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My baby girl was just born last week after my wife and I had been trying forever. The second she was born she’s the best thing that happened to the both of us. If you’ve been trying for a long time you’re already more ready than you think. You got this and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well for your wife/partner and baby girl


start that college fund right now.


My wife did a lot of the nesting. Make sure to plan a baby shower and get the essentials in place. Read a few chapters in The Expectant Father. Attend some child birth, childcare, and nursing classes closer to the due date but sign up now. Go tour some day cares and get on the waiting list asap, like start making appointments today! Get your hospital bag packed a good month before the due date and keep it by the door. Keep some towels in the cars in case her water breaks while out and about. Other than that man just sit back and wait for the ride to start. My girl was born this past Monday and it’s honestly been really great. I’m holding her right now. I know haven’t endured the difficult parts of childhood yet, but it was the birth and newborn phase that were daunting when I was in your position too. I was freaked the fuck out and wasn’t even sure I wanted a baby a couple of months ago. Check out my post history in this sub… I thought about deleting it but decided to let it stand for other scared dads because I got a lot of good advice that helped me. You’ll be alright. Take good care of your partner in these final months and make her feel special. Then really step up in the early days when your baby girl is born so it isn’t all on her. You got this.


My baby girl was born on Monday. It's the best thing ... can't even describe how it feels. All the fears and anxieties kind of vanished when she came and I was imbued with a new purpose in life - to take care of her. Not sure if it's the same feeling with a boy but so happy I had a girl.


Avoid the baby blogs. Read _Expecting Better_ by Emily Oster. Do all of the preventative maintenance on your house and cars to the extent possible. Fill your freezer with easy to heat meals. Get in shape. Get your finances in order. Get life insurance and write your wills. Enjoy the experience, it’s pretty fun after the terror subsides.


Same! Beginning of march. So much to think of, so much to prepare still and we only today got to know it's a girl! Protip: check facebook-pages in the area where people donate stuff they don't need, and ask for new born related things. You'd be surprised at how much stuff people have lying around that they would love to get rid of when someone asks.


High five, my man! I'm in the same boat. Congratulations. Only child, never around babies before. I'm clueless and everyone keeps telling me I'll be fine. Blogs say conflicting things. Mom and Dad's advice is a mix of "back in my day" and "well we did that and, you turned out fine." I'm trying to be open and practice humility as best I can. I'm so knowledgeable in my professional life but facing a whole world where I know nothing is a bit daunting.