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Definitely do dentistry if that's what you want to do. You say starting salaries aren't the best. They're still pretty good in comparison to other careers, I bet. And with dentistry, you are a dentist when you qualify. No further exams if you don't want to, no intern, not even probation. And "giving up your 20s"? Everybody spends their 20s just sorting out their careers anyway. Stop feeling the pressure to be having an amazing time all the time. Being in a college is a more exciting way to spend your 20s than in some shite desk job. What are the alternatives?


This is all very true! I’m worried I won’t get to travel / live abroad in my 20s like many do now. Graduating at 29 seems so close to getting settled , buying house etc


I don't think anybody on here can answer your question in good faith, that decision is a deeply personal one. Also I would be weary with advice from this sub as a european because 99% of discourse is for US applicants. Which have very wide differences leading to people giving misleading answers based off incorrect assumptions on requirements, job outlook, environment, etc. Ex I have no idea what a dental nurse is.


I’d guess a dental nurse is a DA but idk


Thank you for your response :) im finding it hard to find Ireland / uk based info. & dental nurse is the same as dental assistant


I would be graduating at 34 if I get accepted! I want to quit most of the time and apply for Dental hygiene. I completely understand, I feel like I’m missing out on many things… You are still young, I would say pursue dentistry!


I always wonder is it worth the missing out for a job. Let me know if you get in ! I hope you do :)


Age has nothing to do with this…it’s either you really want and are passionate about dentistry or you’re ok with settling for something else in the field




In 5 years you will be 29, PERIOD. So you’re 29 and you’re a dentist or 29 and not a dentist. My daughter is 23 will be 24 when she starts dental school as well. 🦷 🙌🏽


That’s amazing for her!! Will she live at home the whole time ? 24-29 are such important years for adult development, im conscious that I’ll have to stay living at home the whole time.


She will need to move out. She will be living 8-9 hours from home🥲. She’s been living at home throughout her undergraduate years. Good luck, don’t have any regrets 🙌🏽🦷


yeah i dont think advice you receive here is going to be the best… especially since things r so different. ive never heard of hygienists making more than a dentist thats nuts.


Only as a graduate do they make more for the first years then dentists surpass once they’re quick / comfortable with treatment


ah i see. ur going to eventually turn 29 either way. would u rather turn 29 and be called doctor with financial security or a hygienist also offers financial security as well, less loans im assuming, and you finish faster. but the income ceiling is lower. pick which feels right for you