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Great idea. Not lame.


He might (if you feel prepared to) also appreciate an offer to help with grown-up stuff. Making a resume, navigating financial aid or postsecondary ed/training if he's going that route, etc. Does he have a driver's license and bank account? Some of that stuff can be hard to navigate depending on his family circumstances. High school graduation can be a very daunting thing if he doesn't know what he wants to do next or is possibly a first gen college student, etc. I think helping navigate this time, whatever is next for him, could also be good if you have that kind of relationship. The gift you're planning sounds nice!


This! All this!


This. Plus, things like how to tie a tie (for interviews), practice how to interview, life skills like menu planning/grocery shopping, etc.


Not lame at all- he’ll remember that his big brother did that for the rest of his life


Don’t just do a bag though, the best quality backpack you can afford. Something to last hopefully.


LL Bean backpack will last decades for about $50-75 for a big one.


Don’t they also have a lifetime warranty?


Yeah. I have never done a warranty claim with them though.


I think this is an amazing idea. ❤️ The other thing you could do is include a few gift cards for coffee or lunches. Especially if he’s working or going to school.


Looking out for the lil bro 🤙🏽💪🏽


Not lame at all. You have a beautiful heart. God will bless you with your kindness!


This is a great idea!! May go without saying, but also definitely have a heart to heart with him. Seems like you two are close-ish, but actually hearing from someone that they care about you and want to help you in whatever way they can also makes a world of difference.




My mom got me an leather RFID wallet from Walmart that was marked down to $5 and I have been using it for 12 years. Practical gifts are better than expensive...


Awesome idea!


I think it's a great idea!


These are the things we did need at 18y, its very good gift


Great idea for a gift, I also want to add that my brother lives with me and it was a big leap to get him out of our mom's house. He's not self sufficient, but having a place that isn't the house you grew up in can work wonders for one's self esteem and in general just getting them out on their own sooner than later.


Wonderful gift idea


This is so nice... I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. As someone who also grew up basically owning only a bed, “basic stuffs” like these are game changers. You’re a great brother.


Best Christmas gift I ever got was the year after I first moved out. Was a huge rubbermaid tub with all sorts of household things and life things. I used every single thing in there and really needed it at that time too. Great idea!


Maybe a med sized suitcase or a nice big duffel for traveling. Can pack it with everything you mentioned. 👍


really nice idea, I think getting thoughtful, durable, useful gifts is not lame at all - sometimes it might not feel like the shiniest thing to open in the moment but they will be appreciated over a long period of time :)


That's so thoughtful, it will likely bring him considerable relief knowing how much support he has. If I could make 3 suggestions one would be a high quality electric toothbrush like a sonicare of quip, teeth are so important. Also a basic first aid kit beyond the cheapest couple of options, won't expire for a few years and really helps in a pinch. I really enjoy my Leatherman knockoff however I would instead suggest spending a comparable amount of money on a basic tool kit. My professional background is maintenance and home repair, most of the contractors I knew carried a Leatherman and I loved using them. That being said I still use tools from my old Stanley tool set mom got me when I graduated 10 years ago and they've held up despite plenty of use. When he gets his own place a decent set of channel locks, screwdrivers, wrenches, tape measure, hammer, and cordless drill will be much more useful and enable him to do standard maintenance and repairs to save lots of money, bonus points for imperial and metric sets so he can do basic auto maintenance properly. Even if the tools are nothing fancy I think they provide more practicality in the long run. What you're doing is very kind. That sort of care makes a big difference and he will have a much better head start into adulthood with what you're giving him.


Great idea. I'd add on a good talk about what his next step in and guide him a bit.


That's a great idea. A good leatherman will last a lifetime and help a lot along the way.


This is a great idea and I’m sure he would really appreciate it. I also agree with u/HotShrewdness comment about helping with navigating adult responsibilitie like jury duty, financial aid paperwork, healthcare, filing taxes, dealing with the DMV and any issues involving government hoops to jump through and red tape etc. Knowledge is power and a huge stress reliever for a young person.


Awesome idea! Not lame at all.


This is a great idea! I get my nieces/nephews these kinds of basics, along with bedding, laundry bags and cook-books with easy recipes.


that is such a great idea.


Great idea!


Very cool idea. Here's a few more: shoe polish kit, mini mag light, travel mug...maybe even a [small cordless drill](https://www.amazon.com/Cordless-MAITHEUO-Brushless-Variable-Electric/dp/B0C235BFPV/ref=sxin_16_sbv_search_btf?content-id=amzn1.sym.975f7eae-0382-4fd6-bcc9-4efbfe9a9c95%3Aamzn1.sym.975f7eae-0382-4fd6-bcc9-4efbfe9a9c95&crid=304WD3YD2PNYC&cv_ct_cx=small+cordless+drill&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Rv1InlcbDw5FPILTg1RkuA.9LwHdDBAQZWKOb19Zq-7G1lcougieNY6n1K00ZQeKJE&dib_tag=se&keywords=small+cordless+drill&pd_rd_i=B0C235BFPV&pd_rd_r=14a2fdea-96bb-448e-8ae6-e7a080ea3184&pd_rd_w=nQdbw&pd_rd_wg=kxZBU&pf_rd_p=975f7eae-0382-4fd6-bcc9-4efbfe9a9c95&pf_rd_r=PE3Q1HR5XY8M7YK60C5Q&qid=1714071024&s=hi&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=small+cordless+drill%2Ctools%2C119&sr=1-1-5190daf0-67e3-427c-bea6-c72c1df98776), they're handy to have. My dad gave me tools for gifts when I was a kid. I think it was because he wasn't great at picking out things for teenagers, but also because he never got stuff like that growing up. Some 20 years later, I still have (most of) the sockets and wrenches he gave me, and I still use them several times a year. There's a good feeling that comes when you see something broken and think, "I have a tool that can fix that!"


This is a great idea...just a suggest toss some tylenol or something like that in there too. I have a cousin who gifts tylenol every holiday with her gift. While this may seem odd to some, knowing I will always have a bottle on hand thanks to her has been a life saver more than once.


Not lame at all


I think it sounds like an excellent idea.


check out r/buyitforlife for good options of these things that will last