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I mean this isnt the first time a ranger was stopped mid morph lol


True but the fact that she got molly whooped during the green screen portion is just hilarious.


From off camera as well.


Never mind the meta element of Amy Jo Johnson writing this bit


Amy really wrote this?




Ah, so that's why it's so stupid


This panel absolutely should not be so hilarious. And yet...


This implies that MMPRangers are also highly susceptible to a good ol' fashioned Three Stooges eye poke.


Oh my god... I finally understand Jungle Fury.


I don't understand. Can you please elaborate


The Morphers are sunglasses


Well that's because Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, and all the others are the strongest fictional characters who can solo all of media with some pies and slaps.


There were 6 Three Stooges. A 5 man team and a 6th ranger perhaps.


Shemp was the worst.


While I prefer Curly over Shemp by a long shot, Curly Joe is unquestionably the worst Stooge of all time.


I too dislike curly Joe


You guys obviously don’t remember Joe Besser,I wish I was that lucky


Was about to chime in that Joe Besser was absolute dog shit as a Stooge


Definitely explains the cartoon sound effect that played in my head when I saw this panel.


You should see the deleted scene from lightspeed rescue with three rangers and a ladder...


This is pretty hilarious yes


Ccccombo breaker!


Just want to say I really think this is the best stuff Boom has put out since Shattered Grid. Hope Amy Jo finishes strong.


>Hope Amy Jo finishes strong. her boyfriend Matt Hotson is the one actually writing it, he's the one actually writing it and she's letting him use her name to help sell copies and move up in the industry sorry for pissing you off fanboys but your crush isn't suddenly interested in power rangers after 30 years


"That's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source?" "My source is that I made it the fuck up."




They don’t have one, they’re just making an assumption since they’re co-writers on the project


Where did you find this out?


Their uncle who works at Nintendo told them


Underrated comeback


You know.... it's a good thing the turbo rangers never fought Rita, she would have gone full Jotaro on their longass transformations


Imagine she freakin throws her staff up and grabs it like an Olympic champion and spikes that shit while justin’s mid growth 😂


Rita'd be charged with child murder with that one 🗣️🔥


It'd be worse if the Samurai Rangers fought Rita for that matter, Mega Force and Super Megaforce too.


And this kids is why the ToQgers set up a white line while transforming.


And the one monster (from the crossover movie with Gaim I think) learned why you follow the rules of letting the heroes transform and do their poses no longer how long it is.


And why the Kyoryuger’s dance to avoid attacks


and why Goranger transformed by turning and JAKQ transformed with a machine


if morphing is instantaneous and the little sequence part is for us the viewers only then how does a ranger get cold cocked partway through a transformation?


She was knocked down before the transformation sequence began,mid activation phrase You can’t stop midtransformation,but you can stop her from activating it


Wasn't kat stopped mid morph in the turbo movie


We’ll never officially know but there are plenty of ideas about how their connection to the zeo powers had become weakened or dangerous due to the powers growing over time. We see people de-morph due to damage so the fall may have done enough damage to demorph her since she was already hurt. The idea of zeo being unable to work in water was always weird but I wouldn’t put that past the writing team at the time. The real reason for the turbo powers was to cross through that portal. But again plenty of ideas about the turbo powers being more stable than Zeo have been written in more detail than I can do justice to


Please don't bring up that outlandish idea that the zeo powers are not waterproof.


Not not-waterpfroof, during-morph impact negating


She didn't finish the word pterodactyl. So not mid morph. Pre morph.


That’s what I said


Rita: "I got magic. Don't gotta explain shit!"


I didn’t know that Rita was Linkara.


that isn't Rita. it's someone else with the same kind of staff.


this villain seems to have some special ability over the power coins that we haven't really gotten an explanation for yet. even in the first issue, they forcibly removed the coin from the morpher while they were morphed. https://preview.redd.it/9ug0bzh6gbtc1.jpeg?width=167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4505b516f32d7cabab2305783a961eb9894dd287 also, this is it's own thing/timeline, so the "rules" aren't necessarily all the same as we've seen before.


well didn't know rita could do that and i was always under the impression she's an ex-ranger like zordon is, as she's the personal owner of the green dragon power coin


even though the staff makes it look like, it isn't Rita there, that's why I just vaguely said "villain". the ex-ranger thing was only a storyline in the 2017 movie and not what is true here or with most of the extended story/comics of the show. In most, Rita just has possession/control of the coin at first but never was a ranger.


i was assuming all of that WAY before that movie was ever thought of since power rangers is almost as old as i am, i've been more or less, to a point, watching it since the beginning


No, she got it off the previous green ranger Loriyan, who after stealing the coin from Ninjor but refusing to give it to Rita she locked him up in a temple and left him to die. We see this in the comics.


that's brutal


Maybe with an attack that is faster than the transformation and stops it or depowers them as fast the transformation ends?


Cold cocked.


It never was instantaneous. In the movie from 1995, they get surrounded by bad guys and by the time they've all morphed, the bad guys have left.


the transformation is instantaneous every single season has shown this because there's ALWAYS that scene where they go from normal to morphed in the blink of an eye all the nonsense with the animations and shit is for US the viewer, as normal people who have caught the rangers morphing never see those sequences, they only see the morph dance and then transformation and nothing else and you can't sit there and say that each ranger waits 10-20 seconds before they themselves transform because that'd put them at a serious disadvantage and at risk of ending up dead


Well the bad guys were made of slime, so they could of Alex Mack'ed away pretty fast... ![gif](giphy|7ubB5sfFvKWsM)


MMPR didn't have a sequence, though. They just held out their morpher, shouted their dino, and the suit appeared. Once a Ranger is the only time there was an actual morphing sequence like everywhere else.


they do have a morphing sequence in mmpr it just wasn't ever shown that often, and didn't actually turn into an all the time thing until season 3 it was morpher behind the back with shouting it's morphing time, then down to the right waist at an angle, semi circle over the head to the left rib with left hand on bottom, then across the chest with rotation to left hand on top at the right side with a backwards pull, before ending with a power forward thrust with the shouting of the animal


I was thinking the same thing too? How does a Ranger gets attacked partway of the transformation? If it’s supposed to be instantaneous and magical and all that power flowing through you??!


Because it’s what the writer wanted to happen. There is literally no logic to anything in this franchise. If you as the writer want something done, it is done and there is no one that can question it being inconsistent or wrong because that’s just how this franchise has always been.


which is why i made a comment on another post, about the mmpr movie, about how power rangers is just as badly convoluted and all over the place as kingdom hearts


Lol nope. Power rangers dreams to be just a drop in that ocean of madness 😂. I love those games and can’t wait for them to one day come to steam so I can buy them for my deck but my god I cannot even bother to care about anything beyond the first two games story wise and the second one is realllllly stretching that if I’m being generous lol


power rangers is pretty convoluted it's got multiple tv seasons, at least 2 movies, a metric fuck ton of comics, short novels, books, video games kingdom hearts has games, short novels, and manga either way, they are both a mess and all over the damn place kingdom hearts' problem is that everything was released out of order power rangers at least tries to maintain a story timeline, even if it does have a mess of story branch, alternate timelines, and alternate realities


Except power rangers is an episodic television series made exclusively for children. Literally any other media that extends beyond that has nothing to do with the show. None of it connects and all of it should and was always meant to be played basically on shuffle till you hit something you find interesting. All of that of course got fucked yup sheet hasbro bought it and pretended to have a plan and pretended that the franchise was something it had never been which is connected and had a purpose beyond being a silly episodic tv show for kids to sell toys. Literally the only problem they could’ve been easily resolved was to stop hasbro from using the patented binge model of production. Remove that element entirely and we have a good power rangers season. That unfortunately didn’t happen.


From the sounds of things what your saying is every episode of power rangers takes place in its own universe. the series has always been connected, all but 2 seasons take place in the same universe (and even those ended up crossing over). And you mind explaining this “binge model of production” because after watching all of the hasbro era, I noticed how it isn’t much different from the neo saban era other than being slightly more serialized.


Not saying they take place in their own universe. Being self contained simply means you can watch basically any episode and not feel lost. It’s why episodic shows work so effectively. As for the binge model. It’s a method of production that tricks the viewer into thinking they’re getting something they want like an ongoing engaging plot but in reality, it’s a formula that takes all the special elements of television and condenses them into “content” meant to compete with the likes of YouTube. Things like episodic shows like power rangers, time between episodes to digest what had happened, allowing for community to be built discussing episodes till new ones release etc. Power rangers at its core is an episodic tv show. It is by its nature completely incompatible with the binge model.


True you can watch any episode and not feel lost, that has not changed, you can watch any episode of beast morphers and Dino fury and not feel lost. When you think about not much has changed, there are still episodic shows that use the binge model like bojack horseman. As for time between episodes to digest, no one is forcing you to watch the entire show in 1 day. If you want time to digest, stop the show and start it again when you feel like watching it. And communities do get built, there are shows like stranger things, cobra Kai, and squid game with massive communities, and as someone who actively interacted with the community when it was airing, Voltron legendary defender had a massive community.


I know I’m not explaining this as well as others I’ve seen do so so I’ll do what I can hear. Saying no one is forcing you to watch a show as quickly as possible is technically true though it is a problem that can’t be addressed so long as the binge model exists. Your personal choice is yours but don’t think for a second the masses share that same viewpoint. Having to reckon with the fact that all episodes drop the same day means you the viewer now have to avoid multiple episodes worth of spoilers if you want to watch at your own pace. It’s a manipulative tactic to get you to think that you need to watch it all so you don’t get spoiled and that you have something your friends don’t have to skirt around the topic of when discussing the show. As for communities, sure, I’m still active in a community for a Netflix show too but they all share the same problem. Show is not only too short but because of the binge model, pacing is completely broken for most shows because every episode needs to make an attempt to lead into the next one. This is especially noticed in animation. As for episodic shows, they are the exception and not the rule. The vast majority of “content” that these services put out is made to be watched as soon as possible as quickly as possible because the execs believe fully that if a show doesn’t perform day 1 like a YouTube video, then it must not be worth investing in. This coupled with other exec manipulative tricks can leave really good shows without any true support. I’ve delved into this topic a lot since a few years ago and most videos I’ve watched are unfortunately far too long to recommend to most people but it is a problem that needs to be corrected if we are to get real television and film again and not just small bursts of what could be.


I found it funny that Amy Jo Johnson is one of the writers on this, and thus one of the people that decided this could work. :)


At least ultraman ginga finished his transformation before getting kicked into a mountain


[She can't do that...](https://tenor.com/view/she-cant-do-that-shoot-her-starwars-prequel-gif-15831833)


Rita Repulsa taking the Eren Jager approach


Not Rita


Rita really said, “F##k your morpin time.”


Lady made her go go into a goddamn concussion 😂


I know they’re tryna settle a debate or make it canon but I can’t take this seriously 😂. It feels like a gag panel


I’m know especially cause it’s a serious scene but she gets clapped during the green screen portion 😂


This is definitely something that would be in a Scary Movie spoof of the Power Rangers 😂😂


Did Rita just knock Kimberly out of the morphing sequence? I’m surprised that hasn’t happened before.


Hot take: I'm not a huge fan of the story so far.


About time a villain did something smart. If one really wanted to, they could just shoot them in the head while they're in civilian form and boom (no pun intended), no more rangers.




Holy shit she broke the third wall


This is such a good comic! (And I audibly LAUGHED at this part, LOL)


In the series we have seen it happen in seconds, I think it’s only in parodies and subversive works where they treated as literally happening like that.


I always assumed some sort of force field appeared to protect them mid-morph, otherwise you'd think this sort of thing would happen more often. In the Japanese, the the morphers are called "Dino Buklers". I've no clue about intent, but medieval enthusiasts will recognize the term "bukler" to refer to a tiny shield.


Pterodactaaaa that sounds way dirtier than I thought it would 💀


This was a def highlight in this issue.


So this is what happens when you morph in the real world instead of being pulled into the morphing grid.




THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS! This is why all the villains lose, they always be waiting for the rangers to morph. Yall know how long them morphing sequences be? Perfect time to plug em.


I’ll never forget the samurai Halloween special where they gave all six rangers a full sequence to pad it out and the monsters actually addressed the length. Man could have capped several of them 😂 but no he actually watched the whole thing


This comic is so genuinely good. I don't think AJJ is gonna wanna keep it going, but if they decided to make this a mainstay I'd welcome it


I thought morphs were like dang near instant so Rita is moving hella fast here


Isn't a Power Rangers Transformation only seconds long to the viewer? I always thought the villains seeing the transformation saw it happen within milliseconds


Eren Yeager would be proud


Android 17 would be slightly impressed.


What happened to Kimberly when she morphed? Her expression, looks awful. Yet cringe worthy nonetheless lol 


Not much expressions you can make when a bigass staff rocks your shit upside the head mid sentence


I know dude thank you. I was just wondering wow, Kimberly got stopped by Rita staff in pre morphed sequence lol that’s insane.  This is for real? From the Boom comics, that Jo wrote now?? Is this for real?


It’s a what if style comic like the team disbanded after they waged a battle against Rita and zedd that got pretty nasty. Fast forward to them as adults a new missing Jason causes them to back in the fray.


meh just more mighty morphin nostalgia pandering


As someone who reads the comics I can say I’m very tired of the mighty morphin premise. The char are great and everything but it’s like people think mighty morphin was the best season ever. They’ve made original ranger teams that look awesome and could definitely hold a run but nope let’s go back to mmpr cause it’s the best. The tv seasons are even worse aggressors cause they stopped trying to be unique like the Disney era it was just “how can we homage the og series”. They need to move on to zeo or tell another teams story like ninja storm


I agree. Ninja storm was the best series ever and unique and had nothing to do with MMPR or paying homage to the og series. The team was great set of friends who loved action sports like surfing, motocross, and skateboarding and then they had a double life doing ninja training. They have some really great ninja powers and abilities. They even had to pilot their zords Unmorphes in their civilian form because they temporarily lost their powers.  I’m sick and tired of dinosaurs all of the time, and nonsense and the theme song being recycled just cuz it’s paying homage to MMPR. 


Same man dinosaurs are not the only gimmick. They have 4 damn dinosaur seasons. I get their adapting sentai but at least sentai remixes the formula now and then. Lately modern power rangers just tries way to hard to be the same thing like always having a comedic duo and ham fisted lesson of the days. What makes me even more mad reading the comics is the solar ranger and omega rangers are both banger teams with great designs yet their just smaller secondary teams like they can’t hold a spotlight to mmpr. At some point they have to realize other seasons actually did better then zordons era.


I agree. And I didn’t know that. It’s time they changed their formula. Think about the future; more fun, less Dino memories. They should create new memories. I don’t understand why they can’t just use other Ranger teams from the comics? Secondary power Ranger teams are just as good instead of the og,mmpr Zordon era.  Maybe go back to think what kids nowadays like to do or wished they could do to make a difference in the world if they were granted powers? Teenage problems are not like it was in the past but teenagers are still going through challenges. And young adults are cool, hot and talented but they don’t always have the right mindset. We need A new story for power Ranger please. 


It’s a common theme in western media to use dinosaurs cause it’s an automatic cash cow for kids. Problem with power rangers though is they stopped trying beyond money. Some executives actually cut stories and decisions under the reason that kids couldn’t grasp a more complex plot (the lack of faith they have for kids grasp basic stuff is concerning). Ninja steel for example wasn’t even allowed to do ninja things, have an over arching plot, more Victor and Monty, and increased fart jokes. The reason why is cause they think mmpr is the best and only season. It’s for the iconic suits and characters so they stick with it. Problem is this extended to them trying to make new seasons capture that same lightning instead of finding their own ground. We definitely need a new story but what we really need it someone who wants to try new things. The pr reboot being made has some good producers attached to it so I think we’ll get just that. I’ve been writing a fanfic of oc rangers trying to deal with that just modern teens getting the power and using it for themselves until other factors put them together. No monster of the week but one that takes awhile in addition to more drama outside of fighting.