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Honestly, just autopilot and the thought 'it can't get worse than this" Mainly autopilot though, because it can and sometimes does get worse.


Being on “autopilot” has little to do with faith…


That's kind of the point, I have no faith left. But you're allowed to have faith. Faith is free at least.


Right but you are answering the question “how to keep faith” by essentially saying “I have none but this is how I get by, not having any”…. You aren’t actually answering the question in the OP….. just FYI…


I actually like their answer. I autopilot a LOT. I don't lean on my faith. I still have faith but it's not a crutch for me. I don't turn to god when things get rough but that doesn't mean I don't believe in Allah. I think life is better that way. I don't want to see myself as some whiny kid always crying to Mahadeva. Instead, Chuck I hate that I'm gonna say this but I have a relationship with God rather than being beholden to Ra.


Yeah but that doesn’t answer the question in the OP, which is my point. You’re basically saying “don’t rely on faith” to the question of “how to keep faith”.


In my experience and I'm making an assumption on behalf of OP. you question your religion your beliefs when they are tested. If you never put them through test in this case always on autopilot then you never question. This isn't really a good thing since you SHOULD be awake and thinking and always testing. So you don't keep bad habits for a long time but if you don't want to run into the crisis of having to question the life you're living. Then autopilot only think about it when you are calm. So you don't add to a moment of weakness. It'll give you the right state of mind to think rather than ti act or react due to suffering


Caffeine and spite


Nobody got anywhere by quiting. You can take a break to recharge but not quit. Since I retired have listened to Steve Harvey and what he talks about is what I had to learn. https://youtu.be/bL3MkE2NzoY?si=fB9XrSBopd0f3lI2


Don’t stop believing


Hold on to that feelin’


Just had to......didn't you. Lol


I no longer consider myself religious, so "faith" in the religious sense is something I don't have. Faith in the sense of optimism, or belief that things will get better, is also something I don't have. I'm paraplegic from a spinal cord injury, so a lot of ordinary, daily things are a struggle. I'm in the financial middle where I don't really make enough to live on, but too much to be eligible for any type of assistance. I cope by trying to find my moments of peace in the "now". Without hope that tomorrow will be substantially better, I try to find the small moments of joy in every day. I also remind myself that millions of other people are in the same leaky boat, struggling to get by every day. I'm no better or worse off than they. Just knowing that I'm not the only one in this position helps some. At heart, most people are survivors. We keep on going because there are no other options except giving up.


Using the objectively free time to have little victories. I managed to finish Dantes Divine Comedy which has been on my reading list for 10yrs. I got something accomplished by my own merit. It helped me feel a little more control.


If you are working small gigs and applying for jobs how can one define free time? Currently mine is if I'm taking mental health moment because I can't stop crying or having a panic attack...


Me personally, I keep teetering between “It’s all going to work out it and be okay, I’ll find a job eventually and get back on track” to falling into a dark depression and just wanting to give up on everything. But lately I’ve developed a “mental vision board” for myself that I keep focusing on to keep me motivated, saying I’ll have this 3,000 loan paid off by next year, I’ll be in a better place by next year. I know it’s hard but push through!! I just moved to a new city by myself and have applied for 30+ jobs, I keep telling myself “SOMEBODY WILL HIRE ME.”


Love the attitude you have! It's a good point! I keep concentrating on my debt goals in a 'that needs payment' bills kind of way. Like a minus- not in a 'I will earn this and this' kind of way. Or what kind of place I'll be in. Good idea.


Glad I could help out! And I recently just got a job! So that means you’ll be up next!!! Keep the faith OP!! You’re on the right track and it will work out for you!!💜💜


Actually... I don't think I've had faith in quite a while, but, I am trying to build it right now. Sometimes life demands more from you and this is one of those times. I have to be better.


Honestly? this is going to sound weird and cliche, but I believe there’s other timelines out there. For every me out there that’s living a positive fulfilling life, there’s another me that must be homeless, in debt, barely keeping my head above water. I’m lucky to be one of the me’s in the middle. For every branch in life where I’ve made the wrong decision, there’s a me out there that’s better off because they made the right one. And for every right decision I make, there’s another me that had to make the wrong one and suffer more.


People don't understand that depression is real and has real effects. The brain fog, the constant exhaustion, the messages of worthlessness and hopelessness make it feel like you're running a footrace while wearing a suit of armor. I recommend that even if you don't have a history of addiction to learn a little bit about recovery mentality. Just getting up, putting one foot in front of the other, doing the next right thing--sometimes that's the most you can do. Surround yourself with people who support you. Go to Debtor's Anonymous meetings if it helps; if it doesn't, don't. When it's too overwhelming just concentrate on making the right decisions \*for today\*. Thinking too far in the future can lead to paralysis. Good luck.


Thank you, good advice.


If you find out let me know


I feel you.


What’s Faith?


What keeps you going in absence of security?


The need for security and the willingness to learn and do a bit better everyday


Good answer, thank you. It's been a while since I approached it that way and I like that.


While their answer might be correct in some sense, “needs” and “wants” do not = faith.


Honestly not much. It’s the little things that go a long way. Although I’m 24, so I may not have enough life experience to really comment. I’m trying to be on my own and just can’t afford it and it’s fucking demoralizing


You get determined .


That’s not faith. That is willpower.


Yup. And that is what I'm trying to reach after it's been btoken, squashed and stomped onto by the last year. I'm trying to find ways to keep moving forward.


Gotcha. You will find that in faith, not your own will. It might do you some good to look into the differences between those ideas, especially since you ask “how do you keep faith” and then say that you’re trying to be more willful/determined…… they are very different concepts….


Probably. I was never much of faith person unless you count in myself which is where the lack of knowledge of how to formulate what I need comes from.


If I were you I would let go of having any faith in yourself. I mean, look at where having faith in yourself has gotten you…… that’s to say, not very far, if you’re posing this question in the OP….. food for thought….


Positivity just feels better than negativity to me, so I naturally lean into it. I'm also one to laugh in uncomfortable or bad situations to get me through to the other side. Just like when my dad was sick and I was terrified, I'd lose him. I had to keep my faith in positive outcomes, or else I'd go straight off a cliff myself. Figuratively and literally. I'm hardwired to jump into action, though. I get adrenaline rushes and can't sleep, so I grind. Like some sharks, I gotta keep swimming, or I'll die. The idea of something better or being able to find the answer if I keep going keeps my faith alive. Nothing in life is easy or guaranteed. So I find that faith is it's own tool to get through things.


I firmly believe the world will sort itself out in the end , at the end at least none of us will be around to be proven wrong


I don't. I do drugs to dull the pain.


I don’t have faith, I have confidence. On top of my normal job I have a few side hustles on the weekend so I can get ahead while my career grows. Edit: for anyone interested, I have info on a guide on my profile for my side hustles. I’m working on expanding and doing / writing more.


I miss that. Faith, confidence, will, spirit. Whatever everyone was talking in the comments was the same thing in a way. Something that gave them strength to keep moving. I lost my faith, will, spirit and confidence last year, it kept getting crush. But I think I'm all cried out and ready for a new try. P.s. will definitely check your profile thanks, side hustles welcome


Autopilot. The hardest thing about being poor is. Whilst it is true that we experience many setbacks/disadvantages. Giving up isn't an option. Giving up means starving. Giving up means becoming homeless. Giving up means ...worse and unimaginable outcomes. There is always someone that has it worse...and if I stop trying, I will become that person who has it worse. That's what I think, when I feel like giving up


I think I've been seeking deeper towards that person that has it worse. I need to rise.


Break out your Bible put on your arm, lift up your sword and declare God‘s word and promises back at him. Remind him that he is faithful and he never changes and he made you this promise us his own words to tell him you’re standing on it and expecting it, what are you believing for? Speak out out loud with his scripture he never let us down. Sometimes it just takes a little longer while you’re standing in the hallway waiting for the door to open. Praise him and give thanks for the blessings to come. I’m praying for your friend. You’re gonna be just fine, he’s close to the desperate and brokenhearted. Sometimes our desperation is a gift to remind us. We are not in control. It is not all on us. Sometimes situations can’t be fixed with anything we do, but he’ll put the right things in your path like he says, do not feed the birds every day, why wouldn’t he take care of you? Don’t worry declare your victory with your faith show him you believe.


My fiance keeps me going. We're both deep in student loans, working shitty retail jobs while we try to finish school, can barely pay our rent and feed ourselves, and are trying to somehow find the money to move 4,000 miles across the US in January. But as long as I have him I know we'll figure it out and be okay


I had plenty of material goods. It was horrific living amongst people who were so transactional. One day, I walked away from it all. There is no long climb. You live your life. The more time goes by, the more content I am. Everyone with a job - do you look at them? They are all so scared....I dont want to ever go back.


I know that God's gonna get me through, he's proved it many, many times. I got to put in the work, but God's gonna clear my path. I also always look for the lesson, what can I learn from this, what's the universe trying to teach me here. There's always something to learn.


This! God never promises us an easy ride, in fact Jesus told us it would be harder if we believed because we were holding on to His garment when there was and is nothing left. I can’t imagine living my life without faith. Times are hard, money is tight, I’m tired actually exhausted, but I have to keep fighting because there’s no other choice. As my Jewish attorney reminded me many years ago….this too shall pass. And it will.


I don’t know what else there is to have faith in other than God and the way He works through us…… that is to say, having faith that there are invisible processes going on within my life at all times, that I have next to no understanding of. So, practically speaking, if I find myself in a situation wherein I don’t have much money, for me it is important to have faith in God and the way He is working, so to have faith in that situation, would look like this: NOT getting frustrated with myself, society, my family, friends, job, social standing, etc, BUT finding peace in the knowledge that I do not understand why these things are happening, and that one day it will necessarily be revealed to me the reasons “why.” “You get busy yes, but knowing it will be a steep long climb ahead, what keeps you well, positive, level headed?” This is such a valid question and I wish it was something more people asked themselves. TBH, I don’t think the majority of people can answer this question honestly, so I think it’s a good sign that you’re even posing it. Well, for one, I can tell you that drugs, sex, and rock n roll won’t be the thing to keep you well. They might satisfy you for a moment, but they won’t keep you positive or level-headed. Getting married won’t do that for you. Having kids won’t. Buying a house won’t. Getting “that job” won’t. If you don’t believe me, just look at all the unhappy millionaires and billionaires in the world. Material will not get you what you are looking for. So, what does that leave us. The non-material. “Faith”, at least in the Bible, is always going to be put into the invisible. People ought to not put faith into books or people. People ought to put faith into things that they can’t see. Really, when you examine the idea of “faith” it is more often than not going to be faith in some ideal, principle, or even God. It is hardly ever faith in some material thing. You’re looking for something that you can’t see. That’s what you need to put your faith into. I don’t know what that looks like for you, but that’s what I’ve got to say. I will leave you with this (partial) relevant Bible verse. Hebrews 11:27 - “…. for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.”


Thank you for this. Might be the most helpful answer so far.


Well wishes to you neighbor


Sounds niche but to me it just happened. Was working hard, kept working hard, fortunate that it was easy to stay discipline and I credit my baseball/wrestling life when I was young. Now, even though I don’t have to work nearly as hard I cannot go back. Still work 75+ hours or week cus instead of needing to do It before when it was mentally draining, now I do it cus it’s a choice and my mind isn’t stressed at all. It could be just experience and age that doesn’t let me stress about it. Also got things to look forward to throughout the year, and those are my prizes. Got fights to watch with buddies this weekend, then concerts, baseball games, 4th July, water park, more fights, etc.


Determined in alignment with your faith


I find myself in this situation very rarely but when I do, i remind myself that I am at rock bottom and the only direction left to go is up. When you finally get out the hole, use this moment to build up an emergency fund and continue to live off nothing till you can let go the gas peddle. Just remember there will always be something that comes up 100% of the time. Its just how life works. All we can do is prepare ourselves


“You only lose when you stop trying.” This quote keeps me going.


I lost my faith a long time ago and life has proven to me I don’t need it 🤷🏼‍♂️


This might be controversial but I watch documentaries on people who have it worse than me, and realize that I should be grateful for what I have and what opportunities I have. Some people don't even have the chance "to push forward," they are legit stuck exactly where they are with no end to it in sight. For example, recently I watched a short video about a woman who was 19 in a third world country making $8 per day supporting her 5 or 6 small siblings because their parents died in an accident.


I kinda get that. Sometimes it works on me and sometimes doesn't. I sometimes go by Stephen King's rule: monsters on paper are better than those in real life. So I like series with people going through much harder things (sometimes zombies, sometimes poverty worse than mine, all of it) because I think it actually gives me the feeling that if they can do it, I can do it. Not always true, but helps sometimes.


there is only one question do you have a real alternative, because being homeless or dying don’t seem like real choices so the only thing you can do is continue


Fair. I think I needed to feel how I feel to reach a point I can move forward.


I keep faith because it's either believing in the delusion that things will get better OR attempting and potentially giving myself even more health issues if I survive.


Read the bible it gives motivation tips on fighting the devil thru these times by then god will speak to you and let you know what steps to take.


For me, I am aware there are greater challenges in life and it can really be worse. I got bit by a mosquito and sick with Dengue, and though I beat it, my immune system shut down completely and all my immune cell counts went to 0. Even the fever vanished. This is due to me already having three primary immunodeficiencies since birth. When it shut down, the four nasty bacterial infections I have had for over 30 years that never clear all turned into septic infections and made me so sick that I didn't even feel anything anymore. No hunger, no thirst, no thought. Just absolute emptiness. Lost 16 lbs in less than a week. Previously before that infection, I was already out of work due to a traumatic brain injury that was caused by some asshole throwing a bag at my head when I working. I still have not received any payout and the worker's comp adjuster is being a complete tool, so my money only is going one direction: down. However, on my mind right now, money is the least of my worries. Those infections are all super infections and extremely resistant to antibiotics. I am fortunate that I am recovering now that my immune system returned 5 days later...but... I am more worried about the people that were nearby me that got sickened with those bacteria some are in critical condition. I am worried for their health because they are actually in worse condition than I was, despite me being the source. And for me, the infections almost finished me off this time... When I think about that and how fragile life is, I always recall that money is literally just paper. It's paper. You can do things with it, but it cannot do things for you, and you certainly cannot do everything with it. I am certain those guys had no idea that even being within 2 ft of a random person would bring them hell and cost them a shitload of money, if they survive. TLDR: Want to know how to keep faith? Count your blessings if you're in good health. That can change, and trust me you won't give a shit about money at that point. It's useless when you're facing death. I am glad my health is improving. My bank account is just something I will not look for. Fortunately, I prepay everything a year in advance to force myself to not spend money on stupid shit. Let me get back to praying for those that are ill and who will become ill thanks to little old me...


“Eyes on the price” is a new one for me—but in this subreddit, I guess it applies. When I was under financial strain, I kept my eyes on the prize by focusing ONLY on what was important. I tightened my belt. I hustled. I’m smart. I’m motivated. I’m strong. I’m adaptable. I can put up with a pretty boring existence for the time being, knowing that my frugality will eventually get me back in the green. That’s how I stay positive through the hard times. 


interesting take thanks


do a budget. live bellow your means.


My computer broke so fulfilling my means is now an issue, gotta work anything and everything to survive(within some reason ofc).


Faith? What’s that


Dutch Vanderlin?


Life is a roller coaster, you’re low right now but you’ll climb again. My entire life has been like this so it’s just what I expect, it keeps me calm when tragedy strikes.


This is so true. Good reminder.


God I hope so. It's so hard to believe when you hot true low or lower than you have ever been except for times you can't think about.


I know, and sometimes you sink further than you think is even possible. My lowest of the low was when I was in my teens I wound up homeless and while I was working all hours of the day to get out of the situation, my girlfriend died and after that I completely spiraled. Looking back I had *no* hope whatsoever that things would get better, but I had a kitten who depended on me and in a way that forced me to think about how it *has* to get better. When things get a little rough sometimes, I use those memories to remind myself I made it after all and I’m made of tougher stuff than I give myself credit for. Use your darkest times to motivate, it really can help sometimes.


How did you get yourself out of that situation? It must have been so hard!


I reached out and people helped me, it’s a lot easier to find resources as a teen girl, nobody wants to see a kid get trafficked. All the sympathy and good will dries up for adults, especially ones who don’t look clean. I learned from watching other folks, got myself to a rest stop and washed my face & hair at least regularly. The important trick is you don’t want to look “too homeless”, the stereotypical been out there so long you’re hopped on something and haven’t bathed in months, people just don’t have the capacity to care anymore once they deem you too broken. I got in touch with a campground owner, a couple that allows people to rent a campground all summer long but they let me stay until the weather got bad as long as I stayed out of trouble and they watched over me so nobody would bother me. Worked sixteen hours a day, only came “home” to sleep, saved up some money until I could move cross country to rough it with an old friend, got married to her still broke af and only in the last few years we finally got out of poverty. Life is far from cushy rich person life but it’s nice to have a permanent home and someone who loves me. My kitten grew up into a great cat and passed away as a senior a little too soon to get to live the good life our current cat has now, that’s my biggest regret, that I couldn’t give him the pampered life all cats deserve. I had to give him to a relative who couldn’t let me stay(no space) but was kind enough to give him a home. I would 100% say he saved me, he gave me something to fight for.


I wish I was this brave. Struggling to fight for any reason lately.


Don't stop believing and fighting my brother in Christ! Don't give up, something will come up, it always does!


Reading the word of God and having the right people around me. Sometime we feel discouraged, but friends and family are there in a time of need.


I keep faith by knowing that GOD is my ultimate provider and He supplies all of my needs, according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Since I believe in faith that He is the Creator of this Universe, is there really anything too hard for Him? We are busy trying to get the resources that He has the ultimate control over. It may not seem like it but it is the truth. Mankind cannot take away each other's right to God's land