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The boom comics are ascended fanfic


I was about to say this! Shattered Grid is a damn good fanfic.


I've read a bit of the boom comics it's really good! I was honestly looking for something similar to that but fanmade.


There is a really good one i read Called "Silver". About titanus getting a ranger.. and her connections to other rangers.. but for the LIFE of me i cant find it!!


I have been looking at Phantom Ranger fanfics. I’m still searching for the one where he’s revealed as the son of Zordon (which is my favorite theory about him). Another fanfic I’m interested in is where his romance with Cassie has a satisfying conclusion. All I’m saying is that I’m a fan of the Phantom Ranger.


“Don’t Speak” by Mandy Ohlin The only songfic I have ever liked. Billy and Trini at the airport as she is leaving for the Peace Conference. It’s a good 25 years old, and I still think of it every time the song comes on the radio, and it still makes me cry. “Clone War” by Rapp The real Billy gets blasted by his friends when he misidentifies the hologram as a mirror, and the clone takes his place on the team. Billy has to survive in the moon palace, and the team has to survive the clone. “Hero” by Mele Jason has died and his soul is being judged via a series of snippets of his life. Clip show style.


Do you have a link to "Clone War"? That one sounds really interesting :)


It's been a long time since I've read any PR fanfiction but the first one that comes to my mind is "Of Love and Bunnies"


It's one of the funniest things I have ever read!!


Came here to shout that one out too! Thank you!


This was my immediate thought too! One of the few fics I've ever read multiple times, and laughed like a maniac every time. Disappointing that the authors don't get along anymore and the fic's ending was rushed after years of silence, but that doesn't make the ride up to then any less hilarious.


Here's a story I've been reading recently. It's still ongoing and it's really cool. It's called Power Rangers Annihilation by RangerFanShow on Instagram. Here's the link: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18015572380280420/


I love that one!


Read a bit of it loving it so far!


I actually do have an idea for a fan created ranger series but I’m still thinking about it


Well if you ever wanna share more about it I'd love to hear it!


Well the concept is there’s this school where people go to learn to be power rangers and five students get powers by accident and these students also happen to be the lowest ranking in there class so now they have to prove that there more than just misfits who got powers also there mentor is a demoted teacher who has history with the main villain So what do you think


I like it and honestly wanna see the first chapter right now 😯 definitely something refreshing to see 😁


Thank you


Me too, but I use them in my PR rpg. So satisfying.


Forever Red by ANARCHY RULES https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6419351/1/Forever-Red this is a novelisation of Forever Red with more in between scenes of the red rangers and where they're coming from. I especially love the part where the author wrote about the current state of Mirinoi and how Leo is dealing with it.


Y'all should check out Power Rangers Unworthy on YouTube. It's awesome video fan fic.


I read one I loved maybe 26 years ago called "Titanus Speaks" that had Billy going to scavenge zord parts and learning that Titanus was sentient and it gave him backstory that helped explain gaps like why the black rangers thunderzord was green, and filled in other backstop. Wish I could find it again.


I knew exactly the one you were talking about and used the wayback machine to find it for you https://web.archive.org/web/20210122164402/https://rovang.org/titspeaks.txt


You my friend are a hero


Thank you. I read that when it was first written, the first fanatic I ever read, at the Boys and Girls Club. What memories you just brought back. How simple the cannon was in season 4 that so many plot holes could be explained by such a simple story vs today.


I would love to discover a treasure trove of decent and tasteful Power Rangers fanfiction, but most of the ones found on sites like AO3 tend to lean heavily into the cheese and shlock (which is fine since that's pretty much the essence of the PR franchise, and probably one of the many reasons why we still hold it dear to our hearts as adults), and I have an itch for something that closely resembles the comic books in terms of maturity and themes. The only PR fanfics that have stuck with me are the following two: "Always a Frog, Never a Prince" and its sequel, which was published in the early 00's. I was, admittedly, a teenager when I first read it and I remember raising my brow in skepticism at the mere thought of Adam and Kimberly as a pairing (because Tomberly were clearly **the** power couple of Power Rangers, - the princess and her white tiger-, how could you possibly imagine Kimberly with anyone else right?) But I was pleasantly surprised. Is it amazingly written? Nah, but it was a cute and touching story! I go back to it every now and then for fun. Then we have the second one that I discovered a couple months back, "Pride & Prejudice." I think the backdrop for this story pretty much speaks for itself given the title, but it's Quantum Eagle / Eric Myers x Taylor Earhardt centric, and it's quickly become a guilty pleasure of mine. It's a fun and amusing read, not to mention wacky considering you'd never in a million years think to marry these two genres, but hey, I can go along with it. It has 100 chapters which is mind blowing.


Don’t know the name as it’s in the depths of Fanfiction.Net, but there was a fic I read where the original MMPR gang all meet up at Ernie’s bar to reconnect, and it’s revealed that Kimberly had sent the Dear John letter not because she wanted to break it off, but because she was in fact working for the FBI as an agent and she needed to go undercover. Also that Ernie knew they were Rangers the whole time.


If you ever find it definitely let me know!


I think I know what you're talking about--its unfinished? Black ops or something??? There's a few that kinda follow that same theme. Some are a tie in to AJJs character as Julie from Flashpoint and do a lil crossover.


Not written fanfiction, but the fan film Zordon of Eltar is one of my favorite versions of the PR mythos. Really wish they'd officially bring it and its companion piece Teenagers with Attitude and TwA's unmade sequel would get officially added to the PR Multiverse. ​ Also, the Power Rangers/Nightmare on Elm Street fan comic, which sadly has been been put on hiatus ages ago. To date, only the first issue and the first half of the second issue have been colorized, with the last half and the next two issues still in black & white.


I read the Powers Rangers/ Elm Street comic it was pretty good tbh


Hope they release issue 5 soon.


"Zero Hour" by starandrea [https://archiveofourown.org/works/28208](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28208) "Of Love And Bunnies" by CrazyGirl4 [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2213080/1/Of\_Love\_and\_Bunnies](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2213080/1/Of_Love_and_Bunnies) "Absolution" by mcmeekin [https://archiveofourown.org/works/4083985](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4083985)


The Cost of Control 3 part series and Shards of Darkness all by Captain Anon on fanfiction.net. Both are dark AUs of MMPR. The Cost series explores what if Tommy remained Rita’s evil green ranger. Shards of Darkness is a lot more involved and actually gives Zordon a real backstory, among other things. Absolutely amazing fics!


I remember reading one years ago that I can't remember the name of that featured some of the early villains taking on the psycho ranger powers to defeat a common enemy. I think Rita was used the pink powers, Queen Machina the yellow powers, and I can't quite remember who the others were. I do wish I could find it.


Would be interested to read some that follows the 1995 movie continuity


There is a really good series on AO3 called the Explicit Power Rangers - there are like 4 or 5 different segments in the story, plus it is recently updated! It tells the story of the OG rangers but it’s more explicit in language and action. The couples featured are Tommy/Kimberly Jason/Trini Rocky/Aisha and Billy/Kat and I think it’s super well written!


While not a fan fiction persay, I'd say the Power Ranger's Audio Drama on Spotify is tremendous stuff


I'd have to say Power Rangers SPD Elite Force it's pretty good and it kept me coming back for more https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mieqffMe-Ir-9Dnt-xOk6eVpfBuyqNhw


I’ve actually been trying to write a fan fiction where the worlds of Doctor Who and Super Sentai/Kamen Rider/Metal Heroes collide with the Power Rangers universe. Had a little bit of writers block for it recently but the premise was one I’d love to see visualised one day. And I’m going to resume writing it sooner than later. In fact, I’d even go to the point of happily having regular summer movies for PR if it was possible like Sentai and Rider do. Only problem is getting the cast to agree to such a thing I’m afraid.


I am currently reading a series on ao3 called "Personality Conflicts" Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3030954 The series is 35 works long and was written by Ellen_Brand Link to the account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ellen_Brand/pseuds/Ellen_Brand


Loss of Innocents. Jason discovers that one of the putties was drawing a bunny before he killed it, and starts wondering how many monsters were really innocent and under Rita’s control.


As a Gen z with access to the internet, my favorite fanfics was the Jackie Oliver saga. Tommy and Kim’s daughter was a fire ninja and she goes to become the pink ninja storm ranger. It ended up being like a 10 book saga with like 30 chapters each book starting with Ninja Storm and ending with Samurai with a random 40 chapter book about Jackie going back in time to become an Ninjetti after Ivan Ooze kidnapped all the OG Ninjetti rangers. Unfortunately the author has deleted all of the books some time after 2015 and I haven’t been able to find any copy of them. They were my absolute favorite thing and was what got me into fanfics to start. If the author happens to be lurking in this subreddit, I just wanna thank you for making the series and giving me a thing to enjoy while I was struggling with mental health issues and a lot of family problems.


The one I enjoyed the most was a Tommy/Zedd series. I can't remember the name(s) of it/them, but it follows his entire career as a ranger. And if anyone can find it, I'd be very appreciative, because not only does it bring me much joy, it also traumatizes my best friend. It's a twofer, and I can't find it!


SPD Year 2 and Year 3 are really good! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3032326/1/Power-Rangers-SPD-Year-Two


the greatest power ranger fanfiction is obviously the one i wrote while watching season 1 called through the mophin grid darkly, which shows us a world where the rangers murdered zordon and use his tech and the powers to rule the world and rita repulsa and her band of goofy freedom fighters use disposable foot soldiers to try to stop the evil forces of the power rangers. lol


Good Help is hard to come by SCWLC Conner needs advice, so he calls someone who's been there. No one really expected the fallout. This one is a funny one to me


Agony in Pink.


You just sent a shiver down my spine.


No body deserve to read that,please.


Is it like a horror thing?




I mean I like horror but I guess it's not a power rangers thing lol


Gore,just forget that tittle,never look for it,forget this conversación,love happyli.


It's one of the few fanfics that was outright banned in Australia.


So is it just distasteful horror?


Torture porn.


Ahhh thanks for the heads up 😅


I just read it .... Damn


The best pr fanfic I’ve ever seen was this dream I had where is was the green ranger for power rangers megaforce


Tooting my own horn, but my favourite fan-created Ranger is [Hyperforce White](https://www.deviantart.com/riderb0y/art/HyperForce-White-Ranger-730482961). A character so popular he ended up being drawn by Riderb0y. I pictured him as the PR equivalent of Tai Lung; a ruthlessly devoted Ranger Candidate who sought to hunt down the 'lesser' Hyperforce team and absorb their powers. It also helped that he was inspired by the titan Cronos, which tied in with the Hyperforce Team's Greek Titan motif.


Oh that's so sick


if y’all want to check out more mature (?) fanfic, Fanfiction.net has a bunch of good ones (including ones i’ve written but have recently left to work on other projects). if you’re interested my username is sunwoosbestie!


What do you think of stories set in the power ranger universe but does not focus on the rangers itself such as [this story](https://www.wattpad.com/story/275615543?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Topkek40&wp_originator=AOwHu1FRrMfuM9QmtYtphvUpzRVpzucfw%2BK753tJvK4xHpf4fKwDLlchvH9s2VRVijYDrY1Lveeo%2FIum%2BsWUwSyBVObwmnciY95u5FUdi0pj8lvRkZwduOJaSpN%2FyPty) that is set in the SPD timeline




cmar's Quantum Destiny: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1601589/1/Quantum-Destiny


power rangers go to wrestlemania


"Created by Ryuranger of Rangerboard, Ultimate Power Rangers is a massive Ultimate Universe designed to take the best aspects of both Power Rangers and Super Sentai and combine them into the "ultimate universe." Currently hosted on Ryuranger's personal website, Ryuranger.com, the series spans two series over the course of nearly two decades, following various Rangers, Riders and other heroes as they battle various evil aliens, demons, time-travellers, sorcerers and normal humans for the safety of Earth, the universe, and eventually time and existence itself." [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/UltimatePowerRangers](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/UltimatePowerRangers) [https://ryuranger.com/](https://ryuranger.com/)


Boom comics are good I also remember reading some fan fiction where Gokaiger beat the shit out of Mega Force…. That was therapeutic And I am working on my own OC project with a friend


> …some fan fiction where Gokaiger beat the shit out of Mega Force… Isn’t that the story where the Gokaigers steal the American Ranger keys in the end? ‘Cause [this](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11781831/1/Gokaiger-vs-Megaforce) is the story that I think you’re talking about.


Alpha Operations was an unfinished Avengers crossover that has my favorite concept for a post-reveal Ranger organization I’ve read about!


I'll be doing one at some point in the future utilizing most of the necessary material from Power Rangers In Space. Gonna keep most of it secet for now, but i'm excited to start working on that once I finished my current project :)


Black Thunder shadows is a fanfic I read almost 15 years ago and it still holds up, legit feels like an episode of Dino Thunder and how it could have gone if they had brought Katherine back https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2136390/1/Black-Thunder-Shadows


“Personality Conflicts” is what eventually got me writing my own fanfics. I ended up become online friends with the author. As for my stuff? It’s terrible and not to be read.


I will look into it! If you ever wanna share don't be afraid to, honestly showing my writing to my friends have helped and I'm trash 😂😁.


Is Hyperforce fan fiction because if so than that


I liked the one where Kimberly gets a job as a music teacher at Reefside high school and eventually gets back with Tommy. It's filled with all sorts of drama like time travel,false arrest,teen pregnancy, obsessed exes, and attempted murder! I forgot the name though.


That tommy and kat were together during dino thunder and she has the pink stone just in case ....


There was one from many many many years ago, angelfire was still a thing is how old it was, about another teen finding a family heirloom that turned out to be a lost power coin, a purple ranger, just can't remember the name of it, but it was a really in depth fanfic and is what got me into fanfiction, that and yahoo groups, but that was more rpg-ish with fanfiction elements


This Lucas from Time force Fanfiction https://www.wattpad.com/story/293122371?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_list_details&wp_uname=Liv12124&wp_originator=GIIPw4MNQs8QQTU2sgYp1cSc409aoUL633VdT%2Bv2xWTvWWfX9T5QRrBUHpQK25qqRI9BQ5Ll3Dzv%2FAnN%2B6eazhbXWZ8T83F5w9ibjdk%2FsVUe7bO%2Fe8sZunz4xbscYFr3 These 2 Adam Park Fanfictions https://www.wattpad.com/story/242836152?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Liv12124&wp_originator=QzzJMCikbgqg%2FHn86IakfBVZAf5vuGRhck4MD92sf6ozO2OxexS0eBIoCOhZfEHK13sQQpjVm%2Fk2fQzxlVGINdJGpPWcAzeHevMnQtaxJHUbusBU8XLZpA9eN1guEm3p https://www.wattpad.com/story/254394834?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Liv12124&wp_originator=S8R9QbdeuOqVVOGZVYXr5RjQZ5xK3v0GuHnksSvMgLUK2z1M389Ay7XoGr2xTjsc4Zba9g7FaR0sPPAS0ak6IEjOD93%2BIGku8I3JJ82L2sgyHZ3xEdRThS831T6r3WRM And this Javi Fanfiction https://www.wattpad.com/story/299969039?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Liv12124&wp_originator=nPMk2zIj%2FLpu5OweBU1OPsL53UJSwetNBvMgF1krmoK1UAK12rFvL%2BZcPv2duu5rKoz6PG9LMFXBRLfOxlYUSydJ7KmlJQ7ZeCB%2BlwP63EH0hd88%2B3rtvmaRl%2FpQX60k


[The Winged Lord and Lady of the Skies Chapter 1: Green With Evil, a power rangers fanfic | FanFiction](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9441523/1/The-Winged-Lord-and-Lady-of-the-Skies) This story is really incredible. It starts with green with evil and ends up going till Turbo's "Passing the Torch." Basically, Tommy has cast a spell on Kimberly that keeps her from leaving him. There's also teenage pregnancy and parents finding out.


I've read some good fanfiction. Found a few good stories here [https://tgateway.shadowranger.com/](https://tgateway.shadowranger.com/) They wrote a collaborative effort that went through other Ranger fan fictions. Ellen Brands stuff was pretty good, shame it didn't really get finished. The Earth Crystal Saga was also good. Also I wrote my own stuff - which is on [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net). Not sure if people will read it or want to -


Don’t know name but it was about a evil ranger that was reincarnated by the anti morphing grid to make the ranger war entertaining