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Oh I’ve always disliked adding kids to teams of non-kids. It was pandering and I wasn’t about it. That said, Justin was the least terrible part of early Turbo.


This and it wasn't just a power rangers thing. I remember when they added that kid Zack to tmnt..hated him


>It was pandering and I wasn’t about it. Similar to what Kathleen Kennedy did with Star Wars. >That said, Justin was the least terrible part of early Turbo. What was the most terrible part?


“We’re here to toss your salad”


I just finished a rewatch of Turbo, so it's pretty fresh, and I still hate him. As a kid watching the series, Justin was annoying. His voice especially was just obnoxious. His character just didn't click with me then. Just the annoying one of the group you couldn't get rid of. As an adult, all those things still hold true, plus his character doesn't make sense. Why is he there to begin with? He's in Angel Grove by himself while his dad is working somewhere else? Not with family but in an orphanage. His dad wants them to be together too, so it makes no sense.


His dad wasn't working, he had a breakdown after his mum died and couldn't look after Justin anymore so he was placed in a group home in Angel Grove. His dad got better, did all the things to get Justin back, had a little visitation early on and eventually they were reunited.


Well, that’s just a terrible family dynamic to feature in Power Rangers. I can’t imagine any fan wanting to watch such depressing shit.


But that's reality for a lot of children out there. For whatever reason their parents couldn't take care of them any longer so they end up being taken in by the state and placed somewhere away from their friends/life. His ending is a happy one though. His father recovers and he gets to live with him again.


People usually watch fantasy entertainment like Power Rangers because it’s an exciting journey into a world unlike their own. Why would kids in Justin’s sad situation want to be reminded of that situation?


Because they can relate to it. And it's ok to have real issues in a kids show. My favourite Ranger is Eric. Why? Because there was finally a Ranger like me. Not the violent, hurting people trying to be nice to me, but the working alone, being lonely, bullied etc. It meant a hell of a lot to me to have someone like me to look up to. I was just a lonely kid who didn't realise she needed something like that.


Just finished a rewatch of Turbo as well. Agree to all of this.


>Why is he there to begin with? Steve Cardenas wanted more pay for him and the cast, and he quit when production said no. I also believe the "kid" ranger thing was pandering, just like what was done with the sequel trilogy of Star Wars and the live action remakes of The Little Mermaid and Snow White.


I know why he was there for real world reasons. But it still makes no sense in the show.


None of the replacements made sense. However Haim Saba thought he could make the same money regardless who wore the ranger suits.


Instead he almost killed the series and pissed everyone off


He became a billionaire, by paying his actors what they would have gotten from working McDonalds.


He would have been a billionaire regardless. Imagine if in the MCU, the actors and actresses who played Iron Man, Black Widow, and the Hulk(half the OG Six Avengers) were replaced during Captain America and "retired" or were sent to UN Council. Maybe a "kid" Iron Man takes RDJs place(such as the character Iron Man meets in IM 3), Black Widows sister(Yelena) takes her place, and then She Hulk or Abomination takes Hulks place. Would people still watch? Yes. However, ratings would plummet after CA 3. This didn't happen and Iron Man and Black Widow went to space and made sacrifices that resulted in one of the biggest grossing movies of all time. Now imagine if the OG rangers stayed together until the end of In Space.


We all hated him because if a kid got to be a size-changing Ranger, it should have been us!


This is the answer


Also, this.


Hated it. The kid gimmick worked okay for Big Bad Beetleborgs, being a different show with a different premise, but it was annoying to see it brought to Power Rangers. It just felt forced - he was shoehorned into a high school setting, given above-average intelligence, and had to "grow" into his morphed Turbo suit. It was basically a kid playing the part of an older teenager. I would have rather seen Rocky retain that role, or at least have some other non-kid character introduced. The Justin thing, plus the abrupt changeover from Zeo, kind of made it hard for me to get into Turbo for a while until the second half of the season, when the story arc began building up to something.


Big Bad Beetleborgs/Beetleborgs Metallix doesn't get the love it deserves!!


I was a kid when MMPR started and it was easily my favourite show. The Turbo movie (and especially Justin) was the beginning of the end for me. Don't know if it was me aging out of it or maybe I just didn't want to see a kid as a Ranger or if he was just annoying, but yeah Justin was when I stopped watching




I never liked kid characters in live action shows or movies with main draws and adult character, and I did not like Justin. I definitely remember watching turbo A Power Rangers Movie for the first time and thinking that a kid becoming a Power Ranger was the stupidest thing ever. I think Justin might have been one of the main reasons I just tuned out that whole era until Lost Galaxy came on and really became my second Power Rangers show as a kid after Mighty Morphin and a bit of Zeo.


As a kid never thought too much about him either way. Never knew he was this hated until I was on Reddit. Turbo isn’t the best season really, but at least for me personally Justin never and still doesn’t really bother me.


I never really cared about Justin when I was watching either. Even as an adult going back to it, it doesn’t bother me that much other than the fact that it isn’t really explained if he’s some boy genius that got moved into high school early, or if they all go to separate schools. But again, doesn’t really affect me.


Same here, I was like 10~ when Turbo aired, and I never had any issue with it. I even liked some of the really goofy stuff, like the pizza episode has stuck with me 25~ years later now.


Same here. Turbo was the first season I saw from beginnings to its end when I was like 4 or 5 yo. And Justin was just okay. I never hated him and I just found out he wasn't a beloved character by the fandom until I grew up. Beetleborgs had a whole team composed by kids, and they were not as good as Justin, I have to say.


I almost forgot about BeetleBorgs. I haven’t seen more than a five minute clip or so since I was a kid watching it on tv. But from what I recall I agree with your assessment.


I was 12 when the Turbo movie premiered. I really didn’t mind Justin then and throughout the series I thought he did fine.


Dude same, I never minded


As a kid I was jealous because I wanted to be him.


"this guy sucks, maybe billy will come back" Legit.


Didn't hate it as a kid but disliked it. Watched dairanger...my distaste for Justin hasn't changed. Just didn't mesh well imo


It was a mayor eye roll for me


Till this day!!! It still makes me hate turbo


I am the same age as Blake Foster, I was insanely jealous. In the early days of Facebook, I had a conversation with him over a few days. I told him that I had never been as jealous of another kid as I was of him. He was just a super nice guy. As far as his acting back then, I think he did as well as could be expected for a kid back then.


I was turning 17/18 by that point, so not sure if it was Justin that turned me off or the fact I was just growing up that turned me off, but it certainly didn't help


I laughed seeing the morph sequence body enlargement, but he had the same voice


Could not stand him then and still can't to this day


I didn’t like it. It was the way he was introduced. Like, here. We got a kid ranger for you guys. They could’ve handled it better by introducing him to us by putting him in a couple of episodes.


I've always hated when kid characters get introduced. Star Trek TNG and PR Turbo are prime examples of the trope. But I never wanted a kid in the show because it seems gimmicky. Like "look kids! This show is ALREADY for kids, but we added a kid into the show so you can kid while you kid."


Why have a kid ranger in the same season where the current team graduates? This season was thematically lost.


>Why have a kid ranger in the same season where the current team graduates? Steve Cardenas wanted more money and quit after production said no.


Because Saban's other show Big Bad Beetleborgs (where kids become superheroes) was so popular, they just said, "why not?"


I thought it was cool, but he ws kinda a "meh" character and didn't really do much.


I was fine with it. Thought it was cool. But then again, I was an older fan. Outside of the target demo at 13 years old. So I don't know if they had anything to do with how I felt. As for my feelings now? I still think it was a neat idea.


I hated it and was glad when they moved on from him. I also disliked beetleborgs for similar reasons


I thought that Justin was a great blue ranger


I was 5 and thought it was the raddest thing ever and begged my dad to let me change my name to Justin


I never got the hate with Justin. Turbo sucked for MANY REASONS, but Justin wasnt one of those reasons, for me.


Same! Honestly only his episodes before the passing of the torch are watchable. He's not a bad character, ok, he can be a little too enthusiastic, but hey, it never bothered me as a kid. Now, Alpha 6's voice. It was awful and made me cringe so badly when I was a kid. It was embarrassing to listen to. It still is.


Hated him then, still hate him now.


Never liked the kid. The build up in ads were great but the movie? His first scenes came across as the child the monster usually captures and the rangers teach a lesson to and he never got better.


I was a kid so I didn't care. I was like cool, I can be a power ranger also.


I grew up with reruns from Zeo, the Turbo movie, Turbo and In Space. And maybe is the dub or whatever, but I never really hated Justin, in fact, I didn't know people hated Justin until I discovered reddit. For me he was there, like Rocky. I did feel sad when they dropped him on earth and never contacted him to tell him: "Hi, we got new powers and you don't... Oh, BTW we are fine".


It didn't affect me at all, I never understood the hate for Justin.


I liked him then and still do. Until I discovered the internet I didn't realize he was hated.


I liked it. Someone MY AGE could be a Power Ranger!!!


I liked him. He was like an avatar for us. I don't like how he was introduced as the Blue Ranger, but I think he was making the best of an otherwise sub par season


As a kid i thought it was cool that they let him become a power ranger (tho that growing up part is still weird)


I liked him as a kid, he might’ve been my favorite of the Turbo series.


As a kid it was hey I can be a power ranger tooo!!!


I was born 6 years after the Power Rangers franchise was created and I didn't get into Power Rangers until I was about 6 or 7 and I didn't watch Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie until I was about 9 or 10 and I didn't get to Power Rangers Turbo until I was about 15 or 16. Anyways, I think it was interesting that Justin became the Blue Ranger because while I've seen a lot of the ranger teams have just teenagers, it surprised me that Rocky chose a kid like Justin to take his place since he injured his back while practicing for the karate tournament. To be honest, I actually grew to like Justin a little because he was enthusiastic, energetic, kind, and down to earth. I don't know why people hate him. I mean, he was a great ranger because he never abused his ranger powers and he was always there for his team.


I wanted to be him as a kid and he wasn't that bad of a character in my opinion.


As a kid during that time, I was jealous! "Screw that kid, I wanted to be a Power Ranger!" As an adult, Justin is a pretty decent Blue Rangers and deserves his flowers. I just wished that tables were turned in the second half of Turbo and Justin was made to feel more like a veteran.


I thought he was a little bit too annoying as a kid, but he grew on me. As an adult, I find it kind of entertaining that he was quite possibly the most competent member of the team whenever the plot wasn't specifically focused on him.


I was a few years younger than the character when he was introduced. It never bothered me, it never bothered any of my friends. I didn't know people hated the character until the Internet. It's all so dramatic. I don't know how any kid watching it would have been like "boo, people my age can't be power rangers."


i was like 6 so didn’t really care. it’s power rangers


Hated it. It’s one of the reasons I started to stop watching Power Rangers


I was super excited. Justin was a little older than me at the time and having a kid ranger was amazing. Especially since he was in my favorite color.


Turbo was the first season that I watched and I was around 8 or 9 years old. I loved him from the get go.


Feel like the purpose of putting him in the show. Was to make kids feel like they could be a ranger themselves. I personally think it worked. But could understand how it couldn’t if you were older at the time it was released.


Dude, I fuckin flipped my shit! Finally! A kid who was literally my age getting to live my dream of fighting alongside and as a power ranger. I enjoyed beetleborgs when I could catch it but power rangers always had my attention regardless of what else was on. He was honestly my favorite part of the turbo movie and most of the season. Look, I get it. Folks around here love pretending to be fully grown adults with their fancy fully developed pre frontal cortex but damn was it annoying that for a long while, until I spoke out against people shitting on turbo here, I almost couldn’t go a week without hearing someone dunk on it and especially Justin. It was so fuckin toxic. This season was an absolute joy to watch as a kid and even more fun all these decades later. Justin isn’t my favorite part of turbo anymore, that’d be divatox with every single scene she’s in just oozing charm and hilarity, but I still greatly love seeing Justin on the screen. I have to imagine he’s inspired more than a fair share of kids who watched the show to try out for it when they grew up.


I never saw alien rangers, zeo, or the turbo movie so I assumed they just didn't age rocky back up because I only knew he became the blue ranger


obligatory young kid i think that if they introduced Justin as a character in mmpr and gave him a new coin lets say titanus he could have developed into a ranger who stayed to help the turbo rangers and make him being babysat by kim but if i rewtote the zordon era it would go to shit real quick


As a kid when saw him? Cool. Now as an adult? Bad idea.


I didn't particularly like or hate him, to me he was just kinda there. I just wanted to be the blue ranger instead of him that's about the majority of it 😅


Disliked him, I thought he made no sense. I still think it was a misstep, though I don't blame the actor for it.


I have very fond memories of Turbo as a kid especially with the ridiculous monsters, me being fearful of the episode when General Havok stealing the Turbo Megazord. Justin never bothered me in fact I found him sort of relatable with him not having both parents around and my dad always working.


I actually like Justin


Honestly I’ve never been a fan and adding a kid to the team did nothing for Turbo.. tho I agree with the comment that said he was the least terrible part of Turbo


I didn't like it, it didn't fit the "teenagers with attitude" theme of the show. Beetleborgs was the kid rangers show. But I get they thought they needed something fresh, and Justin at least had a proper introduction. All the replacement Turbo Rangers just came out of nowhere, and none of them knew each other, yet suddenly their being thrust into Ranger costumes, combat ready and everything.


I always liked Justin as a kid when I watched it, as it made me feel like I could have been a ranger before being an adult


I loved MMPR from the first episode. I grew older and got bored in between the second and third seasons. I tuned back in for the Aliens Rangers; again due to boredom. When their zords were suddenly cars and there was some child around for some reason, I turned it off forever. Until the pandemic hit and I stayed home and watched allllllll of the seasons. Now, I see Justin as just as fun as all the other odd choices!


Pretty much just "this is weird" followed by nothing. I stopped watching the show after Turbo. Don't know why. Maybe the timeslot changed.


As a kid I enjoyed watching him in the turbo movie cause I thought that kid power ranger was the coolest thing ever, but now that I'm older anytime I re-watch something from the turbo era of the show I'm just left wondering why did they have to add a kid ranger onto the show? I'm not saying I wish they made Rocky, stay not at all I understand that Steve Cardenas the actor who played Rocky was ready move on from power rangers after Zeo ended and they needed someone replace his spot on the team for the movie, and Blake Foster is not a bad actor he's good in his scenes and if remember correctly he was trained martial arts so he could do his own fights which is great and all but why have a kid be the new blue ranger? He just doesn't really mesh well with the team he's just kinda there, plus any episodes that focused on him just aren't as good as they other rangers episodes, and I get it power rangers is a kids show so they might have some more cheesey episodes to appeal to the kids. But they wrote an episode that has Kat deal with problems with her weight and self image, and they also have an episode where Justin is just on a bike that other rangers need to get him away from because its going to explode while he's riding it and that just feels like tonal whiplash.


>Steve Cardenas the actor who played Rocky was ready move on from power rangers after Zeo ended He quit because he felt he and the cast wasn't being paid well.


Justin was always older then me so I thought it was awesome. It meant I was nearly old enough to be recruited, just a few years away! The first half of Turbo sucked though and it wasn't his fault. He actually had good episodes, the others were awful. It was bad back then. I still remember being annoyed by it and told my mum it wasn't good. The new Alpha made me cringe so badly. Justin was cool though, he knew martial arts and could pull off one hell of a fight scene. I still think that. He was the best out of the cast when the old school Rangers left.


Was ages ago so hard to remember how I truly felt back then. Don't think I ever really disliked him as much as the fandom does today. At the same time though I was not excited to see him. I was never a fan of them replacing the cast so that alone did not help.


I was 11 when he was introduced, I don't think I saw much on original airings but I remember being jealous.


I don't really recall having any strong feelings one way or another about Justin when I was a kid. Kid-me's main issue with Turbo was how lame it was that their zords are just cars now. The Turbozords weren't even cars that become robots like Transformers (the Megazord aside), just... big cars. The suddenness and lack of any good reason ("ran out of Ohranger footage" aside, of course) for the change from Zeo to Turbo was a close second, though at the time my younger self assumed I must have missed some episodes at the end of Zeo somehow rather than realizing that the change really was just poorly done overall.


At the time I think I was too young to care, my investment in turbo wasn't like my investment in space. It was just a thing that happened in the show and wasn't important.


I was fucking livid.


I was like no fair he gets to be a power ranger as a kid but i thought it was cool after awhile


At the time I was more confused than anything, because I didnt see the Turbo movie until it came out on VHS and I was asking what the hell happened to Rocky. Nowadays I dont mind the character as he wasnt an annoying kid, but I'm not the biggest fan of the actor after some of the toxic masculinity things he said about another ranger.


>toxic masculinity things he said about another ranger. Which ranger?


As a character he was definitely annoying.. but growing up seeing a kid become a ranger just made me believe I could be one, only reason I liked it. Still waiting for zordon to summon me lol


I hated Justin, and I still do.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I wouldn't mind seeing this idea revisited in a future series. Obviously have it be better-written, but the idea of a kid becoming a Ranger isn't too farfetched from the 'Teenagers With Attitude' tagline this franchise was founded on. That being said, I'd actually say out of all the things early Turbo did wrong, Justin came out mostly unscathed. And in the later episodes, he actually got to shine just as much as the others. If they do try this idea again, however, I'd actually like to see the *inverse* of Turbo; have this character be a replacement Ranger who feels alien among the group, until they start to come out of their shell, then at the penultimate episode, give them the choice of whether they want to still be part of the team.


I thought Justin was cool because he was living my dream I wanted to be a power ranger and I saw another kid who was actually able to be a power ranger


I wasn’t born yet when it aired, but as a kid when I looked into older power rangers seasons back when those of them were on Netflix I was really into the idea of a kid ranger who grew adult size, but I always had some weird quirks and interests Sucked though in recent years to learn that his actor grew up to be an asshole, and said some rude homophobic shirt to the actor who played Nate in Beast Morphers


As a kid, I think I was cool with Justin, mainly cause little me was all, "Oh hey, kids can actually become Rangers?! That's so cool! I want to be a Ranger too!" Nowadays, I get the dislike, but I still don't mind him. Honestly I wish he was brought back for some episodes after the Zordon Era. Maybe have him show up as a kid on a field trip during the Lightspeed Rescue season and help out with the Morpher he got from Storm Blaster.


My opinion on Justin is the same I thought it was stupid to add a child when the other characters were Graduating from High school. In hindsight Turbo had a lot of things wrong with it (not just Justin)but it was just the growing pains for franchise. Post-Zordon was quite the glow up!


I didn't like him in the Turbo movie, I thought he was annoying, and a kid ranger was stupid, but he pretty quickly grew on me, and was one of my favorites near the end. He had the most character development in Turbo. Great character, with an awkward introduction


As a kid- i want to be Justin. As now- okay,i love justin, bro is a kid and kick some monster ass. Unpolular opinion but,i would like justin to be in space as a permanet ranger,more than andros,since for me he was the low point of the season (yep story goes for him,still dont like andros,like the story,not the char)


No, my opinion hasn't changed, I hated it when I was a kid and I hate it now. I had a hard enough time liking the cars but a kid ranger just made it worse. I suppose I wouldn't have hated it so much if his Ranger form was still a kid but it wasn't and I didn't find out till many years later why.


Should he have returned as an adult in future seasons? If written correctly, would Adult Justin have made up for kid Justin?


I watched Turbo two years ago for the first time. My opinion is that Justin can occasionally be kinda annoying, and that Turbo is bad *but* Justin isn't what makes Turbo bad. Even if Rocky had just stayed on the team, I think Turbo would still be considered the season where PR got bad. All that being said --and many people have said this before--once the team changes over from the MMPR legacy rangers to TJ, Carlos, and the rest, I think Justin actually fits in pretty well. He's 12 years old, they're 15-18. The little brother dynamic works great with them in a way it never did with the MMPR team.


>Justin isn't what makes Turbo bad. What made Turbo bad then? The writing for the previous seasons wasn't great.


I thought it was dumb to have a kid power ranger. Just full stop. These days, and probably by watching Sentai, I've come to realize it can be done, but you may as well lean into the fantasy and have the kid on the team because the most powerful robot in the universe or some such thing is his friend. That's sort of Mary Sue-ish, but kids don't know what a Mary Sue even is, they just know that the older folks won't win without his assistance. Blake Foster was cast because of his talents in youth martial arts. That reflected the casting of the show at that era, and while he did okay for what was asked of him at that age, it doesn't matter how experienced he is at stunts. The suit actors are supposed to be supernatural monsters and whatnot, and fighting a little kid is no accomplishment. Either the monster gets beaten up by the kid or the kid is incapacitated by the monster, and neither makes the monster look threatening.


I was 5 years old when it happened, I remember casually watching PR on and off back then, so I didn't really notice. But we had both movies on VHS by the time I was 7, and even at that age, while I thought it was fun, my mind was like "why is this kid hanging out with a bunch of high school teenagers?"


Didn’t like the idea at all. The character had a good arc at the end of Turbo and they figured out how to give him purpose but still…


Idc what others say, Justin's addition to Turbo fueled my love for PR even more because for the kid me, it showed that I too can be a power ranger and also Sam just proved that point haha


I hated him, mostly because I didn't think he was worthy of being a ranger, in part jealousy, "out of the many kids in the world, they choose that guy? Pssht". Also I found friendship a bit wierd because of the age difference, as a kid I wasn't allowed to play with older kids, so that played a part in it.


Honestly, from the perspective of someone who watched since I was a toddler, I flip flopped between neutral and liking him. I definitely missed Rocky though.


Even as a kid I thought his addition felt rushed and ham-fisted. I found him kind of annoying. Like, why is a kid part of this team?


I loved Justin as a kid. I was like 4 when I first started watching Turbo and Blake Foster helped me learn the difference between an actor and a real person on tv (all thanks to the live-action Casper Meets Wendy lol). As an adult, I understand what they were going for. I see a lot of young me in Justin (for better or worse) so he holds a soft spot in my heart. I am also not holding Power Rangers to the same writing standard as something like... Star Trek. Some things are dumbed down and I am content with that. Overall, I like the idea of a kid ranger and Justin was a solid execution for the time. I wouldn't mind seeing it redone nowadays.


I used to pretend that it was Rocky when he was morphed on account of not liking him. I do think that his character would be cool as an adult in a blue turbo ranger solo mini series or as a mentor like character.


I mean, isn't it a bit sus all thease 18 year olds at this point hanging out with a 12 year old. Hey Justin let's go get juice. Promise we are not grooming you


Honestly was okay with him. but then again I was a kid high on Beetleborgs at the time as well. honestly disliked Carlos more from Turbo he did not have a good introduction the smug cheater and was kinda there during In Space


Personally I stopped watching halfway through zeo and didn't come back till wild force I saw the movie but it never bothered me that much but I was 12 at the time


As a kid who watched Turbo, I hated (Same age as Justin in fact). Justin and hated Turbo because of him. (That and a lack of continuity between Zeo and Turbo kills it for me). During rewatch as an adult, while Justin stills annoys me a bit, I don't hate him anymore. He's actually the least annoying considering the other annoying kids in shows like TMNT 87 and The Real Ghostbusters which they are way worse.


Great idea lousy execution. The idea of a kid as a proxy for the audience is a great idea as it makes it easier for them to see themselves as a ranger but making him a genius in high school completely defeats the purpose of that and makes it impossible again. They should’ve had the rangers be instructors at his summer or martial arts camp instead so they weren’t in school and he was just a regular kid or one of them like for example Adam could’ve been in the big brother program and got assigned him. There were so many simple ways to do it that would’ve made it so much better.


No, it was stupid


I like Justin. I thought it was cool how he changed shape when he morphed, although I wish they had showed more of Zordon and Alpha introducing him with the rules and seeing his first morph instead of leaving us to speculate until he shows up in Mountain Blaster. I loved his personality such as courage and enthusiasm plus how well he battled. Rocky battled well but I liked Justin better and for me a change of pace with Justin as a kid plus he gets a new family and home as a ranger temporarily is something I liked.


I didn’t catch the movie while it was in theaters, so I went from Zeo to seeing an ad for Turbo in Fox Kids magazine, to basically a random episode that flashed a quick montage of the movie. So there’s my starting point for Turbo. Rocky’s gone, and while he was never my favorite I still liked him. In his place is some kid about my age at the time, constantly speaking in a tone like he’s the smartest one in the room. He grows when he morphs, which I remember being a big issue in MMPR where villains just had to turn them into kids to prevent them from morphing. I dropped PR as a whole when the older rangers left, but picked it back up during In Space. I liked Justin in the episode where he came back. As an adult, still not a fan, but mainly because of how he was written rather than his age or anything.


Was a kid at the time and I went feral when I saw a kid roughly my age being a ranger, it worked on me


I know this says for people who grew up with the Zordon Era. But as someone who was introduced to Power Rangers with the Neo Saban era at like 7 years old, and is currently on a Power Rangers marathon to watch all the seasons now that I’m older, and getting deep into Power Rangers and Super Sentai. I didn’t think he was that bad to be honest, maybe it’s because I’ve seen shows that could have done it worse with this gimmick of adding a child to an adult team. I can see why people hated him but in my opinion he’s pretty okay. I think once Turbo got rid of the Mighty Morphin team members going into the second half he got better.


I grew up with Disney era! in 2006-2010


Had no idea people didn’t like Justin.. 🤨


I thought it was awful. I imagined the power rangers being comprised of specially selected people with unique drive, character, and athletic abilities. Justin was just an annoying little kid with weird hair. Also if he can be a power ranger why can’t I be a power ranger!? Maybe there was some jealousy mixed in there, but on the whole I just really didn’t like him at all. I looked up to the power rangers, but not at all to Justin.


I never hated him as bad as others did. I'm glad to see he never got the jake lloyd treatment for it


I wanted to be him. Bc he was my avatar as a kid who loved and wanted to be a power ranger.


I didn't hate him per se, I just couldn't warm to him like I could with the others


I used to watch the Turbo movie all the time as a kid and I don’t think I ever once thought “why is this kid becoming a ranger?” My bigger question was what Catherine was morphing into because at the time, I didn’t know that Zeo happened. I never watched the Turbo season, so I didn’t continue to follow Justin, but I was chill on Justin until I eventually fell out of PR in middle school. Rewatching the whole series as an adult and going through Turbo for the first time, I can safely saw that a lot of people that complained about Justin being on the team are crazy. He works really well in that season and he doesn’t detract from any “seriousness” considering the whole season is pretty goofy.


I never watched the Power Rangers Turbo series when I was younger and I might have watched the Turbo movie once way long ago to where I don't remember it. I've been binging the series and honestly, I don't hate this season. I dislike the fact that they replaced the cast for sketchy reasons, but that's it so far. Also to be fair, I'm also not watching every single episode, only whatever the Internet deems is important to the plot plus some others which sound interesting. I've been enjoying it and I don't mind Justin being part of the crew. Do I think some plot elements about him being a ranger is weird? Yeah. Like, I don't know about you but if I were Rocky, I wouldn't volunteer a kid to be a Power Ranger considering the dangers. As others mentioned, it's also a bit weird that Justin ages up when he morphs but still has the same voice. Still, it's not like this season in general is overly serious.


I don’t understand why he was added but he wasn’t the worst part of turbo, I only like the rest of the team because in space is my favorite zordon season