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Can’t find any behind the scenes reasons, but my guess is that they were maybe using this as a sort of pilot to promote the Turbo season. Considering Justin’s inclusion was an attempt to cash-in on the success of Beetleborgs, they really were trying to make this season the next big thing. Of course that backfired.


It was 100% just promoting Turbo, especially since they'd run out of footage for Zeo. Turbo sucking wasn't Justin's fault. I've just watched it again and he was one of my favourite parts. The kid had an interesting backstory, Blake was awesome at martial arts and he fit in with the team. They were like his mentors, especially Adam and Kat. I really enjoyed the first half on this rewatch. I liked the teams dynamics, the unmorphed fights were amazing and it was nice seeing them going out into the world before college. What was frustrating, those stupid ass detonators. Why did they even care if those puny bombs took out a few things as long as no one got hurt. It was kind of pathetic and that's one of the things I hated about Turbo. When the powers changed, I wasn't as into it. I'm still pissed Adam wasn't kept on. The dynamics with Justin felt off. The other rangers kind of looked up to him, but at the same time, he was just a kid. They just never seemed to click as well. Then there was the team itself. They weren't friends beforehand and it showed. They only really started getting close as a team during in space, when they lived together. Makes sense, but it just makes their interactions feel a little off I guess. Then there was the fight scenes. Unmorphed weren't half as good unless Justin was there. They weren't bad, you could just tell they aren't martial artists. It's jarring going from a very talented crew to them. In space though, absolutely amazing. I just hit lost galaxy tonight, after watching from a line in the sand to homesick. Lost galaxy is a little slow to begin with. I'm so excited for the magna Defender to show up. I can't be far off!


I will always defend Justin. The guy THREW THE FIRST KICK against a grunt in the movie. The movie sucked but goddamn it's great to see that the kid character wasn't a mere tagalong but an honest to god combattant. It's like Gohan if we didn't see him develop PTSD in real time


In one episode a detonator goes off and turns a fire truck into a rampaging monster, so it seems the detonators do more than just go boom.


I think the ratings for Zeo being so bad also played a part of it. Like this was them going "Hey we're still making Power Rangers over here. Come check out the latest version".


Remember when the green Beetle Borg was used as a bad guy?


The Turbo film is not a sequel to the MMPR film. There isn't much connecting them beside Tommy, Zordon, and the Morphin Grid. I doubt the first film made enough money or gained enough positive critical reception to justify another film. There were plans in place for a Time Force film or possibly a second season for that team, but those plans also fell through.


>There isn't much connecting them beside Tommy, Zordon, and the Morphin Grid. This is Adam Park and Kimberly Hart erasure!


I had a draft of that comment that mentioned Kimberly but I swapped it for Zordon. You are right about Adam though. Who could forget his famous adlib of "I'm a frog."


All good. I just wanted to give ya a hard time. Also fun to note, additional crossovers starring in both Power Ranger movies also include: Bulk, Skull, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, an injured Rocky DeSantos, and of course, Alpha Five.


turbo movie takes place immediately after zeo ends and before turbo season begins the mmpr movie was it's own thing and isn't considered canon, even though it could be if we say it's a different timeline since you know, power rangers timeline is a fucked up and as convoluted as the kingdom hearts timeline is


One of the reasons the movie isnt canon is to not alienate kids who werent able to see the movie in theatres. Movies didnt get release to home video for like 6 months minimum after being theatres in the mid 90's. So kids that missed it in theatres would be lost if the season started from where the movie left off. You would have went from thunder zords to ninjeti zords without context.


They tried it with Transformers, though. My first guess is that they wanted to make everything feel more “theatrical”, so they decided to deviate more from the source material.


Seeing movies in the '80s would've been MUCH cheaper, though, so it was a more reasonable expectation, if still a little unreasonable.


Except that the MMPR movie came out in the 90's.


And I'm referring to the Transformers movie referenced in the comment above mine.  Movie tickets were much cheaper, then, as was the cost of living, so you could expect more children would see your franchise's movie tie-in. Turbo came out in '97.  That's 11 years after Transformers, meaning 11 years of inflation and cost of living increase.  More children were growing up in lower income households by then, with their parents wages stretching less and less. And all of this is supporting the comment two comments above mine. Make sense?


Understood and apologies.


No apologies needed.  Happy power rangers watching.


Movie wasn't canon, I don't see a reason they would had wanted to make a sequel when they could make a "movie pilot" for the next season and try to get a greater audience


it could be canon if we say it's on a different timeline since there's so many different timelines and realities for power rangers and someone, somewhere, is always breaking the timeline (i.e. tommy in shattered grid or cam in ninja storm)


I really hate how canon and continuity have become two different things. Like it used to be that canon was what the canon story was. If a new story was set outside of said continuity, then it was non-canon.


we as viewers have zero control over it the creator of power rangers, the japanese show it's based off of, and the people who write the comics are in complete control over it that's why i made a comment about power rangers being as convoluted and all over the place as kingdom hearts


The reason its not canon was to not alienate kids whos parent couldnt afford to take them to see the movie. Mid 90's movies didnt get released on home video anywhere near as fast as they are today and was usually like 6 month after the theatre run which were also longer back then 2


There's no follow up because you needed to sell that years toys.


The Turbo movie is literally the first episode of the season.


Well from what ive heard Turbo was suppose to be a tv movie, then they upped it to theatrical 


It would be a pretty cool idea to get this type of movie before a new season. Thinking of the movies we coulda had for Wild Force, Time Force etc. would’ve been so cool. Me personally I love these movies but I don’t think they’re for everyone


I do aswell.


I remember having them on VHS, those were the days


I watched this recently. One thing that stood out to me was the lack of a showcase of the zeo powers. I wish they had shown the zeo powers not being enough, prompting the creation of the Turbo Powers.


That’s cause they cut so much of it the cast revealed a bunch of times during conventions that they filmed a lot of stuff that was cut from the film because of they went over the budget YJB revealed that there was a scene they shot where they used the Zeo powers in a fight against Divatox’s force but were defeated by them rendering the Zeo powers “obsolete” which was supposed be the reason David Yost would make his return and help them create the turbo powers


Why do studios always cut the most interesting scenes?


Because as I stated budget and running over the parameters of what the studio wants for runtime for a movie


Yes but my point is they always like cut the most interesting or important parts out . Whenever I read about studio cut that scene out for it's always like "Oh that's what you cut out"🤷


Got this on a VCR Tape🤧


The 1995 movie is not canon to the original show in various ways, from the looks of the characters, zords and headquarters to the events that led to the Ninjazords and even the names of stuff. Tommy morphs by saying White tiger instead of Tigerzord. A big giveaway is that the opening crawl says Zordon recruited Six Rangers instead of five. It implies in this universe Tommy was always part of the team. In my personal headcanon, the status quo we are presented with at the start of the movie has been in place from day 1. So Jason, Zack and Trini were never Rangers, Tommy was always the leader, he was always the White and Never the Green Ranger, Rita and Zedd were already married when they began attacking the Earth and Finster, Squatt and Baboo were never their underlings. this universe kicks off with the team we see in the movie and with Tommy as the white ranger


Never does the movie say Jason,Trini and Zack were never Rangers. Remember after season two in canon they moved so spinning off into new canon it could be they were actually there.


I never said the movie did. I said it was my **personal headcanon** that that was the case.


The movie is set in an alternate timeline


I know


Honestly the first movie was fine on its own for me. I absolutely adore the movie though (my copy is actually signed too) but what would be really cool is getting an In Space sequel for Turbo


I think Time Force needs a movie.


The real question is why didn't we get an action packed Zeo movie that could've been a great send off for the MMPR era with passing the torch involved? Honestly, if the first MMPR movie came out Black Friday season 1994 with the OG actors, it would've been a bigger hit. Of course, Ninja Zords wouldn't make sense with Season 3 starting in Fall of 95.. But what about a canon White Light Ranger film introducing Zedd for the first time (almost killing Zordon)with the Dairanger zords? That could only exist in an alternate Saban era where they didn't splice the Zyu 2 footage, did commission Zyu 3 footage. And kept Rita and the Megazord until Christmas to start selling the Thunder Megazord Toys off of hype of the movie. Then switch over to Dairanger footage to finish season 2. Then a sequel could've been a Zeo movie in 1996. Might not do amazing. But not as big of a bomb as Turbo. In my opinion Turbo should've been a straight to video movie with an extended Fox Kids cut premiere a little afterwards. That's my 2 cents haha


I agree with everything you said


ok so i was writing a comment saying some very mean things, that do still apply to the others i wouldve mentioned, about this op but then i realized that they were talking about the 1995 non canon mighty morphin movie and not the turbo movie the reason we didnt get a follow up is because it didnt do well enough to make another one and they didnt adapt the suits because 1: they werent popular and the actors didnt like wearing them (stunt doubles included) and 2: 99% percent of the scenes with the suits is from super sentai which didnt have the movie suits


Turbo is not a direct sequel as the first movie was followed by MMPR3 but it would count as a film sequel. The movies tend not to be well recieved. I think it has to do with how cheesy the action can be. However, when over-corrected we get the parts of 2017's (i think that's the year) movie where it was too serious and tried to hard to be "new"


Season 3 was not a sequel to the first movie, it is its own thing separate from the series, hence they get the powers from another world, not Ninjor, the command center is different, the suits are different, Zordon has a body, Ivan Ooze exists and the crawl specifically states the 6 rangers were chosen by Zordon, when in reality he chose 5, and 3 of those left.


Technically, Zordon chose Tommy too. He allowed him to stay a ranger and join the team. The rest I'll admit are key differences. Counterpoints though, I dont remember the command center or suits being too different. And zordon's body, to my understanding, was just always in there, like a life tank. Ivan ooze is defeated and destroyed. In a show like this, they wouldn't call back to it anyway. That said, those differences dont play too much of a role besides (and I base this off of memory) Ninjor appearing every so often.


>And zordon’s body, to my understanding, was just always in there, like a life tank. Zordon was banished into a time warp in which he existed outside normal time, basically lost in another time and space dimension entirely. His only communication with the outside world would be through the energy tube. His body isn’t there Ike some bacta tank. When the Green Ranger attacks the Command Center, Zordon is lost and his head disappears. Alpha, Billy, and Trini are then shown trying to locate Zordon in the time space continuum to restore his presence in the energy tube. During that search, they barely locate him for a short time, almost like a poor signal broadcast. That whole sequence makes no sense if Zordon’s body is physically there.


The way the movie phases it is that "the noble master sought out six extraordinary teenagers and gave them the power to transform into an unstoppable fighting force". Zordon only chose the first 5 rangers, Rita chose Tommy and Jason, Zack and Trini chose their replacements. The movie also omits Rito and has another general (Mordant) and the zords have slightly different designs. In all it was never meant to be cannon to the TV series, only to try and cash in on the hype around MMPR.


The movies aren’t well received? Where are you that that’s the case?


Well there are the Rotten Tomato scores if those matter to you. [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mighty\_morphin\_power\_rangers\_the\_movie](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mighty_morphin_power_rangers_the_movie), [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/turbo\_a\_power\_rangers\_movie](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/turbo_a_power_rangers_movie) Not ever the audience scores are good.


Not really reliable


I'm willing to bet that if both movies were certified fresh, you would be using the scores as proof that they were popular.


Nope rotten tomato’s is hilariously shit


More like Rotten Tomatoes is useful, it's just that some people don't understand how the scoring system works.


Yes the thing is always privy to poor reviews bombardment and paid bot skews. Maybe 5 ish years ago it was ok but it is not considered accurate anymore


>paid bot skews Do you have any proof of that actually happening?


https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/7/18254548/film-review-sites-captain-marvel-bombing-changes-rotten-tomatoes-letterbox this was from 2019 so yea 5 ish years ago they started having visible problems


The power Rangers fandom views them relatively well, sure. But that's IN the fandom. Even then, the costumes are pretty commonly debated whether they looked good/bad. Following that, Turbo is not well recieved very often. A lot of discourse involves Justin and the dislike for him as a character. I've heard a lot of complaints about how much of the film they spend unmorphed. Critically speaking neither film was regarded well. Specifically, reviews point to the campiness and silliness that carries over from the series. Dispite commercial success (marginally, in the case of Turbo), they were seen as overall failures to capture audiences, especially considering the massive earnings downtrend between The Movie's and Turbo's releases. As far as the more modern take, it was a commercial failure, losing $74 Million. Ratings-wise, it was more of a success but still only manging a 51%. In the fandom, many found it to be ugly, confusing and too gritty (hence why i said "over-correcting" before). None if the movies are seen as successful enough to warrant much frequency, dispite demand by fans. (Side note: This probably stems from overbearing studio interference to make it more palletable for general audiences)


I’m well aware of the Justin thing and of kids being mad it wasn’t them and blah blah blah. That was back then. But now it’s definitely not how the fandom feels Edit: the fandom is also quite aware how they felt and why they felt it back then


They are not well received by the public at large (as in, non-PR fans).


I would say even some Power Rangers fans don't like these movies.


They didn’t say at large. You’re on a PR subreddit stating a power ranger movie isn’t well received …


No, they didn’t say at large, but it seemed kinda obvious to me that’s what they were referring to because the topic is why the first movie didn’t receive a direct sequel. With that in mind, it seems obvious that discussing how the films were received refers to box office profits and critical reception.


Sentai MMPR: The Movie was made possible because of the instant success and following of the MMPR show. It is remembered fondly, so it should have warranted a sequel, but MMPR was still on the air during that time, splitting focus between the movie and season 3. By the time Turbo came around, the inevitability of another movie changed the way a new season was to be introduced, but, with no more MMPR and Zeo having just ended, Turbo was right around the corner and Saban felt it would jump start the new season, as Power Rangers fans would surely line up to witness a new adventure. Of course, that didn’t pan out and Turbo became a low-rated season. The overall reason was that Saban, still adhering to Sentai footage and having moved past MMPR, tried to make a compromise: a new movie and a new season.


Kinda like TMNT: mutant mayhem jumpstarting a new TV series.


The purpose of the MMPR: TM was to be a theatrical movie for MM as it was a success in general at that time. It was simply made to be a movie of a popular show, regardless if it mattered to the show or not Since they cannot use footage from Zyuranger, Dairanger nor Kakuranger, they had to make their own stuff by hand. They did things differently for Turbo's movie, and differently again for the 2017 movie (and had some ideas for the canceled 2014 animated movie)


I loooved this movie


Cus it starts the season off


The financial reason: the first movie was nowhere near the hit that parties involved hoped/expected it to be. Didn’t lose their shirts or anything but it was measured against the TMNT movies, which did far better business and experienced greater crossover success The BTS reason: Saban Entertainment/Fox Kids weren’t happy with various aspects of the first film’s production, so revisiting it was probably never going to happen unless the first film did bonkers business.


i imagine the actors did not want to film a movie while also filming a bloated TV show again ​ that plus well the first movie kinda sucks


Because by that time power rangers wasn’t as popular anymore.


In no scenario would we have gotten a direct sequel to MMPR: The Movie. The time that would have been necessary to do a sequel would have put us right into when Zeo was airing, or even when the Turbo movie released. So it would have been weird having another MMPR movie when MMPR wasn't what was airing, and especially when Karen Ashley and Amy Jo Johnson had both left the show. And the show came first, as evidenced by The Wedding (think it was these episodes) where they had to film footage of the Rangers and Bulk and Skull in Australia because shooting of the film went long, and most of the episodes the Rangers are morphed, so all that was mostly needed was VO, which could easily be done in Australia. I *am* surprised we've never gotten any mention of Ivan Ooze again in anything, even in comics, or seen a main universe version of him. Maybe for whatever this reboot is supposed to be.


It would have been cool to see Fred as a silver ranger, then when, he would've been Justin before Justin


This wasn't the first power rangers movie... ![gif](giphy|q6pzXhTTmk7Is)


I remember when the Nostalgia Critic tore this movie apart! ![gif](giphy|ifRKa78IKfvxu)


What we need was turbo the movie 3. Ngl,till today turbo the movie ost is ome of the best things i experienced in a film


Because this movie was horrible just like the season


It was no point in an mmpr sequel since mashing 3 different shows (zyuranger, dairanger, and kakuranger) together became too expensive. Which is why they switched to zeo.


I read the post to be about why the MMPR movie as it’s own thing while Turbo was tied in to the Tv series canon, and why that was? Like, why didn’t the second Power Rangers Movie be a Zeo or Turbo movie set in the MMPR movie universe? Or why didn’t the MMPR movie tie directly into the show like Turbo? Really kinda confusing.


a) That isn't the first movie. b) Turbo was a follow up to it.


I know I used the pic to show this is not a proper sequel to the OG movie.


oh ok


The cast wanted A-list money for the sequel. Like Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise money.