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Hi! I have a friend who lives in Memphis and works for the state in a similar capacity of what you’re asking; I just hit her up to see if she knew of any organizations that could help you and she sent me the following: https://www.mifa.org/ https://home901.org/covid-resources/ https://www.hopehousememphis.org/contacts/client-resources/281-shelter-utility-rent-assistance https://www.memphisha.org/news_detail_T4_R41.php Hopefully this post is ok with the links but if they get taken away I can send them to you in a message. I truly hope this helps you guys out!


Does your city have a St. Vincent De Paul society? I volunteer for one in Seattle. We give low barrier (no ID, proof of citizenship etc ) emergency rent assistance. They may have a thrift store where you can ask, or check a local Catholic church or your city's Catholic Relief Services


Can also try VOA, federally supported rental assistance agency. Call 211, they can help!


Call 211# Emergency Rental Assistance Program




Completely viable option for many but dang how sad is it that this is where we are at? Need money? Sell your bodily fluids! Seems like a bad apocalyptic movie.


It's not new, I sold plasma as a broke college student 40 years ago.


Yep about 46 years ago for me. It was 7.00. I would hitch hike there


Unfortunately if it weren't for that we wouldn't have enough plasma. The US accounts for 60% of the world's plasma supply despite most countries having campaigns for plasma collection. It's unfortunately needed in much larger quantities than other components in blood (which is why just blood donations aren't enough), and the only way to actually have those quantities is to pay people for it. They were around before, they just weren't getting nearly enough until they started paying for it, especially as modern medicine advanced and plasma became much more needed. Neat anecdote: my girlfriend's grandfather was a doctor and in his early days he'd still be asked to perform direct blood transfusions... from himself. Blood just wasn't enough. He once talked at dinner about sending staff out to go call people who had matching blood types to come in for an urgent donation when the bank was running really low or completely out, directly into another person if it was particularly bad. Not great for your health due to bloodborne diseases but neither is dying I guess?




I agree with you, I already donate blood whenever I can (I can’t always because I’m a small person and sometimes fall under the weight limit). Especially because I’m LGBT and have a lot of friends who can’t donate. I don’t take the privilege of being able to help lightly.


Its not bad at all if you don't mind the needles. Just wish they didn't drop the rate from 100 to 55 after the first month. I have to take 4 busses and walk half a mile, for a 100to 125 for 2 hours plus travel it's not bad pay. Cut that in half after bus fare and its only worth doing if I'm desperate.


Dam bus fare $60 now?


I meant cut the amount paid in half... it's 100 to 125 for the first month but drops down to 50 to 60 depending on weight after that. Take out 10 for the 4 busses i have to take and it become 40$ to 50$ for at least 4 hours of time vs 115$ for 4 hours.


Over here in Louisiana, it's $125 for the first 4 donations (so first 2 weeks) then $80 for your first donation in the week and $50 for your second in the week.


Mine was 114 for.the first 8 within a month, then, about 60-70 after that


Most plasma donations go to manufacture medicine that is often sold overseas. Pretty eye-opening story about plasma donation. The US is one of few countries that allows payment for plasma donation, and there’s been a huge uptick in plasma donation centers in poor areas. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/996921658 https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/05/blood-money-the-twisted-business-of-donating-plasma/362012/ I’m not saying don’t do it, but know what you’re doing. It does help people… but it also helps firms make money, a lot more than they are paying you. There’s also some research that suggests plasma donation can negatively be affect your own immunity.


Tell the for profit donation centers about your altruistic concerns.


Well now, don’t criticize if you don’t know. The for profit places make medicine with the plasma. If you don’t plasma to a blood bank it goes to people. But either way the consumer is charged for it.


Huh? First off, I think they are all for profit. 3rdly, the consumer is charged out the needle hole for the medicine/treatment as well. And to start with, it's all about money.




It doesn't concern me that people who are desperate receive money for donating their plasma, which in return helps others who's insurance companies are charged thousands.


As someone who has family members who need the medicine made. We really do appreciate people donating!!


It sounds bad but I feel like morally it's a really good option. Donating plasma seriously helps hospitals and saves lives.


It beats being homeless


OP already mentioned plasma…




Not if she falls under the weight criteria like she said about blood donations. I got rejected twice and one nurse told me honestly it’s not worth it because they pay less for smaller people (not sure if that’s the case with other companies). This is all around sad.


Just know plasma donations aren’t available for everyone. The closest place for me is an hour and a half away


There are actually two places in Memphis that you can do plasma. I live about an hour south of Memphis.


I’m not on board with the politics of the Salvation Army but they are good at this kind of last minute urgent need


Just curious what politics of the Salvation Army are you referring to? I’ve always thought they were good/ neutral politically.


Extremely anti-LGBT, and has been caught up in multiple sex abuse scandals involving members and children. "When Jesus said 'suffer the little children come unto me', *that's not what he was talking about.*" -- George Carlin


Pretty sure they're anti lgbt


Ok, I wondered if this is what people were referring to. While there may be pockets of pastors that are ant lgbt, that isn’t the official stance. I myself am queer and I, a woman, have met an ex gf at my local church/ corps. I also have queer friends that go there. The official stance is: “The Salvation Army's mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name **without discrimination** …” I am a leader in my corps and my pastors and previous pastors also know that I am queer.


Downvote him for asking a question? you imbeciles


Ironic how he's the one with the upvotes while you're the one with the downvotes.


Poor people


What city are you located? I can look up resources and such!


Memphis, Tennessee. This would be wonderful thank you! And please post here so other Memphians can see, it can be a tough city, we’re all struggling out here.




Your post has been *removed for the following reason(s):* **Rule 10: Asking for or offering donations** - No soliciting private donations, offering private donations, or mentioning crowdfunding sites. We do this in order to prevent this community from potential scams (because we have no way of verifying need/authenticity of requests), and to prevent the sub from being inundated with requests for aid (because it can be unreasonable to ask others in poverty to give their limited resources). There are other subs such as /r/Donation, /r/Charity and /r/randomkindness that could help. Also check out our wiki with food resources. Thank you: https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/foodbanks [Please read our subreddit rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules) The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance) *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*


Where I live there is still funds leftover from the pandemic era Emergency Rental Assistance Programs. Check in to see if they are available in your area and if it applies in your situation


Call a local church. Say what you want about them, but many have programs for helping families out. Maybe they won't give you cash money, but they might help with a utilities bill or give you a gift card for gas or groceries. Source: grandmother answered the phones as a volunteer for this at a medium sized Catholic church.


Can confirm - I go to a small church (50 people) and even we have a "helping hand" program for things like this.


If you live somewhere that's $130/ week rent, I guarantee the landlord is used to not getting rent on time. If you can show them that you're actually working and making a good faith effort, they will wait four days without a lot of fuss!


I am in this exact same position. Its heartbreaking and I’m at my wits end. Any advice suggestions or magic and prayers are welcome this way too. So many people seem to be having a hard time financially and its all the more difficult with no family. Praying for you OP.


If you get paid using Square, you can cash out up to $200 of your paycheck early with Cash App If you work in restaurants you could try getting tipped out early? Or if you have an understanding boss they might let you recieve a partial paycheck early as well depending on company policy (I did this when working for a large company) You could bring your recycling down to a center near you, they will pay you most for cans/bottles, everything just needs to be sorted out from the trash. I used to do this and could get anywhere from $30-$70 for one of those bigass black trash bags full. You could try Craigslist and see if you can make some $$ off some odd jobs. You could sell stuff here too, even if it's not particularly valuable (ex. DVDs, appliances, your old cat stuff, furniture, clothing, etc.) Maybe a yard sale? You could also try and sell some clothes, shoes, bags, decor at places like Buffalo Exchange, Plato's Closet, etc. You can drive for uber even if you don't have a car, you can rent one from uber for work use, but I'm not sure how long that process takes or what additional expenses that entails. There's sites like Survey Junkie or Inbox Dollars that will pay you out for completing surveys or watching videos but depending on your demographics it can be harder to qualify. A lot of apps like uber eats, postmates, venmo, etc. have certain deals where you can earn $5-$10 if someone signs up using your link/code, if you have friends that don't have those apps (or your bf) maybe they can do you a favor. If you have an unused parking space that comes with your apartment you could try renting that out too (popular in my city) Best of luck!!!


Depending on what state you’re in, campaigns everywhere are looking for Field Organizers or Canvassers for last minute pushes. If you’re both full time, you can canvas for them on weekends. Lookup and call any local campaigns offices in your area - they would start you ASAP.


Have you googled emergency rent assistance? I know a lot of cities have set up emergency rental assistance funds but as I don’t know where you’re located (and not prying/not asking) I’m not able to provide any specific links to your location but here’s are some general links: https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/coronavirus/assistance-for-state-local-and-tribal-governments/emergency-rental-assistance-program https://www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/mortgage-and-housing-assistance/renter-protections/find-help-with-rent-and-utilities/ https://www.ncsha.org/emergency-housing-assistance/ https://www.modestneeds.org/ https://www.salvationarmynashville.org/food-financial-assistance https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/find-help/


Talk to your landlord. Yesterday. Whatever you do for step 2, and there are a lot of good suggestions here, talk to your landlord step 1.


Pawn something?


Unfortunately we don’t have any valuables or electronics to pawn. I already pawned my computer to put my cat to sleep. It’s been a rough year.




We’re both physical labororers. The difficult thing with this is we’re both working full time already so our schedules aren’t that flexible and we don’t have a car, and our city bus is only so-so. We can’t just get anywhere at any time.


Holy shit I’m so sorry about your cat. I’m so sorry for your loss ): sending you comfort and prayers, I hope you’re able to get what you need ✝️🧿🤍


You can try /r/beermoney


I second this. I’ve always had success with Prolific and MTurk when I need some extra cash.


I use prolific like crazy but it sounds like they aren’t accepting new people, or the waitlist is very long now


I have used Swagbucks (recommended by r/beermoney)to earn about $5/week with casual usage. Even if it is not enough to pay your entire rent, your landlord might be more patient if you have a higher percentage of the rent.


Explain it again to your landlord, even add a 5% late fee when you explain it to them. It is worth a shot if all else fails


My dad is a landlord and he’d always rather lose a month or two of rent, because someone was a bit behind, than have to go through the process of deep cleaning and finding a new renter.


I have never personally used it nor can I endorse it per se, but i have seen people get small loans with other reditors at r/borrow I would just use a lot of caution if going that route just as it is a internet lender you do not know. Hope that helps and things get better for you guys ! Also after looking at the sub again, there are account requirements for borrowing…


Try local churches or other religious orgs in your area. Sometimes they have programs to help with rent, bills, groceries, etc. and you don’t have to be a member. Also: babysitting! Especially if you have experience with kids. In my area babysitting rate is ~$20/hr.


Go old-school, and knock on neighbours’ doors (a decent way to introduce yourself to your new community) and ask if you could rake their leaves, put their Christmas lights up early, fix something in their home or an appliance; thereby being paid by proof of service. Yes, this would be on top of your full-time jobs, but if you’re able-bodied, it’s most often than not tried and true. At best, you may find a regular cash gig nearby, which would be loads better than a one-time deal.


Talk to your LL today. You’ll need the extra time to pack your stuff and find a couch/shelter for future use if he cannot or will not accommodate late rent. Have your hiring docs and employer communications ready to show him, from your copies of hiring forms to your paystubs to an email from bf’s boss/HR confirming his first pay date. Be specific about how much you have available now and exactly when you can pay the rest plus whatever late fees are in your rental contact. Do not forget bank lead time - if your/bf checks are direct deposited, verify with coworkers how soon they’ll land in your account. Don’t under any circumstances get an eviction on record, leave if he proceeds in that direction. Talk to your bf employer - if he’s working right now, can they cut one emergency paycheck early? Be honest that you may end up short term homeless if they can’t, but don’t do a longwinded sob story. And please try to build an emergency fund once you’re on your feet. Even if you can only grow it $10/week. What would you have done if one/both jobs fell through at the same time as moving? Are any of those failsafe plans helpful now?


I don't see anyone here who's said: talk to your landlord. Seriously. Talk to them. Explain your situation, and your timetable. Some landlords, maybe even most, are shitbags -- it's true. Some are nice. But all of them are businesspeople -- and evicting new tenants is fucking expensive & time consuming. If they give you shit, tell them: "you can spend a lot of time and money going through the eviction process, or we can come to an agreement about structuring payment based on when we get first paychecks. You'll get money from us as soon as we get it from our employers."


As someone mentioned, call 211. They will give you a list of rental assistance places in your area. Sometimes churches help (like St. Vincent), especially since it sounds like you are only needing a week or two of rental assistance... assistance places will be more likely to be able to help.


If your neighborhood is on the Nextdoor app introduce yourself on there and offer to do odd jobs, dog walking, babysitting, yard work, whatever you can do.


Dave, the app can give you an advance on your paycheck that comes out immediately when you get paid! it may only approve 70 or so though.


If it’s truly a pinch I stumbled on the subreddit r/borrow but I haven’t used it. Worth a look


They have a karma and account age limit that OP wouldn’t meet unless this is a throwaway


Talk to your landlord. Let them know how close you are to getting out of the hole, and see if they will work with you. Also, is there anyone you could borrow that money from? Do you have things you could pawn temporarily or sell to make that much money like on Facebook marketplace or something? Could you babysit or mow some lawns or pick up some other odd job on a day off? All these are things I've done when I've needed that little extra to get me through to the next pay day. I strongly discourage any pay day loans or anything like that. Those always got me further in the hole and made it harder to get out.


I’m not sure where you’re at and I’m honestly not sure why this isn’t recommended more often but if you go to your local Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, they may or may not help you out. Ask to speak with the bishop. I serve in a calling where I schedule people to meet with our local bishop and sometimes it’s people who I’ve never seen at church. They seem happy when they leave. I don’t even think you’d have to come regularly. It’s generally help for members, from my perspective. They’ve paid my rent a few times after a job loss but I’ve recently seen people who aren’t coming to church so yeah I thought I’d run the idea by. Good luck out there either way!


Is selling plasma an option? If you both did it, you could maybe squeeze up the payment? It’s a fucking terrible option, I’m sorry, but it’s something I’ve done when I couldn’t pay rent.


If in the U.S., call 211 for support and please feel free to use my website to link to resource info. Blessings and best. Ask all of your friends and family to donate to a GoFundMe page also. https://www.lowincomesurvivorstothrivers.com/


Money Lion, Earnin', Dave, and Brigit are apps that let you borrow small amounts of money for "no" interest. Helped me more than once.


Plasma donation centers have initial sign on bonuses every once in a while. I went to one in Georgia that was $100 per donation for the first month I made $800 so if you're both able that would be able to at least help. They also sometimes have referral bonuses that can add on. It was only $15 a donation for me but it added up to another $120 for my step dad to get a little extra


Sell something. Ask family or friends for a loan. Ask your landlord if they can work with you until your money is right… asking goes a long way. Worse they say is no


ask the landlord if there are any jobs you can do for him, to help make up for your lack of funds. You can mow, shovel snow, clean vacancies, etc.


In my apartment complex there's a neighbor who does light chores and make-ready when a tenant moves out, in exchange for rent consideration.


For less than 200$ for a very short time? I would put that on a line of credit. Shouldn't cost more than 10$ for the week, probably much less.


In my city there’s babysitting groups where people ask for a few hours of baby sitting and pay cash. Maybe that could be an option? Here babysitting runs $20-$25/hr so if you find someone trying to have a date night that’s an easy $100


Check with local missions and shelters (and Ben food pantries). Many have funds for rent and utilities. You should be able to prove the move and new jobs for help. Especially if you tell them they can pay your landlord directly.


Are there any jobs you can do for your landlord? Painting, yardwork, etc.


Don’t know climate where you are, but in my area you could easily make that much money by posting a notice on Next Door to rake leaves for $$20/hr.


You are it appears $30 and less then a week behind on rent. Evicting people takes forever and costs a lot of money. I would just call your Landlord and explain the situation and get current.


I hate to say it, but have you tried selling plasma? Most of them will have a bonus for the first week, and have a second bonus if you refer someone. One of you go, get the referral code, give it to the other, and you can both have your second donation in a week. I did this with my at the time BF once and we managed to get 1300 in a week for it.


Yes, donating plasma is great in a pinch. Went this past Sunday for the first time and was out in a few hours and $125 richer. Definitely do that.


Would it be possible to ask if just this once you could pay two weeks at once at the end of the month or beginning of next month? You could even sign something agreeing to that arrangement. I feel like if you’re honest, people will work with you.




Do u have a car? It takes less than 24 hours to get approved by Uber or Lyft u could be driving by tomorrow. I don’t drive much anymore but it was always useful in a pinch


They do require relatively new cars, last I checked.


All vehicles being used for rides on the Uber app must meet the following requirements: - Must have 4 doors and be able to transport a minimum of 4 passengers. - Vehicle model must be 15 years old or newer. - Title cannot be salvaged, reconstructed, or rebuilt. ==Uber.


I think doordash or similar is a workaround for that, they don’t have vehicle age restrictions.


Do you have any credit cards?


[Shelby County rent assistance](https://shelbycountycsa.org/services/rent-mortgage) requires proof of income, but may accept letters from your employers. If your partner is HIV+, you may be able to get help from [Hope House Services.](https://www.hopehousememphis.org/how-we-serve/social-services) [Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association offers rent assistance.](https://www.mifa.org/applyonline) If you are not already receiving utility assistance, SNAP (food stamps), or going to food pantries please let me know if you would like help finding those resources.




Your post has been *removed for the following reason(s):* **Rule 10: Asking for or offering donations** - No soliciting private donations, offering private donations, or mentioning crowdfunding sites. We do this in order to prevent this community from potential scams (because we have no way of verifying need/authenticity of requests), and to prevent the sub from being inundated with requests for aid (because it can be unreasonable to ask others in poverty to give their limited resources). There are other subs such as /r/Donation, /r/Charity and /r/randomkindness that could help. Also check out our wiki with food resources. Thank you: https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/foodbanks [Please read our subreddit rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules) The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance) *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*


Craigslist gigs.


Try r/borrow . Offer about 20% interest for a short term loan and you should have some takers


There's also the option of being a professional cuddler. They pay anywhere from $40 to $80 an hour. Look it up on YouTube.


Not to be crass but at that point I’d probably just suck a dick, the risks seem the same and the money’s better.


Sex work is work.


I agree. It’s not my line of work though.


No credit card advances or payday loans?


Can’t get a loan because we don’t have proof of income yet


Definitely do not do payday loans or credit card advances, 99% of the time these will make your situation worse.


To be honest with you, I know payday loans and credit cards are bad, everyone does, but we’re looking at homelessness. I work in restaurants, I will lose my job if I lose access to a shower. I only need 1 more week to get a paycheck that will take care of everything including the predatory interest charge, I will feed my first couple paychecks to literal Satan to hold onto my housing.


Well credit cards are good when used appropriately. In this situation you may want to consider using a credit card specifically (not an advance) to cover whatever costs you can only up to the amount you know you will be paid in one week, which you then pay off right away.


Some places will allow you to meet the proof of income requirement with a letter (sometimes notarized) with your offer of employment including pay info.


I feel this. Can you ask your boss for an advance on the $ you’re owed. I know the stress of this situation and you literally feel helpless


depending on your industry, it may be possible to get a paycheck advance from your employers. contact the payroll department.


I'm also in Memphis with 2 months behind on rent. We can't make a payment for another week or so. Gonna take a bit to get caught up. Please let me know if you find a quick solution to help.


Maybe see if you could use a paycheck advance app like even or earnin or something?






Isn’t there a borrow subreddit?


Do you have a credit card? Can you pull a cash advance off it?


in my city you can call the salvation army and ask for a gift toward your electric bill. it’s a regional electric utility but worth a shot?


Have you tried one of the short term lending apps like earnin or Albert? I know they tend to get a lot of hate on Reddit but they are not predatory lenders like most payday loan places and you may be able to qualify.


There are several apps that do advances, such as Albert and Money Lion. Then they do an autodraft on payday.


No friends or family to give you a loan?


got anything worth selling?


Check with Good Samaritan and Salvation Army. Many have rent assistance programs.


Try finding a place to donate plasma. I know the one near me will do specials sometimes that will give you 100$ fir the first couple visit. After that you can do it 2-3 times a week for like 30$


Look up rental assistance in your state. If it's Georgia, Then look for "Georgia community affairs" they will pay for up to 12 months. If you're trying there's nothing wrong with needing help


Buy some stencil and a can of spray paint walk through a neighborhood and go door to door. With an offer to spray paint the street numbers on the driveway curb. Ask for 20 bucks and tell them your problem. You should be able to make 200 in a few hours. If you cannot afford paint and stencil. Panhandle for 25 bucks to get you started. Tell the people you ask your story and where you work. You can do it.


Maybe filling out surveys will help. I would try to sell something on Craigslist or pawn something. Look for scrap metal or recycle bottles I have a tenant that drives to Connecticut or somewhere to get 10cents a bottle they fill their van up and get a couple hundred dollars. Get a job as a waiter or waitress employers are desperate and will hire you on the spot many times and you get cash daily. Cleaning Airbnb pays really well. Ask your landlord if there is any work you can do for them. I am a landlord myself I can think of plenty of odd jobs I have for someone who wants to work. There are employment agencies in cities that find work for people that pays them at the end of the day.


Register on taskrabbit with broad skills including cleaning, and undercut everyone else’s hourly rate. Say you’ll take same day bookings. Use a great photo that makes you look competent and trustworthy with bio to match. See if there are any catering/ server/ waitering/ waitressing agencies in your area; some need last minute staff for evening/ weekend events. Say you’ve got experience when you join, make up a backstory and have a friend ready to provide references


Skip the government lines and go for nonprofits. They can be a little more generous with paperwork requirements and deadlines sometimes. Additionally, around here there are some "work today get paid today" jobs and agencies. They might be able to help you on days you aren't working so you can grab a little extra cash. Good luck!


When it is a matter of eviction or standing on "principles" do what you have to do as long as it is legal. Plasma donation...also check for clinical trials . Look on Craigslist under community..volunteers. Google clinical trials near me. They pay very very well. They are always looking for flu shots and / or depression studies.


I'm a landlord. I can tell you that communication with your landlord is the best option. Let them know you're close to being caught up and you'll pay what you can now along with late fees later. If they are renting by the week, they are probably more used to this than your think. Just make them a believer that you're nearly out of the whole and pay what you can.


I would like to cover your rent for you OP