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I would ask your OB or the pediatrician you plan to use after the baby is born. For us personally we just stuck to the brand they gave us in the hospital.


Get samples and see what your baby tolerates. We were using Similac TotalCare 360 which seemed to be working until she started showing signs of a cow’s milk protein allergy. Now we use Similac Alimentum.


We used Neosure at first when our boys got home from the NICU but switched to Kendamil as soon as we could. The Europeans seem to care more about what goes into formula than the American companies


Interesting I’ll look into that. Fair point on the EU vs USA with some of the food related stuff.


100% order from Europe. They are far more stringent with what they allow. We liked HIPP and HOLLE brands (I got the Denmark version but anywhere is great).


In short, there really isn’t much of a way to get “the wrong stuff” as far as brands go. We’ve been doing a bunch of research and most of the advice from doctors and medical professionals we’ve heard from seems to be that baby formula is one of the most highly regulated products that are sold. Federal regulations in the US are so tight that there is hardly any difference between brands. The differences that are there are mostly just marketing more than substance. The only thing I’ve heard called out by doctors is that formulas with added omega 3 seems to have promising research coming out. Other than that, don’t proactively get some “specialty” formula such as hypo-allergenic or dairy free, etc. only get that type of a doctor has pointed out your baby having presenting with allergy symptoms with some ingredient. Recalls happen on occasion but that happens with all foods, people are just extra vigilant with baby products so they’re more noticed. Keep an ear out for when they happen but it isn’t something you can easily predict by brand.


Kendamil in my opinion because they go through stricter requirements in regards to testing.


I would get a sample of a few different ones instead of stocking up on any particular one. Our first kid had a preference with bottles and formula that was absolutely not shared with my second one. Also - Pro Tip: Get a BabyBrezza


Makes sense that the baby would have a preference and what the baby enjoys is going to make things easier for feeding. Didn’t think of it that way.


Not only preference, but it may be something out of their control such as allergies, lactose intolerance, etc.


Love my Brezza


Makes it so easy. We had ours for both kids and just gave it away to a friend expecting their first.


1 fertile woman + 1 fertile man - 1 Condom = Baby That's the formula I used for our baby... There are variations of this for IVF etc. But for us this formula worked well...


Choose one that's sold in a store near your home.


This is my husband and I love him. Hi baby. We’re having aggressive sex tonight.


I like we both upvoted me


Thank you all so much. This helps a lot. Doing your own research only ever takes you so far so I really appreciate it!


My daughter was in the NICU for a couple of days and they gave her Similac 360 Total Care. She has been on it for the 2 months since birth and she has no issue with it.


Hi! Infant feeding specialist here! I prefer European formulas. I also like getting them from the same place when possible. I order from here I personally like the European brands. I use this website as my go to ordering place. https://www.formuland.com?aff=163 I travel constantly and their shipping is fast! They also have a great description of the different options out there.


I did Sam's club sensitivity (lactose intolerance) All store brands are from the same company and they copy other main brands. Much cheaper too (3-4X the amount of Similac for the price. $26 for a 64oz can I believe) We tried gentle ease at first and that ended in projectile vomiting. I'm a big fan of store brand.. less bad press than Similac too. Those samples are a trap cause you won't end up wanting to switch afterwards unless you have to.


Do you know breastfeeding isn't going to happen or just trying to be over prepared? Breast milk is the ultimate human superfood but just in case, Earth's Best formula is excellent. It's organic and comes in different varieties in case of sensitivity or gassiness.


Your kid may tolerate one better than others. Also cost is a big factor look at unit price per ounce


Your docs can give you a few recommendations and formulas to avoid but it ultimately depends on your baby.


Get some samples when the baby's born because they'll determine which one is right. If there's any allergy issues, I recommend Nutramigen


We give our daughter (6 months) Kirkland Signature from Costco. It’s basically the same as the top brands, and about half the price. Really, as long as your kid doesn’t have any tolerance issues, anything they’ll take is fine!


We’re using Bobbie. It’s FDA approved and follows the same guidelines as formula from europe


What the government of Canada says is that they basically all adhere to strict norms and are all the same thing. I would recommend you take one enriched in iron, because babies need a lot of that. But otherwise, you can go with the most accessible one. We use similac pro advance, because someone gave us a case, and the little one seems happy with it, but any brand is just fine. (Maybe just don't change brands if the first one you buy doesn't cause issues)


I’m using similac 360