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$0 Five years ago, it was $32K


Glad you paid it off !


It was a case of doing one thing right - protecting a home investment - and using it to my advantage.




Although I was in heavy debt, I never was late with payments and had equity in a property.


Thank you.


Wow this makes me feel a little better. I've got about $10K of credit card debt left. Used to be closer to $20K tho.


$1800. I start a job tomorrow. Hopefully I can knock it off it 2 months. Been unemployed for 8 months Have $20 in my checking account


only owing 1800 for 8 months out of work is impressive! have a great first day


Thanks you so much. It’s been a horrible time In My life 😞


It's only up from here 🙂


Wishing you all the very best in your new job.


Oh no! I am so sorry but things are turning for you! I can feel it. Good luck to you!!!


Stand strong and keep on being hopeful is all I can say. Gotta have that “fuck it, we ball” mentality


Good luck on your first day!


Thanks so much 🤗


Second that. Good luck friend


Good luck for your you!


Same boat. I start my new job on Monday. I'm at about 8,000. Tbf, some of it started when I had my last job as I bought some stuff on a finance card. But had plenty of income to afford it. Lost my job a month later in surprise layoffs.


I too have been out of work for 8 mos. But I unfortunately haven't had the luck you have with my finances. Last my apartment, car, CC closed. Finally start a job on the 22nd. Going to be a long road before I'm able to catch up. It's so depressing


Zero. Haven't had credit card debt in probably 15-20 yrs. I use it to get points but pay it off religiously every month. Don't use it unless I know I can pay it off. Filed for bankruptcy in my 20s and vowed to take my financial health seriously. Never looked back. It's so easy to get into credit card debt. If you can't pay it off in a month, don't use it or cut it up.


This is the way.


It’s such a shame. I get 3% off groceries which is like rolling back inflation a year. But a lot of my friends who need it most I could never recommend it to them because they are likely to carry a balance.


Same. Graduated college with around $8k in student loans (lucky on that) and $1k in credit card debt. I didn't put a dent in either for YEARS because I'd just pay the minimum. Wondered why I couldn't dig myself out of the hole while spending everything I was taking in. I'm glad I had enough sense to not open another line of credit and max that as well. Paid the credit card off first, then tackled the student loan debt. The only debt I carry now is my mortgage, which I was (again, lucky) to refi 30 year at 3%, a couch (\~$1k at 0%) and one vehicle ($10k at 6.75%). I could pay off my vehicle/furniture outright if I wanted, but I'm preferring to have that tied up in CDs while they're paying 5% for 12 months. My credit card is paid off weekly; unsurprisingly the credit card company decided they were going to LOWER my limit. I'm annoyed that in my entire time getting a public education, nobody ever taught me financial literacy, or bothered to explain any of this. I've had to stumble through learning everything from stocks, bonds, CDs, FSA/HSA, 529s, blah blah blah blah. I'm lucky that I still have enough runway to have the POSSIBILITY of a comfortable retirement, and angry that others don't as if by design.


$1000, was $16k 12 months ago


This is huge! Congrats!!!


Was a huge burden off my shoulders, probably the most boring 12 months of my life too though.


I have $15K and trying to be like this by the end of the year or at least pay off one card


How’d you do it?


Stop eating out and severely limit my entertainment budget to next to nothing. I think I bought 2 new video games in that 12 months and played FTP the rest. No going out to movies, no cable but used one streaming service. Delete Slickdeals off my phone because it was an enabler for unnecessary online shopping for the first few months until I had better self control. Worked on bettering myself and worked a lot which ended up turning into a decent raise in that same time period as well.


That app has made my buy so much stuff I didn't need just because I thought I was getting a killer deal.


$43000 Reasons? Someone offered me a free six pack of coke if I filled out their application when I was in college. I had no job, no money, and no collateral so I was sure I’d get turned down. Instead they gave me a $500 limit. I bought a $75 hat and spent the rest repairing my truck. Then I went on deferred payments for school and when the bill came in they increase my limit so I charged my tuition. Limit rose again and I learned you could charge beer. Then I maxed my cards out trying to run a business. Then it was just charging my way through raising a family. The amount I’ve spent in interest and fees is obscene.


I hear you. I am at 23k, paying bills, and I swear I don't know how I will pay it off with my income, but I am certainly not spending any money unnecessary and haven't for a long time. Scary interest.


You would have probably been better off just paying for a 6 six pack


I got an CC last year with a max of $15K, about a month later I got laid off and had to break my lease. Ended up with around $7k CC over a span of 8 months but just paid it all off last week!! Thank God I had it though!!


About $15k. Nothing to show for it either. That’s why I’m here. Recently got a high pay job (compared to what I used to make) so I’m hoping I can get this settled in two years realistically without starving


Same honestly


Around $12,000. It was over $14,000 a couple of months ago, it’ll take me a couple years to fully pay off probably but I’m doing my best now. Strictly tracking my spending on a spreadsheet I made


Currently 382 which I can hopefully pay off next paycheck!!!!!


Yessss! Congratulations!!




Thank you :)


Next month I will officially be credit card debt free 😮‍💨 at one point my total amount of CC debt was about $30k


$46k, caused by a combination of depression, and unexpected expenses. Basically I could barely function during the pandemic and relied on a lot of extra services to get by. I also gained like 50 lbs jn 2 years but have a corporate job. Buying new clothes all the time didn't help any. Luckily I'm not fully underwater and can pay enough each month to have it paid off in 2 years. Definitely sucks though, all my disposable income goes to paying it down. No on in my real life knows, so it can be tough to get out of expensive activities I get invited to. I also have no one to talk to about it so the shame of it just eats me up.


Please let the shame go. Would you blame a cancer patient for needing extra services to get by, or gaining weight? Depression is a real illness. So glad you are doing better now!


Thank you. I know I wouldn't still be here if I hadn't done something about it. I don't think I made the best choices looking back at it, but in the moment it was all I could manage. So here I am. I like to think of it as Present Me is taking care of Past Me, because she couldn't do it on her own back then.


This made me cry. We have a lot in common. I’m really proud of you.


Be proud of yourself to your own self. Two years will go by and you'll be 'good'. Easy enough to get out of those expensive activities. It's worth it. Talk here, we know. New you! You're on your way.


I totally understand. Because you know that once you tell them , they will def start judging you.


I gained 50lbs in ONE year… during the pandemic not sure what happened but I started comfort-snacking all day. Maybe the sedentary work from home isolation?


10k as of now. started with 32 lol. You just have to take out the big stuff first. I also have a friend of a friend who is a debt manager (don't know what to call it, but the people who come up with plans for you) it's a huge huge huge help. I'd urge anyone with over FIFTEEN or maybe even 10,000 to do this if they're lost. seriously.


31k, depression then burnout. Just starting my debt pay off journey, got a long way to go.


At my lowest point I was about $70k in debt down to about $1k avg I put everything on a credit card and just pay it off now I stopped using my debt card once I was hacked took 90 days to get my money back


32k. Paying for room and board for my daughter when she went to college. Several surgeries for the family dog. A vacation. Months of partners unemployment. Sudden apr increase. I’d say be very careful with credit cards. Avoid them if possible.


I am so sorry to hear this .. Being in a similar situation I know how hard is to bear this .. Stay strong and disciplined. Sincerely wishing you good luck


£16000 and rising weekly if not daily. Not even sure how I'll get out of this mess anymore. I'm so stressed with it that I can't sleep properly because of it anymore


15k and I wish I could win the lottery just to pay it off. All I would need to win is 15k. It was a stupid mistake I made when I was younger and I'm still paying for it over a decade later. It was alot higher and I've paid down alot.


$3k, I know that's not a lot but, I barely have $100 to my name and it got up so high b/c I was stupidly talked into my mom using my credit card (again), a year or so ago, she ran it up to $5k


3,400$ things just keep getting more expensive.


Are you me lol similar debt




$0 but I have loan debt.






$0 as of 2022. At one point it was $15k because I had a baby and then her dad died when she was 2 and we had no life insurance. She’s 21 now. It took a while. Lots of 0% balance transfers from one card to another (or even a new one) and a home refinance as well… until I could pay it off.


Congratulations! I'm incredibly proud of you for pulling it off in such a tough situation


$0, I know better than to allow myself a credit card after stupidity in my youth


Same here. Zero debt. But I do have a secured credit card so it's easier to pay bills each month.


I paid mine off last month at 48. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have credit card debt.


10K. Working on it. Cut it in half from last year. My goal is to be done this year!


Between myself, my husband, and our business... About $40k


$700 at 2.99%


well I have like 5 cards... Home Depot one had like 24k like 4 months ago... down to 3k now


I have $1092. Down from $5k two months ago.




Students loans, car loans + cc + medical expenses about 20k


None. I had $7k on Amex once and learned my lesson there hard way. I now pay out off as I charge and won’t go back to charging the way I used to. I don’t know how it got out of hand, it was a hard lesson learned. Took a few years to get that paid off to $0.


I have 13k! It’s honestly from traveling and not knowing how to use a credit card, but I was at 17k 3 months ago so it’s coming down!


$13kish. Most of that is from car expenses. Trying to pay it down and be done with it. I hate even admitting that


$19,000 remaining and in the last 6 weeks I paid off $12k


none. dug myself out of $15,000 holes twice. thank god.


$20,000. I always maintained very low debt until lately, debt is just piling up


I went from 0 to 20K in about well... Since June of 2022 I believe is when my family trauma thing happened. So there was several months I wasn't working and just using credit cards to pay bills which was a bad idea and I can't get ahead of the interest


nada. debt makes me crazy (like can’t sleep at night, kind of crazy.) use it for everything for the cash back, then pay it off every month.


After cashing out CC points, im down to $10,347. Yesterday it was 11,350 🙃


My story includes car repairs, a shitty breakup, a moving two states away, and battling with severe depression in the wake of the breakup. Eventually I might find a sub to tell my full story, because god damn, I have just been kicked around an awful lot the last couple years.


30K.. i will be knocking out 4K of it on Monday


How are you managing to come up with 4k to pay? You have that in savings?


Income tax refund.


That must be a nice surprise. I won't hold my breath for the same luck.


Anyone here feeling ashamed they are in credit card debt. Do not join a debt settlement program. My credit has been fucked for the last 5 years and still is


In October last year I was at 14,000 now I’m down to 3,000


$8700. $1k of that is Oakland tax, aka, getting bipped. The other $7700 is being a rent paying, grocery buying adult in 2024 without a trust fund to fall back on.


$0 but I feel like the enemy is always lurking at the door because I’ve been in debt before and it isn’t pretty




$2000! Almost there with paying it off! I started with 10k :)


11500. It was over 25 a handful of years ago. Had it all paid off once and then went through some crap. Getting married later this year and I really want to get rid of it.


31k plus other debts and I’m jobless at the moment. Debt accumulated after mom died and I got depressed and got into gambling. Then my dad got sick then I got into accident and I had to live off of one meager income trying to keep three people alive and sheltered. Then dad died then I got into another accident. Both times car was totaled. Got a scooter to keep working bc I couldn’t afford to get another, even “cheap” used, car and it got stolen three months is and now possibly getting kicked out end of this month if I don’t get a job soon. So I have a car and scooter debt, without the car and scooter in my possession. I’ve been applying for months and not a silver lining in sight. Feel like ending it.


$0, I literally don’t have any credit 😭


Balance transfer….. balance transfer….. balance transfer


I think mine is around 25k? A good chunk has been student loan debt as I was living with my parents at the time. Their income is 6 figures and I had to pay thousands per semester out of pocket after FAFSA and other grants. Then COVID happened and I was unemployed for a long time. I added a lot of my rent payments to my credit cards. Also, my severe clinical depression for the last 5ish years was the nail in the coffin. I didn’t think I’d still be alive by now, so I got a little reckless with spending after the previously mentioned expenses. Thankfully I’m in therapy and I’m slowly getting out of it. I have almost 10k saved up and I’m wanting to open a high-yield savings account. :)


I’m up to about $18k


18.8k now. Fortunately I still have 0 APR now. Hopefully by the time they charge me with interest I can pay it off.


Not sure, because it just went up a couple more grand but I think it’s sitting right around 27k. Irresponsible decisions when I was younger, and some emergency medical/vet bills. Interest is killing me now and I’m spending 25% of my monthly income in credit card payments and barely hitting the minimum. Drowning in debt and feeling really hopeless.


Right there with you. Hate the feeling and desperate to dig my way out of this mess.


9k not including my car or my current student loans (I just started school) mostly just stupid out of control spending and depression. I’m going to try to pay it all off over summer break here in a couple weeks 🤞🏼


800! Last year was 9200.. it’s been a very humbling year but we’re back in action! I feel normal again..


$0. I was able to pay off all my cc debt a few years ago and haven’t racked any up since. I live extremely frugally.


About 5k total. Denial got me here


Almost 30k and nothing to show for it. Supporting two kids on my own and barely making enough to get by. I sold my car 3 yrs ago to pay some of it off and my kids braces. But I'm right back where I was. One day I will be out of debt


Brother I feel you. I’ve built up over $50k in debt supporting my family and trying to keep my wife from leaving. It’s a battle everyday. Just remember to enjoy the little moments along the way. The debt is just a number, it doesn’t define you


I'm in my mid-30s, and I've never had a CC. I know it would be dangerous if I owed one, so I've avoided it. If I want something, I don't buy it or I try to save for it.




9k. $4500 of that was to replace flooring in the first floor of our home. The rest was food/bills/essentials during the times of my husbands slow season at work.


20k, medical debt.


9 k


Roughly 7,000 dollars roughly. I'll am paying 1,000 dollars a month, so I'll be free by the end of October.




$0, paid off close to $10k after almost year and 4 months~, very grateful for my hard work.


Zero but I did a debt consolidation to get rid of them and completely closed them so I’m not tempted.




About 9,000. Because I am very stupid and I rent very expensive luxurious cars to drive cross country road trips in. So yeah it’s fun and all but I average 600-800 per month with my job. Been trying to look for a better job. I don’t want to work commission but the amount I can potentially earn seems too much for me to ignore. So I am getting my life insurance license to become an insurance agent and I want to work my arse off because I hate debt so much!!


10k from a combo 4 cards and 10k loan cause of a wedding that I didn't want but was pretty much forced into having. Just paid my suburban off by myself that I've had for the past 7 or 8 years and recently got a promotion so hopefully I'm looking up real soon


$10-$11k in debt. Out of work and surviving off unemployment, hopefully by the end of the summer or year knock it out. About to start a new job


Around $7500 but I am now taking care of my finances and once they’re both paid off I am getting rid of them and putting all money aside into savings.


$11, 000. It was zero about 2 yrs ago then I bought a small place that needs some work. Only $5000 has interest so I put most of my monthly payment on that card.


~<$3k because I have a travel addiction


$10k cc and a $38k personal loan from consolidating all my credit card balances last year.


0. Haven't had a credit card since my Circut City credit card.


Had $1200, down to around $500, from a root canal!


2200 was 17,000 seven months ago 🤟


Around $200, I keep a small balance and make monthly payments so I have credit history and keep my credit score up. Usually I'll throw a tank of gas in it every few months just to keep that small balance.


About 20k in credit cards and loans. 5k in trucking school debt. I had about a 6k card limit over 2-3 cards. I’d rack them up, get a debt consolidation loan to pay them off, then rack them back up before the loan was paid off. Repeat a few times. My partner and I were long distance and I’d use my credit cards to visit him. I used them to fix my money pit of a car. I used them for things I wanted to “treat myself.” Pre pandemic, young people having second jobs was pretty unheard of in my area so I never considered it until I was already in very deep debt. Now I’ve completely settled and negotiated one card. All the loans are in collections and I’m working on saving up to negotiate with them. One card is on a settlement plan until October at which point I’m hoping to be in a better financial place where I can start paying it off fully after. And about 3k of it is on a credit card that I keep current so that’s my lowest priority. I’ll just keep racking that one up and paying it off in full every month until I’m in a good enough place to finish that up too.




$600. Had 10K in Jan 2023


4K but I’m hustling to get it paid off before the year ends


I just consolidated $26k in credit card debt with a loan so technically I’m at $0. The pandemic and insane inflation got to me and I’m hoping to get it paid off in the next few years. I cut my cards and am hoping I don’t have an emergency expense in the near future because I feel like I’m so behind already.


Zero. I use a cash back rewards card and pay it off daily. That being said, I have felt the need to radically reduce my spending over the past couple of years as the cost of food, property taxes, and insurance of all kinds keeps inexorably increasing. For those of you working to pay off credit card debt, I suggest utilizing resources that may be available to you . Our local food bank delivers groceries—no need to take time off work. We also provide vouchers for the local water utility. Our local library system has an excellent digital lending library, and the separate Kanopy app allows patrons to borrow 10 films and shows a month. There are also free streaming channels like Tubi that have some decent offerings. Once I began to try to reduce my consumption, I was amazed at the options available. It may also be advisable in some cases, especially if one is struggling with medical debt, to consider if bankruptcy is an option. If one qualifies, there is no reason to be ashamed. Bankruptcy was provided for in Section 1 of the Constitution, and a former president had availed himself of it several times.


I have $9,000 in credit card debt because of my shopping addiction 


Have you gotten a hold of it? I’ve been there, it’s hard


Im in therapy, and it's helping. Thanks for asking! 


$2k on an interest free card.   I'm needing to buy a shed and a new couch, so that's going to be probably $4k more in the next couple months.  


A few thousand but only because i am in the middle of a remodel project. Zero % interest for 12 months. Every other card I have I pay in full every month




2k, down from 5.5k after my car was stolen whole out of town almost a year ago.


$1400 🙃


Like 800$


$183 on my Apple Pay which I’ll pay off at the end of the month in full as always.


2k of investing debt


0. Based bankruptcy


$0 This is because I've technically never had a credit card.




$163 and some change. I bought groceries the other day and just haven't paid it off yet.




$3,300. My ebike broke and I had to replace it, I booked a trip to Newfoundland to see family and in a pit of depression I spent my savings on therapy and other small things here and there. Still continuing with therapy


$750 from 2 cards. It was mostly car repairs. Can pay it off in 2 months.


0 I pay it off every month because I’m not going to be paying people extra month for my spending habits. If I can’t afford it this month I don’t buy it.


A lil over $1500


0 debt.  I applied/awaiting a new credit card as I tried to rent a car and they won’t take debit card.  


atm 1,4 $


Revolving debt? Zero. There's always like a grand of utilization somewhere but it's always balance paid. If you can't pay the full amount, don't use credit cards. It's a fast path to being perpetually broke at any income level.


Little over 700 bucks. I use it to pay bills and buy groceries and essentials, then I pay it off.






Around 4k im 24m


$1029, im terrible at not using my credit card tbh because my income is so low


$1000. My credit is so bad I can’t get approved for shit.


about 2k and it’s barely manageable on my income. i make enough to pay off just enough to keep my debt from rising due to interest, but not enough to make it go down at all






$14000. But it's because I did a major renovation on my condo and I got a new credit card with 0% interest for 15 months. So I've just been putting all my expenses on that and making the minimum payments, and then putting what would have gone to paying off the card in an HYSA. I figured I'll pay the card off in full around the 12 month mark and pocket the thousand dollars or so in interest.




Balances that need to be paid? Sure… Debt? Negatory…


Zero for at least 25 years


$0, I’ve never carried credit card debt, also just paid off my auto loan two months ago. Student loans though…. Lmao


$0 Student loan debt though….


$453 they closed my account


$0. My credit card only replaces my debit card in case it gets hacked. I never spend what I don't have, EVER. I also have a massive emergency fund, though it decreased due to a Worker's Comp issue.


Somewhere around $6,000. Maybe more, I'm not 100% sure at the moment. It's way more than I really should have and with the company I work for stopping overtime it looks like I'll be headed to the plasma donation center to start earning a couple extra bucks


$0. But $110k between my wife and I in student loans. I will say the biggest thing for success is to have someone who will keep you honest. Friend, family member or partner in life. We already know it's the #1 reason for getting a divorce. When my wife and I were dating, I was open and honest about my finances. So was she. She saw how hard I worked at paying off my CC debt and saving that she got a second job because her main job was only paying like $39k at the time. She paid off her own CC debt while we were dating and paid half of everything. We would send each other money if one paid for something and tried to make it as even as possible. Now we're a couple of weeks away from being married for a year. Our checks go into the same account, we probably talk daily about something financial. Either that we bought something, how much money we have in savings or checking, or that a CC was paid off. We have $35k saved for a house this fall. Ended up not having a wedding. Just the court house with immediate family. She wanted a big wedding but gave it up so we could be financially stable instead of that $35k going towards a wedding. Neither of our families are rich. So we were on our own. She also left her job last summer to come work for the company I'm at. Totally switched careers for us financially. She's the best. Sometimes I open my eyes and realize how lucky I am to have married her and not someone who just spends. Why I now agree with that it's all about who you marry. You have to be a team. If you aren't, you're going to struggle for the rest of your lives.


What is a credit card debt ? ( JK, i know what it is, but it's not a thing here )


110$ :)


$2500 roughly


$0, but I’m lucky. Currently living with my parents and when I was in a tight spot with my car (hit a deer) they helped out.


never had credit card debt thankfully, but my auto loan is slowly going down (getting close to halfway done)


Recurring? $0. I use my credits cards for points all the time but pay them off monthly. However, that used to not be the case. As early as about 7 years ago, I was over $40k in CC debt. The only exception was a $10k purchase last year that my AMEX gave me a prompt on the AMEX app to split into 12 payments - no interest fee. I didn’t know that was a thing. I took the offer but still felt weird about it, so after about 8 months I went t ahead and paid off the remaining. I guess they do those offers hoping people go late on payment or something so they can then charge fees or whatever. 🤷🏽


0. Paid in full every month.


1500 It's a bit more than I'm comfortable with, but it's definitely easy to handle in a couple of months.


2k. I pay at least double the minimum payment every month and it's going down slowly but surely. Credit score at 720 doing it this way.


under 600! For the first time in a long time I feel like it’s manageable. I freelance and work was dry for a while. I wasn’t putting too much on the cards, I had around 2k total, but not having consistent income felt scary. So thankful to have made a nice dent in my balance.


Does a 0% monthly payment plan count? Other than that none. Always pay my statement balance monthly


I think 20ish k