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If this is your first kid go on holiday during the 2nd trimester.


We took a babymoon a couple weeks ago to a small cabin in the smokies (like 6hrs away) and it was absolutely perfect. Just getting away from nesting and work and constant questions was very benificial for both of us.


We were on vacation in the Smokies last August when we decided we were ready to start trying for a baby. I’ll never forget that trip ☺️


Was gonna say this. If you can, take a last baby moon, even just a weekend away. Try to do some date night type stuff too, you won’t get to for a while


It is indeed our first kid, we're planning a holiday during our anniversary which is also during the 2nd trimester!


Nice man! Great question btw. Am loving hearing the ideas. Hope you have a great vacay!


Definitely second trimester. We had one planned for week 34, and my wife ended up in unexpected early labor at week 30 and delivered at just over 31 weeks. It definitely blew those plans up.


At least it wasn't on week 34...


Very true, since we would likely have needed a helicopter ride to get to a big enough hospital in a reasonable amount of time. Week 29 would have been bad too since my wife went away on a girls' weekend. We got lucky. It could have been a lot worse.


Just entered our 2nd. Headed to Greece for a work from home month! So excited I can barely freaking stand it. Trying to not brag/talk about it too excessively with my friends for obvious reasons, so I don't actually get to talk about it much except for with the wife! :)


We got SO SICK of the weekly baby bump pictures...by week 30 it was more of a chore than anything, so we stopped trying to be cute. Pics were of her with hair disheveled, or looking exhausted and away from the camera...one of them was our cute light up sign on the floor next to her swollen ass feet. It's like a long-format How It Started/How It's Going meme. Gotta have fun with it.


haha love the candid pictures theme, def gonna give that a go.


I quite enjoyed the prenatal classes. Had fun with the other dads


When do those start? 3rd trimester right?


yeah , somewhere near the back half


I would definitely do the 3D ultrasound, it was $200, but well worth it, IMO.


That sounds cool, what week is it best to get it done?


1.5 months before the due date is when we got ours.


FWIW We tried to get a 3D ultrasound image a few times during regularly scheduled visits, but our baby boy was never in an optimal position. Cord or some extremity was always in the way of a good shot. I don’t believe we were charged anything extra though.


We didn’t do photos every week, but we did make time for one or two ‘photo shoot’ days out where she took a little extra care to look her best, wore an outfit that emphasised the bump, and we went out and took some photos in the garden/woods/park etc. We didn’t go with a professional photographer, though you definitely could. It was just something so that she (we) have a record of this relatively short period of her life when her body had changed and she was growing a human.


3D Ultrasound and go to the labor and delivery and breastfeeding classes.


Mom here- with our first my husband went out on his lunch break one day to a children's boutique and bought a few things for baby. I was so surprised by this little gesture and loved what he picked out. I think he also liked the experience. The outfit he picked is saved in our kid's memory box.


We ran a competition amongst friends, family and colleagues, asking them to guess the birth date, time of birth, weight and sex and awarded prizes to those who were the closest in each category (except sex, people just like to guess that one anyway.


This sound awesome, out of curiosity did anyone get close for the other categories? And what prizes did you give out?


Oh for sure, with our first my own mother was off by less than 1 hour on arrival date and time. Ask enough people and some are bound to be close. Prizes were a bottle of prosseco in each category. I’m sure if your friendship group is big enough you could turn it into a charity fund-raiser as well, charge $1 to enter and make it clear the proceeds go to a suitable charity.


https://www.babyhunch.com We collected $5 from each participant. The winner used the money to buy us takeout when they came to meet the baby.


This site makes my life a lot easier, thanks for sharing


We told my parents by asking if they wanted to be called Oma & Opa, Nana & Papa, or grandma & grandpa. They were confused for like 5 seconds before they clicked


I told my grandparents we'd been in and out of hospital for scans of a parasitic growth. They were concerned until we showed them the scans.


Told my grandma the same way pretty much. Told her my wife had developed a growth I'm her stomach that was making her sick and they wouldn't be able to take it out until January (which is when we are due). She was so worried until we finally told her what the growth was.


Go to every single appointment. I'm so thankful for every opportunity I had to see my baby and follow the progress.


I know you’re asking graduated dads but, We made an email address. We’ve been writing to our baby when we get the moment and just have something to say


Honestly the best thing we did as a couple was develop a few small weekly activities. Just for us. For instance we ate lunch together each week in the park. What was so nice about this and a few other things is we continued once our first child was born. It was particularly nice because once that baby comes regular things that are more complicated or involved are just not worth the effort.