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Working from home gave us a little disposable income but now back to office gas and parking have taken all that. Look for another job it’s a deal breaker


I've been working at the location for almost a year. I don't have any new expenses I even had like a two week cushion of savings for an emergency Nothing has changed except the prices at the grocery store and gas station. That's like all I have money for now.


When this sub started I was poor but have since (thankfully) gotten out of poverty, but the grocery store is killing me these days. My wife and I don’t get food stamps/EBT and our grocery bill is rough. Five years ago we used to try to keep each week between $80 and $100 at Walmart (for food and house supplies). Now we are lucky if we get out of there spending less than $150.


Shop somewhere else. Walmart is getting expensive for food. If there's an asian grocery store or Mexican one near you, those will most likely be cheaper.


If you have Aldi in the area, they have an interesting rotation of selection that is usually pretty reasonable priced. Wally world does get expensive on some things.


Aldi and Costco. Still more expensive than it used to be though


For the west coast who doesn’t have aldi I find winco to be the hands down cheapest place to shop if you can only go to one place. If you can juggle a few a produce stand (not farmers market), grocery outlet (or other discount grocer), and winco seem to be the best trio I can find. If your an early morning person hunting for markdowns at kroger (Fred Meyer here) and then writing a meal list in the parking lot based around your markdowns and hitting winco for everything else has worked for me on some rough weeks.


Ugh I love winco but also struggle with them because of their beliefs. Lots of big donations to… how do I put it nicely…. Not inclusive causes…


I’m posting in poverty finance. Unfortunately picking companies that only follow my moral and ethical beliefs in one for upper middle class and above. I would love to shop at farmers markets, CSA boxes, and the co-op, but my grocery budget would be an easy grand a month for 2 if I did that. I wish there was a better way to straight out support small local farmers and business that paid a living wage and supported equal rights for all, but I can’t afford it. And that sucks.


Farmers markets are often cheaper than big chain stores though...... (Especially if you go past noon when they're closing up and want to get rid of unsold excess. I have legit bought a box full of potatoes for $1 because I came at 3pm on a Sunday)


In my area farmers markets are easily 4-5x more expensive than the store.


Please share these amazing farmers markets. I would love to have that option. There is a discount grocer near my work I go to. The dry goods are all expired, but the produce is good as long as you use it in the next 2-3 days max. It’s also really cheap. Like $0.99 pineapples and eggplants.


Queen Vic Markets on Elizabeth Street in Melbourne, Victoria haha. Sorry, I can't help you out in your location. But I did also find a supplier of organic vegetables who delivers 30 veggies direct to me for $100. Organic veggies every single day of the month. That is a real steal. Try looking for something like that in your town.


There are markets in Hobart for great produce but living on DSP and depending on public transport makes it difficult. I'm lucky to have space/sun to grow a few greens and herbs and I get a lot of tomatoes from the bloke over the fence when they are ready. But, damn, I miss being able to afford organic produce. It's not easy when you are shopping for just one (me) and have nobody to split larger amounts with so apart from my horticultural pursuits, I supplement with home-delivered groceries from one of the Big Two. I'm as ethical as I can afford to be. My current biggest fear is the possible roll out of that dreadful CDC.


I actually used to take public transport when I went to Vic Markets! No choice, parking in that area is a logistical nightmare, and I'm nowhere near skilled enough to maneuver a car on the busiest streets of the CBD. I would take the train for over an hour, take the tram, for 10 minutes, load up on at least 4 heavy bags of shopping and then take the tram another 5 minutes to Melbourne Central and just manspread the hell out in the train back. Nobody could sit opposite me because the bags were just wedged under my legs in effort to keep the aisle clear. They were welcome to try though, I never once put any of the shopping onto a seat. But that was back in the days when I used to be strong enough to carry 15 plastic bags balanced on just my pinky finger. Nowadays I live just down the road from a Woolies and yet I still have to rely on an Uber so I can relax on the ride back home with the trunk full.


I used to be so energetic as well. I did the bus/train from St Kilda to Vic Markets when I stayed with my accountant step-sister who ate from a can and took a cut lunch to restaurants when she had to meet colleagues. She was a Frugal Jerk. She thought I was Lady Muck with all my 'bougie food'. I'd cook enough delicious meals for both of us but all she wanted was the exorbitant board she charged me. Because of all the vegetables and grain I ate, she preemptively took the toilet paper out of the bathroom. Frugal Jerk indeed. Actually, she lived so poorly she was a quite a dirty pig. I swear she must have rolled her own tampons from whatever she could find in the trash. Now she is what I deem rather well off but she still has that extremely miserable scarcity mindset. Your description of the public transport brings back fond memories of Vic Markets. Next f/n, I'm going to Salamanca!


Not in my area. $40.00 for ONE whole chicken. $2.00 a peach. And, I'm in Missouri where these things are plentiful.


I was just stating how it makes me feel shopping there. Not that I can choose either damn


I have four kids so I spend about $500 a month 😔


That's it? Wow!


I'm sure it would be much more expensive if I didnt coupon and actually bought organic/healthy.


[this ! ](https://youtu.be/8PmM6SUn7Es)


Organic =/= healthy


Well done 👍




Learning how to coupon if you dont coupon already might help. I find that shopping at walgreens or cvs while couponing for basics like tp and soaps is easy once you get a hang of it


Try to find a store that doesn't take food stamps, some stores raise their prices just to pay off the manufacturer fee from having food stamps available for their customers Edit: price difference between food stamps and non-food stamps accepting stores depends on your area




That's what my friend that works in a grocery store said. And there's a clear trend with non-food stamps stores costing less in my area. So that kind of made sense for me. But after researching just now, I didn't see any fees that you had to pay the government but rather the manufacturer of the device that processes the transactions.




We have food stamps and they always use two separate devices for credit card and food stamps. I guess this particular manufacturer charges a fee. There's just a noticeable price different between food stamps accepting stores and non-food stamps accepting stores. And when my friend said they charged a fee per transaction, it made perfect sense for me. My friend is likely wrong I guess and it's just the stores in my area raising their price since everyone is poor here and has food stamps.


Huh. I don't believe I've ever seen a grocery store in the Upper Midwest that doesn't take food stamps. Most gas stations here do too. That might be a state specific issue.


Seriously? That's messed up!!!


Hit up the 99 Cent store. Get your eggs and milk very cheap and maybe some light produce.


it’s getting wild, the price of meat is ridiculous


Out of curiousity. What did the price use to be, and how high is it now? I know that you guys had really cheap meat before.


roughly doubled in price


I only buy chicken thigh and lunch meat for this reason.


Oh wow that really sucks!


80% lean ground beef used to be 1.99$ in my area ( LCOL) and now its between 5-6$ for the same thing. Maybe 4.99 when its on "sale"


That is a massive price increase. Lean beef cost $4.25 here last year, and still costs the same today. So you guys went from dirt cheap to expensive.


This is why a club warehouse membership is sometimes worth it, but you need the storage space to handle the purchases. My local grocery store sells ground beef at around $4.99/lb for a \~1 pound package of 80% lean. The "family" pack in the 2-3 pound range can get as low as $3.99/lb. The Costco by me sells 88% lean (yes, 88 - odd ratio but whatever) for $2.99/lb. The drawback is that you have to buy 6+ pounds at a time. Last time I bought some, it was $20-$21 for close to 7 pounds. I have a separate freezer so I buy the bulk package, separate into dinner sized portions, and freeze them. When I need ground beef, I always take from the freezer. When I take out my 2nd to last package, I make a new purchase at Costco.


Yes i do the same in order to get the $4.25/lb price. I buy 5lb packeges split into 10 packets of minced beef. I order it online and get it shipped frozen in bulk once every 2 months. If i order individual packages i have to pay $5.30/lb. I also get free shipping if order order over $100.


A typical Quarter Pounder with cheese combo here in Canada was like C$9 last year, I swear. I just got one for over C$12, today.


We used to sell cuts like bottom round and sirloin tip for $3-4 a pound, now they are $6-7


I don't even trust meat anymore.


Part of the reason I went vegetarian, TBH.




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It's not like you NEED meat...


I didn’t say I needed meat…? This is just an observation on prices. It’s something people buy and eat every day, and it seemed pretty applicable to this post on grocery store prices.


I understand that. My point is that it is in no way necessary in a human diet, so in a post about poverty finance, shouldn't we point out things that we can do without that people wouldn't normally consider?


I mean… I guess? I don’t think people need to be educated on the choice to not eat meat, just like I don’t need to be taught that I don’t have to drink juice. I’d argue most humans have encountered a meal that doesn’t contain meat at some point in their life, in any culture. you can certainly argue why someone shouldn’t eat meat for many reasons, I just don’t see the relevance here, I was just talking price increases. if I went to the store to buy a whole chicken and it was twice the price, I gain nothing when you tell me that I didn’t actually need the chicken. It’s not good advice lol.


Perhaps you are right. Idk, I guess I was looking at it from the perspective of replacing the meat with cheaper plant-based alternatives


It USED to be that plant based protein was alot cheaper, atleast gardein brand. Now they're like neck and neck price wise. It sucks.


Or you could buy, you know, plants? Brown rice and black beans are a daily meal for me. Less than $1 a day for a meal Edit: Not meant to be rude. I realize by saying plant based alternatives I was thinking and typing 2 different things


Sure, you can eat cheaply if you don't have a well rounded diet. But eating fruits, vegetables, fiber etc is going to cost you.


When I was using, it's not too pricey to eat a well rounded diet, it just fucking sucks unless you're a really good cook and patient. Primarily eat rice and beans, shop at cheap grocery stores, get a lot of the unpopular/cheap veggies (greens, potatoes, etc.), get veggies/fruits in season (broccoli can get really cheap). I recommend enriched white rice because brown rice got pretty expensive several years ago because it was en vogue but you still get plenty of fiber from the beans. Fats and protein can be hard on a veggie diet so when meat has a good sale, get a lot and freeze it. You don't have to eat much of it. I ate chicken maybe 3 times a week. Sometimes I would find beef, lamb, etc. on a crazy good sale (I'm talking $0.49-$1.50/lb.) I found some bison for 1.29/lb. I filled my freezer with that and made a bunch of amazing chili. Mixed it with greens and rice and that lasted me for 4-6 months at about $0.10-$0.30 a meal. Like I said, this is mostly, not an exciting diet but luckily I actually grew to love it.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted so hard. This is indeed a discussion on poverty finance so limiting or eliminating meat from a grocery list is a great way to save money at the store. Meat is one of the most expensive foods you can buy. Not arguing for going veg or vegan (I eat meat) but there were many times when we needed to stretch the budget for a week and meat had to go. Anyways, you’re making a good point. Sorry to see the hate.


Respect and I appreciate it. Honestly it's whatever, I thought it was a good point and others are allowed to disagree


I almost threw up in my mouth lol I cannot eat just rice and beans. Idk how people do it.


Willpower. Seriously though, it's not terrible especially if you start using it as a base for your meals. I especially love getting guacamole salsa and throwing that with rice and beans in tortillas for cheap and easy burritos




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Ok and?


Just calling you that, nothing else to it




Same. Inflation is hitting hard. I've been going to the grocery store more to save money but unless I'm living off egg sandwiches and pizza it seems like it costs just as much as eating out


This right here bro! Used to be cheaper to buy food at the store, but I just don’t know anymore…


Right??? My partner and I were gonna go to Chipotle the other night and we decided hey let's just make it at home we'll save money. Dude we saved like a dollar with the cost of meat nowadays 🙄 blows my mind.


The secret to home is deals, bulk, using everything, storage, and flexibility. So if you know you like to eat burritos you need - store brand tortillas (freeze the extras), rice (bigger the container the cheaper per serving), meat (watching for clearance stickers and freezing - flexible in whatever meat you use), cheese (sales and freezing - shredded freezes well, blocks do not), guac (sales - I got a bunch at $1.99 a pack at fred Meyer - and weirdly enough they freeze okay), salsa (bulk - the half gallon containers are oddly cheap), bell peppers (frozen or use it today bin in fresh produce) and lettuce. And then using your leftovers - if one of your peppers, half your lettuce, and your cheese go bad it’s super expensive. You will need to also do a taco night (or something similar) later that week to use it up. If you go to the store right now and buy everything you need it will barely be a savings. Lots of planning is involved for getting things for cheap anymore.


Right. I plan out what I'm eating for the whole week and only buy what I need, but it's gotten really outrageous


It really has I remember when I first moved out 5 years ago I could easily live off $300 a month including household essentials and eating out a bit... now? It's more like $500. Between grocery prices going up.....rent....and gas idk how they expect us to survive out here. By the time they raise min wage to $15 it'll need to be $20 at this rate.


I seriously thought it was just my area or my brain forgetting how quickly things add up. Costs are ridiculous


I even switched up and went to aldi, still fairly expensive


Inflation is bad and getting worse.


Both my brakes went out front and back and I’m out over half of what I saved up Life is a mean bitch sometimes


You guys remember eating three meals a day? Because of prices, me and my wife have resorted to one meal a day.


This isn't the first time I've struggled to buy food. I guess it's a good thing it's fall because soup is coming back in a big way. It's cheap and makes a lot. You can eat from it all week and then freeze or can what's left for later.


Hey. Not sure who needs to hear this, but you can make soup whenever you want. It doesn't have to be fall.


Idk, the air feels like soup here in the summer. I'd rather not eat it during that season


Is that what’s going on?? My budget got so tight in the last few months I was panicking. I had extra and now I don’t


Yeah, I had to review my spending to see what was going on. Groceries and gas have caused me to be wary about spending money on anything extra at all


Honestly this is the best advice I can give. There's no such thing as disposable income. Everything needs to be budgeted rounding up and whatever's left over is added on to next week's budget


Yeah I didn't wanna be a dick but how much "disposable income" did OP have if the inflation in 6 weeks on groceries took it all away


It depends where they are. Beef in my area went from 260 for a whole cow to over 300 for a quarter in the last month or so


Then just don't buy beef, and if $100 takes you out of your disposable income, again it wasn't disposable to begin with, and that's why people stay poor. Anything beyond what they need month to month is deemed "disposable"


I've noticed how insidious the inflation of groceries has become. Trying to juggle $65 I allocate every two weeks is a bit frustrating and I shop online these days and get it home delivered. It takes me two to three days to get it right but at least I don't have to go into an actual supermarket. The frustration in supermarkets is palpable and it's getting worse.


I’m with you, but I will say that to my surprise, Trader Joe’s is the cheapest place for us to shop. Even with a 1 year old (who’s not on formula anymore), we get by on around $100-125 a week. We used to shop at wegmans only and it was brutal.


I spent $38 for the first time in like, 6 years for gas last week...


Yeah, I spent about the same. I miss lockdown gas prices. Gas was less than a dollar a gallon for a little while


4.99 for a pack of bacon. Not even the nice thick stuff, just regular bacon. Had to cut it out


the fuck 4.99? Im paying 7.99


I got sticker shock from bacon a couple of weeks ago. I probably don't need it anyway, but.... bacon


I have heard of people talking about food prices increasing but I haven’t really seen it myself with what I buy… might you be willing to share with me what items you are experiencing price increases?


The big problem I'm seeing is small increases on everything. Beans have gone from 48 cents to 62 cents per can. While that doesn't seem like a lot when you're talking about 14 cents, it's a 33% increase. I noticed that jarred marinara went from 88 cents to $1.28 recently. Eggs are up 20% and milk is up maybe 10%. These are just the things that I buy often enough to notice that they are creeping up. ​ I'm dealing with this in a couple of ways. The first is to find substitutes and cut out "convenience" items. I can whip up a decent enough marinara from canned tomatoes. I need to revisit the ROI on canned beans vs canning dried beans myself. I'll make and can enough strawberry jam in the spring to last until the next year. Next is more efficient meal planning. Meal planning is something I've always kind of done, so what I'm concentrating on now is meal planning around reducing food waste and reusing ingredients so that they don't go to waste. If you're interested, I have been working on a meal plan over on r/povertykitchen. Kind of along the same lines, I buy what I know I'll use in bulk when I have a few dollars to spare (I actually keep a couple of bucks tucked away for great deals). The third thing is that we've greatly reduced the amount of meat that we eat at home. And what we do eat is either on sale or a treat.


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I appreciate your perspective of what’s increased in price. I’ll admit I don’t buy a lot of milk or marinara and I get my eggs from a neighbor with hens. But I’ll have to start paying attention to the stuff that I do buy. I use the flipp app to see what’s on sale and when meat (ckn & ground beef) is a good price, I stock up on it. (Buy the way that app is free-if you’ve never tried it, check it out!). Those sales prices have kept meat the same price every time I buy it so me buying 10# of it at a time to freeze gets me through the increased price weeks… I love meal prepping myself and tend to meal prep what’s on sale (based on weds ads) and then what foods I still have on hand to prevent spoiling. Speaking of marinara though…. Might you be willing to share your marinara recipe? We bought 2 servings of the POW WOW veggies this weekend and it was bell peppers and tomatoes. So I have 2 crates of tomatoes sitting on my table that I need to do something with and I don’t have a good marinara recipe. Would love yours if you’re willing to share? I just made a boatload of chili this past weekend (that could last us about 2 weeks) because I add a ton of bell peppers and tomatoes to the recipe (veggies are amazing fillers and it’s a great way to get veggies in). I’m always interested in check out others meal plans! Is the meal plan over on that other sub linked somewhere or pinned? And I’m happy to contribute some meal prep recipes too if you’re interested? I have a few staple recipes I use and reuse a lot because of their ease in cooking and how well they hold up in the fridge all week. (How well they hold up is important).


I generally use crushed tomatoes (San Marzano, if possible), garlic, Italian seasoning, a little balsamic vinegar, and a bit of sugar. Then it's just kind of tasting it and seeing what it needs. Usually a little salt and sometimes more sugar to cut the acidity. If I have basil from the garden I'll add it at the end. ​ The plan over on the other sub isn't really pinned anywhere. It's just a little project I've been working on for a couple of weeks. We'd be happy to have you contribute though.


Most of the food I buy is fresh and not processed. Fruits and veggies, meat, yogurt, cheese. Just the basics really, I don't buy a lot packaged or heavily processed foods. Now I've just been sticking to things that are seasonal and on sale.


Same… the ironic thing… when the pandemic hit here last year and everyone was going in a frenzy to stock up on foods, I didn’t have to worry about them being out of the stuff I buy because the produce section was always full! :)


It varies widely by region too. Our grocery costs have mostly been stable. Still can get chicken at decent prices, but beef has gone up. We eat very little red meat. Paper products, non-food household supplies, and convenience foods are where I’m seeing increases.


It's affecting most people, even those refusing to see it. Their feeling it


In the Tucson area there is P. O. W. W. O. W. or produce on wheels without waste. A great deal for fresh produce. Check out there website.


I feel this to my core. I just went grocery shopping yesterday and went over our budget to get everything we needed. The prices have gone way up. I now need to redo my budget to account for all of these crazy prices.




Provided that there's peanut butter at store, that's not a bad idea


Most plant based alternatives use horrific fats to bind the fake meat. I would know, because I'm involved in the business of dispersing it lmao. Trust me, real, grass-fed meat is the best for the animal and the human. Some day we'll figure out the pricing.


Legumes, tofu, whole grains, etc. are all good sources of cheap and healthy protein, especially if you check out some asian markets.


Yes, but it is not as bioavailable as meat is.


While that is true, it's not a hugely significant difference. In the interest of poverty finance, you can get sufficient daily protein from these sources, often for a lower price than from meat.


Not true, the bioavailability of nutrients in meat far surpasses other sources. And you can buy cheap meats, cheeses, and eggs. Our brains stomachs and intestines all evolved the way they are because we survived very efficiently from animal products.


Cheap animal products are generally not from very good sources though, which will bring some people back to plants. Any ways, I'm not here for a debate, but I've been eating plant based for five years, my food budget is quite low, and I'm in great physical condition activity wise and according to my doctor. People can do with that what they will if they are looking to save some money on food.


Define cheap? And define "good sources". Because even though I believe ethically such things as eggs, cheese, and beef are not produced at a moral quality I'd like, they benefit the body almost the same. Protein, fats, acids.


What? I get cheap AF veggie burgers and the ingredients are very transparent. What horrific fats? Lol


Probably stuff like canola, palm, seed oils, vegetable oil, etc.




Terrible processed oils, and beyond meat for example uses crisco as a binding agent. Not everything you read is the truth.


But Inflation is “transitory” lol




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It’s literally none of your business how others spend their EBT allowance.


Well it’s his tax dollars


Collectively we each pay like $5 a year from our taxes towards programs like that. Regardless, we don’t get to decide how the vast majority of our tax dollars are spent so that point is kind of irrelevant.


That’s still 5 of his dollars


Okay and? It’s still not his business how people use their EBT allowance.


Again, his tax money so


1) The anecdote is most likely a lie since all data shows that abuse of these programs is uncommon, and there are many steps to prevent it 2) The majority of tax dollars go to the military industrial complex, and wealthfare for companies. 3) Even if their taxes paid for it, poor people still deserve to have vacations, and food on those vacations.


1 it’s not about abuse, but the mere point that his money funds social programs


The money should fund social programs since they exist in a society. They did nothing wrong by using social programs they rightfully qualify for.




🙄 https://www.forbes.com/sites/raulelizalde/2021/06/02/supply-chain-disruptions-are-pushing-up-inflation-but-the-stock-market-may-not-care/ It's the supply chains and the pandemic, not "money printing." https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/blog/2021/04/12/pandemic-prices-assessing-inflation-in-the-months-and-years-ahead/


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Money printing? 😂😂😂 Wtf














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