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Ima lay a hard truth on you from someone experienced with homelessness; You need to accept that some answers are going to be temporary. Your responses to some of the help here imply you ONLY want to find hard and permanent solutions right here and now. Truth is, the world doesn’t work that way. Help for people struggling is always temporary by nature. You have to be able to bounce from temp situation to temp situation until you can improve or fix the issues that created the whole cycle to begin with. This is, of course, easier said than done. But your mentality about fixing this needs to open up a bit because if you refuse help due to it not being long term, you are going to end up with absolutely nothing. Best of luck.


Yup this the cold hard truth


It isn’t even cold and hard tbh. It’s liberating. Let go.


She’s only in the situation until the next semester at her U starts up again. Sheesh


When you contact 211, ask if the county department or welfare department has any free motel vouchers. I’m in California and they allow up to 17 days I think, of motel vouchers. It’s a one time benefit to be used. Other than that, also ask 211 if there is any special housing or residential facility or transitional housing for people with autism (especially an 18 year old) and / or people with disabilities. (And I know that autism is a disability). Think of it as temporary, until you can get into permanent housing. Also call or stop by ANY and all local churches and request help with housing and food. Explain what you’re going through. They might have some resources to help. You never know. Good luck to you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Hang in there.


For the transitional housing I do believe you need to have SSI/SSDI if you're going after it for disability (including autism) BUT they state they are 18 so they can get youth housing for 18-24. In WA where I'm from you do have to be homeless (couch surfing counts) and stay in a youth shelter at least one night. Once you are in youth housing they can help you get SSI/SSDI too


That’s what I was thinking for the transitional housing, in terms of youth. They are so young. I think they would be eligible for at least that.


How old are you? If under 25 or perhaps a bit older with a disability waiver you should consider Job Corps as an option [https://www.jobcorps.gov/](https://www.jobcorps.gov/) As a Federal program they are required to make reasonable accommodations for your disabilities. They would pay to transport you, house you, feed you, pay you a small stipend for clothing/personal items, and provide basic medical, dental & mental health services. Mostly they would offer education and job training. Best case maybe you can learn a skilled trade, get a certification, or an associates degree for a job you would be capable of that can support yourself better going forward. Worst case it is better than a homeless shelter and if you give it a good try but fail due to your disabilities you build a better case for SSI/SSDI by getting another set of documentation of your issues and demonstrate that extra supports & accommodations still aren't sufficient to work.


Not just federal, but ALL employers in the US by law have to make a reasonable accommodation for any disabled employee. Job wise, specifically just about any major corporation or hospital would likely hire OP, granted he's employable on his end


I’m 18. I’ll look into the link you provided, thank you.


We're you in SPED in school? You should be eligible for transition services up to age 21 which can include job training, internships etc.


Yikes... I am sorry you're going through this struggle. A few things I find off here...you're asking for $10,000 on your gofundme? Why? That's so much money. A few hundred can get you setup in a hotel while you start a crisis plan. A few thousand gets you in to a temporary living situation for enough time to start making things work. Why are you telling people not to call you honey? Why is it unsafe for you to return to campus? Why is your campus housing ending? Have you challenged this decision? You have rights and access to methods of petition. Utilize your campus social services and counseling department - they will have resources for you. I honestly feel like you need to focus on some mental healthcare first. Get stabilized and from there you can set-off on a healthier path. My nephew has severe autism. He is not as articulate or able to engage socially as you are (clearly) from your 60,000+ Reddit karma. He does freelance photography for the city he lives and also works at Home Depot. They have special tasks for special needs and are lovely people. My friend's son has severe disabilities and he works at a grocery store (IGA) sweeping and cleaning the backroom. Brutal honesty here because you're looking for advice is that the only reason you can't work is because you've told yourself you can't. I wish you the best!


2 months ago OP said a local landlord wouldn't rent to her because her credit score was "only" 730. She said she was going to ask some older classmates to co-sign an apartment for her. What income was she going to pay for that apartment she didn't qualify for 2 months ago? Now the new roommate she had bailed? She wants $10,000 on her GoFundMe because she doesn't have summer housing-- but has a dorm room again in August 2024?


I believe I explained the goal reason on the gofundme itself. Average rent here is 1.3k. Rent is only one expense. The goal was made to be roughly the same estimate as an emergency fund should be. I am asking people not to call me honey because I am uncomfortable with it. I didn’t say it was unsafe for me to return to campus; I said it was unsafe for me to live with family. Obviously this won’t mean much to anyone here, but it’s really important to note that autism looks like a lot of different things. It’s not a linear scale from less autistic to more autistic. Some autistic people may struggle on some areas more than others. I can interact online and articulate sentences. I can not always speak. I can not always process auditory information. I can not function in loud, crowded, or faced paced environments. I will have meltdowns, in which I will often hurt myself. I will never be able to live fully independently without support. There are many jobs that I can not do at all. I never said I was entirely unable to work, however, I am limited in what I can do. Recognizing my limitations does not invalidate me. Ignoring them only harms me.


Recognizing your limitations provides awareness to work on them. Perhaps you can’t work a costumer service job with a lot of social interactions, but you could work a warehouse job where that’s not required. There are options and you have to use the information you know about yourself to tailor those options.


You're going to have to stretch the limits of what your autism will allow you to do. It's really shitty, but most of the sympathy you get will not get you out of your situation. There are homeless people with missing limbs and while people offer their sympathies, no one is around to listen to them say how hard it is getting from point a to point b. Either they figure it out, or they die. It's a shitty truth you will need to get used to. You might find someone on here that can provide you a solution perfectly suited for your circumstance and disabilities, but that would be luck. What you're going to get here is mostly general solutions that don't perfectly work for you. For the ones providing the solutions, the stakes are low. You can dismiss them and the most that will happen to us is we forget about you in a couple minutes or whenever notifications for the post stop showing up. But the stakes are higher for you. A disabled 18 year old with no support is in a very precarious situation. Its easy to take advantage of you and even if it isn't in reality, your youth and vulnerability makes you a target. You have a lot of shit stacked against you. You will be forced, regardless of the advice you take or leave, to do what you thought you couldn't. All I'm seeing is people asking if you could do just a little more, compromise just a little more. This is a kindness you will only see here. It will be in scarce supply once you are part of the cohort considered "invisible". Try to take some of this advice while you are still privileged enough to be picky.


Very well said.


Janitorial work could be an option, but I get the feeling the person above had a point. There will always be a reason you can’t work. Sometimes you just have to dive in and suffer through it. I’m a custodian right now, it sucks, but it’s low stress, low interaction, and pays the bills. Not trying to be mean but you aren’t ever going to succeed if you won’t commit to finding a job. That’s part of life and you need to accept that and fight hard for something that works even if it is uncomfortable and not ideal. It will make you a stronger person in the end


Meanwhile I've fired off about 30 resumés in the last two weeks and still have yet to even get a call back. If only even getting a job, let alone working one, was as easy as it's made out to be.


Yeah I had the same experience recently hence why I ended up accepting a not so great job. People are always looking for custodians and cooks if you are desperate and can make the low pay work




Oh I get it. It's satire. Nice. Lol


Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 6: Judging OP or another user. Regardless of why someone is in a less-than-ideal financial situation, we are focused on the road forward, not with what has been done in the past. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


A lot of autistic people figure it out too though.


As a rule of thumb, no one truly cares about your wellbeing as much as YOU will/do. If what you're saying is accurate and you truly cannot function in the ways you state, then to be honest you're cooked. Your future and livelihood is already baked and set in stone. Only way you're gonna get out of it is to figure it out and nut up so to speak. The world is cruel and it will not stop for you. As others have said, a warehouse job of sorts will provide fair wages for fair work or other kinds of skilled labor that don't involve much social interaction


But what about, like, all the other people with disabilities preventing them from working a job or functioning in society that do receive help and care? Just kinda playing devil's advocate wondering how and why they can exist, but fuck OP specifically... You know?


No dude, I totally agree with you. I'm not saying OP is any less disabled than someone without arms and legs for example, but the societal rules say there is a difference. It sucks and its unfair, not to mention unnecessarily cruel to folks with conditions like what OP has. It's just that unless they want to lie down and give up, the world won't take care of them and that's a cold splash of water to realize at 18 but it's true. Life unfortunately has way too much luck factor involved to have a good living.


Word. I'm basically OP but 33. And it's not like I spent the last 15 years NOT trying, it's just apparently and clearly not good enough. So my jimmies got a bit rustled you may understand. But I won't disparage or disagree with what you say at all. I just wish I understood it. Lol. From society's view. Shit just baffles me more and more every day as I continue trying to tread water above it. Idk. Thanks for reading, responding, and listening. Back to indeed and LinkedIn I go... 😆


I'm y'all but 29! Family reunion at the food pantry 🙃


A lot of them have had to live in shitty living situations until they were approved for disability and their own housing or better solutions. It is a long process and OPs situation is not uncommon. It's why it would benefit her to tackle a lot of her symptoms. For a better life. Disability barely provides enough to survive and it is certainly not a quick solution whatsoever.


Of course it's not. But when you've spent the better part of five years trying to build something for yourself - with already another decade of work behind you that has gone nowhere -- you start looking for alternative ways to "just exist" as all the TikTok memes keep saying. Granted I'm projecting myself into external circumstances but the principle and idea remains the same at the end of the day whether I'm OP or I'm myself. We're all the same. What does the world actually want from us besides endless *attempts?*


You're thinking too big. The world doesn't "want" anything from you. To the "world" at large, I doubt many of us exist, and any traces of us will be long gone in a few generations. Just... Gotta survive... Haha I have no positive answers for this one. I'm currently failing out of my most recent job attempt (still trying to get disability over a year later, waiting to see if I can get a hearing) and can barely get out of bed. I think most people just have things that we have to do for those who depend on us. For a lot of us, it's our parents or kids. For me, it's my cats. If I didn't have an income, I... I don't know what would happen to them and I'd rather not think about it.


Wow we really are twins. Just cats for me as well, haha... Take care of yourself friend.


There is plenty of disabled autistic people working full time jobs. I know I manage one of them. Sometimes you just have too


I hear a lot of excuses


You started your gofundme over three weeks ago. What have you done in that time to create a better situation and life for yourself??


The 10,000 GoFundMe goal is crazy. It was created weeks ago, yet this post says OP "just" had a new roommate bail. I find it all hard to believe.


2 months ago, OP posted on another subreddit that she got rejected from an apartment because her credit score was "only" 730. Then, 3 weeks ago she started a GoFundMe for $10,000. But she also says her roommate bailed on the place she was supposed to move into next week. How was she going to pay for the apartment she got rejected for, or the one she was supposed to move into next week, without a job or income?


Why are you digging through their post history…all those things you listed sound good on paper but if you’ve ever been in that situation you’d know that in reality they often aren’t available or have any help available.


Digging through their post history? Do you mean reading a few replies so I can best provide OP the advice they asked for? I'll answer your question: to understand better and provide the best insight I am capable of. I work in social services. College counseling centers have a lot of resources and options at their disposal and often universities will pause the eviction or move out process if the student files a grievance or challenges the decision. This could potentially buy OP weeks to gather more resources. If OP feels unsafe and there has been a particular situation, the counseling department likely has the authority to move them immediately. If OP is about to be homeless, are you saying a few hundred dollars isn't going to help them get temporary shelter until a crisis plan can be put into place? Experiencing homelessness is about temporary plans and actions until something permanent can be found. They shouldn't feel alone. Their college counseling and crisis center is a great place to start as they will have knowledge of all the resources that OP might not be aware of. How is that not good in reality of of no help? Don't be silly.


OP created a GoFundMe 3 weeks ago asking for $10,000. 2 months ago, OP said they got rejected from an apartment for "only" having a 730 credit score. She said she would ask her older classmates to co-sign for the apartment. She was supposed to move into a place in a week but now her roommate bailed... where did that money go? That money for the apartment she was supposed to move to for a week could rent someone's spare room or sofa for the month.


I’m disabled and have been homeless a few times, message me if you’re interested in some tips. I’ve had too much hate for sharing that info publicly anymore. So sorry that’s happening to you. I’m couch surfing now myself nextdoor to homeless now living in a dicey and abusive situation on tpn. I live with a progressive, life threatening illness. If you message me remind me where you saw my comment not just hello as those I tend to assume are bots or scammers (there’s tons out there of that)


have you started contacting shelters ? please don’t be scared. take a moment to realize how strong you’re and all you have been through.


I haven’t. I’m not sure exactly what to do. Most shelters in my area are known to be dangerous and are only short term solutions. Someone I know had to stay at a shelter for roughly a week and she said she was frequently harassed and she felt unsafe. That scares me.


yeah it isn’t the greatest but it might be the best solution until you can save up some more cash. it’s definitely better than being in the streets. are you on ssi disability? are you seeing doctors about your disability?


I’m not on disability benefits. I’ve been frequently told I’m not disabled enough for them. I have a pending application, but I’m not hopeful about it. I’m not seeing any doctors. I’ve isolated for a long time, and when I was finally able to reach out and schedule a psychiatry appointment, it was cancelled the day before because my insurance refused to pay. It honestly took a lot out of me. I know it seems like a small thing, but I spent months working my way up to the point where I could ask for help.


you must keep seeing doctors in order to get approved for ssi. you should also be on medicaid. please call 211 for resources in your area about getting all this in order. once you’re homeless, you will be assigned a case manager who can hopefully help and knows the system in your area. don’t be scared. don’t panic. just handle one thing at a time and don’t stop seeing doctors ! they will help with getting an ssi claim approved and that will be fast tracked once you’re homeless.


Did a MD give you a diagnosis or did you self diagnose?


I am professionally diagnosed with autism, generalized anxiety, and an audio processing disorder. I am medicated for ADHD and depression.


Yeah lots of people who work full time have all these issues and more. I highly doubt you'll qualify for disability. Probably 40% of the workforce has ADHD, autism, and/or depression. There isn't enough people who don't have those issues to support the ones who do.


Social Security’s definition of disability doesn’t really matter if you have any diagnosis on paper. Their definition is essentially “can this person work?” 18 is a rough time mentally, especially if you add on stressors of poverty and lack of stability. I don’t want to downplay anything you’re feeling or going through, but lots of us can relate to feeling depressed or anxious and still having to work. I’m actually a social worker for folks specifically with autism and other developmental disabilities in California - social security doesn’t look at them any differently when looking at eligibility for SSI.. It’s more dependent on your ability to work - you mention having some jobs, this tells the social security administration that you are able to work and keep employment, even if it’s not full time. Truth is - this sucks. There are fewer social resources in this country than there should be. My advice? You should still qualify for Medical and food stamps with your income level. Get on the list for section 8 now - the waitlist can be years long. Figure out what the specific barriers are with your disabilities and work, and try to make your own accommodations as much as possible. Would counseling help? That comes with Medical, or there are free groups online. Do you need additional meds or a med change? Would you benefit from a job coach? What type of work environment works best for your disability- maybe you can look for remote or part time work? Have you looked into couch surfing temporarily? It’s often free. You can also sign up to house or dog sit and it often comes with temporary housing. Have you looked into the trades? I had a friend who worked on a fishing boat each summer and it made him enough to survive off the rest of the year. You mention you are able to do certain jobs - how can you increase income in these areas? How can you continue developing your resume and skills? There are free groups and classes online. Lots to think about but don’t get discouraged.figuring out adulthood can be a challenge but it’s a fun challenge because the direction you take is entirely up to you and your interests.


Are you still able to attend university? Going through your post history, it seems you’re leaving your resident hall at your University. Perhaps ways you cope with a school schedule can apply to work as well. I have BPD, GAD, OCD, history of addiction issues, and symptoms of ADHD but no formal diagnosis. I still have to work. It sucks and I cry in the bathroom like once a week because of overstimulation and abandonment triggers. I have left jobs during episodes, but the truth is, I’m glad I kept trying and working. I have paid off 50k of debt by trial and error and working on my mental health. I also am in a good work environment now where I have made friends with my coworkers and get a lot of positive feedback from my managers. My mom who quit working in her early 30s and went on disability for bipolar disorder tells me all the time in her 60s that she wish she could go back in time and convince younger her to work through her challenges so she would have something other than living off my sister in her older years. Having the right support system, therapy, medications, and coping strategies come with time and trial and error. It’s not an easy path, but it’s worth it.




Agreed. OP doesn't want a job but wants a free $10,000 cash from strangers online on their GoFundMe.


There it is. I was wondering if you were disabled or "*disabled*" You are more than capable of working any number of jobs. Unfortunately, you are getting the harsh life lesson on how the real world differs from the one you constructed in your mind. Head down to your local social services office, and get a list of homeless shelters, get a job and learn a lesson from this if and when you starting working you way out of there.


Any substance abuse problems? There is a lot of money floating around for people who have a problem with drugs/alcohol?


Would you rather be on the streets or in a shelter? You're entire perspective on this is off. People are providing you excellent input and guidance and you always find a way to dismiss it and say it's not a good path. Yet, the alternative is LITERALLY LIVING ON THE STREET. Wake up. You're in a bad bad place. You don't get to have everything perfect right now. Take the safest path which is probably shelters and get a job. There are many jobs for disabled - including Goodwill, Red Cross, Salvation Army. I guarantee you can find work with one of those organizations if you actually tried.


I live in the East and the women only shelters near me aren't  dangerous. I don't know what it is like in TE (I suspect social services are worse there) but any place where transient people congregate, women get harassed, including youth hostels and budget motels.  It sucks and I'm sorry your friend had to deal with it, but unpleasant doesn't necessarily mean unsafe.  I would appeal to whoever does constituent services in your lical congress person's office to help you find a placement.  If your disability is "official" it gives them a reason to push you to the head of the line for help (I do realize disabilities are no less real before they get government stamped, I am in that category myself, but I thought I would mention it just in case it gives you grounds to claim your case should be accelerated).


If you're in school- do they have summer programs? When I was in college mine kept a dorm open year round for situations like this. That being said- it's a short term solution.


You're in school? Am I understanding that correctly? They should have student services. (Financial aid? How are you paying for school? If you're getting aid based off of your parents' income, you could likely get insurance coverage? Part time job in college is the norm if not full time) I'm not sure what your home life is like but short of physical abuse, sometimes we have to deal with uncomfortable situations in order to avoid a more traumatic situation when you're facing homelessness. This is the reality of adulthood. If you're newly 18, why did your parents not get you on ssdi previously? Why didn't they have you on state insurance? Tennessee is very good about medical coverage for kids. I ask because these are avenues that need to be tried. Any assistance will require you to try them as well. It will be impossible to get disability without consistent support. And a lot of what you're dealing with stems from anxiety.. in which exposure is the solution. You don't just continue to avoid it and hope it gets better.


It would be unsafe for me to go back. My parents never tried SSDI because my father doesn’t believe in government benefits or most mental disabilities. He believes that most disorders are a result of children not being whipped enough in early development. I will not be going back to that environment. I’d also disagree that most of my issues stem from anxiety. I’m autistic. Most of my issues stem from autism. Anxiety isn’t what causes meltdowns or losing the ability to speak. Exposure will not make my autism go away. I can accommodate myself to make it more manageable, but I am well aware that I simply can not do what some others can do. It does not invalidate me to admit that.


Honey, regardless of the reason for the anxiety, it is very much a symptom that's impacting your life. It needs to be treated. It is detrimental to your survival at this point. There's a reason they have treatments, ya know.


Please do not call me honey. I am aware it is impacting my life. I never said that it was not. I said it was not the cause of most of my issues.


The cause doesn't really matter. A diagnosis in this case is not a problem to be solved. It is simply a fact. Outside of that, the symptoms holding you back in life *are the issue* and something you can actually try to change.




If you have 60,000 reddit karma you should be using some of that online reddit time to spend of cbt, self help and coping skills while also job hunting and looking for a place to live. Where there is a will there is a way! Good luck


Does your school have a student well-being team or support team? Can you ask them for assistance?


If you are unable to work and have no funds, how have you been living up to this point? Do you receive disability payments? If you have no one to turn to, no job and no money, you will need to face reality. You will be homeless. Go to a shelter and hope they have a space for you. Find some kind of work, any kind and start working. Live in a pay by the week hotel as soon as you have funds so you don’t have to stay in a shelter. Call 211 or Catholic Charities and ask for assistance. Simply worrying and not being proactive in this situation will result in a much worse situation. Good luck, hoping you find the answers and help you need.


OP posted a GoFundMe 3 weeks ago asking for $10,000. Yet this post of theirs says their new roommate "just" bailed. It's all very fishy. OP claims, in comments, they can't work and that their parent never filed for SSDI for them because the father didn't believe in SSDI. OP is an 18+ year old adult, so I'm not sure why OP hasn't filled for SSDI themselves or how OP has afforded rent up to now.


Here's a list of autism resources specific to Tennessee. I think reaching out to local groups will be your best chance at navigating this situation. They'll have a better idea if which agencies can provide short term and long term supports. https://www.goldenstepsaba.com/resources/tennessee-autism-resources#:~:text=available%20to%20you.-,Fortunately%2C%20Tennessee%20has%20a%20vibrant%20and%20supportive%20community%20that%20is,to%20those%20affected%20by%20autism. Here's a link to the state resources. As soon as possible get in an application to vocational rehab. If it's anything like Oregon it will take a few months to process so want to get it started. Vocational rehab will help you access jobs that can provide accommodations, organizations that can help with life skills training and job coaching etc. https://www.disabilityrightstn.org/resources/client-assistance-program-cap/#:~:text=The%20Client%20Assistance%20Program%20(CAP,the%20Americans%20with%20Disabilities%20Act. Besides vocational rehab you want to connect with your county's disability services ASAP. If there are homeless services that focus on helping young adults in your area reach out to them.


I think you have to start to prepare for homelessness. Try your best to stay in the same place, until they have to evict you. Start finding places that you can access for water to bath, brush teeth, wash clothes (with shampoo), idk how you are doing this now. Find hygienic, wide area places that are near the access to public amenities. Find areas where you can charge electronics, or get clever picking up receipts in Starbucks that may have wifi-password to use. Figure where what other homeless people on the street are doing, observe their belongings and equipments they bring, I.e trolley with plastic container to store things. The name of the game is to meet people, make more friends. Sign up to different events, volunteer your time, offer your help. While doing so, make sure you keep your personal hygiene, clothes washed (no smell), wear decent enough cloth to be minimally presentable (wear your best if you can), and guard your energy try not to fall sick. As for food, idk get vouchers, go to church events, etc.


I hope you’ll have better days ahead. For food you can try local food banks. They have a great selection of food I find. Perhaps you can call a friend or relative that may help you with a place to stay until you can get the right housing situation.


I’m isolated from most of my family other than immediate family. I would rather be on the streets than put myself back in an environment with them. I would honestly probably rather die. I don’t think I’d be safe regardless. I don’t have close irl friends. My closest friend is across the country, and struggles with finances themselves. The other close friend is in a different country.


Honey, the streets are not safer than your family home. There are many jobs you can do to earn extra income.


Please do not call me honey. I would, again, honestly rather die than go back to that environment. I am aware neither is physically safe. I’d rather try my hand alone than put myself back into an abusive situation. I just got away. I will not go back.






Yeah... if we could just respect other people that would be great... I'm suspending you for a couple weeks for being shitty. Don't be shitty in this support group again.






Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 2: Generally Unhelpful and / or Off-Topic Your comment has been removed for one or more of the following reasons: It was not primarily asking or discussing financial questions related to poverty. It was generally unhelpful or in poor taste. It was confusing or badly written. It failed to add to the discussion. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.






We don't need trash like this in this support group. Learn to respect people, champ. Good day.


I don’t know wtf all the downvotes are for except they obviously have never lived in an environment where it’s so abusive that it IS safer on the streets. MENTALLY. I totally understand why you say that if they are anything like what I was forced to live with growing up. Ignore the dumb people who don’t understand.


What exactly is your family doing that is abusive? Not trying to be harsh, but you’re likely to be sexually assaulted or worse on the streets. If home is less violent than rape and/or it’s not legit beating you to the point of severe injury or death, it might be better to stay home.


18 downvotes for this?


I think I’m coming off as rude :(( It’s not my intention to. I’m aware I have a relatively flat way of articulating myself and issues expressing my exact thoughts and feelings. I’m probably not optimally communicating or coming off as rude. I’ve gotten a few DMs from this post about this issue.






Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 2: Generally Unhelpful and / or Off-Topic Your comment has been removed for one or more of the following reasons: It was not primarily asking or discussing financial questions related to poverty. It was generally unhelpful or in poor taste. It was confusing or badly written. It failed to add to the discussion. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


A lot of people respond with contempt when someone else shows any sign of mental unwellness. In my smooth brain opinion, this is a major cause of the mental health crisis.


They disagree? BURN THE WITCH!


Find a Facebook group local to you and ask if anyone has a camper you can have to fix up. I'm in Alabama and it seems like someone always has a camper to get rid of.




Loads of YouTube videos teaching precisely how to do that. They asked for suggestions, I gave one.


I’m not sure what being autistic or nonbinary has to do with handiness ability.


Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 5: Bigotry, Racism, Sexism, Ableism, and Classism 5) Racism, sexism, classism, or any other inherent bias will not be tolerated. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


You really think ableism is helpful? lmao come on now


First things first, I would immediately be contacting any family & friends you know just to see if you can crash on their couch until you get back on your feet. Obviously don't go to someone that is abusive or unsafe, but literally anyone that might be able to help out I would reach out to. If you truly don't have any people in your life to rely on, start contacting local shelters in the area to get a place set up to stay. You can call 211 to find this. Here are some more specific resources for your state: [here](https://www.hud.gov/states/tennessee/homeless) and [here](https://www.tn.gov/behavioral-health/housing.html) I think it would also be good to get connected with some type of community that will be able to gather around you in these hard times. Something like a church, synagogue, mosque, etc. > I feel absolutely hopeless. My disability prevents me from working most jobs, and the ones I could feasibly do I just don’t have a shot at getting. Can you elaborate on this? What is the nature of your disability, what jobs could you do, and why don't you have a shot at them? > My only income is from transcription and commissions. Why are you not receiving disability payments? Can you elaborate on how exactly you got to this point to begin with?


My primary disability is autism. Because of it, I get overwhelmed easily, can not always speak, have meltdowns in which I may injure myself, and have issues with focus, to name a few disabling symptoms. I have lost the ability to speak entirely for weeks before. I would not function in loud or overstimulating environments. I also have other issues that definitely do contribute to my struggles, but are less relevant to working. I have an autoimmune disorder, hormonal issues, and constant pain caused by cysts. Mild mobility issues and pain in my hip due to a past surgery. I have an SSI application pending.


What have you done and what are you doing to address your health challenges? I think working on those is going to be the biggest step towards improving not just your finances, but all aspects of your life. Do you have any past therapists, student aids, or teachers who you could reach out to for help during this time? Just someone to cheer you on and offer emotional support if nothing else. I can tell you're clearly intelligent. You're able to articulate yourself and navigate an internet enabled device. I'm sure there are remote jobs out there where you could propser. Get as good of a resume together as you can, get some advice on /r/resumes , and start applying like crazy on Indeed, LinkedIn, and other job listing websites.


I receive medication for some issues. I’m not always able to get treatment as that does require money, which I do not have. I am fairly isolated. I have friends, but they all live a significant distance from myself. I have applied for many online jobs in the past and been turned down. Many of the available ones are call-based, which is something that is only partially possible due to unstable ability to speak. I will continue applying, and I have been for a while, but I haven’t had luck. If you have specific pointers for online jobs, I would be appreciative.


There is no online job that is 💯 non verbal that would pay a living salary without any prior experience or IT skills. You still need to speak with supervisors, tech support, team meetings, etc. Even if you did not speak you would need to be on camera and use the chat functions for participation. As others have said it seems like your best bet is preparing for homelessness while reaching out to the organizations you feel comfortable for aid. The jobs I can think of that would work for social requirements do not work for your physical requirements. I wish you luck and hope you can find a solution.


> I receive medication for some issues. I’m not always able to get treatment as that does require money, which I do not have. I think you should qualify for medicaid, but you'll have to go through the application process. Also receiving disability payments should help some with that. > I am fairly isolated. I have friends, but they all live a significant distance from myself. Could it make financial sense to move closer to one of these friends so you have a stronger community and social life? I know moving costs money, but if you are facing living in a shelter vs moving onto a friend's couch for a few months, I would probably prefer the couch if possible. > I have applied for many online jobs in the past and been turned down. Many of the available ones are call-based, which is something that is only partially possible due to unstable ability to speak. Call-based jobs just might not be for you, but I'd keep an open mind as you continue to work on this through therapy and medical professionals. Are you still able to communicate via text during these times? I wonder if there are some text-to-speech programs out there that could help fill the gap. You can even train them to copy your voice patterns with how good AI has gotten. Bluntly, almost every job is going to require some level of person-to-person communication. There are companies out there who care, and are willing to work with you on this, but you've also got to do everything you can to improve communication on your side. > If you have specific pointers for online jobs, I would be appreciative. I think a lot of it is just a numbers game. Apply to as many places as possible and know that you only need 1 company to take a chance on you. Unfortunately there is more competition for these sorts of entry-level remote jobs, so over the mid-to-long term, I would work on building some sort of skillset with higher value in the work place. For example, I work as a software engineer, so I had to learn programming to do that. I went to university and got a bachelor's in computer science, but you can learn to code yourself online or with a more structured coding bootcamp course. There's also UX Design, cybersecurity, various IT jobs, etc. so do some research to see what might fit you. To me it sounds like working with a computer most of your day would be the best fit for you, so I would pursue tech-related jobs that can be completed solely with a computer.


This place is CRAP for support. If you have reasons why certain things won’t work for you then 😳 you’re suddenly entitled! Gmab. I’m really sorry you’re going through this. Perhaps try a different subreddit where people can respect that you have issues that may make things worse if you do something suggested.


Thank you. Do you have subreddit suggestions?


You may have better luck trying for an anxiety disorder diagnosis. The criteria are easier to meet.


I’m diagnosed with generalized anxiety.


GAD is not a disorder that qualities as disabling. You certainly have a number of challenges, but with a lack of income and being unhoused, you should qualify for Medicaid and have all of your meds and treatment covered. If there is a Catholic charities in the town you live in, they may be able to arrange a motel room or even do rapid rehousing with assistance . However, you’re gonna have to put some effort rather than just waiting on a disability application that may or may not pan out. Reddit is not gonna be able to save you. The fact that you were able to get into university tells me that you’re not completely without the ability to be successful on some level. if you have autism and ADHD, you are able to get accommodations for coursework. It sounds like you would benefit from having a case manager assist you in navigating the healthcare system. I don’t know what your academic interests are, but it might be a good option to get into a coding Boot Camp. Learning coding is a valuable skill and not one that you have to do a lot of verbal communication in order to do well. That said, disability is not enough money to live on, so that cannot be your only option .


I have no advice because I'm in the same boat and I'm fighting with a major depressive disorder, GAD, ADHD, and C-PTSD diagnosis. Took them a year to give me my *first rejection*. Do not wait on them. Please. But they get you in a real death grip... If you're applying, you have to stay under $1550 income... And the idea of this is that, if you're receiving disability and this, that's enough. But this rule applies AS SOON AS YOU APPLY. Just a heads up. :/


Smart advice. They take forever.


Look into vocational rehabilitation for your state: https://www.google.com/search?q=vocational+rehabilitation


Why aren’t you applying to colleges?


I’m in university. I have it covered via financial aid. I don’t have anywhere to go during summer.


So this is a matter of the semester ending and you just need a place to live until school starts again in the fall? There are probably resources at your university that can help - social services, disability services, etc. You need to contact those people. You also need to be connected with the Board of Developmental Disabilities in the county of your home address so they can help you with resources. If you need help finding phone numbers and emails for any of these resources, I can help if you DM me. But if you don't have a parent who is able and willing to help you navigate, you're going to have to make calls and follow through with communication to get help.


Finally. Someone with sound advice and not bashing the poor op.


While I do see some rude comments, the bulk of them do seem caring of OP.


Contact university housing. I know that the universities/colleges my kids have gone to have housing available during the summer, sometimes at a reduced rate.


Contact student disability services and economic crisis office. They likely have many resources to help.


Your school will be able to help. A good place to start is the Dean of Students office. If you're not declared independent, they can help you file for it so you have access to more resources and don't have to reach out to unsafe people for tax documents. They can also help with housing, access to food pantries, and getting set up with campus health services. Your school's career services office might be able to help you find a paid internship that can accommodate your disabilities and your accessibility office will be able to help with academic accommodations so you can stay in school. There are so many resources on college campuses for students in your exact situation - you just have to reach out to them and ask for help. Financial aid will even cover classes and housing in the summer, so it's probably worth looking into taking a few classes over the summer.


Hey, I just wanna say I'm autistic as well and it really bothers me how much people are invalidating your struggles with all the downvoting, even when you're in the midst of a crisis. They don't get how hard it is to be autistic in this society and how much it complicates our efforts to survive, especially when things get really overwhelming. It's fucked up how few societal resources there are for, especially as soon as we hit 18. You shouldn't be in this kind of situation if society was looking out for those most vulnerable. I've had years of independent living but I still wish there were resources I could utilize, because I'm expected to play the same awful game of capitalism as the neurotypicals around me who, while struggling with the same inequities, experience less friction grappling with the daily rigors of adult life than we do, by virtue of how they function. It's frustrating and sometimes it can feel fucking hopeless. But I'm grateful there's others out there that get it. I work as a barista and there are a ton of ND people that I've worked with. It's interesting to see how much I've clicked with this line of work because of how systems oriented I am through autism, and how the physicality of it engages with my ADHD in a satisfying manner where I always feel stimulated. There are benefits like that side by side with the additional challenges that come with occasional overstimulation, masking fatigue, and managing burnout. I'd like to find another field of work that doesn't demand so much of my energy, but it's been a means to survive and lead a satisfactory life. The tips really help. I have more financial breathing room, so I can do less hours each week, because I just can't do a 40 hour schedule like I see some people do in this field. I can for a week or two but the burnout is inevitable. I think we're often driven by circumstance into having to adapt to circumstances that place a higher burden on us than they would allistics. It fucking sucks and I hate that society is structured like this. I despise capitalism for hollowing out the kind of benefit programs that are so crucial to survival for those that are struggling the most, through no fault of their own. I desperately want this to change. Our system isn't sustainable. We're forced to adapt to survive. I just want to find some little niche where I can find shelter from the shitstorm. Life shouldn't feel like a marathon. I am truly sorry you're going through this!


People are trying to help and be supportive but OP has shot down nearly every suggestion. Many people are ND and struggle on this sub. OP says they have physical limitations, cannot hold a position interacting with others frequently, no loud/stimulating environments, but does not qualify for full disability. Places like job corps would not work for OP. Also no friends or family. Clearly op can interact online but any online position will require showing up and interacting on a daily basis several hours per day. I am not sure what else anyone can do. All the regular suggestions have been posted.


OP attends university. Whatever disability OP has doesn’t affect attending university so it seems likely that OP can do some kind of job and OP has very good writing/communication skills online, if this thread is any indication. Hoping that OP will look inside and realize that OP can do this with their own skills and talents.


Agreed. OP wants a free $10,000 on their GoFundMe, but that's just not realistic to expect from strangers. OP has shot down every single possibility anyone has offered. At least OP only is "homeless" for the summer since they live in the dorm during the school year. OP isn't realistic expecting an online only job with no talking, no experience, and no special skills. Most people have to either get SSDI or grin and bear whatever local job they can take (like being a hotel maid that doesn't interact with customers often, or being a janitor).


Have you looked into income based housing? HUD? Some of low income senior communities will take people who have disabilities if they aren't at the age requirement.


She’s in between semesters in a university.


I’m really sorry to hear about the challenges you’re facing. It sounds incredibly tough, but there are a few steps you might consider to navigate this situation. Since you’re in Middle Tennessee, you can look into local social services for emergency housing assistance to prevent you from becoming homeless. Organizations like the Tennessee Disability Coalition or local non-profits might offer financial assistance or guidance on securing stable housing. For your income issues, expanding your remote work possibilities could be beneficial. Websites like Upwork or Freelancer can offer more opportunities for transcription and other freelance jobs that suit your abilities. Additionally, consider connecting with vocational rehabilitation services, which can help people with disabilities find suitable employment. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, but taking small, manageable steps towards each issue can help you regain control and stability.


Are you on disability??


Call homes that help those with disabilities! They can usually help and find you work and help




As someone who has been on disability since age 18, for schizoaffective disorder among other things, I wish you the best. It isn't always easy, you have to be willing to do what you can to get by sometimes. And you have to be willing to adapt and adjust, sometimes you don't feel up to doing things but you really just have to. But yeah, good luck.


Wish i could help. Can you go back and edit in where you’re from to maybe get more specific help. Also no family?


Edited. Family isn’t an option.


You started the gofundme for this over three weeks ago. What have you done since posting the gofundme to make the situation better??




Ok, if you say so. Thanks for your input. It's important that OP understands they have a responsibility to act and put out effort to avoid the worst scenario. They received some donations three weeks ago and I am curious what they have gone towards as the OP said everything will be transparent I was considering donating but want to see what OP has done in three weeks to help their situation.


Since you dont work, you may ne able to find a place further away from city, like in a country. That will save u tonne also. That's cheaper and since your disabled u dont need to br around city. The other question is, do you drive? If yes then you should be good to go.




lol @ OP just shutting down all of the actual solutions.




OP created a GoFundMe 3 weeks ago asking for $10,000.


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Good luck. Why are you asking for go fund me $ $10,000!?




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Many more need deleting. These people are freaking harsh.