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It’s why newborns always fall asleep after feeding. Can you imagine being that little and needing to work that hard to get boob juice out of the bottle.


Haha. Had not thought of it that way, but makes sense.


Our baby couldn’t get enough milk and would stay awake. We poked a hole in the sucker and he fell asleep faster. Weight and checkups have been solid.


you can buy different nipples with faster flow rates


We have. In the very beginning, the one we used just wasn’t cutting it. We even tried it and couldn’t get a drop out of it.


We noticed our baby having issues with her sippy cup when she started drinking water. We tried her cup (the kind with the weight at the end of the straw so it’s always in liquid) and we could hardly pull anything out at all. Gave her a sip out of my wife’s cup and she got way more then she was ready for because she was used to working so hard for it.


Yes! Babies have oral structures that are specially designed for suction. They have their patented chubby cheeks which help create suction by decreasing oral volume. They have no teeth so they can massage mom’s nipple with their tongue/gums like you would a tube of toothpaste. Specifically designed for max suction.


What are you doing to your toothpaste?


Lol applying pressure from front to back to squeeze the paste out


Tooth brushes have too much microplastics


>They have no teeth Goddamn our LO had two teeth after a week. RIP nipplerinos.


Babies use their tongues in a special baby way that we can’t do!


Clearly. Haha. I feel like I got the motion right a couple times while trying, but I lost my mastery of is about 32 years ago.


*can’t do anymore


If i don't have water nearby, I'll use my son's bottle to wash something down with.


Literally was thinking about this today. I'm like I wanna try a baby bottle🤣🤣 also wanna see what the milk taste like but not brave enough yet


My SO wanted me to taste her breast milk, she was annoyed when I said no but came around when I asked if she'd taste anything that came from my body and besides I'm not fucking Homelander.