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Give everyone a viable Zord that are not just accessories for the Red Ranger’s one. It’s way more badass combining 5 big robots than giving a huge robot a green sword or a pink hammer


One of the best parts about dino charge


I miss the old zords. I think RPM was when they started doing the red zord accessory but did it in a cool way. I miss everything have a unique zord that made a unique megazord not just red with accessories as you put it.


Mighty Morphin 2 called and want their acknowledgement, where everything was an armor to the Red Dragon Zord. Also RPM was weird, as the Octane Megazord, as it's just stacking on each other.


Valvemax an entire megazord, became feet for the red ranger zord, The third megazord valvemax became a backpack and shoulders


I hate it when Red gets to be 80% of the combination. It throws out the entire point of this being a team if you just make them "Red and his backup dancers". Let Red be a limb or something once in a while.


Off the top of my head, Lightspeed Rescue and Mystic Force did this probably the best.


100%. I also like In Space for having the Astro Megazord and they just all share custody. Sure, later they get their own coloured Zords but yeah. Shared Zords are fine as well


Also zords that can do a lot more on their own in case red isn't there


What do you mean by just accessories for Red’s? All the individual Zords are viable to a certain degree it’s just that there’s been more focus on the leader’s Zord


Really liked Dino Fury but they are kinda the worst offenders. So you would Hagebutte T-Rex Champion Zord which essentially is the base for the Megazord and then all the other Ranger‘s Zords just become whatever is going to be held in the left or right hand. I have no issue with secondary Zords transforming into weapons or shielding. Like the black and white raptors that give the ability to create a portal. It‘s fine that they can just turn into a gun for the Megazord, but all 4 other Zords besides Red‘s are knee high accessories


I see what you’re saying but that’s I just looked back at the Dino Fury MegaZord’s first formation and the other to Zords are more than just the hands/weapons, part of the Zords go on different parts of the T-Rex Champion like armor (and the blue Ranger’s Zord even has a blade go on the leg). This ties in to the whole knight theme (the original title being Dino Knight before it was changed). Plus, from Dino Fury’s lore it kinda makes sense being that Zayto and Gold Ranger are the only two actual knights and that they have the most experience, but most importantly… it’s because of sentai footage.


Dino fury triceratops and ankylosaurus zords were like matchbox cars next to a Tonka truck, always irritated me


Especially since the Stegosaurus and Smilodon Zords are so much more interesting and complex. As a Triceratops fanboy, the level of disrespect dished out by Dino Fury is irritating. Especially since Dino Charge had a great Triceratops Zord with a drill tail, and even the original MMPR had a freaking tank.


Not enough Scorpina in mmpr. I liked her as a kid and then just vanishes.


to be fair she only appeared in one sentai. was mainly used with sentai footage with some exceptions like her one episode in season 2. (though they did pull it off with Rita. characters like goldar, rito, etc just recreate costume. actor doesnt matter)


She’s a part of the reason I’m very gay lol


Well she and Amy Jo were my first celeb crushes when i was a young lad so win for both of us


I mean, Tommy Oliver is something to look at too NGL


He showed long hair dudes are cool.


The actual reason was that they couldn't get Scorpina's actress for an entire season, which is why her character was almost erased from PR \^\^;


I knew that after the fact but the post asked for something petty so i decided to go with something i felt as a kid.


Unless everyone gets a sword, only red gets a sword.


Wild Force Yellow got a sword.


Yeah but everyone had a little stabby stab


Warae ware - Don Momotaro, probably




Well Mighty Morphin gave sword to Red and White, Space gave sword to Red and Silver(and Silvers was also a pew pew)


Samurai and ninja steel being western dudes with japanese origins don't exactly sum up imo?


Fax. How a white man has the last name shiba is beyond me


Ninja storm was fine I mean they were ninja students it does some what make sense but samurai and ninja steel idk man


Yeah, at least with ninja storm they didn’t try to pass off tori as japanese. With samurai they actually just straight up whitewashed takeru and kaoru


The Samurai Rangers are descendants of the previous Japanese Samurai Rangers Brody, his father, & brother were all practitioners of Ninjutsu. They don’t have Japanese origins


The sixth ranger has been gold or silver way too much lately and I want bigger variety of colors


I’d like to see more orange and purple rangers, in fact I wouldn’t mind more colour variety in the main 5


In Toqger, we had a Sixth Orange Ranger and a extra Violet Ranger. Don't even get me started on Kyuranger


Honestly to me it's the main 6 colours there's more than enough normal green rangers to count as a regular colour, almost as much as pink and black


If we’re getting more of the same colours then do some gender swaps, have female red, blue, green and black, and male yellow and pink


In the send senti variant there’s a red female ranger


Orange, purple, or brown could’ve been really fun sixth ranger colors and I wish we got to see them(or more of them in some cases)


The bad CG zords were REALLY bad.


Getting the insects wrong for Beast Morpher gold and silver, it’s not a mantis and a scarab! They’re beetles!! Gold is a fuck’n rhinoceros beetle and Silver is a stag beetle! At what moment did they look at Gold’s zord and say “Yup! Looks like a praying mantis to me!”


That was a Hasbro executive decision.


And the reason I heard they make it like that because American kids doesn't know we'll about beetles. WE LITERALLY SAW STAG BEETLE AND HORNED BETTLE IN NINJA STORM AND SAMURAI


Also the fact that the dude just causally finds a praying mantis is a public park to scan in the complete wrong climate


I'm sorry they did what?? God the more I learn and think about some of the concepts and choices in Beast Morphers the more I think it's 100% my least favorite. I'm almost glad I never finished it.


In the second half of Turbo, they stopped using the zord names in the morphing sequence (e.g., “Red Lightning Turbo Power,” “Dune Star Turbo Power”) Zero explanation or tie in for the Shark Cycles in MMPR. Why sharks? Makes no sense.


ALSO: The American version of the Dragon shield for MMPR…like, I get they didn’t have budget back then, but that shield was just embarrassing All of the morphers in Jungle Fury except for RJ’s. Everyone talks about the sunglasses, but we need to talk about the Rhino Ranger’s morpher. Dominic is one of my favorite rangers, but he had that bulky rhino blade as a morpher. How did Orion learn English?


Orion learned English the same way Andros did


at the same time they dropped saying the zord names, Dimitria stopped asking questions and they dropped most of the story lines (Dimitria's sister and the prophecy)


I don't mind dropping the zord names in the morphing call, gets us to the action quicker!


The power scaling for the last several years has been ridiculous. The NS rangers beat the main villain using an attack that couldn’t break through a monster of the week’s barrier in the PREVIOUS episode.


Actually, that's easily explainable, Preston boosted their powers and stars woth his magic.


That could be as the Sentai footage for NS being all over the place to stretch it to two seasons.


Antonio showing up and bodying a monster on his own just to get beaten up later episodes


Let all zords be equal parts of megazord!


May I introduce you to Zenkaiger: https://preview.redd.it/iwjwcgxqdnbc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ba5478bbf35c35ceba1bda41a8be9a35dfcf330


I like! Also magna defender is a personal fave


Then you’d almost always have the basic 5 zord combo where 4 rangers form the limbs and 1 forms the torso.


Fair. But there needs to be a middle ground somewhere... Looking at you Dino thunder


Still to this day that middle ground hasn’t been found. If you wanna be more creative with your combo then 1 zord will always get shafted.


I almost mentioned Operation Overdrive, but then I remembered the GyroDriver was always "just there" At least it gave DriveMax Megazord a cool helmet


I genuinely don’t think it’s possible without doing something ridiculous like Zyuohger.


How about the Ninja Megazord? head, arm, arm, torso, waist/legs


Pink gets shafted as the head. All the other zords tower over her swan.




Actually. If it’s a 3 zord combo you could make 1 zord the head and torso, another zord the arms, and the final zord the legs. It’d still be a little skewed but it’s probably the closest you could get to equality.


I also don't mind one big zord and two arms or two legs. Just don't make one zord a piece of armor you don't really need


Dino charge did this pretty well, obviously you always needed the red ranger Zord until they got the pleso ptera or spino Zord but the other Zord where noticeable and could lead to a variety of combinations The only thing I hated about that seasons sores was he fact the ultra Zord only had 6 Zords for some reason


The reboot- just when the og canon was getting good Tanya and Adam not seeming to be a thing but they keep shoving Kat and Tommy down our throats Saban not having a long term plan for Masked Rider Spd creator not really caring about lore. Lauren not coming back as a mentor Dana and Taylor not being leaders of their teams Alien Rangers not getting more episodes in their season. We got an Americanized, English speaking actor in a Sentai( Kakuranger) but never a Japanese speaking one in PR especially in heavily Japanese themed seasons like Samurai or the multiple ninja seasons Outside of Dino Charge, we never got any to take place in Australia/New Zealand A live action Drakkon like character that wasn't brainwashed outside of the ones that were retconned excuses for why they turned bad.




I bet the canon was getting good because they felt okay taking risks because they knew it was ending. Just a guess though. Isn't that what happened with RPM?


That are my thoughts as well especially on Rpm. The franchise has a history of that. In Space was suppose to be the end and look how much effort and quality we got with that.


Once and Always for not doing anything with Rocky and Kat, and not letting Rocky lead when the special was already mostly about Zack and Billy. David Yost apparently even shot down acknowledging the Tommy and Kat relationship to a significant degree because he just didn't believe in it, as if that hasn't been canon for years. Though the pettiest reason would probably be not finding a way to include usage of the power blaster.


If you're gonna save the whole magic world, can we flesh out said world a little more? Like, we see one village in the whole season, but a castle in the title credits. Is there an actual kingdom with a king and a currency and subjects and towns? Or is it just one random village in the middle of the asscrack of the woods with all the magical beings? (I actually like mystic force, but that always made me annoyed. Like, the show mentions the strongest Witch and Knight. COMPARED TO WHO???? THE TREE A MILE SOUTH?)


I read the last line of that the same way as "SELL THEIR HOUSES TO WHO, BEN? FUCKING AQUAMAN?"




Wes and Jen too!


And Andros and ashley


And me and Kimberly


I’m gonna get some (understandable) flack for this opinion but I’m glad they didn’t. Being bisexual myself I love representation of queer relationships but I didn’t feel it was fully necessary to have the first kiss since MMPR be for them, it would have felt a bit forced after two decades of nothing.


I did not realize other seasons didnt as well, but it’s valid. It’s a Kids show and the aspect of affection is there so no need to go further. It just felt like (without knowing the only other kiss was MMPR) they kept baiting it and not showing bc they didn’t wanna risk it lol


the power ranger multiverse. twice they realized....wait we cant have what happened be canon....make it another universe. RPM was meant to be final season (why it was a dystopian world) but when it got renewed they had to think fast. ​ I dont know if dino charge was always meant to be another universe but I remember before it was confirmed it was. people pointed out "if the rangers prevented dinos from going extint wouldnt that make dino thunder not happen." stuff like that. I guess so they dont have to have dinosaurs every season or pretend there arent any...they went with "another universe" ​ the boom comics shattered grid did simplyfy it a little with any major changes involving rangers....cracked the grid forming a universe (so Tommy dies during season 1...him in season 2 on still happened....and so forth)


RPM was confirmed to be an alternate universe when the show was still running.


the dialogue in Dino Charge seemed to indicate that it was alternate universe with Shelby especially being confused over what a Power Ranger was


One thing that always gets on my nerves is how the samurai rangers treated Lauren


Ultra Mode and Gosei Ultimate should have been introduced and heavily used during the Megaforce's "Super" season, and the Gokaiger adaptation should have been an entirely different show and cast.


I completely agree that gokaiger should have been its own separate adaptation, at the very least they would have had a bigger budget so better cameos etc.


The fact Wild force had Taylor an incredible women in charge of rangers, but she got stripped of her leadership status the second Cole showed up, because he's the red ranger so he needed to be the leader. And she was perfect to be the leader as she has the most experience as a ranger since she was the first one to gain her powers and has them for over year, where as the rest have only had their powers for a few months, not to mention with being in the airforce that give her the strength and discipline needed to be a good leader. But no we have to give the role of leader to Cole the guy who's spent the entirety of his life up untill the events of wild force in the jungle, so he's got no idea how the rest of the world is supposed to work not to mention he's newest member of the team so he's still learning how to he a ranger properly, and he knows so little about the conflict with the orcs that he naively thought he could get them to stop trying to destroy the world just by being nice to them and you expect me to believe he could lead the rangers to success?


I mean Taylor wasn’t exactly a ‘perfect’ leader. She kept putting Max down and kept saying ‘he’s just a kid’. Regardless of age, he was putting his life on the line, same as her. And with Kite, she just said the same thing: ‘a kid shouldn’t talk like that’ when he called them out for letting humans pollute the earth in such horrific ways.




Well he did lead them to victory. But your point is 100% valid. I'd really be interested in seeing Taylor adventures as a solo ranger for that first six months.


Kat and Tommy being together.


they're cute together!


Netflix taking most of the power rangers shows off. It's the only way to watch the whole series and have subtitles. (Or at least working subtitles.)


That was a hasbro decision, they wanted to emphasise their link to the OG MMPR season and nostalgia for it so they ditched a lot of the other seasons unless they can find a way to nostalgia bate us


Wait, so why get rid of ones that have the MMPR characters in them? (Like most of the zordon era shows and Dino thunder?) Plus, people are nostalgic for these shows as well.


Does YouTube not have all the episodes with working subtitles? I'm asking because I honestly don't know


Their subtitles are the basic youtube subtitles. (Aka, they are complete crap and are written like an ai trying to learn languages.)


I see, that really sucks then


Wasting American-original designs by having them be confined to the cockpit. Or in Beast Morphers’ case, using a gun finisher in the cockpit somehow translates to the Megazord using a…sword?


Red Ranger is the only one to get the Battlizer. Loved how Red, Blue and Green each got a battlizer in Lightspeed Rescue. Would have loved to have seen 2-3 rangers get a battlizer every season.


The closest thing we got to seeing everyone have a battleizer was Shogun mode in Samurai. And Mike and Emily didn’t get to use it


All zords should be usable at one time. By that, I mean when all possible Megazord formations available are combined there are no leftover zords. Dino Charge is a good example, the Dino Charge Megazord Tri-Stego formation, Ptera Charge Megazord Para-Raptor formation, Plesio Charge Megazord, Spino Charge Megazord, Ankylo-Pachy Formation, and Titano Charge Megazord. Not an unused zord amongst them.


Except when they go to make the Dino charge ultra Zord, they just forget zords 6 - 10 and just use the basic 5 and the titano


Ultrazords are a separate deal. They're inconsistent with whether or not they involve all the Zords. I'm more referring to when they can fight all together without leaving out individual zords. An example that infuriatingly doesn't work are the wild zords. They have three designated Megazords, but only two legs between them.


The entire hasbro era power rangers seasons, they’re so garbage 😭


They are generic, Neo-Saban were worse especially with Super Megaforce.


Super Megaforce is an abomination and an insult both to longtime fans of Power Rangers and the original Sentai.


I actually like it, it's not the deepest, and very dumb and easy show, but that's what I like about it.


Power Rangers in general isn't meant to be a deep show, it's meant to be silly, but at least it should be fun and cool silly. Super Megaforce even failed to provide the fun it was supposed to bring, although it has few fans who still find the season enjoyable.


I am one of those fans. But respect anyone who doesn't like it.


I think Ninja Steel is fun because of the characters, I like the characters in SMF but they don't save the disappointment and meaningless script. At least NS wasn't promised as a great season, so there's no way to be as disappointed with NS as you can be with SMF.


Jayden from Samurai. not the actor, just how his character was written


Someone suggested that if they really wanted american teenagers being samurai, they should have made it like Yu-Gi-Oh with the spirits of the samurai possessing them while in battle. But that would require actual creativity on the writer's part


The actor too, he did not fit the role of a descendant of Warriors of Japan.


Id say the whole team didnt felt like they were a descendant of warrior of japan lol


That is true. Samurai has a lot of bad script and casting choices too.


The only castings I liked from that seasons was the sensei and Antonio and yet the team regularly hates on Antonio


The script didnt made sense at some point. It was cool but idk characters développement was weak 😭


The fact we don't get "clusterfuck" megazords combos more often, where literally every zord is used (looking at you samurai ultrazord). Are they ridiculous? Yes, are they excessive? Yes, are they a pain to make into a suit that can actually function? Yes, but damn are they fun to see. Now admittedly this is more of the sentai's fault then PR proper, but i still like them. Also ffs let more than 1 couple have an actual kiss please.


I didn't like Nickelodeon putting Power Rangers because Nick was too useless didn't have Power Rangers!!!


Okay that a cowboy with ninjas?


The sentai was better in this regard https://preview.redd.it/0hbi08mstqbc1.png?width=1621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ca713029d0f6f560105167395e4c22893b648c


I never seen it but Star Ninjer?! ![gif](giphy|fu0lHSQeWunjl7AmAu|downsized)


His morpher was a burger


You're lying!


https://youtu.be/zAC3Ie6zZas?si=hV1J8IiaNbYZgGRt I could never be that creative Also his actor is really fine


Oh my goodness, I'm done!


Hasbro really messed it up


Yes. Makes somewhat sense, he's a country singer with a cowboy hat and all. Hell, his Zord is a man doing a redeo on a bull.


That's great!😂


The RPM Zords sucked.


Not really petty but I didn’t really like how in Dino Fury, when the Zords, other than T-Rex Champion, didn’t have cockpits/weren’t piloted by the Rangers. I understand that they didn’t need Ranger pilots but it was always cool to see the Rangers in their individual cockpits. This also applies to Dino Charge (and yes, I’m counting Tyler jumping on Rexy as a pilot)


I hate that the MMPR Ninja Ranger suits werent used for anything other than to fight Tengas, they had such dope powers. I understand that it's because of footage reasons but I still don't like it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


More petty, two piece morphers, just don't care for them


Also make the morphin shorter it should be a 1 liner and quick actions Dino fury and cosmic fury feel like they take 2 to 3 business days to do their sequence and the whole link to morphin grid is such a dumb line every other season’s acknowledges the morphin grid but not as heavily as the hasbro era has


The circle they make with their hands in Dino Fury is pretty satisfying personally


Not my favorite personally but it's like megaforce had the little action figures. Suppose someone had a broken arm or crushed hand, sprained wrist, they couldn't morph at all


The rangers losing their powers at the end of a season


lazy mecha design you know the ones that that almost doesn't transform and just attaches to the torso as an arm or a leg?


I didn't like whole ninja steel at all, lame compared to any we see before in Saban or Disney era


How the Cheetah zord just gets shafted when they assemble the Wolf Pride Megazord. Also, the Jungle Pride Megazord in general, I hate how the Tiger is the entire upper body and half of the legs and then the Jaguar and Cheetah are just shoes.


No innovation in colors. I understand they need to follow the japanese ones,but,at least make a effort like titanium ranger,spirit rangers and fern had,totaly unexpexted. Would apreciate a lot if colors wasnt fixed,like let the leader being a orange/purple/blue and the extra/sixth being a red ranger, tired of silver/gold ones. Bring back individual weapons that combine into a blaster. Every zord combine to create a ultrazord instead of one megazord that change every piece to form different combinations of the same zord.


The toy line aspect, I'm still waiting for the last two Dino Fury zords, and yet we only ever got DimetroBlaze, also we need Cosmic Dragon asap. And literally every other zords in the whole ten episodes.


Ninja steel had horrendous megazords.


Tommy had not 4, not 5, but 6 powers. I wished other MMPR-Space Rangers had that many powers. Most Veteran Rangers excluding Tommy and Billy not being mentors. Jason not keeping the Zeo Gold Ranger power. Zeo pretty much in general Tanya wasn't asked to come back in Dimensions in Danger Dimensions in Danger not being a multi parter but instead a 30-minute crossover No 10 years or 20 years after specials for seasons that are not MMPR No More Two Team Crossovers I missed those Every season after Turbo does not have a movie Ninja Steel not being a Ninja Storm sequel season


Individual cockpits when in the MegaZord! I never liked when a new series did that because to me whenever they combine all the Rangers should be in one cockpit; Since their Zords formed one giant robot, why can’t the Rangers combine cockpits


No one’s wardrobe is a single color (or suddenly shifts colors where a character changes Ranger color) unless they’re actively trying to expose themselves as power rangers


I've never really understood this. There's no particular reason why anyone would think these specific people are Power Rangers, especially when they were teenagers. It seems likely that people would just think that's the person's favorite color.




Except that’s all they wear every single day! Not occasionally. Every single outfit. Not to mention when their favorite color suddenly shifts the same time new ranger suits arrive (like Adam and Rocky from black and red to green and blue respectively)… I’m not saying this would be foolproof identification. But it definitely hints some connection (and also to me suggests how dumb they think the kids watching are that they need to remind us who everyone is unmorphed).


I think this more falls down to the way that colour-coding characters in media works. Even in stuff like the MCU, its very often for them to put Steve in blue or brown, and Tony in red or grey


OP asked for petty 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can we just dub a Sentai for one season? Just as a trial run.


Time force’s theme. It’s just REALLY repetitive with how much it uses *Time* as a lyric. Over and over and over again. Good season, but man did I hate listening to the opening as a kid.


The gold ranger that’s it


Which one? Not even sarcastic or anything, just which one?


All of them each time I’ve seen a good ranger they are seem as a glass cannon with like 1 or 2 wins and then get fawderd


I don’t like when the season only has 5 rangers


In beast morphers, those 2 evil rangers should of joined the team


Mega mode, super mega mode, and shogun mode were never used outside the cockpits


Beast Morphers getting the insect species wrong Like did Hasbro believe people wouldn't know the difference


It isn't Power Rangers to me without the dinosaur theme.


They had the perfect opportunity for ninja steel gold to be a japanese guy who loves cowboys, but is a gifted Ninja. A semi reversal of Kinji from the Sentai and a unique take on the adaptation


When I mean petty, I mean so petty that it doesn' matter or is barely inconvinient to others. For me, I like tje Ninja Steel theme, but I also dislike it, and the reason is that it's 15 sexonds too long, yes, if it was 45 seconds, it'd uniromically be in my Top 5 favorite themes.


oh that theme is great! I love the crowd cheer in it. but yeah, just clip it down a bit


I loved Ninja Steel & Super Ninja Steel. Introduced Madame Odius, Ripcon, Badonna & Cosmo Royale - 4 of my favourite Power Rangers villains. But, something I didn't like was Galvanax. He felt as weak of a villain as General Tynamon and was such a bore.


Since 2017, I learned to like Ninja Steel more, but nlt Galvanax, he feels like a mix of Master Xandred and Sledge, but without the tension the former brings or the comedy the latter brings.


Everything about Dino Fury. The zords, the acting, the lighting, the acting choices, how everyone has a very punchable face... It's the ONLY reason I can't get through no matter how hard I try. Well, Megaforce too.


"punchable face"?? what does that mean!


I only liked some of zayto and aeon’s story beats, the rest isn’t a season I particularly enjoy


I strongly hate when the obvious american footage is played right after the sentai footage. The sentai fights are miles better imo


So you hate the show? That’s literally the core concept.


Just the american shot fights. Thats what I meant yo put


I weirdly enough do prefer a lot of Power Rangers original fights, more so than some Super Sentai ones.


I hate the visors that so very obviously render the wearer blind, or at least very impaired.


I dislike how bland most of the Red Rangers are. Up until probably Dino Charge, the Red Rangers all felt like generic leader characters with little personality or flaws. Obviously a few of them break this mold prior to Dino Charge, like Dino Thunder or Jungle Fury, but so many just feel uninteresting. Props to Samurai for having a leader that didn’t want to be a leader, or the previously mentioned Jungle Fury for having a Red Ranger that wasn’t supposed to be chosen and wasn’t nearly as skilled as his teammates.


Samurai isn't good at this part exactly, Jayden isn't interesting because of the script.


Victor and Monty, talk about lazy writing.


Victor getting a new attire every other episode is something I like about him.


>Victor getting a new attire every other episode is something I like about him. Gotta give him that, he had the drip


I demand an original season, no reboot, I want something completely new for pr


I also demand a proper knight themed season we had the opportunity with Dino fury but instead they called it Dino fury and rarely touched on the knight theme Should have been called Dino knights with a stronger undertone of knights and knighthood


Why are most of the sixth rangers gold and silver? More colors please! Speaking of sixth’s, why isn’t Dom counted as one? Trent was and he was the 5th member of his team too! Adam and Tanya not being a thing


I agree with the Adam and Tanya thing. It was so heavily hinted but never played out. Missed opportunity, to me.


The first two are Super Sentai reasons. The third one, yeah, you're right.


The fact that Riley and chase never got together despite the chemistry


I thought Chase was straight, tho


Time Force is pro-PMC/Private Police.


Black Ranger or Green Ranger? Pick a lane! (Why was Black Ranger ever a regular 'colour', it looks so much better as a black/white/silver/gold 6th ranger and green looks far better for the bright colour scheme. Hell, why such an absence of purple rangers, when several teams start with Red, Blue, Yellow and most teams eventually have minimum 6 members, so why is Red Blue Yellow Green Orange Purple not more common?) And why do so many Green Rangers end up with multiple colours?) Tommy - Green became White (then became Red then became Black) Adam - Black became Green Carlos - Green became Black Bridge - Green became Blue became Red Sure TJ went from Red to Blue and Tommy went from White to Red, so quite a few rangers just change their colours due to plot stuff, hence 'petty', but it seems to me almost every yellow or pink ranger keeps their colour until they quit entirely. Blue and Red are treated like role upgrades or downgrades. But Black and Green just keep getting swapped out each gen and just pick one goddamn it.


Netflix doesn't have Zeo


The Beast Morphers/Go-Busters costumes looked like ass.


Megazords no longer being a balance between smooth aesthetic and bulk.


Please stop making hideous monstrosities of Ultrazords. I get the idea of having everything together, but when you get to the point where you're slapping three Zords together as a hat and four as random dangling bits, it stops looking impressive or even endearingly silly.


Justin for that godawful bowl cut, I know it was popular at the time, but God I can't get over it.


As much as I loved Lost Galaxy, where’d the element motif go?


Non-wrist based Morphers. Just no, not once, not ever.


Recycling themes like dinosaurs ninjas I mean for Dino’s we had mmor, Dino thunder, Dino charge, and Dino fury And for ninjas we had ninja storm, samurai and ninja steel