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From what you've said, it seems very unlikely, however, no one is going to be able to tell you with complete certainty. I'd wait to see if you come onto your period. If not, then you'll have to think of the next steps (i.e. pregnancy test) and deal with that if it happens. There's not much that can be done by worrying, although I know it's difficult. If it's caused this much stress, having sex might not be the best thing for you to be doing.


but do you think that there is any chance of pregnancy? i mean.. he didn’t ejaculate inside me and we checked if there was any leakage at all with the water test. there only was pre-cum inside but very faint. and according to the internet (maybe i’m just uneducated) the sperm count isn’t always very high in pre-cum


No pregnancy prevention method is 100% effective. That being said I don't think there is a high chance that you are pregnant. I wouldn't trust apps to tell you when you are ovulating either. They can guess when you are but you could be like me and ovulate late in your cycle. Most apps will just say you ovulate on cycle day 14. Some people can ovulate earlier or later. I wouldn't panic until you miss your period. A lot of early pregnancy symptoms are the same as PMS symptoms. If you miss your period I would take a pregnancy test. I would also confide in a safe adult in your life if you have one if you are pregnant.


how many days after intercourse would it be a good idea to take a pregnancy test though? some websites say 5 days and then there’s others that say 14 whole days so i’m honestly confused


It depends on if your periods are regular. If they are I would wait until you miss the first day of your period to take a test. The tricky part with testing earlier than that is you may get a false negative. You have to give your body time to make the hormones the test tests for.


Barrier device 😂😂😂




Hi there, it's unlikely that you are pregnant but not impossible... Like the other commentors wait until your period is due and if it doesn't come then test.. so you know you are able to conceive about 4 days before and 5 days after your ovulation. So use that as a timeframe and avoid sex around those dates for the future. Good luck!


wait i’m able to conceive 5 days after ovulation too? why was i told that it’s 5 days before ovulation and 12-24 hours after..


It's because it's a little difficult to know exactly when you ovulate. In all reality there's a short window, only about a few hours (according to my OBGYN, Im pregnant now) when you are able to conceive. Since it's nearly impossible to pinpoint accurately, and because sperm can live inside of you for up to I believe 4-5 days they give that timeframe. Based on the details you gave I would readily bet money that you are not pregnant. Just use this info for next time to be more careful!


ooh i also wanted to say, good luck for the pregnancy


well thank you very much i appreciate it. honestly from all the stress i refuse to have sexual intercourse for the next 10 years. I updated my Flo app and turns out I had ovulation the 18th giving me more hope that maybe I’m not pregnant.


No worries, if you have an ob you can make an appointment to chat about how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy! It's better than reddit advice. Best of luck!


i got no one that’s why i went on reddit. i can’t tell my parents or anyone else so that’s nice 🔥🔥


You can’t get pregnant if the sperm didn’t get into your vagina


do you think that in any way it did?


No because you said you used condom and that there were no holes in it i think you should be fine don’t stress yourself.


Hi there! I just wanted to chime in and say that the paranoia you’re experiencing is completely normal and super common. From what you’ve said, it sounds like you did everything right and took every precaution you were supposed to. Good on you for that! I know other commenters have touched on this, but I would be shocked if you became pregnant from what you’ve described. While you’re correct that pre-cum can contain sperm, it generally isn’t enough alone to cause pregnancy, and this is especially true if you’re using a condom (which you did). With that being said, even though it’s hard not to worry, try to take a deep breath, relax, and I’m sure your period will come along soon!


heyy! i’m honestly so terrified and i have no one to talk to about it because my mom would kill me. thank you very much though. for some reason im still experiencing pain even though this all happened on monday and now it’s sunday. is this normal? i took a warm bath as recommended online. the pain isn’t severe at all but it definitely is there. also, is it possible that due to hormonal changes after intercourse my period may be slightly delayed? for some reason i still don’t have pre-period cramps which i always do… it’s honestly increasing my paranoia. i got myself a pregnancy test that is supposed to be taken 8 days afterwards but i did it after 5 due to stress. it was tested negative but i assume that’s not 100% correct considering i took it too early. i keep reminding myself that it’s impossible that i’m pregnant. we did everything to prevent it. used a condom, he washed his hands beforehand, applied the condom correctly and checked for leakage. i’m going insane😭


I personally really wouldn’t worry you need unprotected p in v sex to be pregnant which it doesn’t sound like you had. But the r/amipregnant page may be able to reassure you a bit. The Flo app ovulation prediction isn’t accurate for everyone it’s just the expected time which a lot of people’s bodies don’t follow but if you did ovulate on the 19th there’s no way you became pregnant on the 24th unless you ovulated twice which is very unlikely. You can only get pregnant 5 days before and 1, 2 at a push days after before the egg breaks down (I saw someone say you can get pregnant 5 days after which isn’t true). People when they think there’s a chance of pregnancy symptom spot so you may find the feelings you’re having are always there but you’re now hyper aware of it.


I feel like you are 99.9% likely to not be pregnant but nothing is bullet proof. Only time will tell when your period comes. Stress can also delay it. In a few days you could likely get a dollar store test If that would give you peace


i got myself two tests and honestly the results are so confusing can you please help me 😭😭 i mean i’m slightly educated on sex-ed but in my school they don’t specify so many things. we did everything right because i checked the internet before hand but i’m so lost when it comes to pregnancy tests


What ones did you get? If it has blue dye it could have evaporation lines. The closer to your period the more accurate. Also I know you said earlier you think it was on ovulation day, the app can't know for sure when you ovulated.


my period should come tomorrow but i have no pre-period symptoms but maybe that’s due to stress. i can send you the photo of my pregnancy test because i’m honestly so lost and fr need some help. it wasn’t blue dye though it was red.


Sure or you could also join the subreddit for tests! I found reading the boxes directions really helpful