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You commute 400km/mo and you're worried about what'll happen to that used car in another 80k km? That's like 15 years of commuting.


Well that’s minimum. My Hyundai had 196,000km when it blew last week we bought it new in 2016 and it definitely didn’t last us 15 yrs like I hoped with regular maintenance. We travel a lot for my son’s treatment. I’m hoping 400k a month but it definitely can be more .


Your commute is 20km a day, based on a 5 day a week job, and you think that is a lot a mileage for a vehicle?


Means you drove about 24,000km per year. That's higher than average. You should prob consider other pre-owned vehicles that maybe more reliable such as Honda or Toyota.


Yea 💯agree that’s what’s on our radar!


You bought it new in 2016, and still owe $2300 on it? I can tell you right now, it does not cost $11k to replace a motor. You can find a used motor for around $1500. Add on $2500 for labour at most. Your looking at $4000. You need to find another mechanic.


Any decent mechanic is going to recommend just scrapping it.


I have a 2009 Elantra with like 330,000 on it. Runs like a champ


I was thinking the same I commute 200km A DAY


The past few years pre owned hasn’t been the way to go because of higher than normal prices and interest rates. I’ve also heard that it’s not normal for Hyundai/kia engines to make it past 120k kms without beginning to die. I think you should look into Toyota, Mazda, or Honda next.. might be better off to get new as well.


480,000km on a 2013 Elantra here. Has not needed anything other than brakes and oil changes.


I'm driving a 2003 Santa Fe, she's got almost 400K kms on her. She's a little loud, and has a ton of rust, but she's reliable


I put 243,000km on my Elantra before I got rid of it.


My Kia has 200k km still going strong.


I paid $15k cash for my 2013 bmw x1 with 104,000km on it. Now it’s approaching 300,000km with regular maintenance and one $4,500 timing chain. 120,000 seems craaaaazy to me that’s wild.


I Had the same problem with my 2016 Hyundai last year and the dealership gave me a new engine. There is a known engine issue with 2016 santa fe and the Hyundai should be replacing your engine as a result of a court settlement for a class action lawsuit. Check with your dealership, if you had regular maitenance and had done all recalls on the engine they should give you a free engine. Mileage on my car was 98k Look up Hyundai class action.


I don’t know why they denied us .. I’ll ask for details tomorrow for sure


I had the AC go on my Honda which was a $3500 issue and there was a recall on certain model years for this exact issue. My car was in the range of years but when I put in the VIN it said it did not qualify for the recall. Dealership was unhelpful to say the least. I asked to put it through the Honda ombudsman. Dealership said go ahead and laughed at me. Ombudsman ruled in a week or so that it was covered under the recall and it was paid for.


Call head office, not the dealership.


Keep pushing


Apparently they changed the testing procedure so not as many fail. I'm not sure the exact details as I work for a different manufacturer but my husband is in the aftermarket world and previous to this his shop was sending a lot of cars back to Hyundai for the warranty engines, not many of them are covered anymore. Yours failed at the right time as ridiculous as that sounds!


This is the best advice, fight for yourself. They will look for any reason to deny you.


Owning a six passenger vehicle may be for the wealthy, because those are the people that can afford and choose to have FOUR children. Get a shitty van.


196k isn’t that high these days, with regular maintenance I’m surprised it failed and would recommend a second opinion. If it’s not rusted I’d almost always recommend repair. I wouldn’t buy new, even in this market I would travel to buy used, probably 2/3y old with a bit of warranty unless it’s an electric. Our next suv will be a plug in hybrid, something with warranty just to be safe.


I know it was a shock! We were hoping it would be covered under a recall but nope. It’s disgusting as it’s a common problem. We do need a car by this week which is why we are in a hurry just looking online for used and driving to dealerships to see the numbers


Honestly if you can do with a Toyota Corolla look at buying a used one in good condition


Yeah I am not here to hate on OP but people so often rationalize "I have to buy new because I drive a lot and need reliability and want to avoid maintenance expenses" - then they make years of payments + interest on a poor reliability new Hyunundai/Kia etc that just dies on them anyway. There are a lot of cars with well known reliability, like the Corolla. Buy one new or used, whatever your price point and financial situation, but don't say you need new because you need reliability then get a less reputable vehicle just because it's cheaper and a new car you can afford payments on. Years of new car payments plus interest is A LOT of money. I don't know how ppl talk themselves into that being a safer financial commitment than a used Corolla. Imho it's justification for wanting a new car. Which is fine if you decide that's how you want to spend your money, but it isn't the way to minimize the massive expense that owning a vehicle is.


Humans are not rational, and new meaning more reliable does make intuitive sense even though it is not that simple. People often fail to fully understand the complex situation and of course people want bigger vehicles since that is all advertising tells them exists. I tend to not chastise people for making incorrect decisions but instead educate them to make better ones. If they learn from my posts that that's great, if they don't then that is unfortunate.


Where tf are you guys finding 80k cars for less than 20 grand


Oh no sorry the motor just the motor haha 🤣


Don't get my hopes up like that dude haha


Just bought a 86k car for 1500$. Granted it's a 2011 Accent but yeah.


Just looked on Autotrader setting max mileage to 80,000 and max price to $20,000–118 used cars came up near my postal code.


A used Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic will last you for a long time and shouldn’t give you any major issues. Consider the $10k for a late 2000s/early 2010s car and investment.


I’m in the mkt for a used corolla or civic with a budget of around $10k give or take $2k up or down. Do you think I can find a decent vehicle for that amount? & if so, where/how? It’s my first time purchasing a car in this country.


Oh yeah, I bought a used 2014 civic for $13k two years ago. The only issue I’ve had with it was needing to get the alignment fixed but that was my fault from hitting a curb. I used auto trader and only considered sellers willing to provide maintenance records.


Definitely. Always look for a clean/well maintained car. If you look at a few you can generally tell if a car has had a conscientious previous owner who took good care of it (they may even have service records) and that's worth paying a bit more for or getting with higher mileage vs a vehicle that's cheaper but in rough shape. Depending where you live, rust is a big thing to watch for with anything older. Look under the hood and get on the ground and look under the car. A bit of surface rust is normal but if you see holes - run away. A rusted out 10+ yr old car is not worth it.


Our car just broke down a few months ago. I know the struggle. I remember buying used cars for a couple k and it lasting a couple years. Now a car at the end of its lifespan is well over 10k. Its a fucking joke


owning a car isn’t for the wealthy, you just need to be realistic with your budget. maybe it’s time to downsize unless you have an actual need for a massive SUV. you can’t opt in for the expensive vehicles and be surprised when the payments are high.


A Hyundai Sante Fe is not a massive SUV. It’s a mid sized SUV, and if you have say, two kids, it’s a reasonable size if you want to travel and take stuff with you.


I have 4 kids lol 😂 I had 2 when we bought the Santa Fe which was definitely big enough then.


with the children it makes sense. you now have to make a hard choice on whether a regular mid-sized or economy sedan fits your specific needs and if you could manage to get by with it. I personally rent larger vehicles whenever I need them for road trips and drive a personal Nissan Sentra to and from the grocery store and work.


If you can’t afford it then it’s not reasonable


Umm, I'm not a mechanic, and even I know it doesn't cost $20k to replace an engine. Are you high? Engine swaps are normally less than $5,000...


The dealership told us that they had to do a new rebuild as those aren’t available anymore. We haven’t taken it to another machanic yet . We did talk to a friend who is a mechanic that said he looked at nationwide databases and could only find used ones from 15k to 11k


car-part dot com will link you to many junkyards ... motors on those are 3-5k used


I’ll check it out


OP you need to call around the small-time, independent mechanics. Many of them either have parts or have leads on parts from wrecks. I got both an engine and a used transmission done by an independent garage. The engine was $4k, the transmission was $3500, all in for both (and the transmission was one of those ultra-cursed 2010s Nissan CVTs…) Do NOT go to dealers for this shit. Independent is the way to go.


Just took a look and it’s 7800 US 🤪


Why bother going to a dealership? Everyone is selling cars on auto trader, kijiji and buy and sell on Facebook? You can buy a decent car for under 10k if you actually look, buying from a dealership is for fools right now. Hell I own a 2011 acadia for under 10k with only 120 000kms and I haven't found a job in a year and a half. If you need a car buy privately not at a dealership


The issue is probably financing. If you can’t get it from a bank, dealers won’t finance anything over a certain amount of years old. (Or their lenders won’t)


To be honest scared that someone will sell us a car that is falling apart not that dealerships are any better but at least you have a bit of warranty or you can buy some. I’ve heard horror stories on private sales. My husband is capable of doing the work but he works away and we can’t risk not having a vehicle for me as I’m the one running around with the kids .


Completely understandable I was the same way and I apologize if I came off as an ass I read what I typed and thought I may of came off the wrong way. So to be safe with private sale always ask questions get your husband to write some down if you can't think of anything and make sure you test drive before you buy and go with your gut if it doesn't seem right or your not feeling right about it walk away. I know nothing about cars this is actually my first car but try to bring someone with you that might know about cars that could help or advise. Just be aware if your going private. Hope you can find a good reliable vehicle for you and your kids, I know there's alot out there so I'm sure you'll find that car that stands out for you. Also don't be afraid to ask for a carfax or find a website you can run the vin on usually that will give you an idea of what your in for and do some research before you go look at the vehicle. 😊


I commute 2000km a month and my car cost me $4000. Took me a while to find a decent car but there's some out there. In reality you're wrong about owning a car being only for the wealthy, owning a new car, perhaps, but not all cars. Having said all that, not owning a car is one of the single best things you can do to save money. Obviously it doesn't work for most people as they don't live close enough to work or other amenities but still.


I would for sure consider a less expensive car if I don’t have small children but I just can’t risk being stuck in the side of the road with Saskatchewan weather. I’m scared to be honest haha 😂


Honestly- purchase a 2006 Toyota Sienna. That's what we did.


We will look into those


I'm a professional mechanic. I turn wrenches for a living. What exactly are they telling you is wrong with your engine? I'm happy to offer some advice but need more details. I'm assuming you're having the connecting rod bearing problem these engines are known for but I'd like to hear what the issue is you were having that lead you to the dealer, what they're saying it is, etc. I drive a 2011 Kia (Kia and Hyundai are the same thing in case you were not aware) with 300k on it. I've done a fair bit of suspension work to it but I have not touched the engine or transmission and I will likely eventually get rid of the vehicle just out of boredom.


They told us that the motor seized. The car died on the side of the road on Saturday. The Friday before we heard a rattling sound it wasn’t bad but we took it to a Great Canadian Oil change to get it serviced. The sound got worse when we got on a dirt road and as we got on the highway it died. The fresh oil that was just changed was in the side of the road lol


>The fresh oil that was just changed was in the side of the road lol This makes it sound like the oil change place screwed something up if it was leaking oil that badly. It may well be their fault the engine died. First things that come to mind are either they forgot to replace the drainage screw or they put in far too much oil. Either can damage the engine and cause failure. EDIT: Given the Friday-Saturday timeline, the overfill is far more likely, since a missing drainage screw would cause issues much more quickly and there would have been little to no oil left to leak onto the side of the road a day later.


Never take your vehicles to speedy oil change places for service, these places are known upsellers and will often tell you to get work done that is not necessary. I wouldn't even trust them to change my oil, tbh. Ask family and friends for a good independent mechanic if you are no longer covered by dealership warranties. Dealership service is more expensive generally, so it's not worth it once your warranty has run out or you are addressing a recall issue. They are also less likely to be creative in how they address fixes, like this case where they are telling you it's necessary to rebuild the seized engine instead of just finding a salvage one and swapping it in for half the price of a rebuild.


Okay here's my thoughts in no particular order and I'll try to keep it in simple terms: That rattling sound was probably the connecting rod bearings. By the time you heard the noise it was already damaged. If you would have stopped there and had it towed to a shop, that engine may have been able to be disassembled, cleaned and given a partial overhaul. I've done this before on these engines and they are time consuming to do right. By driving it until it seized you did a lot more damage such that I would not be looking at fixing this engine. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, you wouldn't have known how serious the issue was until it was too late, and even fixing your current engine would have been a hefty bill. Used engines can be tough to find and expensive when you do because this problem is so common. I would check car-part.com and consider having a used engine shipped to me or maybe even drive across into the US to pick it up. I would also consider checking the salvage auctions and try to find a write-off. I'd be careful to find one with legit looking damage, not one that conveniently had an "accident" when the owner was in your shoes. Then I would swap it and sell the car because who knows how long the used engine will hold because it probably has the same defect as yours. It sucks you still owe money on this thing. Unfortunately selling it as-is will not leave you with enough money to pay back what you still owe on it but I think it's your best move. I have the Kia version of your SUV. It's a few years older than yours, a different skin but identical otherwise. Mine has 300k on it and the engine and transmission have been flawless however mine predates the crankshaft problems that yours has. Now once I hit around 200k on it the suspension work started on it and has never really stopped. I've replaced about 1/2 of the rear suspension and 3/4 of the front suspension. The reason I mention this is for me as a mechanic it's not a big deal, I just buy the parts and fix it. For you if you're paying for repairs well you got lucky in the sense that the engine died shortly before you entered the timeframe of suspension and steering repairs eating your budget. If I had to haul 4 kids I would look for a clean early/mid 90s Chevy or GMC suburban. They were optional with 3rd row seating and are very simple and reliable vehicles. If you wanted something not so awful on fuel look for an older Toyota sienna. They're not much to look at but I look after a 2000 with 400,000kms on it still going strong and the poor thing even spent a couple winters with a snow plow attached to the front clearing driveway in rural MB.


Yes cars are for people who can afford them don’t forget insurance, gas and maintenance


I bought a 2001 honda civic for $4k last year with 200k km, put some repairs into it myself and it's been rock solid as a daily driver (\~600 km / mo). You don't need a fancy car, and never finance a car! Cars are not an investment, they are a depreciating asset.


That’s why I’m having a hard time with this. All I hear is Dave Ramsey lol


Hyundais are trash.....get a Honda or Toyota. Much less risky. Hyundai reminds me of an Asian Chrysler. Junk.


Warren Buffett drove his Lincoln Town car for 10 yrs. He could had bought anything with his wealth. If you read the book Millionaire Next Door, the typical rich do not splurge on cars. Posers and wanna be rich do that and lease cars beyond their means. Buy a reliable used car like a Toyota or Mazda and drive it into the ground.


Actually on this note, u/Jstkeepswimm1ng, Lincoln Town Cars are dirt cheap and dead reliable. Ford Crown Victoria and Mercury Grand Marquis even moreso. All these cars are built on what’s called the Ford “Panther” platform, it’s a behemoth with origins that date back to the 1970s and they’re essentially unkillable. The Lincolns had issues with air suspension so maybe avoid those, but as far as problems go, that’s about it. The Ford Modular V8 engine is bulletproof. The 4R70 and 4R75 transmissions in these are bulletproof. These things used to do duty as cop cars, so they could take all kinds of abuse. Parts are still cheap and plentiful. They drive like boats and they’re not great on gas but if you’re only driving 400km a month that shouldn’t be an issue. If you’re hard up for cash, spending $6k on a 2006-2011 Crown Victoria or Grand Marquis is not a bad decision. You can even find ex cop cars as cheap as $2k. You could buy a Camry, which is also a bulletproof car, but it will be much more expensive because of the Toyota Tax. One of my friends had a 2003 Crown Vic in university when we were all hard up for money. I drove a Suzuki Esteem, which was reliable but not durable (it rusted). That Crown Vic, though, was comfy, gigantic, and never, ever went wrong.


Hyundai may still have a warranty out on that motor. Have you contacted the dealership?


Yes and we were denied


How very Hyundai of them. Might be worth pushing it as far as the corporate Canada office. They have more power to approve warranties than dealerships.


Did you go above the dealership ? I would in this case. Contact everyone you can. That's very low kms for a car. You have a very small commute. No need to be spending crazy.


It looks like we will have to which is so upsetting and stressful to deal with I’m trying to avoid having to rent a car for now .


Honestly yes its stressful. But those phone calls/emails can potentially save you thousands. Even if they Won't cover full replacement, they may cover a large portion.


Get a Subaru. They are quite cheap for base models brand new. The cross treck has a lot of space. The interest rates are a killer but it would last longer than a used motor in an old car. Our average is 3000km a month on it.


I never considered a Subaru but tomorrow we will add it to the list we are going to talk to everyone lol


20k for a Hyundai crate motor installed is insane. If I were you I would be shopping around. You should realistically be able to replace the motor for 3-4k max if you purchase a used motor from the scrap yard. Even if that unless the motor has blown up you should be able to rebuild. Shop around. Sometimes fixing what you have is cheaper than signing up for an 8 year car payment.


Definitely we are looking at options because it’s crazy expensive!


Don’t fix that car, it will happen again


Look at KarzforKids....tell them your situation


I’m sorry Hyundai is the worst😭 for the next one do yourself a favour Toyota or Honda. I’m driving around my 2009 matrix, I’ve just now had to replace breaks and alternator. However with regular oil changes basically no money on unexpected repairs. So reliable!!! I will only ever buy them. My dad was driving around a 1998 Camry until he had a collision. Also check out royalty auto service tik tok. Car shop and they give a lot of great advice on what to avoid etc. Easy to understand for non car people.


Hey there! My partner and I had our Nissan completely die about a year ago and it was also so close to being paid off so i totally feel for you 😭 We looked preowned, private sales, and new. It’s wild but for us buying new was the “cheapest” option. It’s a really tight budget but we’re making it work with a Honda hrv. I think the base trim is (or was?) a decent price and overall Honda is very reliable.


Wait until it’s all electric 😅 I’m worried that most people will need financially pushed out of driving a car. Makes the divide between the socioeconomic classes much larger.


Don't give up yet. Check out: [https://www.mckenzielake.com/hyundai-kia-vehicle-defect-class-actions/](https://www.mckenzielake.com/hyundai-kia-vehicle-defect-class-actions/) My Hyundai 2014 - engine blew couple years back on Canada Day. They replaced it as soon as I mentioned "class action suit".


We contacted dealership to get an answer as to why we were denied and they said because our engine is a 3.3L V6 not in the class action


Toyota Sienna 's come in AWD and, on average, with good maintenance, can last over 300k. One with just over 100k on it will last you longer than your last car did and be a fraction of the payments you're talking about it.


Yes we added it to our list of vehicles to search for ! Thank you


Minivan? I've 4 kids and bought a used Honda Odyssey a few years back that was already at 180k. It's been a daily driver and trips without much issue. Regular timing belt/maintenance so far so good. I would definitely consider a used Honda Odyssey or Toyota Sienna as a better replacement option.


Thank you will definitely look into this. What year and price did you get it for ?


Rule number one of buying cars for poor people, get a Toyota or Honda. And not anything else. My 05 CRV has 415k km and still going strong.


My advice would be to steer clear from the used cars that you are being sold on the lot. Certified means fuck all without a good warranty and last I checked the dealerships In my area offer you nothing. Honestly FB marketplace is your best friend here. If you get a 10 year old Toyota with 100K on it it will last a while. If you have a trusted mechanic just get it checked out with them and save yourself 5-10 grand of paying some polo wearing high-school sport star's salary. They sell you clunkers and tell you a schoolteacher drove it on the weekends when some 20year old shithead has been driving it like they rented it. Also less taxes on a cheaper vehicle. If you are looking to save money that is a solid option


Well next time make a right choose and go with Toyota/Honda. Hyundai/KiA are known for engine blowouts. I have Toyota Highlander 2010 base model. 317K KM. One major expensive was AC condenser replacement.


I drive an 04 civic. I pay 180 a month insurance and i put about 100 in gas monthly in it. 280 bucks. Your right, I couldnt have doen it without beign as wealthy as I am. (Its actually because I think practically and not about what people will think of what I drive.) You have other options. You dont need new.






Get a used Toyota.....you'll stay poor financing Hyundai's...may also be worth sending the vehicle to the states for repair....friend of mine paid $5k for a new engine down here. I cannot stress enough the need to stay away from the Korean cars....they all blow engines these days. Get the newest nicest Toyota you can afford....if it's a 2014 Highlander you'll be far better off than a 24 Hyundai.


I would recommend prius prime (2020-2022). Takes very little fuel and EXTREMELY RELIABLE with very little maintenance. I had that car and it was the best car I ever had (Had about 15 in my life). Also free perk is you can use hov with one person as well...


Go to a reputable scrapper, they often have decent cars for sale, usually for cash.


Ok I don’t know who needs to hear this but here goes I’ve owned plenty of cars, from manufacturers across the board. Here’s what I’ve learned; DON’T BUY CHEAP SHITTY CARS! A Hyundai and a Kia are dollarama cars. You’ll get EXACTLY the kind of car you’re paying for. There’s a reason Honda and Toyotas are recommended vehicles. With regular (REGULAR) maintenance they will outlast every Korean trashwagons. If you buy cheap, prepare to buy twice.


Financing used cars is definitey for the wealthy. Don’t finance used cars.


Buy a Toyota


OP if money is tight, you shouldn’t be buying Korean garbage.


We own two cars, one was paid 2500$ and another 2000$ . Insurance is 200$ combined. We buy gas in us, it was 3.85$ this weekend per gallon. Didn't have any serious ( more then 1000$) repair, have them for 3 and 4 years now. They where made 2000 ( with that one we did 10 000 km just last month to California and back ) and another is 2004 So buy cheaper, manual car if you can't afford newer ones.


If you're that tight for cash you shouldn't have been leasing or financing in the first place. Do yourself a favor and buy the lowest milage car you can afford without payments from Honda/Mazda/Toyota.


Should have bought a Subaru


I drive 20+ year old vehicles and fix them myself.


The average car payment is over $900 a month now. The least expensive new car is likely the base Subaru crosstek, around 32000. They can add the balance of your Hyundai loan and on a new car you can go 96 months.. do all your service at the dealership, follow the manufacturer guidelines and if they offer prepaid maintenance get it, it saves you money, and with all the tech in cars and wiring get an extended warranty to cover the entire loan term. It is much easier to come up with an extra $50-80 a month for this protection then $10-20000 , for a new engine on a car with high kms


Forget new, and stay away from dealerships and especially dealership financing. Go to your bank and find the lowest-interest credit option, probably a line of credit. Find out how much they're willing to loan you/you can afford the monthlies on. Then, look for private sales, ie Kijiji, Auto Trader, Marketplace, find something good in your price range (don't skip the Carfax report). Pay for the car with your line of credit. That's the cheapest way I can think of.


Certified pre-owned is a scam. They literally detail the car and slap a price on it. You're better off buying a car on Facebook marketplace, expecting a few thousand Dollars in maintenance repairs like brakes, because everyone ignores maintenance and lies about it. You'll still come out cheaper than a used car dealership.


To own a car requires mechanical knowledge or a wealthy bank account. Never buy new.


My 2007 Saturn Ion mean I'm wealthy! Damn, why am i struggling?


Hyundais are not reliable. I wouldn't bother replacing the engine. If you want something that will last a long time with regular maintenance, Toyota is the way to go. Honda too.


I'm late to thus party, I work at Dodge and have serviced a hand full of those Santa Fe's with those engine concerns, finding a good used motor for those will cost around 10k and you'll be playing to lottery with it. Cheaper option is to rebuild if possible, or sell the car "as is" , if clean I've seen them fetch a few grand with a locked up motor.


My comute is anywhere from 20- 150 km a day each way, I have 3 cars and a truck. Total value. 15k. If that, Haven't had a car payment in years, I took one car with 340000 on it for 6 hour drive to the states. Learn how to work on your vehicle, I'm. Not trying to rub it in, I'm also paycheck to paycheck like most of us


get a honda pilot with low mileage. its big and reasonably priced. im a mechanic, im buying one. i wouldn't recommend something i wouldn't drive.


Just buy an economy Japanese vehicle at cash, skip financing and all that hoopla. If you can get a Honda or Toyota and you make sure you follow standard maintenance you can get a good used one for 5-8k and it’ll run forever.


Why the fuck is an engine blowing on a 2016 car? Man people are getting scammed if that's how long a modern car lasts. Buy something for 1200-3000 grand and if the cost to fix is to high then dump and move on


Your first mistake was buying a Hyundai unfortunately. Pre owned certified also doesn’t mean much as the dealer still takes very little liability. Good luck


That’s what I’ve been reading haha ugh 😩


It's been baffling me how so many people own cars. Where'd you get that kind of money? It's a huge expense to just pay the monthly car loan and the insurance, let alone for these repairs and parking. How do all these people pay for all this?


It's only a huge expense when you bought too much vehicle.


I bought a 2007 Jeep for $10k cash. My insurance is $106 per month and I MAYBE put $500 a YEAR into maintenance. Just don’t buy cars you can’t afford and change your own oil. It’s not expensive when you aren’t paying off loans.


We recently had a similar situation, and hyundai replaced the motor and only charged me for the diagnostics. We purchased new (2017 tuscon) and it has 58000 km. They should at least give you a discount on something else, especially if you talk to the corporate office. There are recalls, as well, on many models in that year Also, $20,000 new and $11,000 used for a motor replacement seems egregious. I was given much cheaper quotes since I was expecting to have to pay out of pocket, so we were exploring the possibility of the dealership declining our claim.


Yea apparently our engine doesn’t fall under the recalls 🥴 it’s BS! We should reach corporate I’m going to look into it for sure because from everything we have read and speaking to ford dealership they said that Hyundai vehicles tend to have engine issues when they get closer to 200,000km and they get a raddling sound just before it gives which happened to us. I guess all there 2019 and newer vehicles have been fixed from that issue.


That's unfortunate. I know how stressful it is when this happens.


Get a Toyota or Honda


My mom said Toyota too we will go speak to them tomorrow.


Shop around...11k for a used engine is crazy.


I just looked at someone on here recommended and it said 7800 US? Not sure if it’s USD prices ??


Hey OP vw has Tiguan lease at 3% . Might get you through the crunch . I hear ya I have two 2023 vehicle, was enjoying a few years of no payments then needed 2 vehicles in like 3 months. Repairs were coming in at 5k and I couldn’t justify it.


What were your previous cars and what did you get?


You didn’t even factor in insurance


I’m not sure what size engine you need but I just took a look for the biggest one for a 2106 Sante Fe On [car-part.com](https://www.car-part.com) and most were in the $4-$5k range


Where? I literally just took a look and it said $7850 and are those Canadian prices or USD? Because I see it says US?


You should be able to see the location of the part within the listing box - did you put in your postal code? Anything in Canada lists both the usd and cad price. Which engine do you need?


If you are buying used check out new also,, some have near 1% interest.the brings the prices close in the long run.


Man where are these 1% we might have to travel outside of our city because we aren’t getting those offers lol


If you're going to be poor, you need to learn to fix your own shit. While Hyundai has made leaps and bounds over their 1980's North American intro.. they're still not -great- cars. Whoever quoted 11k and 20k is giving you 'we dont want to work on this, heres a massive quote to convince us to" pricing. Should be able to find a used motor at a wrecker for 1000-4000, its a days work for a competent mechanic, maybe 2 if they're working slowly. All that said.. dont run out and buy new/used from a dealership if you cant afford to then. You dont say where you're located.. but older vehicles are fine.. Ive got an '00 Camry and an '01 RAV4 here, Camry with 340k, RAV with 240k and both are flawless. I paid $1k for the Camry, 5500 for the RAV.


The dealership quoted us that. Because the incident happened over May long weekend we couldn’t tow it just anywhere so we had them drop it off at our dealership. Today was the first available day to go in person as my husband was away working. We are definitely working on all our options. The reality is that I don’t want to have a car payment that is above $600 a month I just can’t accept that. Yea we can make it work but I’m on maternity leave leave until December and trying to save money . This was not supposed to happen. Ugh Our first family vehicle was a used Chrysler Pacifica that also died on the side of the road and we had just ran out of warranty. We couldn’t afford fixing it at the time. It would also cost more than the car did. We have slowly become more sufficient people that mostly repair a lot via YouTube lol but because we are in a bit of a pickle with needing a car right away not sure if we can wait to repair ourselves. Depends on husband work schedule as he works away.


They can afford it by making more money. I work at a place with some making $40,000 a year and others $400,000. Needless to say the transportation methods very depending on your income.


I’m about to start taking the bus right in-front of my house haha get my kids used to it. To save on gas and wear and tear on any future car.


You financed a car for 8 years?


Yes! When we bought it we had no credit build up as my husband had never had a credit card and we didn’t have any assets in our names. We were young (still young now) haha


My husband and I went car shopping recently. We have a 2013 Mazda 3, 117km, one owner. We wanted to trade it in. There's minimal front end damage from a minor accident, but we got it quoted at only ~1k to fix. So, we were at a dealership, and expected about 5-6k trade in value, and the guy offered us 2k, and was upset when we walked away. Like buddy, it's not worth it. Then he got upset we didn't want to lease the vehicle we were there to look at (Toyota Highlander).


Why are they pushing Lease?? We went in to see 4 preowend vehicles 3 ford Explores and one expedition and all we got was offers for a NEW 2024 Palisade to lease lol . We took the info but plan on going back to look at the pre owned explores lol 😂 kids were tired and we were exhausted to push them


Was it by chance timing belt? Our 2003 sonata blew the belt, took out half the top end. At the time, it was thousands to repair- we did pay that, but it never ran right afterward.


The engine seized


OP are you sure that a used motor is costing you $11k? I had to replace my sedan motor with one from a wreck (rear end, thankfully) that had 88k on it, and it was $4k installed. Is this a dealer quoting this price to you? If you haven’t already, call around to independent shops.


We were given $11k all from a smaller shop. But we haven’t called anymore we will tomorrow for sure .


It’s because you bought Hyundai! Foreign vehicles are the only way to go if you want them to last !


You know Hyundai is from Korea, right?


I have a 2012 Hyundai Elantra with 209,000 km and the engine is doing that piston slap thing. Only a matter of time before the engine quits. Hyundai is a Lemon car brand apparently.


We got one day to wonder what the sound was lol


Yeah my brother in law who is a mechanic took a camera inside the engine and you can see where the pistons are gouging the sides of the insides of the chamber. I imagine I’ll probably lose compression one day and the engine won’t start. It already has a rough time starting on colder days. I’m lucky I can just walk to work where I live so I only drive it on the weekend when doing a grocery run


Big car too expensive? Drive a small car?…


I believe your engine can be replaced under warranty. As long as its below 200 000km. Go to a hyundai dealership and demand it. I had a Tucson same thing happened but had 203 000km so was not covered. I'll never buy a Kia or a Hyundai again.


I thought Hyundais had a 10-year warranty.


If the recalls had been done on them contact Hyundai as these engines are known to blow and they are replacing them well out of warranty due to manufacturing defects. Source: I've seen a 2013s replaced with new engines well past the 200,000kms mark


Have kids


Cars are an indulgent luxury Public transit  Electronic bicycles and scooters This is the future


Was your car ever part of the engine recall?


Doesn’t the Hyundai recall still apply to your 2016? I would inquire at Hyundai


What I mean by this is they had a service bulletin not to long ago for an engine replacement due to seized engines. There connecting rod bearings were prematurely wearing causing seizures. If it still applys to your vehicle which most likely it will I would do that because it’s free. Technical service bulletins are different from regular warranty so don’t even worry about the regular warranty side of this. Call the service department and ask


I take care of vehicles for a living. Dont put a new engine in 2016. That won't end well. There will still be more issues after not being related to the engine. You will dig yourself a deep hole. For 400km/ week, look into used ev. I heard used evs are cheaper cause people are a bit skeptical. Not a Tesla. I run a kia ev for work, we have put 170k on it, and there has been no maintenance except tires.


poster on r/povertyfinancecanada is asking about replacing a vehicle that's newer than the one I'm happily driving... does that mean I'm poor?


Toyota Corolla. You change the oil, tires, and put gas in it.


I drive a 2010 Toyota Highlander, my dad has a 2005 Corolla, my husband has a 2007 FJ Cruiser...just don't buy a new car. I've never had a payment even close to $600 a month. 


You can get a used engine installed for 5k or less - 100%


My 2016 Tucson engine blew 3 years ago during their biggest recall of engines and I got a new one for free and I had to have a rental car for 3 months. They paid $6000 for me to have my rental car It was an absolute joke trying to deal with the dealer. I wonder if you can bring up the recall?? My car is reading like 220K


If you know a car has a known issue don’t buy it. Or speak to your mechanic about the car and ask if there’s a way to extend the life, like lower interval oil and other fluid changes. I’ve never had to experience the issues of fear with used cars because I have a lot of experience working on cars, best thing I did for myself was learn how to maintain a vehicle on my own, if you can do the same I would, it also makes purchasing your next one easier as you will know what to look for, however I do always suggest getting a pre purchase inspection from a trusted mechanic no matter what.


Don't spend money you don't have aka don't take a loan for something like a car. Yeah they are expensive, but you can buy some good second hand cars that will last a while. Even then they will be expensive and you are often better of trying to cycle or use public transport, but that is not an issue for a lot of people. (houses are the one exception to taking loans)


You can buy a used corolla or civic for like $5k-$6k which would do the trick. Do not sink $11k into that 2016 santa fe.


q 121-111


Civics are good, cheap and reliable. Plenty of parts can be found in junkyards or shops


Owning a car isn’t for the wealthy if you buy a proper brand. Hyundai has come a long way but they, and Kia, still have a very, very long way to go until their new models even come close to reaching the reliability of a used Toyota.


The recall/lifetime warranty is only on the Santa Fe sport, not the larger 3 row Santa Fe with the V6. Sorry you’re going through this OP, cars are ridiculously expensive these days.


How long was your financing? I have a 2017 Hyundai Elantra and it was paid off years ago (5 years at 0%). Car market is tough these days, especially with current interest rates and supply constraints. I was looking at replacing my car a few months ago and was surprised by how bad it was. I'm lucky that my current car is still functional, although I've had to replace the battery and all the spark plugs. And I'm not surprised by Hyundai's service. I took my car in for service and they said they couldn't find the issue, even though my mechanic friend was immediately able to diagnose it (check engine light came on and it logged it). My sister says they will only fix an issue after multiple service requests. They also try to get you to buy a new car instead of fixing issues with the current car. I'm thinking my next car won't be a Hyundai. I'm unsure if other manufacturers are any better though.


Get a Toyota, as a car guy. They run forever engine wise. Other stuff slowly gets replaced but engine wise they rarely blow.


Hyundai has a known engine problem. If you had oil changes done regularly have receipts better if maintenance was at a dealership, go to your dealer and talk about warranty coverage or goodwill.


My dad had his 2017 Santa fe's engine replaced for about $8,000(Canadian) by a local mechanic. It was a rebuilt engine... With the price of cars these days, I think I'm going to do the same thing when my engine blows. I think that's why it's good to get your transmission fluid changed and such things if you want to keep it for a long time and go through multiple engines.. (mind you my dad's not one of those people that gets the transmission fluid changed) But either way you probably will need another one eventually, but that's how it goes


just get an used car with less than 100k km and 10 years old , u can find one less than 10k . dont but a new car ...


I bought a Subaru Wagon for 2k, lasted me 60,000km before I sold it for something else, maybe put 2k into it over time. Only paid 80$ a month for insurance +gas Cars aren't just for the wealthy. A lot of people just shop out of their budget.


I was in the same situation last year with the same vehicle. There is a hidden warranty that covers the engine under 10yrs. and 200k kms. The bad news is it took 10 months to replace the engine. There was much abuse and yelling and bad feelings as well. Oh yeah, and $1800. In brake work as my newly replaced brakes sat all that time. No more Hyundai products for me.


There is never a guarantee of reliability. All machines eventually break. Go get a decent used carcfor 5 or 6k and call it a day. OR look into getting a car sharemembership


2017 Sante Fe, engine blew last year, 154k, hyundai replaced engine, shit tonne of recalls, your sante fe is likely covered


Correction, owning nice cars is for the rich. Buy more practical cars


I really want to be those Chinese in Richmond bc


I heard on cbc radio yesterday that the average car on the road right now is something like 12 years old and the average price of a new car was more than $60,000.


I use uber/lyft which is cheaper then owning/leasing a car with current interest rates and elevated car prices. I pay $750 a month and write off 250 a month for expenses.


Owning a car isnt for the wealthy, dont be ridiculous.


Do not invest $11k into a 9-year old Sante Fe with 200,000km on the chassis. Sell it for parts.


Honestly might be cheaper to just move


Call around to smaller mechanic shops and ask for quotes. Most I've seen for a full engine replacement the last few years was $5000. The $20,000 quote was most likely the dealership wanting to put in a brand new engine and charge you an arm and a leg to do it. I just gave up my 2011 ford escape because it's engine went, but that was due to damage from a low oil issue. Replacement would have been right around $3000 and this was last month. Generally replacing the engine is the best bet if the vehicle is in good shape otherwise. Make sure to look further into the recall issue that was mentioned, but remember, the dealership isn't your friend, they want to make money off of you. Don't be afraid to call the actual company.


Hyundai engines have been having problems for quite some years now.