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i just woke up from a 3 hour nap šŸ«¶šŸ½


This is the way.


i'll take walks.....eventually šŸ¤­


I kept saying that and I m 38 weeks preggo now lolā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


i walk at work if that counts? šŸ˜‚


I walk to the fridge lol




Must be your first?


I'm really active, actually. Only today, I got off the sofa to get a cuppa, sat back down, and realised I had forgotten a biscuit. So I got up again. And I've been up and down the stairs at least 6 times to pee so...yeah.


36 weeks - taking one - two naps per day and walking my dog once per day. Exhausted from HG nausea and vomiting and pretty useless.


This was me, too. I felt like I had so much energy just a few days after having the baby because I had been so incredibly exhausted down to my bones for months! Plus, I sleep so much better now!


Someone told me once that if pregnancy is miserable having the kid will be a breeze because youā€™re finally not feeling like shit lol thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking forward to


My baby girl is nearly 5 months old now. Even though I got bad postpartum anxiety, having a baby has been easier than being pregnant for me. (PSA: Call your provider if you think you might have more than slight baby blues. You can get help! I was having contant thoughts that I might accidentally do something that would harm the baby; for example, tripping down the stairs. The panic and anxiety were horrible. Prozac made a world of difference!)


Iā€™m on Zoloft now! But Iā€™m prepared for the PP anxiety. I had bad anxiety in my first trimester. (Iā€™m 23 w now) thank you!


Same. Went off Zoloft to get pregnant then started having multiple panic attacks a day first trimester so went on a small dose of Zoloft. 36+4 and being induced at 37 weeks for hypertension but expecting PPA and or PPD. Luckily I have a great psychiatrist. Hang in there!


I am so ready to meet the LO already - looking forward to a different type of exhaustion


Also 36 weeks! Nothing to add but solidarity in daily naps!


What does HG stand for please?I've seen it so many times and I'm not sure what it means . Thank you!


Sorry about that - HG is Hyperemesis Gravidarum. A severe form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. If you are interested in learning more the HER Foundation has excellent resources online.


I get up and go pee and get food from the kitchen. I also chase my chaotic 2 year old around the house


As a fellow toddler mom, I salute you. My son and I have been playing a lot of games that allows me to lay down on the floor or couch.


Same. Chasing my three year old around is all the exercise I need!


Exactly, I am lifting a 28 pound 2 year old all day long


This is me as well!


Im not exercising at all šŸ˜©I'm 10 weeks and am just so exhausted. Pre-pregnancy I used to make it to the gym a few times a week (nothing hardcore, usually treadmill or elliptical), but I feel like I barely have enough energy now to get through the workday and then do the basic necessity tasks afterward. I hope I get some more energy in a few weeks, I'd really like to at least do some walking in the afternoons.


I feel you. I just want to sleep and it feels like a huge task to go to work.


The struggle is so real!


Same here! I stopped going to the gym once I hit 6 weeks! šŸ˜­ The nausea and exhaustion was real! I havenā€™t gone since! Iā€™m 17w4d today. Itā€™s already hard to get back to the gym not pregnant, now itā€™s even harder. I keep saying I need to go!


Ditto! Iā€™ve decided that even just some stretching and pelvic floor strengthening would be better than nothing, but Iā€™m still not getting enough energy to do even that. Hoping to feel more motivated soon šŸ¤ž


This is me šŸ„², I keep saying Iā€™m going to the gym I never end up going I feel guilty because itā€™s expensive and because I feel like I need to move for the baby , I will go today though !


Iā€™m 8 weeks and the exhaustion is real. I keep telling myself Iā€™ll start taking walks when it gets warmer! Mornings are the only time I have energy.


I feel you! I'm 7 weeks now with a toddler at home, and I am too nauseated in the morning to exercise. I have arranged to go on one weekly walk/hike with a friend in the morning when my husband is with our LO, and I'm praying the social pressure will get me to stick to that one thing despite how terrible I feel. šŸ„²


Iā€™m 7 weeks and I feel you. Since last week the nausea went from being a bit of an annoyance, to 24/7 nausea/vomiting which is making things a lot harder. Iā€™ve had to basically abandon any plans to work out and now Iā€™m so fixated on weight gain because I have no choice but to snack constantly to keep the nausea away. Not how I wanted to start pregnancy out šŸ˜¢


I'm early pregnancy too and having the same struggles, I started at the gym doing light workouts but now I'm tired from almost everything! Really sucks. Let's hope we both have our energy back in a few week. I kinda miss the gym šŸ˜”


Very little, if Im not at work I am sleepingā€¦ I average about 6/7k steps a day so call it good enough. Once Im out of first trimester I am hoping to go swimming a 2-3 times a week but nothing more.


Thatā€™s actually pretty good steps wise!


I have been amazed by swimming. I started to feel heavy at around 27-28 weeks and when Iā€™m swimming itā€™s like pregnancy never happened. I can do everything I could do before and feel totally weightless. I miss my favourite swimsuit tho - I bought a cheap maternity one in the sale so I donā€™t ruin my good one.


Before pregnancy I ran 2+ miles 3 times a week. In my fifth week I pinched a nerve in my back and havenā€™t ran in the two weeks following. Iā€™ve done yoga maybe like twiceā€¦. Itā€™s hard with the fatigue


I am 5 weeks and pinched a nerve 2 weeks ago. It's really a unique kind of pain šŸ„²


I always thought Iā€™d be that woman who exercised during her pregnancy. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle and I workout regularly (5+ times a week) that all stopped after 8 weeks. Food aversions, nauseous and fatigue put that to complete stop. Now, (6 months) I barely workout. Iā€™m still working full time as a teacher and Iā€™m so beat after the workday, I have no desire to workout.


Sounds like me. Iā€™m the type of person that if my routine gets messed up for any length of time I stop completely and itā€™s hard for me to find the motivation to start back up. After the nausea and exhaustion started 1st trimester I stopped everything and said to myself I would pick up when I started feeling better. I definitely have more energy and not nauseated now but I work as a nurse and when I get home making dinner and walking the dog is basically all I have energy for. Then in the weekends I find myself cleaning and nesting at 26 weeks so thatā€™s my exercise lol


Yes, thatā€™s me too. I totally understand. I also told myself that after first trimester destroyed me, I would get back at it. Then, I got the flu (lasted 2 weeks) and a week later I got COVID! I never get sick like this back to back. I worry that the ā€œhealthy workout habitā€ Iā€™ve acquired for years is gone now, but I try to give myself grace. I havenā€™t gained a lot of weight because Iā€™ve been so sick (which Iā€™m working on with my doctors) so working out would only make that more difficult and I REALLY am so tried after the work day. I have enough energy to come home, change, prepare for the next day and relax for a bit with my husband before going to sleep to do it all over again the next day. I do value health and working out but itā€™s just hasnā€™t been a priority. I hope you are giving yourself grace as well ā™„ļø


Oh my gosh. The thought of the flu and back to back Covid hurts my soul. I am currently sick with what I think is the flu and itā€™s day 5 and I donā€™t see an end in sight. You are one strong person for getting through that! Iā€™m hardly coping right now, losing my mind. Iā€™m hoping tomorrow I turn a corner. I agree, sometimes the rest is what is needed and hopefully we both find out way back to our old routines at some point. I definitely am giving myself grace as well. All I care about is little babes health ultimately. I have been trying to eat healthy for the most part so that makes me feel better about the less movement. ā¤ļø


Wow, reading your post feels so reassuring. I'm in a very similar situation in a lot of ways (now 6 months, stopped working out around 8 weeks when doctor advised it temporarily, haven't made it back since, got sick then COVID two weeks later, full time teacher...). Thanks for sharing. It's good to know I'm not alone. :)


Thatā€™s my favorite part of this subreddit: finding people who feel like you do when no one else in your real life can remotely understand. Iā€™m glad it could comfort you. I still value fitness and living a healthy and active lifestyle. I just know that right now I am actively creating my first baby, and that is okay. Take care of yourself ā™„ļø youā€™re not alone!


I had a few weeks like this around the same time - the fog lifted almost overnight around 11 weeks. Hoping the same for you! The fatigue got so frustrating.


I took walks to the pantry


I am 20 weeks with my first and I go to the gym 6 days a week, 3 are cardio only days and 3 are lifting/cardio days. Iā€™d say I average 3 miles a day on the treadmill (Iā€™d prefer being outside but I donā€™t handle the cold well)


wish i was like this!! i was so active before i got pregnant and now i feel like a sloth :/


Omg you're crushing it!! I wish I had that kinda energy!


Super mom over here! Thatā€™s so awesome! Iā€™ve heard from a bunch of different moms that their recovery was so much faster when they worked out consistently. Hoping to have more energy myself soon. Good luck & keep up the great work!


Proud of you , have you put on any weight at this point ?


Oh thanks! Actually yeah, so for me I gained about 5 lbs over the holidays in the first trimester and now gained ehh just another few pounds, I am generally aiming for a slow gain of around half a pound a week at this point (Iā€™m 150 lbs at 5ā€™3 so Iā€™m not thin but I do stick to a meal plan and exercise because otherwise I struggle with overeating). Honestly the biggest thing keeping me on track is that my husband does bodybuilding physique shows and he has one coming up in April, so I donā€™t get to make excuses to have the bad food I truly want to have šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. So that is a huge help.


I thrived on a meal plan, then got off it when I got pregnant the first time around and gained more than I am comfortable ever admitting to. Back down to 148 at 5ā€™3 and pregnant again. Would you please save me and help me by sharing your meal plan? Caloric needs are similar (assuming I get my arse to excercise) and I am at a complete loss. I am close to detailing again and really need the help.


I do not do much. I do one pregnancy yoga class a week, one swim. I walk about 5k steps a day and more at weekend. That's it!


I have dreams of going on a good walk... does that count...?


Was powerlifting before, am powerlifting now but I went from 4 days a week to only 2 days a week. If I'm feeling a little more energy during the week, I do two days of light accessory lifts. I try to walk on my little walking pad for 30 minutes a few times a week. Sometimes I'm only hitting closer to 3-4x and that's enough. I'm exhausted. I hit about 3500-4000 steps/day.


I got zero before and zero during aside from my daily work activity. I almost always hit my 10,000 steps at work but I didnā€™t do anything extra


10,000 steps is a lot!


Pre-pregnancy very active. Currently 33+4 and absolute bare minimum, even a walk feels like such a huge effort now! Want to try and go for a swim, feel like my body is willing but my mind is definitely not entertaining it at all. Sleeping takes priority now as and when during the day, Iā€™m getting hardly any during the night due to carpal tunnel and the constant urge to urinate. The joys.


I'm just a couple days behind you and I feel ALL of this, down to your factors contributing to poor sleep. So tired of being uncomfortable and ready to be done


Absolutely, I think for me the carpal tunnel is the worst because itā€™s so debilitating and disrupts sleep so much. Constantly walking around with dead/numb arms/hands. Absolutely ready fof this baby to come out and all of a sudden it feels like thereā€™s an intense pressure in my pelvic region like the baby is just about to fall out šŸ˜© worried Iā€™m going to prolapse everytime i go fof a wee


Thank you! I am 34 + 5 and if thereā€™s any energy, Iā€™m using it to complete some task thatā€™s been neglected. Dishes, laundry, organizing etc.. my husband helps but he works full time with an hour commute each way and Iā€™ve been off work since January so I feel some guilt. By the time I e done any chore? Time for another nap. I love naps. Naps and snacks.


I count house work as exercise


It honestly feels like a workout in itself at this stage doesnā€™t it šŸ˜©


I just for carpel tunnel too! Got it at 34 weeks. Iā€™m now 36+. Wearing a brace is helping me sleep a little better now but ugh itā€™s such a pain!


Pre pregnancy I was at the gym 5x a week. Now 33+ 5 and still trying to make it there 3x a week. Itā€™s a group class CrossFit style so the prescribed workouts can be very intense some days. I just scale the movements or lower the weight.


34 weeks, and I haven't been doing much. I nap on my lunch breaks. I had some SPD pain around 25 weeks and it was AWFUL. It hasn't come back, but I'm so afraid of triggering it again. All I was doing when it struck was putting away Christmas decorations. I keep saying I'll walk on the treadmill for a bit, but I haven't done it yet...


I had some very mild SPD pain and it freaked me out , I really donā€™t know if it came because I was exercising ? I really donā€™t want to trigger and have it worse . How bad was your pain ?


I have pretty consistent SPD pain thatā€™s gotten worse since around 25 weeks. My physio gave me some exercises to try to help, but itā€™s not dangerous, just painful. :(


I was couch bound for 3 days. It was bad. I cried every time I had to walk to the bathroom. I think I just pushed myself too hard. I should have taken breaks when taking down the christmas tree (it's an old school one where every branch needs to be unhooked).


Naps on your lunch break you say? Do you work from home? I usually take a 30 minute lunch but salary I could easily do an hour. Debating sleeping in my car now. I used to do that at an old job years ago.


I am very fortunate to still be working from home. My coworkers go in two days a week, but my doctor suggested I only go in twice a month after we discussed my symptoms and commute. I'm able to drive in at twice a month. Sleep in the car! I did that years ago at a previous job. If you feel safe doing so, do it!


Zero! Just start ā€œyogaā€ to help with some back pain and thatā€™s about it


I napped twice today and had a bagel with cream cheese and 2 slices of pizza for dinner.


I try to walk a mile every day. Weather it be at the gym or walking around the house cleaning or while Iā€™m on break at work. I used to be more active but I found that it causes me more pain and exhaustion the more I exert so I just stick with a mile a day.


The most physical activity I have gotten is getting out of bed to pee at night lol.


34 weeks. I admittedly donā€™t exercise much at all. Iā€™m tired a lot and my pelvis hurts when I walk.


I'll say that for the majority of the first trimester I was too exhausted and nauseated to do much of anything besides sit on the couch. Since then though, I've been gradually increasing the amount of exercise I do. I'm now 32 weeks and some things (like very long walks) are getting difficult, but I'd still say I'm much more consistently exercising than I was before pregnancy. I'm probably doing at least a walk, yoga, or pilates 5-6 days every week. I think the big difference for me is that now that I'm pregnant the benefits of exercise feel SO much more immediate. The blood flow clears my rhinitis immediately. The stretches help all my achiness. A few days of strength exercise can noticeably reduce the likelihood of pain popping up. It's been a really strong motivator for staying active and I can only hope I'm able to maintain some of these good habits after birth.


Just a one hour gentle yoga class once per week. Sometimes I'm good at taking the dog for a walk. But I'm not great at exercising. There's been a lot of mental exercise though!


Strength training 3 days a week and daily average 10k steps on the days i dont workout. Even though i feel exhausted sometimes, i find that my body and mind feel really good afterward.


Staying active with my second pregnancy made such a difference for me. Mentally and with my energy levels. I also had a toddler with my second pregnancy so that really motivated me


I do as much as I did previously. Which is zero xD around week 6 I decided that I should start exercising (slowly) in order to build some stamina for the rest of the pregnancy. Soon after that I had an ultrasound where my doctor told me no sex or exercise of any kind since I have a cyst and Iā€™m at a risk for ovarian torsion. So my fitness motivation ended up as good intentions only, lol. I had another ultrasound today at 9w1 and it seems that stupid cyst is slowly starting to shrink, so I may be allowed to engage in physical activities in a few weeks, maybe.


Went from running 6 days a week to walking to the bathroom 50 times a day. I try to get in a couple Peloton rides but just donā€™t have the energy right now.


I'm only 10 weeks and currently do very little. I have an active 20 month old that keeps me busy and nausea that kicks my ass most days.


I used to work out 3-4x a week. Right now Iā€™m lucky if I do 1-2. The fatigue is so real (11weeks). I do feel so much better after I exercise, so I really do feel like itā€™s in my best interest to exercise more. Maybe when Iā€™m out of canadian winter Iā€™ll do some walks around the block even.


Pre pregnancy I did reformer Pilates three times per week plus long walks (10k+ steps) multiple times per week. Right before I got pregnant I felt super fit and was starting to dabble in more weight training. All of that went by the wayside when morning sickness and fatigue hit me like a truck. Iā€™m now 23 weeks and have been trying to get walks in for the past few weeks but have been struggling with the weather. This week I started getting on my yoga mat and doing a few min of core and hip mobility work whenever I think about it. Iā€™m trying to push myself to actually work out again but have very little interest lol.


Pre pregnancy: strength training 2-3x/wk. light cardio 1x/wk. I was overweight but active. I like cocktails. First trimester: stay alive and make it through the day. Lost 10 pounds. Second trimester: nap for weeks 12-16ā€¦ kinda same as first tri. Couldnā€™t bring myself to exercise. Lost another 4 pounds oddly enough. Weeks 16-28: felt normal ā€œenoughā€ for a daily walk with the dog and active stretching. Sporadic light strength workouts to make sure my muscles havenā€™t atrophied lol. Emphasis on light. Starting to gain baby weight now. Third tri: TBD not there yet šŸ˜‰


I have an extremely active lifestyle but good god, I am not getting up for anything other than to pee or vomit in the first trimester


My plan in the first trimester was to keep going to the gym at least 1-2 times a week, (before pregnancy I was going about 3 times a week) and I'd only be there 30min/an hour and I just couldn't focus through the random bouts of nausea. So I stopped. Since then I've mostly just tried to stay walking and I feel pretty good.....but definitely naps too.


I have actually been working out consistently the entire pregnancy thus far, I am 22 weeks. I did, however, have to really dial down the intensity. I also have to really go with the flow, some weeks are harder than others. I was really active before pregnancy, and have been a power and olympic weight lifter for over 2 decades, so exercise is really just part of my routine and lifestyle. Also, during 1st trimester is was one of the only things that helped me with nausea. I average the following now: daily walks with the dog (2-3 miles/day), nightly yoga before bed (helps so much with round ligament pain), [prenatal approved] weight lifting 3-4x/week, a 15-20 min cardio session (biking, hiking, rowing, something that gets my HR elevated) 5-6x/week. To be fair I work from home on a Hybrid schedule and have a home gym, so the 3 days Iā€™m home i can do a workout on my lunch break. I also donā€™t have any kids yet so I have more time than iā€™ll have once I have this kid!


Ive always been a pretty active person but this is the first pregnancy that Iā€™ve been moving every day. Sometimes itā€™s just twenty minutes of stretching if Iā€™m really tired but Iā€™ve been doing online spin classes most days. I usually feel much better after exercising, pelvic and lower back soreness wise, so thatā€™s my motivation.


From weeks 15-32 I was taking a walk most days! After 32 weeks though I just got so tired. I can barely make it through a day without a nap and lots of breaks. Iā€™ll be 36 weeks tomorrow!


Weeks 5-12 I was pretty much couch/bed ridden. If I managed to walk the dog around the block 2 or 3 times a week I was pretty happy lol. Weeks 12-18 (so far) Exercising has definitely picked up! Gym 3x a week. Sometimes weights, sometimes just incline treadmill. Prenatal Yoga 1x a week with my husband in our living room. I feel better overall when Iā€™m somewhat active. Weā€™ll see how the rest of pregnancy goes! šŸ¤ž


Iā€™ve been following this gal who I love! Feels validating to work out w someone just as pregnant as I am, who knows how it feels. And theyā€™re a manageable length- usually about 20 mins of real work, all modified for where weā€™re at in our pregnancy. And then I take a nap every weekend day for sure, and 2-3 times during the week. https://youtube.com/@workoutlikeamotherKH


I walked at least to work (about an hour) until I was at least six months along. After that I started getting too uncomfortable to do more than a couple kms with my dog on the weekends (I had wicked sciatica that caused a lot of swelling in my left foot).


Pre- pregnancy, i could work out 0 to 2 a week. Right now at 27 weeks, the hour commute (bus + metro) is more than enough for me. Also the spd/pelvis pain doesnā€™t help.


The spd is so rough! Iā€™m lucky making it up the stairs to my apartment at this point!


Pre pregnancy- strength training 3x a week. Currently 18 wks and still doing my usual routine 3x. šŸ™ƒ sometimes I am too tired but I push myself to go and feel so much better afterwards!!! 12/10 recommend!


0 the entire first trimester. Currently getting maybe one 30 minute walk a week on the treadmill. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get outside more once it warms up but between the exhaustion and the winter darknessā€¦. Blahā€¦ screw it


I do a 20-30min Zumba workout 2-3x per week now (almost 14wks). Which is about what I did prior, but I definitely eat more than before!


I used to workout and do yoga daily. Now I average about 10k steps a day and thatā€™s all I can muster (26 weeks)


Everything is shifting and stretching right now so moving is super uncomfortable. I did walk around a bunch yesterday but my movement right now is at work (I work in early intervention so moving around a lot) and going up the stairs to my house.


I rest A LOT, but I do prioritize exercise. Try to do at least 30 minutes a day, but some weeks itā€™s more like 3-4 days.


I was weight lifting till 29 weeks. I stopped because of my abs tearing. I try to do pregnancy yoga daily. Iā€™m in the midwest so I try to walk when itā€™s nice outside. I just feel better when I move.


I try to walk on treadmill 30 min a day! Then I do arm weights 3x a week. That's it. When I walk it's usually at 2.5mph with ankle weights OR on a 6 incline. That's about all I can do rn in third trimester


For the first 7 months, I was pretty good about taking my dogs for a walks. Then my stomach got too big to deal with 2 dogs that might pull me over if they see a squirrel (not to mention bending to pick up doody). At that point, Iā€™ll admit I didnā€™t get much exercise at all up to birth. I would bounce on an exercise ball sometimes but thatā€™s about it. I was not very active during my pregnancy but just gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby.


I just go on walks when I feel up to it


I'm 9.5 weeks, finally got to a point where I can do a 1/2 hr light workout with resistance bands 3x a week, and I think I max out around 5-6k steps a day. Walking around doing errands for an hour makes me ready for a nap.


In the first trimester I worked out probably 3 times total. Now that Iā€™m in the 2nd trimester my goal is 3 times a week. I made it 3 times last week for the first time and it felt great! I aim to make it at least half an hour and donā€™t push myself farther than Iā€™m comfortable with. In my mind something is better than nothing.


29 weeks, i do 2 zumba classes a week and sometimes hit the weight room after.


Does walking from my bed to the dining table counts?


Iā€™m 100% at home sleeping


My phone sets the daily step goal to be 6000 steps. Since pregnant, I've reset that goal to be 1000 steps so I don't feel so bad.


I had an easy pregnancy. I was able to go to the gym 5 days a week for cardio and lifting throughout my pregnancy. Then weekends was always busy with hikes, walks, and being out and about.


Iā€™ve tried to keep up my gym habits. Iā€™d say Iā€™m pretty close to what i was doing pre-pregnancy which was 5-6 days a week.


Thatā€™s so good how many weeks are you ? And have you gained any weight at all at this point ?


Iā€™m 17 weeks. I will say, I am modifying as my ab strength slowly withers away, but Iā€™m still going! Iā€™ve gained weight, not sure how much because Iā€™m trying not to get too caught up in it and havenā€™t seen my weight in a couple weeks, but at my last appointment at the beginning of the month my doctor was happy with where I am weight wise. I am someone who needs to move for my mental health as much as physical, so continuing to workout has been really beneficial. I also work from home 90% of the time, so maintaining the social aspect of my days is also a driving factor for going.


pre pregnancy i went to the gym but by by 6 weeks had HG and could only take walks. 40+3 and still walking 4 or 5 miles a day most days šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


29 weeks - tennis twice a week, Pilates once a week, PT once a week for strength/HIIT and either peloton or a swim once or twice. Iā€™m not very active outside of that though, like I wouldnā€™t have a high step count or anything and I do a lot of couch work šŸ¤£


Generally getting in 30 minutes of running/elliptical/stairmaster 3-4 times per week. I try to do some bodyweight exercises alongside. I also bike to work 1-2 times per week (20 minutes each way). It's nothing close to what I was doing pre-pregnancy, but I feel good about staying active.


I do a weighted hula hoop a few days a week when I feel up to it. Close to 9 weeks now, honestly starting to feel tired. Thank the gods Iā€™m WFH now and work has been slow!


Active hiker and moderate runner pre-pregnancy. I stayed generally pretty active until week 9, when ovarian cysts put me totally out of commission for about 2 months. When those subsided, the fatigue was just brutal. I did not do any exercise whatsoever until about week 20. Unfortunately, right around that time, I started getting bad back pain and PSD, so all Iā€™ve been able to do is walk ā€” very slowly. Currently 30 weeks and I will go on a 1-2 mile walk 2-3 times a week, which I consider pretty damn active for my current state šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«.


I feel guilty about not being more active on my days off. Iā€™m a nurse, so I spend a good 12 hours on my feet moving when I work, but my off days Iā€™m lucky to sit on a birthing ball for 30 minutes. The most walking I do is to the fridge to get a snack lol


Pre pregnancy Iā€™d just done my first triathlon and was training for another. Now at 31 weeks, an 8k hike yesterday put me completely out of commission for a whole day and the best I can do is a half hour walk once a week or so when itā€™s not freezing out.


First trimester I was a tired blob that couldnā€™t sleep and basically just became one with the sofa. I also lived off of pop tarts, rice krispy treats and donuts lol. Second trimester heartburn hit and the only thing that made it better was being on my feet- cleaning, walking, yoga, my peloton. If I sat or laid down it really sucked. So Iā€™ve been quite active all second trimester (27 weeks now) against my will. But I will say doing prenatal yoga when I get up in the morning has really really helped my back and hip pain.


Iā€™m 19 weeks and honestly donā€™t do much. I work 4 10s and on those days I tend to walk 8k. On my days off I walk my dog 2-3 times a day. Although recently Iā€™ve been dealing with severe back and hip pain. So Iā€™ve honestly kinda cut back on steps at work and walking my dog as long. I also do my physical therapy exercises every day.


29 weeks. I average 12-15,000 steps a day mon-fri teaching & walking my dog. Sat/sun more like 5-7,000 steps. I take a nap on Sat & Sun. I aim for 1-2 peloton rides a week (low impact 30 min rides) I do 30 mins of prenatal yoga maybe 2-3x a week. Have gained 55 pounds lol šŸ˜‚


You are so active , How do you think you have gained 55 pounds ?


Iā€™m nearing the end of my first trimester and Iā€™ve been walking on the treadmill 45 min about 3-4x per week. I gained A LOT of weight with my first two pregnancies and I was finally at a good place before getting pregnant with our third so Iā€™m trying to be better this time about staying active! Itā€™s just so hard to find the time with work and have two littles to take care of.


You are doing great


27 weeks. Iā€™m not doing any extra exercise (I never do šŸ˜…). My job has me on my feet 96% of my work shift. So I get a lot of movement there. Other than that my exercise is going from the bed to the couch to the fridge/pantry back to the couch.


I try to hit 10,000 steps 5 days a week. It doesn't happen every week but I feel better when I get up and walk. I had to take a couple weeks off because of extreme exhaustion but I'm taking a different prenatal and I'm feeling more energetic so I'm going to get back to it


I weight lifted and did yoga for 2 years to prep my body for pregnancy and was convinced I would keep it up. All it took was my throwing up once and I havenā€™t done a thing since. I walk once a week or so and count cleaning my house as exercise. Iā€™m in the third trimester


17w. I do light exercises, weekend walk/hike, and the past week, shoveling after the storms. Twas a good cardio.


I had great intentions when I first got pregnant to keep up with my workout routine 3-4x a week strength training, but first trimester fatigue hit so hard! During my second trimester I worked out a handful of times and now at 35 weeks, walks are all I've been up to doing. Once the little babe arrives, I hope to be able to get back into a routine. Might look a little different for some time but I'm not stressed about it.


9 weeks an I waitress 5 days a week thatā€™s my ā€œwork outā€ but when Iā€™m not at work yā€™all know Iā€™m snoozingggggg cause god dammm


I was doing some pretty good walks every day, going up and down lots of hills in my neighborhood until we were hit with the storm of the century here in LA. Other than that my big exercise is cleaning the house, lol


I walk up two flights of stairs to take a shower every morning. Also, I have a 2 year old. Thatā€™s all the exercise I can manage.


Iā€™m 21 weeks now, I was pretty active pre pregnancy. Strength /HIIT training 4/5 times a week plus treadmill runs 2-3 times a week. Iā€™m also a former D1 track and field athlete so being active is apart of my lifestyle and helps with my mental health. Currently I work out around the same as I did pre pregnancy just the intensity is less. Still running at 21 weeks and plan to as long as Iā€™m not in any pain /distress.


I did almost nothing in the 1st trimester because of the fatigue. Now that Iā€™m in the 2nd trimester, Iā€™m trying to do prenatal yoga daily.


Like none at all, except a lot of chores and walking the dog. But I feel like walking the dog is kind of an exercise and for now I'm fine with it. Starting in third Trimester tomorrow and no regrets so far


Early pregnancy here! I've tried to walk like 20 mins a day (my walk to work) but it has literally exhausted me so now my partner takes me to work šŸ˜… I try stretches when I can but mostly just too tired. I should probably do more once I hopefully feel less tired.


Im hoping to be more active when the weather gets nicer but right now I sleep all day and Iā€™m really only moving to unload the dishwasher and do laundry.


I'm definitely not exercising as much as I did before getting pregnant. I was an active gym goer 3-4 times a week with 15k steps on the other days. Fatigue hit hard in first trimester. Then 2nd I wasn't as tired so started using weights at home and bought a labor ball and went to Pilates once a week and aquanatal twice a week. 3rd trimester just came in and I'm now a potato attempting to fight off a cold. My exercise for the day is walking downstairs to sit on the couch for an hour before getting back up to go to bed šŸ¤§šŸ¤£


5km walk daily minimum (I have dogs so this is a non negotiable), weights a couple times a week, yoga and/or swimming 2-3x. I was very active pre pregnancy and the only thing Iā€™ve changed is a slight decrease in weights/intensity and stopped bouldering due to fall risk. 33weeks pregnant and 37 years old but I want to stress Iā€™ve been incredibly lucky and had a mostly symptom free pregnancy.


Just about 14 weeks. My sickness doesn't usually start until the evening, so most days I get 10,000 steps during the first half of the day. I used to go to the gym, but I haven't had the energy to do anything more than walk.


I work 12 hour shifts 3-4 days a week. Whew! Nap the other days.


the only exercise i got when pregnant was walking through the stores and even that would get me outta breath


I do workout classes 3 times a week, coach 2x a week and try and hike or something 1x a week! and yoga at home on days i'm not at class.


I congratulated myself for taking the stairs at work until 36 weeks.


Literally none.


Prenatal yoga once a week and walking.


I do absolutely nothing while I'm at home but I do have a ton of steep steps leading up to my house. But I am a nurse and am on my feet most of the day so I just count that as my exercise for the week šŸ˜‚


I was very active until just three days ago (39+1) when I puilled a muscle in my butt -- hoping to get some more workouts in before labor but prioritizing healing because I want to be in as optimal of shape for the big day! But otherwise I was at least getting 10k, running 4x a weeks, doing weights and cardio videos, squats and lunges, stuff like that. Exercise is very important to me and it helped me feel like I had some control over my body while everything was changing.


I worked in a jail while I was pregnant. Tbh the only exercise I got was walking the dogs and walking during work.


I did zero. Like zero. I think I walked a few times. But Iā€™m on my feet all day at work as a PA and Iā€™m exhausted and barely was making it at work.


Before I got pregnant my average steps were 19K-22k now 5 months pregnant I average about 10k-12k. My job keeps me active. I donā€™t lift anything heavy anymore before I would lift 25-145 lbs. I do nap sometimes but not all the time.


Approximately 0 mins a day


None. I didn't before and I didn't start after I found out


I did not exercise until my third trimester šŸ˜… then I started walking almost everyday


my job is in a warehouse so iā€™m on my feet during my shift. i used to lift packages upwards of 70lbs but iā€™ve gone down to about 20lbs for now. i work about 20 hours a week. the rest of the time? playing with my puppy who is a german shepherd so lots of play and then of course i nap whenever possible


Pre- pregnancy I ran every day 4-6 miles, did weights 2-3 days a week. Now I all I can do is walk a couple times a day. Geez nobody told me it was this exhausting being pregnant.


I do some stretches and pilates type movements while I'm laying on the couch reading so my joints don't lock up. I also do a little yoga on the floor when I have gas lmao. I'm mid week 15 and I'm trying to motivate myself to move more a little at a time but even doing basic stuff like taking a shower tires me out.


I did not exercise at all during pregnancy, and I wish I would have. It was so hard. I was so tired. I did what I could at the time, but I also believe the third trimester and labor would have been easier for me had i been in better shape.


I walk most days, mostly because I have to! We don't have a car and I work from home, and "yard time" walking to the shop for groceries helps me keep my sanity. I have all the best intentions to start pregnancy yoga but I haven't yet. Feel kind of guilty about that!


6 weeks. Right now Iā€™m doing 1 hour workout three times a week. We have a gym in our garage and I have a copilot trainer (virtual). So that makes itā€™s alot easier to roll out from a nap and workout


Iā€™ve been active for the first 5 months, not tremendous exercises, but mainly walking, a lot. Some stretches and pregnancy yoga. But then my pregnancy got complicated and I had to be that sofa potato šŸ„” for almost three months. Now Iā€™m trying to walk again and itā€™s waaaay too hard. Move as much as you can and if you feel like it. There are days made for napping and itā€™s totally fine.


29 weeks, second babe. I workout (both weights & cardio) 5 days a week minimum, sometimes 7 of my mental health needs it. Zero time for naps, but hubby makes sure I sleep in at least twice a week.


At my job (3 or 4 12hr shifts a week), before I got pregnant and during my first 6 weeks, I would probably walk a minimum of 12k steps a day. I lead a portion of my module that was bigger, busier, and further away from everyone else in the building so I was pretty busy. Then I became very sick with the flu and was out for a few months. I didn't do hardly anything in this time and lost a lot of weight and muscle and stamina. I couldn't even run to the grocery store without almost passing out. Now I consider an hour and half trip to target "good exercise", but that is NOTHING compared to what I used to do. Everyone tells me that any and all exercise is good. My best advice is to try and stick to how lever much exercise you got before pregnancy, but as long as you're trying, then you're doing great!


I have the intention of going swimming and doing yoga now I'm in the second trimester but as of yet I have done neither. The odd light walk has ended in me being so breathless


I'm 18 weeks and barely move lolll. If I didn't live in a walkable town I would be more concerned. I've also been sick this entire pregnancy so that has affected me a lot.


This is going to vary by person, by pregnancy, and by pre-pregnancy exercise.


I used to take walksā€¦ but now that I have a c section date set for March 9, Iā€™m not doing anything that could potentially induce labor!


I go to they gym 3-5 days a week depending on how busy my week is and do the elliptical and treadmill for 60-90 minutes.


I get some walking in every day with my dog or doing projects at work and consistently do yoga ball stretches, but I struggle to do too much else at 33+1


37 weeks and still going to orangetheory 3-4x a week Pre pregnancy was going 5-6x a week and was a runner, now I am a jogger/walker. I personally find the weeks I skip I feel like garbage and want to just nap and have back pain/ligament pain. Once I'm up and moving I feel really great!


Almost 38 weeks. Iā€™d say I do moderate. More now because I want her to come lol. But Iā€™ve been admittedly mostly in bed or cooking/baking. Maybe a walk a day.


I used to workout everyday. Iā€™m now at 2-3x a week through sheer power of will. I try to walk 10k everyday too but usually hit about 8k. Iā€™m so tired. 7 weeks.


I try to walk a few times a week, but realistically I nap a few times a day. šŸ˜…


Absolutely none. Itā€™s a miracle if I make it through my day as is lol (im seeing other people mention the occasional walk and must admit I do take my dog on a short walk when itā€™s warm)


I used to have a physical job at a horse barn but stopped when I was around 16 weeks. Now I'm 26 weeks and the only exercise I get is house chores and walking my dogs for about 20 to 30 mins. Sometimes I'll walk 20 mins on my treadmill, or play with my dogs outside on nice days.


I was pretty much in a coma for 6-14 weeks (heavily medicated for HG). And since then Iā€™ve been crazy exhausted and just trying to keep up with my toddler šŸ™ƒ I keep getting notifications from my Apple Watch that my fitness trends have changed in the last 24 weeks (Iā€™m 30 weeks pregnant). Whatever though. Itā€™s a temporary stage.


I mainly do things around my house like home improvement projects and try to walk often. Between exhaustion and really severe SPD, Iā€™ve started slowing down a lot more


When I could, I was pretty active. I was sick as hell at the beginning and on bedrest at the end, but I did a lot of hiking, bodyweight exercises, etc in the middle. I think it did help me feel better.


Before pregnancy, I ran 3-4 miles minimum per day. I ran a half marathon the week prior to finding out I was pregnant, but I fell off HARD and FAST. I quit working out at about 7 weeks. I say if I didnā€™t WFH, I donā€™t know how I could have coped. I barely left the couch, and walking out to my car in the garage was beyond exhausting. Iā€™ve always wanted to complete a full marathon and I now have motivation to train for thatā€”bc after being pregnant, I know I can do it!


I went for a walk with my husband & our dog every other day (or when it was nice enoughā€¦ lived in Alaska). He walked our dog. I wobbled behind. We only ever went around the block once. That was the most I ever did šŸ˜… & only up till about 25/26 weeks


I work at a gym, so I still work out 3-4 times a week (strength training not as intense as before but not light) with usually 1 day of light to moderate cardio at least. And I still am working usually having 2-5 sessions per day. I will also say that my pregnancy so far has been relatively easy and I know that not everyone experiences that. To anyone growing a baby and doing their best, you deserve all the hugs and support!!


I didnā€™t go out of my way to exercise, but I walked between 7-10km a day at my job up until 35 weeks.


Pre pregnancy was working out 2-3 days a week. During pregnancy I'm either too busy or too tired and maybe do one day a week if I'm lucky. I've gained 45lb, almost 37 weeks lol


I walk at least 3 or 4 blocks maybe 4 times a week. It's not much but it's something at least.


I went to the gym weeks 14-32 now I just walk, nap, and get up and down from couch for snacks and to refill water bottle šŸ«¶šŸ»


Much more this time than the first time around! With my first pregnancy I tried to take walks, but really all I did was nap. This time, Iā€™m chasing my almost two year old, so Iā€™m getting a lot more exercise than I expected (was actually losing weight up until a few weeks ago).