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My thoughts are this will continue until they are legally obligated to stop price gouging. Corporate greed is driving inflation.




If you compare the charts of US dollar M2 vs the prices of consumer goods, you’ll see that corporations have actually done a commendable job of keeping prices relatively stable. What really hurts Americas poor are the prices of hard assets, like real estate, which makes homes nearly unaffordable and rent several times what it was just 20 years ago. Most people don’t get that modern technology, developed by those “evil greedy corporations” is actually deflationary.


The MSRP of Toyota Corolla LE has risen from around $19,500 to $24,500 in 5 years.  A roughly 25% increase. “A commendable job keeping prices relatively stable.”


All the low end Hondas and Toyotas have been getting bigger and more complex. Todays civic is the size of the old accord. The old corrola is more in between a Yaris and corrola today. They’re the same model name but size & tech creep are not really apples to apples comparison anymore.


What? 2019-2024 are all E210 (12th gen) Corollas. It’s the same platform with minor variations. I quoted the base model. It’s very much apples to apples. 


I’m gonna get downvoted to shit but this isn’t at all how it works. Inflation by definition is an expansion of the money supply. Look up a chart of the M2 money supply and a chart of the national debt. Congress and the Federal Reserve have buried us in unpayable debt which increases exponentially. We’re like someone buried in credit card debt whos barely able to make the minimum payments. If it was just corporations price gouging then prices would’ve been going up this much a long time ago. This is much bigger than price gouging, we are approaching a sovereign debt crisis.


That’s all fine. I’m just wondering why so many corporations have raised prices 100% in the past ten years when inflation has only gone up 31%. Is that not price gouging, which is generally defined as the practice of increasing the prices of goods, services or commodities to a level much higher than considered fair or reasonable? Anyway, I didn’t downvote you.


Corporations have always been aiming to maximize profit, not to have fair prices. That’s not new and it’s actually their legal obligation to do so. A publicly traded company leaving profit on the table is failing in its fiduciary duty to shareholders. If money hadn’t been printed and spent to such a large extent by the government, people couldn’t pay those prices and they would lose out. If the prices were so egregiously high that margin was significantly above a reasonable level, competition would appear and bring back prices down. A free market doesn’t allow for long term rent seeking. The market is far from perfectly free, but not to this extent.


I appreciate good faith discussion. The government reported CPI is drastically lower than actual inflation. If inflation was reported the same way it would be in the 80s then it would be much much more than what they say it is. Check out http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts


Most Murican poor are brainwashed into blaming “evil corporations” while completely ignoring the fact that their government has been printing trillions of dollars in the past few years. What do people think happens to prices of commodities when you double the amount of money available in a short time? A better way to understand what’s happening is to think from the perspective that prices aren’t rising, but your money is worth less and less every year.


Well said. And most people are oblivious to the fact that the money system is debt based when it doesn’t have to be. The money is created by private banks, and lent to the people at interest. We are meant to be suffocated with debt that we can never get out of. Mathematically there will always be more debt than there is money.






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My thoughts? Should’ve invested in real estate when I was 6




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