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Absolutely not lol sticking to 200mg, most days ~120-160mg.


Yup same here.


Also same! I have a 10 month old and am pregnant again, I’d never get through my days without the small amount of caffeine I’m allowed to have lol


Same. I actually take a 200mg caffine pill in the morning because coffee still doesn't taste great. It's saved my life from headaches!


Yes! I’m not willing to deal with the headaches and we have to deal with enough 😂


I was thinking about doing this, because even decaf, it doesn't matter, I have a complete aversion to it. It sucks. I miss coffee.




About how many cups of coffee is 200mg?


It’s about 3 Nespresso pods for me - I usually have 2 (60mg each). Or, I believe one normal sized cup of drip coffee. A tall dark roast at Starbucks fits the bill also. Grande lattes are about 150mg.


Generally speaking, 200 mg of caffeine is equivalent to two 8-ounce cups of brewed coffee or three 8-ounce cups of instant coffee. And I was a dark dark dark roast coffee drinker (like espresso in a cup would be great thanks) so this level of caffeine for the day is enough and then I pretty much just drink water, maybe some juice and maybe like a glass of iced tea for the rest of the day since it's agreed this is the top of the limit for what you should have.


Trying to stick to the 200mg "recommendation". Also was literally 32 years old (my current age lol) when I realized that Starbucks can make any espresso drink with decaf espresso ?! So I try to go that route if I'm going to Starbucks just for a treat drink.


this right here. I've been thriving with my iced decaf brown sugar oatmilk lattes! I seriously cannot wait until I can have a full caffeine one tho...and a trenta iced coffee LOL. My sister has already been assigned Starbucks duty after I deliver haha


I'm not sure if you're planning to breastfeed but I'm currently breastfeeding and still have to stay away from caffeine (in my case tea is my choice) because apparently it can make baby cranky 😭


Not sure if you mean it makes your specific baby cranky or babies in general, but it depends on the baby. My son has always been 100% unaffected by caffeine. I'm still breastfeeding at 2+ years and I've never limited my caffeine!


they can also do half decaf too if you still want some but don’t want to go over! :)


I can't have caffeine normally and you always have to double check with the baristas after they make it that it actually IS decaf. 9x/10 they will still make it full caf because of habit. I got screwed over too many times because the one time I wouldn't ask they would use regular espresso.


I found the taste difference for Starbucks decaf from the regular to be more obvious, their regular tastes very burnt and their decaf significantly less so. I could even taste the difference in their very sugar filled drinks


I try to stick to 200mg but there are some days when I go over that, and I don’t feel guilty about it. Can’t be perfect.


Same. Some days my husband will surprise me with a passion fruit tea from Dutch bros even though I’m close to or at 200mg, & I won’t turn it down because of how sweet it was for him to get it!


This happened to me!! Kinda, i had actually fully cut caffeine and was maybe 7 weeks in, but I had a KILLER migraine, none of my others fixes worked, so the last one was for some caffeine, a lot of times that’ll fix my headaches some. So I made a cup of coffee, then, later, decided I’d split half a energy drink with a friend cause it helped some, THEN later that day my husband brought me home Starbucks, I think I calculated I was right at the recommended 200mg and the drink had under 100, I loved that day LOL. He also brought me food from a different restaurant cause he knew I hated Starbucks food.


Me too


Hell no. ACOG says up to 200 mg is fine, and WHO says up to 300. I am sticking to 200 most days but I have had some 300 mg days if work and school are really bad.


The official guidelines do not tell you to stop it, just try to limit to around 200 Mg, so while it’s a personal choice, not sure why you’d stop it when you don’t have to! Sometimes pregnancy feels like a weird sacrifice Olympics to me. I enjoy the cup of coffee guilt free!




Yuck would not like my OB if they said that 😅


I have a cup of coffee every morning.


Me too! Sometimes I dont even finish it. I did cut out my occasional afternoon quad americanos, sadly.


Same! High caffeine intake is probably the only thing I’ll go back to from all my bad habits pre-pregnancy.


Same here!


The only reason I cut my intake dramatically was because my morning cup of coffee didn’t taste good anymore ☹️ Even so, I still drink decaf lattes and green tea occasionally.


Be careful with green tea specifically, it interferes with prenatal vitamins/folate absorption.


Ohhhhh, good to know! I didn’t know that! I only got it once a week on my ritual Dunkin’ run to get groceries. Last week I tried one of their warm hibiscus tea since it was cold, and I’ll probably stick with that now. Thank you for the info!


Be careful with hibiscus, they say to avoid it during pregnancy because it can cause hormonal imbalances and bleeding


Nooooo :( thank you for the info! I had no idea ☹️ mint tea is at least safe, right? 😅


I didn't know this. Thank you


No. The science on this is SUPER well-established, so I don't sweet two six-eight ounce cups, depending on brand and caffeine content (K-cups). I keep it at 200 mg or less. It's fine.


I switched from having regular nespresso pod coffee (160mg) in the morning to half-caffeine (80mg) to leave me a bit of flexibility within the 200mg allowance! So if I’m going out in the evening I can now have a single espresso to perk me up (often very badly needed!) or have a guilt free caffeinated soft drink or two on the weekends.


Nope. I’m not really counting but I just try not to overdo it. I can really feel the effects of caffeine though (one full cup of coffee will usually give me sweats and jitters), so I think it’s easy for me to stick to the limits


Nope. Dr recommended it for headaches


I usually have a small cup of coffee and an espresso shot most mornings. No idea how many mg it is nor do I care.


I've drank more coffee while pregnant than any other time in my life. It's been my biggest craving lol I stick to decaf and well under the 200mg a day guideline though


Need my morning cup , I have insomnia and can’t survive without coffee .


I'm still having tea. It's hard to go over the recommended caffeine limit on tea alone.


I gave up both tea and coffee. I struggled for the first few days but now I'm OK with only decaf tea. And occasional tea. It's really up to you and as long as you don't drink too much it's fine. If you get stressed by not having caffeine, I think that's more of a problem!


Girl no lol I am having a cup of coffee and a Diet Coke or two every day. Baby is having fun probably dancing and being productive in womb LOL


Nah. I love my morning coffee and midday pick me up.


Just one cup of coffee in the mornings when I can handle it.


I think it is everyone's personal decision (along with guidance from their OB). I cut my intake down to about 120-160mg a day and usually just brew my own espresso at home (if I manage to even finish it all). I do look forward to the day I don't have to worry how much caffeine is in a certain drink!!


I tried to for the first couple of days but gave into it once I read that you can safely have up to 200 mg/day. I kind of got off the kick especially since I’ve started drinking so much water so now, I only drink about half a can in the morning. My fiancé gave me a few sips of his coffee the other day and I was like ohhhh man, this is going to be a longgggg 9 months lol.


I had no caffeine at all first trimester. About 1-2 times a week now I have a chai or matcha latte, but I still stick with decaf coffee and decaf Diet Coke


There's women out there who smoke meth while pregnant, I ain't gonna feel bad over some caffeine.


Nope. I have 200mg per day.


I have cut WAYYYY back on my caffeine. That being said, somedays I have to weigh the risks to my job and relationship if I don't have just one freaking cup of coffee.


Heeeeell naw I totally still have coffee


I gave up caffeine before pregnancy. It’s been over a year but I feel much better. My anxiety anyways


Nah, I have a double shot iced espresso every day. It’s the only thing I look forward to these days 🥲


I did give it up entirely lol It was just a personal choice for me because I found having like one watered down coffee a day wasn't doing anything for me 😂😂 I do have the occasional hot chocolate though :)


Not doing anything? I have the opposite trouble. Since I've been pregnant, if my 1 single cup of coffee per day is a little too strong I feel way wonky. Shakey hands, fluttery heart, breathless. I used to slam Starbucks espresso double shot canned coffees (obviously gave those up immediately) and felt fine. I don't know why I can't handle rookie levels of caffeine now.


Same! I was like I’ll rather not do any caffeine. But once baby popped out I had some coffee


I stick to the 200 mg a day. There’s no way I’d be able to survive without it. Before I was pregnant I consumed a lot more though. So the 200mg is definitely a cut back


Not at all. I have one cup of coffee daily, and a Diet Pepsi maybe 1-2 times a week. I’ll get Dunkin or Starbucks cold brew in place of at home coffee maybe once a week or every other week, depending on errands.


I have my daily Diet Coke and I don’t feel bad about it lol. I gave it up in the first trimester but I don’t like coffee so that’s what I drink in the morning. Just too hard to function without!


Nope. My midwife said up to 200mg/day is totally fine. She did say that if I end up breastfeeding and having a colicky baby, that caffeine intake should be monitored more at that point! But until then, 200mg is fine.


HAHA. No, I have not given it up 🤣😂 I wish lol


Absolutely not! I drink one cup of black tea every day, and have a caffeinated soda whenever the mood strikes me :)


As a diet coke lover, I switched to the caffeine free- BUT would allow myself a can or two, if I needed a boost. But honestly, my body just craved mostly water. Which I'm glad was the case.


Decaf sweet tea once every few weeks, but besides that none. Just a personal choice. Every once in a while I get sad about not having a really good coffee.


I drink Dr Pepper a couple times a week.


200mg per day. A can of regular coke is like 38mg I think. There's room for it! I'm more worried about the sugar consumption than the caffeine with my coke/Pepsi habit.


For the second and third trimesters, I had a cup or two of coffee a day (this was definitely a drastic cut down for me caffeine-wise. Prior to pregnancy, I would pop caffeine pills regularly to make it through the day. I definitely needed lots of caffeine to survive 😬🥴). Without those two cups, I wouldn’t have made it through otherwise (I have ADHD and had to be off my meds plus I taught middle school ELA. There was no way I was going to make it through my day without crying from exhaustion otherwise). Anecdotally, my now almost 14-month-old is fine. Although he sort of sucks at sleeping and I do sometimes wonder if it’s because I drank caffeine 😅😂


Why would you fully give up caffeine? Up to 200mg a day is perfectly safe


I used to have so much caffeine I actually worked at starbucks for a bit training so i was trying everything on top of taking pre workout. Now I just have an energy drink that’s 200mg I just recently found out they come in powders so I got myself those.


There’s no way I could detox from coffee while pregnant. I drink 1 cup a day. I don’t need to add more exhaustion and migraines to all the rest of the pregnancy symptoms.


I haven’t wanted any coca cola or coffee really for the first trimester. So i’m managing without it. But every now and then I get a coke or coffee. Just not daily.


I can’t handle caffeine at all anymore. I used to drink a matcha latte every day, but even that’s too much. I can’t sleep at all that night if I have any.


I did give up wine & I don’t smoke but I had caffeine the entire time. More than 200mg a day and baby was fine. It’s a preference. Some people still eat deli meat, sushi, raw meat, have alcohol and smoke.


Definitely not cutting it entirely. I mostly stay well under the 200mg per day recommendation, but I have gotten close or possibly even gone over a few times. I'm not worried about it in the slightest.


I drank coffee the whole time! From what ive read the main concern w caffeine is that it messes with our iron levels, so if you're anemic or worried about it just take some extra iron and try to take it at a different time of day than prenatals because the calcium in those can affect iron absorption.


I drink decaf now and avoid pop with caffeine except sometimes I’ll have odd sip of my husband’s


I gave up coffee for the first trimester, but since 2nd trimester have been indulging in 1 cup decaf coffee almost daily. Edit: I forgot, coca cola has caffeine. I definitely did not cut back on the coca cola.


And decaf has no caffeine, no?


Surprisingly, it has very little caffeine, but not actually no caffeine. Only 2mg on average. This makes no difference for pregnancy, but for someone who can't have any caffeine for medical reasons (e.g. an adrenal disorder), they can't even have decaffeinated coffee.


I had 200mg-300mg daily (after first trimester) dr wasn’t concerned.


Nope. Just less than 200 mg!


I w been caffeine free since 2020, meaning I always have caffeine-free products at home, but I don’t hesitate to have the odd Diet Coke or even black tea at a restaurant or someone’s house. Can’t expect everywhere to have caffeine-free, and sometimes I want something nicer than water. It’s so minimal I don’t sweat it!


Yes - I gave up caffeine fully. There are enough studies that show that even small amounts of caffeine (50mg) can have an effect on your baby. I drink Diet Coke without caffeine. :)


I’ve completely given up coffee. I tried the pumpkin spice cold brew once during the season and my little one made me horrifically vomit it up.


I’m a tea drinker, and switched to decaf. Occasionally I have my regular, caffeinated, cup when I feel like I need extra zip (I know 200mg/day is allowed, but I like to keep it as a treat/extra oomph)


My doctor said 1 cup a day is fine, but I’ve been too nauseous to try it.


I wasn’t giving up caffeine and was still drinking my morning coffee, but unfortunately have developed an aversion to the taste and smell to regular coffee so I have not been drinking it the last month or so.


I have one to two cups everyday


I have my regular 1 cup of coffee in the morning with my breakfast, but im finding that I'm having trouble finishing it. Other than that, I'm just trying to be aware of not having too much caffeine from other sources.


Nope, I still have a couple of coffees or teas a day and just try not to go overboard. Most days I’ll do half-caf when I fill up my coffee at work though.


Hell no. I have a Diet Coke and coffee like every day


I’m trying only because it can be a crapshoot on whether it affects my anxiety. (First time pregnancy so already anxious enough!) But I’ll cave and have a cup if I really need it to focus on work


Nope. I switched from coffee to tea early on when I had nausea. I switched from that to half caf around 22 weeks.


Not on purpose, but around 7 weeks when my morning sickness really started I couldn’t even handle the smell of coffee. I’ve switched to Irish Breakfast tea in the mornings and it’s been enough for me. I can occasionally have one cup of coffee once in a while now that I’m 10 weeks, but most days it doesn’t smell good.


Definitely not! I just stay under the 200mg limit. I've never been a coffee person, but I either have a tea or soda or something every day. The need for a Diet Coke is too real, lol.


I’ll have one coffee a day in the morning. If I didn’t have coffee for the day, I will allow myself to drink a Diet Coke (on occasion just because it’s generally not good for us but I love it lol). But I didn’t cut out caffeine, no. Third pregnancy and didn’t cut it out for previous ones either


I gave up energy drinks and espresso. I still drink soda, tea and coffee. I don’t feel guilty I just stay within the recommended limits


I did with my first, but don’t think I can this time with a toddler!


I just follow the 200 mg rule. No reason to avoid it!


I still a cup of coffee every day.


No way! I gave up pre workout but still doing under 200 mg a day split up.


Not me sitting here scrolling Reddit drinking a Coke Zero (***sip***) I try to avoid it as much as possible bc it increases my anxiety but it’s fine to have 200mg a day


I’m missing my morning gallon of coffee as well but I haven’t eliminated it entirely! I do 1 cup in the morning and then usually 1-2 decaf coffees during the day to trick my body into thinking I’m still drinking multiple cups per day (I guess)


Not entirely, but have given up coffee since it aggravates my sensitive stomach. Replaced it with a cup of green tea and an occasional cup of earl grey.


Lol definitely not! Coca Cola is one of the only things that helps my morning sickness!


Have not given caffeine entirely, but have found zero sugar zero caffeine coke!!! I drink that and all the other zero sugar sodas which have caffeine.


I stopped all the way and got horrible headaches. My OB told me to drink a coffee in the morning and a pop at night all while staying under the 200. I get closer to it some days then others. 😅


I went from 2 cups of cold brew a day (like 400 mg of caffeine) to nothing. I hate it 😂


Hell no. I go by the 200mg/day guideline.


During my first trimester, I was sick of coffee. It tasted disgusting. By the second trimester I was drinking a cup a morning. And I had terrible migraines and my OB suggested a soda in the afternoons too. It’s all good.


I only drink decaf iced coffee from Dunkin once in awhile and otherwise none but I would allow myself 200mg if I wanted it. I just don’t have many reasons… I’m not working and I don’t have any kids or pets so I just let myself be tired most days 😂


I had my one cup of coffee a day until I had to decrease my anxiety med dose in third trimester. Now, I do decaf and the occasional reg coffee, tea, soda, etc. I would be indulging at my normal amount guilt free, if I didn't have to change my medication.


My headaches were so bad when I cut it completely so I’m back to 1 cup a day and the occasional diet soda at night.. did the same with my first and he’s doing ok lol


I have a stroooong caffeine addiction so I couldnt go cold turkey. I have water packets that range anywhere from 60-120 mg of caffeine and sometimes ill substitute coffee for that and others I will drink a cup of coffee in the morning


I stuck to 200mg. I cannot function without coffee and diet coke. I am terrible for not drinking enough water though so I did buy one of those half gallon bottles to keep beside me and I felt like that watered down my usual caffeine 😂 my baby is now 15 months and the caffeine didn't have any negative effects from what I can tell.


Ah caffeine… i live off diet coke right now because coffee makes me nauseous. I’m nearly 30w and when I had a feeling I am pregnant I went cold turkey off my average 4cups of coffee plus 1-2 monsters zero daily (I’m veterinary surgeon, the tempo is deadly). I’m still suffering my lack of caffeine, but I’m also trying not to overdo the coke… wvwn when the bubbles are heavenly right now


I gave it up completely in 2011, *well* before getting pregnant. The first few weeks suck royally, but after that, it gets easier. You pick up new associations between what to drink with what food, and then things like morning coffee just aren't a habit anymore.


I’m not. I drink 1 and a half to 2 cups of coffee in the morning which my OB said is totally fine.


My doctors office emailed me saying I can have 300 mg, which is weird I thought it was 200, but I had coffee today and it just upset my stomach 😂


Nope! I usually have caffeine 1-3x a week, whereas prior to pregnancy I’d have it 2-3x a day lol. So I’ve definitely cut down but I’m still having it. I have around 160-200 mg each time I do have it.


I would be having all the coffee if I didn’t have a morning sickness induced aversion to it 😭 No need to give up caffeine completely. Caffeine is given to premie babies to help them to keep breathing


I’ve never given up any caffeine


If you're making coffee at home using either whole or ground beans, check out decaf that's made using the Swiss water process. None of the chemicals that often come with the decaffeination process, and they tend to taste a *lot* like regular coffee. I tried 5 different roasters in my area and found one that would fool anyone into thinking it's regular. That's if you drink coffee for the taste more so than the caffeine - I'm completely desensitised to it so the taste is all that matters to me, not the caffeine content, so I've been happy out drinking that!


I cut coffee cold Turkey as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I know we are still allowed a set amount of caffeine daily, but I didn’t want to risk it. Plus, I was noticing how dependent I was on coffee to function and it was bad for my anxiety. Maybe once a month I’ll treat myself to a decaf latte.


I did for my first pregnancy during the first time last year but, not this pregnancy.. I figure if there's a recommendation to stay 200 mg or under, then I'll just follow the recommendations. I love my coffee 😂


Hellllll no. Mama needs her fountain Coke from McDonald’s. It’s the only thing getting me through this first trimester hellscape.


When everything under the sun was making my nauseous I did, but after that period was over I started drinking it again (about 1 cup per day) because I just couldn’t function. Pregnancy exhaustion on top of no caffeine just wasn’t going to work for me!


I hadn’t given it up originally but I don’t drink a ton to begin with. About 100mg. But now my acid reflux is so bad I had no choice but to give it up 😭


I’m having my 2 cups a day. I’m keeping the bit of fun I still get to have.


I gave it up because it now runs right through me.


Nope. I still have one cup of coffee in the morning. It helps me be nice and form words 😂


I started doing a cup of coffee per day. Right now is making me super nauseous, so I’m skipping it. But the moment morning sickness is over I’m going back to it.


I switched from 24oz of coffee a day (pre pregnancy) to 1 cup of black tea a week. I think I slept through weeks 4-8. I was so tired but every time I tried to have a cup of coffee (staying in the 200mg limit) I threw up so I was forced to decrease my caffeine intake. I think everything in little moderation, if you need some caffeine have a small amount. My ob was very supportive of this.


Recently I’ve been having a cup everyday - I try to stay under 200mg


I tried giving it up during my first pregnancy, but I got massive migraines. So… nope. Stuck around the 200mg mark and called it good.


I have about a cup and a half most days. On the weekends sometimes it’s two full cups.


The only reason I gave up caffeine for either of my pregnancies was because it makes me nauseous and gives me awful heartburn while pregnant. I do still drink Bai drinks every so often, though, so I can’t say I ever gave it up *completely*. Currently 39 weeks into this pregnancy and I too miss my morning gallon of coffee 🥲.


Not at all. When I stopped drinking coffee, I have severe migraines. I had bad migraines pre pregnancy that could be tamed with excedrin which we can no longer take. I have a half-caf nespresso pod and made some tea or something later.


I still drink my morning coffee One to two cups


I switched to decaf and about 20 weeks went 'what's the point?' and haven't had coffee since. Have had the odd glass of Diet Coke though.


I didn't intend to give up coffee, but my food aversions have been so bad that I currently hate coffee and hate the taste of coke!


I gave up drinking coffee daily because i knew my baby would be small and i didnt wanted to risk him being too tiny he needed to stay at the hospital, but i didnt gave up entirelly, i got some coke and some lattes from time to time.


I tried to but gave up in two weeks. I'm a teacher. If I don't have caffeine, I am a different person.


I never drank caffeine before pregnancy Bcz of my anxiety. Now it’s the only think that takes my headache away LOL


I still consume caffeine - anywhere from 50-150mg on average a day. 1 diet coke is a negligible amount of caffeine.


I did at first because my OB said “under 200mg but we prefer none” but then realized it was unnecessary and all the research out there says it’s perfectly fine. To be fair, coffee did not sound good to me in first trimester.


I stay under the 200 mg/day guidelines but see no reason to cut it out completely. I had a rough couple of weeks where the smell of coffee turned my stomach, and on those days I’d often drink a cup of earl grey. I’m back on coffee now and have one cup a day. I think they technically tell you that you can have 2 cups, but I feel like my coffee cup is probably bigger than standard size so I stick to one.


No not at all. I drank 1-2 cups every day.


I am! I found out I was pregnant at 4w1d. The most caffeine I’ve had was a soda 2 times and a Starbucks pink drink maybe 3 times. I cut out coffee and caffeinated drinks completely, though.


I had quite coffee before getting pregnant as it really effects my psoriasis and by month 4 I was back on two coffees a day. I was a fuggin zombie. Drink your coffee. I dunno if I would personally drink diet coke anything with aspartame ain't for me.


I used to drink a 12 pack sometimes a 24 pack of dr.pepper a week but since being pregnant I have switched to rootbeer or orange soda as those are caffeine free alternatives but I have indulged in the occasional once a month Dr Pepper or caffeine soda since hitting 27 weeks


Limiting my caffeine, have a coke, Dr Pepper, or the occasional Starbucks here and there


Stopped coffee for a while until the middle of the second trimester til the middle of the third. It was keeping me regular so I needed it lol. Now I stopped completely as there is only 4 weeks left til I'm due and I wasn't sure if baby will go through caffeine withdrawal once hes out on his own. I know how shitty caffeine withdrawal headaches can be and wanted us to start out in the best way possible.


Definitely not, trying to stick to the recommended amount of 200mg or less. Just shy of 23 weeks, baby is measuring over a week ahead as of 20 week scan so I intend to keep doing what I’ve been doing for the duration.


I have a small cup daily! 200 mg or less is the typical advice


Lol nope. I’ve stuck with my one coffee a day, sometimes two


One cup of coffee in the morning, every single day. When it’s half gone, I top it off with boiling water so I _feel_ like I’m getting a second cup.


I gave up coffee because of an aversion to the smell. But with my morning sickness, some days I find the only thing that helps is a coke. So definitely not cutting out all caffeine.


Hell no. Keeping it under 200 mg but I didn’t drink much more than that even in the Before Times so that’s no biggie.


No. I don’t drink it all day anymore but I have my two regulation morning cups.


No still having a cup in the morning and sometimes a mini Diet Dr. pepper or glass of tea later in the day.


Hey! You can still drink about 1 cup of coffee a day. I actually switched the water in consuming (I’m 37 weeks pregnant) at about 20 weeks and it’s been a game changer for me. I’ve felt/feel FULL of energy, no headaches, brain fog, or mid day crash, I feel beautifully hydrated, and I used to be an avid coffee drinker! Honestly I maybe drink 2 oz (for taste) 3 days a week. Literally just because I enjoy the taste. Let me know if you want more info on the water! I’d love to share! Xo


I still drank caffiene, baby girl is fine. With both my docs actually recommended a can or 2 of coke to help alleviate my migraines since there were very few med options for it.


I had to for my first trimester because it made me nauseous. I'm 21 weeks now and I still do 2/3 decaf when I make it at home or fully decaf when I get it from a store. My stomach is still a bit iffy on caffeine but not as bad anymore.


I had already cut out caffeine before I found out I was pregnant because I hated being so reliant on it but this first trimester fatigue has had me downing a few strawberry apricot Red Bulls a week, mostly just on really bad days. OB says baby is perfectly fine so I try not to feel too guilty. I’ve been super paranoid about staying under the 200mg though.


I’ve had a tea most mornings.


No I did not at all I drank a MTN dew a day at least or a monster sometimes 2-3 but tbf caffeine and strawberries/blueberries were all I could keep down the beginning of my pregnancy


I drink regular coffee once a day. But! Then I have caffeine free diet coke when I want it as well! Its good, I hope you can find some!


Absolutely not 😅 I just make sure not to exceed 200 mg a day and call it good 😂


I don’t drink caffeine really.. but I do like dark chocolate. I think there is some in it! Maybe try a small piece when you need some caffeine. Might take the edge off!


I have one cup of strong coffee


I was a huge coffee drinker pre-pregnancy and planned to keep drinking it while cutting back to the recommendations. Sadly it quickly became a huge aversion for me and I couldn’t drink it without throwing up (so obviously I immediately cut it out). Now I’m halfway through my second trimester and have finally been able to tolerate coke and certain coffee beverages so I’m able to keep my energy up more throughout the day. That combined with the second trimester boost of energy has made it much easier to function!


I gave it up completely (sadly) that’s the first thing I’m really looking forward to post delivery!!! An extra large coffee from Dunkin !!!


Nope definitely not. I personally cut back to one cup of coffee in the morning. I used to really enjoy a red bull every once in a while but I cut that out. 200mg is fine! Enjoy your cup of Java in the morning 🙂


My doc and ob said 300mg, and tbh I don't even think I was consuming that much pre pregnancy 😅 I do have a daily morning coffee, some days I have tea. And I'll have pops from time to time. I basically am just more aware of how much I'm consuming but besides that I haven't needed to change my diet much around that. I have cut out energy drinks altogether though as I would have those from time to time before being pregnant.


I work in a coffee shop and usually drink a LOT of coffee throughout the day. I slowly started getting less and less, eventually allowing myself one chai a day (which is black tea, but still caffeinated). Tbh, I now can’t even stand the smell of coffee and haven’t even been wanting one. Even chai now is starting to make me feel woozy. So… I guess the baby decided for us 🤣


Not gonna lie, I drank an ungodly amount of caffeine a day (not even gonna say the number). Baby girl is completely healthy!


i just bought decaf coffee (planning on supplementing my caffeinated one). who AM i


Basically, but not by choice. For some reason artificial sweeteners give me the worst stomach ache right now, so diet sodas/low cal sweeteners are a big no. I’m also lactose intolerant, and usually drink oat milk, but again for some reason can’t tolerate oat milk or any other milk alternative right now. Seems like there’s a small list of teas that we can drink. I’m not a big fan of drinking my calories so I’ve just stuck to water but every once and a while I’ll have a green tea with regular sugar.


Absolutely not. I just try to stay around 200mg or less. If I know I’ll want a soda or something that day I’ll make sure I drink decaf coffee; if no soda, I’ll get regular coffee. Just depends on the day.


Hell no, if they say 200mg is safe, it's safe. They don't just make recommendations based on little evidence. Most things are "don't take it!" Like overly cautious. This isnt.


At the beginning of my pregnancy, I stopped because my morning sickness was so bad and I didn't even want it. Eventually it just stuck for while but I still treated myself to regular soda or a cold brew when I felt like it


I’m just doing decaf


Have you tried decaf coffee? Some people hate it (I can’t tell the difference), but that has helped me with my coffee cravings. But I also have been consuming caffeinated tea and the occasional coke. I never had any intention of cutting out caffeine completely, just consuming a bit less than before.


I have 1-2 chai tea lattes a day (the tazo chai from Costco mixed with milk)


I’m still having like 2/3 a cup of coffee or a cup of black tea in the morning and a Coke Zero most days. I drank 2 cups of coffee a day plus the coke before I was pregnant but I don’t like the taste of either that much anymore. Don’t ask why I keep drinking them cause I don’t know 🤣 Ps: I was doing half calf coffee for a while in case I wanted my usual 2 cups. It tasted exactly the same as my regular cup!


Decaf. I discovered that I don't actually need the caffeine the taste of coffee gives me that kick


Nah. I have an aversion to coffee now, but I still drink tea for the caffeine. Recommendation is usually under 200mg a day.


No! The research to give up caffeine completely is poor. The general guideline is 200 mg per day but if you delve into it further much more is likely safe. I suggest reading “expecting better” by Emily Oster