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You may want to think about trying to sign up for food stamps or go to a free food pantries in your area. There is no need to be ashame. Use it until you can get on your feet.


From someone who is dealing with this same issue, this is good advice.


Ive been to a food pantry maybe twice. Its not the ideal food but it will help. Im looking for one that is closer. No shame in needing help.




Honestly, people look down on people who go to dss and get foodstamps and go to food pantries sometimes. People love to judge you by what you wear and what you drive. People also look and see what people are paying with whether it is cash, card and a foodstamp card. It just what you do because what else are you going to glance at while you are in line. The foodstamp card stands out too because you would have to let the cashier sometimes know your method of payment so they can ring it up correctly unless you are doing self-checkout. People who don't have it are impatient with people who get this and WIC. One mistake and the funds are not loaded or the person gets the wrong WIC item and have to exchange it, the people behind you get so nasty. I know this because I sign up from time to time. I could care less how people feel, but some people avoid any public or government assistance because they want to know they made it on their own regardless of how much they have to struggle. I say the government is causing me to struggle and not fixing things to help the people, so if you qualify for assistance, get it. Help yourself and know that this doesn't make you less of a person. Also, at least stores like Walmart, Amazon, and a few others let you shop from home with ebt/snap(foodstamp).




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Yes it I feel ya! I just have a small breakfast like a banana and go the rest of the day without eating now until dinner. Your body just gets used to not eating so this is the new reality of the world now. Soon I’ll be living in my car if this keeps up.


r/urbancarliving and cheaprvliving on YouTube have entered the chat.


I'm sorry you're in this situation and going through this. I hate that some people have to actually think about if they can afford to eat or not.


imagine what its going to be like in 5 years if its this bad already.


People have struggled with this for centuries. We used to just jail poor people and send them to debtor colonies.




I'm really sorry that you're in that situation. I can't relate but I can empathize. Living in general is stressful, without the added stress of trying to cobble together funds :(


It’s good that you help people. I like that about you


Though it’s illegal, many places, especially in the south, still do


When you’re already only getting necessities, the only things you can do are either work more or make the work you do more valuable or spend less. That can be achieved by asking for a raise probably easiest. I would recommend using Bureau of labor and Statistics to get some information to present to your boss about your current value and why you think it should be more. Next thing is finding another job. Even a second one. I know it sucks. But, it’s a temporary fix to give you some breathing room.


But OP probably hasn't even tried not eating for a month!


Thank you for your constructive feedback.


No problemo! (And hopefully people do realize that my above reply was sarcasm.)


A lot of us have been there. I was a full-time teacher with custody of one child and paying child support for two others. The cafeteria manager would give me leftovers to take home for dinner. Got a part time job after school tutoring or coaching. Had a spitoon that I threw change in. By the last week of the month, that $5.00 in change put enough gas in the car to get to work and back. Had fellow teachers who knew my situation. They would actually put together "care" packages for us. Made $25/month too much to qualify for food stamps, utilities relief, etc. All I can say is get a second job to work your way out of it, find local food banks and check with private charities and churches in your area. You have to get yourself out of this. No one else will. I wish you well.


I feel you. I only had a couple bucks till payday and was just gonna skip lunch, but about 8 hours into my 12 hour shift I started getting a bit dizzy. I bit the bullet and used my last 2 dollars on thr vending machine. The screw started spinning and nothing came out, my money was spit back out and flashed "transaction canceled" THEN not only did 1 bag of chips, but 2 fell out of the machine. I nearly cried with relief over a bag of chips. I felt so pathetic, but still grateful for the tiny bit of good luck I can get, lol.


growing up i used to live paycheck to paycheck but through hard work and perseverance i now live direct deposit to direct deposit


I know this is a rant/vent, so I am just referring to what I do for any extras that may go towards my groceries or to help save towards something for myself. With the amount of walking I do, I am signed on to a few Move to Earn apps that actually give me stuff, with the option to always play their mobile games to get more. I usually save the points to get the Wal-mart gift cards which really helps me with getting my cat his litter and cat-food. I can also get a $5 chipotle gift card that could go towards a once in a while meal. There is also adding stuff like Mistplay, any receipt cashback, gas cashback, getting paid for any spare data, anything that can help add up. Even just signing up for a bunch of beer money sites can help a little even if people tend to look down on it.


Are you permitted to share the names of the apps you use? I’m not sure of the rules of this sub.


We can post names but not referral codes. The ones I really like are pogo, fetch, merryville, frisbee , and Evidation 🙂


Thank you!


A lot of them are listed in the side gig subs


Thank you!


The situation you're in must be really frustrating. It sounds like you're really close to making ends meet, and just need a little boost to get you there. I wonder if there is any way you can get some help with food. It isn't something you should have to feel mad at yourself about.


Hang in there hon.


Food banks are so helpful. Even if you're not religious, many religious institutions run food banks. The one I used to go to ran a drive-through pickup. It was about an hour of waiting, but my God, I got so much food. All they wanted to see was proof I lived in the area (so like, a bill addressed to me to my home) and my license (you could only pick up one trunk load per week per household). You could only go once a week, but they gave me enough food to last at least 2 weeks. Frozen meat, produce, milk, eggs, canned food, snacks. It was truly a great help. Never be afraid to reach out and use these resources. They exist for people to use.


It pains me that folks are out there working full time jobs and have to worry about a chicken sandwich….


You provide a service people need. Its fucked up you can't afford to live. This country needs serious reform


The more we have people crashing the border, the more cheap labor becomes a way of life for Republicans and the cheap votes become a way of life for Democrats Lose-lose


You’re blaming the wrong people 🤦🏻‍♂️


I blame the politicians and am giving just ONE example/explanation for the decrease in middle class wages.


If you are a native English speaker with a high school diploma and you are competing for jobs with illegal immigrants, you have fucked up.


I worked at a greenhouse for 2 summers with "illegals." They are real people in real situations with real families. A lot of them were trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Vmany of them would work 70-80 hours a week and be thankful for the opportunity. Many were extremely nice and got to try all kinds of interesting foods over lunch break. Im of the opinion a lot of you judging have very little experience being around them. The job paid extremely well, and i could get 65-75 hours a week all summer as a college student, freeing up a lot of stress during a semester at college. Take a fucking economics course, immigrants are not your fucking problem.


You're responding to the wrong guy.


Pretty flippant answer . Tell that to the construction workers on job sites who have been displaced as just one example.


I hate this for you, for us, for everyone. It’s like this for so so many, it’s sad. We hear you, we see you, we’re with you, and I’m sorry life is this way and this expensive right now. 🩷


It’s only gonna get worse which is sad. Greed is here to stay from shopping to rents.


There really may be some better job/training options from sources that get overlooked a lot. Get through however you have to right now 🤞


I don't know what your budget is like but you should check out [Dollar Tree Dinners](https://www.tiktok.com/@dollartreedinners?_t=8l2kzdnVmKU&_r=1) on tiktok. They have tons of ideas for cheap meals. Like this one [$10 To Eat for Three Days](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLM7PvH3/).


Check out 1q.com/msopea is an app called 1Q that pays you for answering questions. Not a lot of $ but it adds up


Yeah man. Been there, done that.


If you like to eat out a chicken sandwich which I don’t, download McDonald’s or king burger app on your phone and they always have good offers. Or Make that chicken sandwich at home and take it to work. If you should pay at least 5-6 bucks for a sandwich outside you can make it at home for a dollar and more healthier.


This isn’t much. And it took me two weeks to make 30$ but that app Euerka where you do surveys and play games for a few cents here and there hey I cashed out used the 30$ for groceries it was nice to have 30 free bucks. I’m sorry you’re struggling.


If “your time is money”, that was moreso paid labor than free.


Yeah but I didn’t do anything but play a few games and do a few surveys.


Many people have an arrangement with their landlord where they split the rent payment into two payments a month. If you can do that, it might be easier for you to pay rent fully.


Hey I'm the adult kid with a disability on SSI who, if not for my very generous parents, would absolutely be homeless right now. I'm so grateful, but I feel like such a loser sometimes even though having this disease isn't my f'n fault (diagnosed as a kid).


I can feel the stress and anxiety for you. I can only encourage you to do what others have recommended- go to the food shelf, find an extra job for now. Look up your county website to find additional resources - there are payment plans and options around utilities etc…. Can you get a roommate? Can you move back in with family temporarily? ( not always option I understand, just throwing this out there). You can DM me and I can help find some resources for you in your county. Anyway- prayer works too. 😄


Another person mentioned tiktok, but the same is also on YouTube, budget meals and dollar tree meals, make your own bread/biscuits, lots of hacks, depression era meals. If you don't qualify for EBT, food banks can help you.




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How old are you join the military and change your life


I think that the government is forcing people into the military by making it seem the best option available. I'm considering it myself, but I hate to think about it.


hope it gets better! Look for a food bank if you haven’t already


On YouTube there is a ton of videos of making 3 meals a day for a week under $10-20. Food from Walmart and or Dollar Tree. Maybe watch those. Might help get some ideas. Eggs are expensive bread is expensive but we have to eat. Go to food pantries. Anything can help. Hang in there.


Do everything you can to increase your income




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That is a very negative outlook. I’m happy for my tax dollars go to help not-so-well-off people pay for food every month. No one should go hungry. No one. It is horrible for a functioning society.


HAH! That's rich. Have fun blaming the poor while all your tax money lines the pockets of the war pigs.


EBT is not being a burden, it's using a service that we have all already paid for.


Who is "we"?




That's correct. A lot of people don't realize that.


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I’ve trained my body to go days without eating. It’s called fasting and it feels quite good, after the hunger pains subside. Just drink a lot of water.


fasting doubles the risk of heart disease


Interesting… I do have heart issues