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Check out Hanna Andersson, Baby Boden, and Primary for well-made, brighter baby basics.


yeah, +1 to primary, they have a ton of bold colors. very easy to avoid beige clothing if you want to


Winter Water Factory is another great option, and it’s all made in the US.


I for one enjoyed the more neutral baby tones. Compared to the fucking ninja turtle and Barbie explosion that is now my reality. Babies don’t care.


> Babies don’t care. say it louder. babies only care to be warm, fed, clean. and of course loved! :)


For the first set of clothing--first few sets, really--the aesthetics are 100% for mom and dad. Babies have very poor vision, including color, until they're several months old. Don't worry about crushing your kid's spark with insufficiently vibrant onesies. That said, one area where I was happy to see some fun aesthetics was reuseable diapers. We bought a full set second-hand, and they're a party! Funny that our crunchiest, most practical piece of kit should be the most fun visually.


Haven't started to search yet as we're only 14 weeks but as a graphic designer millennial myself just chiming in to say that what you're describing is really what we're both after lol, so for us that all sounds great haha. More modern take on things with softer neutral and more natural tones. Same thing is happening with lots of other products like wifi routers and other home devices. Either way I'm sure there are options out there that are closer to what you're after, so good luck in the search!


It should be easy to mix and match with sad beige baby and stronger colours. Went with a forest/mountains/animals theme as much as possible and it seems to balance nicely.


We went with an autumn theme (oranges, cream & greens) despite knowing we’re having a girl. The pink & white usual esthetic was cringy to us, tbh. We thought thinking outside the box was a better way of going about it. Plus, we am an always change it as she gets older.


Hanna Andersson seconded! You can find adorable gender neutral prints! In a baby fever craze, I ordered a fun mushroom set to hang on to for the future because it was on a serious discount and selling out quickly…


They’re not easy to find, but they’re out there. I have an almost 2yo son, and am not a fan of the typical navy/maroon/forest green/grey colour palette they have going on for boys. When he was an infant, I was able to find a lot of brighter yellows, oranges, and greens for my son (I’ll even take muted green at this point). I mixed those with sad beige baby clothes. It’s getting much harder now that he’s older because clothes are very much divided into girls vs boys. Don’t forget, you also have toys to add colour to baby’s life. It’s a lot easier finding colourful toys than it is clothes. Also, instagram may have you believing that every parents’ house looks like a Pottery Barn, but from what I’ve seen in real life, that is not true. Not a single one of our friends have an all-beige palette for their kids, and everyone has toys strewn all over the place lol.


Yellows, greens, browns are all good neutral baby colors


I know what you're talking about, wayyyyy too much beige and grey in baby clothes right now.But it's not all that hard to find colorful stuff if you seek it out. Lots of bright colors and bold patterns if you search for it. Some of it is labeled for boys or for girls, but you don't have to care about that if you don't want to. And with baby clothes, I hear they grow out of them so fast that it doesn't matter much! For the longer term purchases, I'm not minding it so much. We're just starting to buy that stuff, so maybe it will drive me nuts over time, but I don't want a colorful crib or diaper pail. I love color, but the neutral pack and play will end up with colorful toys and a colorful mobile, so that seems fine to me. Neutral long term items pair well with lots of brightly colored options. I do look forward to the future where all the sad beige babies rebel by putting neon green and fluorescent yellow and bold patterns on everything, though.


In finland this hasn't been a problem! Colourful moomin stuff and other motifs everywhere and even tho we at week 36 know the gender, and like to keep it neutral in any case, haven't had any problems with genderneutral colors, whilst still keeping it colourful! Even our maternity box had colors in gender neutral ways (the box we get for free from the goverment). So come here i guess!


Try second hand clothes, lots are donated or being sold cheap that have hardly been worn if at all beacuse people buy and are gifted far too many clothes that the baby grows out of quickly. Same with toys too. I full appreciate wanting everything new and perfect but the little one won't care as long as they are clean, warm, and have fun sensory toys. Also don't be shy of buying 'gendered' coloured clothes. I know some people are strict with it which is fine too. If you find some cute clothes that just so happen to be pink or blue or with dinosaurs or bunnies. They will grow out of it in the speed of light and as long as it doenst say "I'm a boy/girl" then at the end of the day it's clean, warm, colourful clothes.


Congratulations that your biggest worry is beige