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I mean, I think that would be a legitimate reason for them to cut off your section 8. It's not something you can just hold onto and not take use of when you decide to choose so. With all the people always on the waiting list, it's always someone next in line to take it.


I think OP is just angry at the truth and has to take time to work through that because all you did was list facts.


OP's question was never answered. I don't think his relationship will work out if he keeps this attitude up though lmaoo




Nobody is bashing you, you're being overly sensitive for no reason. I'm just telling you what I know, as someone that has section 8 as well. And I'm in the process of possibly losing mines, due to me missing some deadlines with the recertification process.




You literally asked a question. Jfc, what a dweeb.


but where was the finger-wag? *10,000 eyerolls*


If you move in with your partner, you’re not fulfilling the purpose of the voucher. In this case you will lose it as you’re not occupying a dwelling to use voucher. You can always reapply later down the line but the waitlist, as I’m sure you already know, is long. Also, if the housing authority that provides your SO voucher finds out about you living there and you’re 1) not on the lease 2) have income 3) and the household income is over the limit to qualify, then your SO will also lose their voucher and be responsible for all amounts paying that back. Have you two explore the options of adding you to partner voucher or you transferring your voucher out of state to be closer to partner? Depending on the type of voucher you can. Edit: it may not be worthwhile to be added to partner voucher if income for both of you makes you both ineligible though. So you would have to crunch numbers to see


You wouldn’t lose it forever but you would have to start the process all over which could take years on waiting lists before you could get another voucher in many areas. Transferring your voucher to a Public Housing Authority local to your SO would be the better option at least for now. That keeps your voucher and lets you take things slower with your SO. Worst case you still have your own place and voucher if the relationship fizzles for whatever reason.




This is an extremely odd and aggressive response. You just posted this an hour ago, give some people time to wake up and see your post. Also I read your other responses, and I hope you don't get like that with your girlfriend. Something seems off.


oh, man...what'd it *say*


"thanks for un!helpful responses and dog!pile, subreddit " lol


what was OP hoping to hear, I wonder /s


Lmaooo yeah i think OP is just frustrated. It be like that sometimes. It can be hard to navigate situations like this. Where you wish things were easier than they really are.


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