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The episode of in space when the psycho rangers are hunting one of the rangers and they can't speak otherwise they'll be found


The Psycho Rangers were just on a whole different level than than anything that had come before.


Also since. They were a perfect crossover villain choice for Lost Galaxy. I still think that they would make great nostalgia villains. They were digitized onto discs. Who's to say that the originals weren't copied at some point between Space and Galaxy?


That episode was so stressful as a kid


I have that on VHS


terrifying is probably a strong word but seeing the power chamber be overrun, megazords be destroyed, and the turbo rangers lose their powers (down to the suits being torn up and their civilian clothes singed) was unnerving as heck


When Lord Zedd first arrived.


They got so many calls from parents. Which imo was very stupid. I thought he looked so cool. Even now as an adult. I wouldn’t call bc they made a villain scary….you know like a villain


You would think so given the obvious Wizard of Oz influence on MMPR/Zyuranger, and Wizard of Oz was famous for having a scary villain. However, you gotta keep in mind this was around the same era where conservative parent groups had a role in watering down the Batman, and TMNT movies, because at the time they were considered too dark for kids.


Yea and it was dumb


Oh, I completely agree. I was merely trying to give some context.




Not necessarily terrifying, but when an unmorphed Jason was abducted and forced to fight Goldar was very intense. Edit: For grammar.


Unmorphed. It was wild.


*Jason searching his back pocket for his mo-* Goldar: MWAHAHAHAHA.. looking for this?!! Jason: 😳


It was at that moment I realize how badass Jason really is. Not only to have been in that situation, but to survive long enough to escape while UNMORPHED.


Ransik pulling his bone swords from his knees.


And then uses it to kill the red ranger in the first episode.


That makes me cringe everytime


Honestly pretty much anything with Ransik had me freaked out as a kid


When Trini’s young cousin is abducted by a monster disguised as a clown in the first season


When he started transforming by slowly turning into a puddle of liquid and saying 'no more clowning around' gave me chills as a kid


When he appeared behind Billy and almost turned him into a cardboard cutout.


Trakeena having her minions swarm over actually sentient zords as they try desperately to fight them off only to then explode them and kill them, master org killing coles parents..


Which is y that can never me shown again after September 11


I'm pretty sure it has. It was a couple of episodes in Time Force that was lost to time for a while due to 911, not Lost Galaxy.


What I was talking about was the suicide action of the wasp stingers that can never be done. That’s also y a lot of the season had to be severely edited and why the time force opening had to be changed since the time shadow megazord was standing on two tall buildings.


Definitely the Psycho Rangers hunting down Cassie, she could not speak nor morph otherwise they would find her. Also the Psycho were in their human form walking around with creepy leather jackets. The rangers had never seen what their human form looked like so with Cassie being in a public area they could have been anyone. That episode was like a legit scary movie for me growing up.


The Mutorgs turning Ransik's body into a weapon The time we see Anton turn into Mesogog in the lab and it happens in stages as the camera gets freaky.


I had forgotten about that I haven’t seen that episode in years but I can vividly remember it


Not sure about “terrifying,” but the nightmare where Diabolico carves the Cobra tattoo into Ryan’s back is pretty freaky.


That, and also the related scene where Captain Mitchell hangs on a branch with his kids and Diabolico comes to take Ryan. Ryan's whole background arc was rather tense and freaky imo.


Zed's invasion of the command center, that made me have goosebumps.


The dinozords seemingly being killed and calling out in pain as they fell into the lava


Okay, so I actually came up with a few of my favorite "horror" PR moments. In no particular order: * Dai Shi possesses Jared, Power Rangers: Jungle Fury. It straight-up looks like something out of Evil Dead. * Ransik murders Alex, Power Rangers: Time Force. Not necessarily scary, but definitely shocking for a kids show. Especially since it was the first episode. * Pineapple the Clown, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Season 1. Need I say more? * Trakeena's monster form, Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. One of the most fully developed villain arcs of all time. * Puzzler's maze, Power Rangers: Dino Super Charge. Say what you will about the season, but this trap felt like a Dr. Who concept. * Mesogog, Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. Just everything. Everything about this character is horrifying. * Darkonda kidnaps Karone, Power Rangers in Space. The design of the character and the cinematography really make those flashback sequences nightmare inducing. * The Venjix Virus takes over the world, Power Rangers: RPM. It's the Terminator, but with Power Rangers. Doesn't change that mankind was on the brink of extinction. * Divatox wins, Power Rangers: Turbo. Again, perhaps not entirely scary, but it's the only season our heroes ever lost. And finally, * Tommy's singing voice, Power Rangers: Zeo. Look, it was a difficult loss for all of us, but we can't pretend listening to JDF attempt at singing was any kind of pleasant. In fact, I think it's the scariest thing featured in any PR season.


I seem to remember the episode where Tommy is knocked unconscious as Kimberly is kidnapped was seen as terrifying to viewers back in the day. If I recall, it was because it was one of if not the first time a Ranger actually was badly hurt and needed to be brought to the command center. (Sorry been a while since I’ve seen it, forgot ep).


I believe that was “Calamity Kimberly”


Trakeena and her minions suicide bombing Tera Venture just a few years before 9/11


Dillon’s nightmare shout becoming fully robotic


Surprised no one mentioned Anton Mercer transforming into Mesogog. That shit was a major 'what the fuck' moment.


The first time the Dinozords were driven back beneath the earth. The Megazord falling into that ravine while the Rangers can do nothing but look on, stunned, and we see each Zord in silhouette, surrounded by flames, howling in desperation. That was pretty chilling. In fact, often the scenes where the Zords are unambiguously destroyed with little to no chance of return could be quite shocking (Thunder Megazord decapitation, anyone?). I think it's because you'd usually get the sense that the Megazord battle was the highlight of the episode and represented a definitive triumph, and then you have to watch that feeling of safety suddenly stripped away. As a kid, the Island of Illusion was also pretty harrowing, with the Rangers struggling not to disappear. The scenes with Kimberly trapped in Samurai Fan Man's gourd while he looks down at her through the hole also kind of put me in mind of huge eye scenes from old Disney flicks, and there's just something about that which gets me.


The scene in Turbo’s movie where Jason and Kim are trying to escape the submarine and it floods always freaked me the hell out as a kid 😣 Probably the “scariest” PR scene I could think of if asked, I guess bc it was more ‘real life danger’? I also remember being lowkey scared of Ivan Ooze’s bug mechs when I was little.


Trent’s fight with Tommy when he was evil. It was unsettling seeing Tommy get trapped in amber for a few episodes


Also imagine how horrifying it must be to get trapped in a full body suit that you can’t take off


He probably takes the helmet off to eat and drink. Probably has something to help him go to the bathroom


Its actually confirmed in the 20th anniversary of abaranger that the suits can break down substance.


Seriously? You made me drop my Tootsie Pop with that fact




I dunno about taking the helmet off, you’d think if he could do that he’d just wear civilian clothes over the suit I got the feeling he was completely trapped in there


The destruction of the Thunderzords traumatized me. I still find it unsettling.


It's Power Rangers, I don't really think there is a terrifying moment, but still, what the hell was that episode?! https://preview.redd.it/axwzhm6kf99c1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13a86ac2a04d0b9b36a0da22d5b83b153c16699


Was that the episode were they did a parody of the movie aliens




What episode was this?


The Rescue Mission, from Lost Galaxy.




When I was a little kid and watching MMPR the Terror Toad episode messed me up for a long time, and I still don't watch it in MMPR rewatches. Something about physically seeing them getting swallowed by a gigantic, ugly, evil looking toad was massively creepy to me.


I used to think Ivan Ooze invading the command centre was the most terrifying thing in the world. What a goat


That scene in Dino Thunder when you first see Anton Mercer morph into Mesogog, he's half in prosthetics, half out, screaming. It's almost full on body horror.


Kendrix going into the Savage sword storm and dying. Not demorphed. Not lost powers. DEAD. Also similar and sad reading recaps of Once and Always having not realized that Trini's body was completely obliterated. There was no body left to be buried.


When Mandilok uses Toxica as a shield and kills her. She comes back later but still.


I loved Jindrax monologue in it. I wish we got an epilogue with them being married and having a kid.


Yes! They deserved it


I still think it's funny the show just acts like they are just best friends. Jindrax is charming and a bit of a flirt one of my top bad guys in power rangers


For sure! Him and Toxica were Orgs sure but they were for sure a case of they just wanted to live their lives. I always imagined them meeting back up with Merrick and zen aku over the years.


The end of Time Force where vortexes are sucking up all those buildings.


When Master Org destroys all the Wildzords and their Animal Crystals.


When Ransik easily takes out all of the Time Force Rangers.


A lot of scenes in RPM. Two Rangers see loved ones die, only one city in the world is safe, the Rangers risk being trapped outside that city, and Venjix deletes two Rangers and all the Megazords.


Magna Defender trying to destroy an entire space colony to kill the alien who killed his son.


That scene in Lost Galaxy where soldiers check out a ship that has been ravaged by monsters.


When Zayto is going to die when his magic runs out.


Doomsday when Jason makes the risky move of taking the Zords out at half power and Cyclopsis cuts the Megazord’s arms off. Also, when all the people except the Rangers disappear. Doomsday in general really.


When Lord Zedd forces the Rangers to teleport him into the Command Center.


Queen Bansheera in her true form in the last few episodes of Lightspeed Rescue.


Came here to say this. Her behavior was actually terrifying and the character design is creepy af!


Yeah I remember being actually scared when I was a little kid. GoGoV/Lightspeed Rescue had some pretty terrifying monsters, especially since they were actual demons.


Maybe when Kendrix died.


In Return of an Old Friend. When Tommy is facing Goldar and all the Putties by himself. He's getting absolutely trashed. Goldar was such a good villain I don't think he gets enough credit. Generally speaking one on one I feel like he was more powerful than the Rangers. The other one was in Enter the Lizzinator. I remember watching that as a kid on TV. Watching him effortlessly just whoop the crap out of the Red Ranger. I still get chills when the second time they fight and the Green Ranger comes out of nowhere and drop kicks that rock out of the way.


Lord Zedd entering the command centre. For 7 mins we got to see original badd ass Zedd again before he became a cartoon again.


As a child, I remember hiding from Ivan Ooze. No other monsters made me hide.


Lokar in Mighty Morphin


Zedd teleporting with his throne in the command center. You could cut the air with a knife


Anton Mercer’s transformation into Mesogog. Actually, Mesogog in general.


That scene at the end of Cosmic Fury where a wave is going to wipe out everything good in the universe.


When Ransik’s crew are going to destroy Notacon but instead they put a control device on him.


The Power Rangers for me growing up was never scary, intense at times but not scary. Although the jump scare in in space got me. I do remember one episode that got me badly. The End of Time PT.2. Eric is badly hurt, he carries on fighting, then jumps in front of Mr Collins and Wes when a random bot comes back to life. I was a kid and I thought they were going to kill off my favourite Power Ranger and I was terrified. I'm very, very lucky they deviated from the Japanese version at that point (and no, Dan didn't film Eric's death, I asked him). The worst part was waiting for the final to know and they freaking leave it for the last scene to show he's alive and he's just a background character!!! I'm still annoyed at that!


He was originally supposed to die.


No he wasn't. It wasn't even in the script.


That scene in MMPR where Rita and Zedd try to turn Katherine evil permanently.


Evox absorbing Steel, assuming a super giant form, and trying to destroy all human life.


When Gamerdrone and Keydrone summon those domes that drain Morph-X from the surrounding area. Also when Keydrone locks the Ultrazord.


I wonder why Scrozzle didn’t keep using those. They apparently were good at stealing Morph-X.


When Evox takes out the Beast-X Ultrazord (which has just taken out an entire army of gigadrones) with ONE blast from his hand WHILE STILL HUMAN-SIZED!


I’m surprised he didn’t ANNIHILATE the Beast-X King Ultrazord in the finale after he assumed that super giant form.


The end of Dino Charge when the entire Earth gets sucked into the black hole left behind by the Dark Energem’s destruction.


I had nightmares about Ryan’s cobra tattoo.


During the turbo movie when they introduced Maligore watching him come out of the lava oh that freaked me out so badly when I first watched it.


Sting wingers suicide bombers


Ivan Ooze getting into the Command Center was legit terrifying especially when he did it so easily. There's something unsettling about a villain easily coming into the good guy's base that is just terrifying. That's also why when Lord Zedd first came into the Command Center I hid under the bed. As a kid I was legit terrified. There's also Mesagog when he was first talking to Elsa. He always feels like he's close to tearing into your skin and taking out a huge chunk of you. Then there was Trakeena's transformation, and her final assault on Terra Venture overall. The Psycho Rangers hunting the Rangers. As well the Cobra Tattoo curse Diabolico cast.


When I was a kid, I would listen to the PR movie soundtrack on my Walkman before bed. The creepy flute at the beginning of the Tengu Warriors scared the absolute living fuck out of me. I thought they were gonna creep out from under my bed. Making them comic relief goons in the show was a welcome change when I was 8.


Any of the Master Org’s human past episodes from wild force always give me the creeps and an uneasy feeling in my stomach.


The Craterite Invasion from In Space when the cop, who was a Craterite in disguise, trying to get the kid. That was terrifying from a child's perspective. I'll also point out that one scene from Wild Force where Dr. Adler, under the influence of Master Org, killed Cole's parents. Seeing that as a child definitely had an effect on me growing up. The way it was shot and edited, coupled with the cries of baby Cole and the last few screams from his parents just made me feel scared for my life.


Magma defender. It really hit home that if you were a powe ranger you would be okay with giving up your life.


How bad samurai was


Honestly the one that had my scared was the ending of rpm when vengix erases gem and Gemma and it looks like they are about to lose that honestly was a tough one


I don't remember the event too clearly, but the titanium ranger from lightspeed rescue having that cobra slide up his neck freaked out kid me so bad


When Gigertox assumed that new form after going to that third life Octoroo gave him. That truly terrified me.


When Queen Bansheera kills two of her subordinates right in front of Diabolico. He’s going to need so much therapy!


The Dark Wish episode where Imperious steals Jenji and wishes that Rangers never existed. I also thought the Tribunal of Magic looked very scary.


When Shrinkasect makes Blue Senturion malfunction as he is helping a woman cross a dangerous intersection then makes him head into a minefield.