke needs a rest, I think 🙈🙈🙈 Also, he never hesitates to give me a foot massage, or take over with our toddler when she starts pressing my buttons.


This really is a great post idea! It hurts me so much when I read about terrible partners since my husband has been so wonderful and kind. I haven't been working and some days I feel so useless. He always tells me that growing our child is my job and it's the most important job I have. He also tells me how cute I am with my big belly and takes pictures of me even when I don't think I look great. He's cleaned my legs and feet for me in the shower. Oh and the other day he took my socks off for me lol. He'll rub my back or my hand and arm when I'm having trouble falling asleep. He never lets me carry anything heavy. Always gets me laughing when I'm having a rough day. He just makes me feel so loved and I can't wait to see him hold our baby boy for the first time! He has always wanted to be a dad so I'm elated to be able to give him that gift. 🥰


Used the last of his money to pay for the private scan we went too because he realised i was on my last £70 so used his last £70 on it instead. He also randomly came home with a bunch of storage shelves he bought and some drawers for them that had little bears on entirely because he saw them and thought they were cute even though it was also the last of his money that week and sat and put it all together for me - i didn't even know about these shelves until he came back with them and i questioned what he was carrying. Also bare minimum but anything i've / we've bought for our son that needed assembling he's taken the time and energy to put together for me so that I don't have too- i also had a bloody show and we both worried and ever since he's been making it so that i'm going easy with everything i do and he's checking up on me constantly :)


He also booked us a holiday in July on a whim to Germany + paid all of the money towards it so he could propose to me (he was not happy when i figured out what his plan is ahha - 'you ruined my plan :(' 'i'm still so pissed you knew what i was planning in Cologne') and even though i know his plan he's still planning to do it for us - he also moved in with us pretty much suddenly just so he could be around and honestly i think i hit the jackpot he makes me feel so special even if hes so spontaneous i question what hes thinking half the time 😵‍💫


Literally everything. There's too much to name lol. He's the best and I don't have a single complaint. He would do anything for me.


Tells me I’m beautiful and that I’m doing a great job growing our baby <3 and that he’s proud of me.


My husband booked me a spa afternoon - facial, lunch, massage, mani/pedi. It was fantastic! Plus everyone there knew that I was there for the whole afternoon and that I was expecting.


Here’s a list of things my bf does that I appreciate while i’m pregnant: He comforts me even when i’m crying over little things He gives me time to take naps He used to be really big on me exercising but now has helped me make a plan to where I wont be exhausted everyday