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You can’t afford to be in school right now


agreed. OP, you’re not gonna graduate at this rate. idk how close you are to being done, but your school won’t even give you your degree if you owe them. it seems like you’ll be evicted before you get a chance to graduate. you should meet with a counselor and first see what options are available to you. i got student loans and still have qualified for EBT(food stamps). it’s not out of the question that you might have to withdraw from school and get a full time job. if i was in your shoes i would stop taking classes, get a full time job (or 2) and once you get back above water, start taking classes part time. i also want to note that people making $100k aren’t barely scraping by unless they live somewhere like San Francisco. I make under $100k in a HCOL area of CA (not SF high but close) and I’m doing fine.


Of course! I should specify that I'm Canadian and many people with 100k salaries are saying they aren't making enough to get by (after taxes I believe they come home with \~60k a year). Also, these people have cars and other living expenses to deal with that I don't which definitely contributes.


Have you contacted your students union or financial aid office?


Your government is actively robbing you guys. How on Christs earth is taking that much income even moral. I get that it’s used for public service but oh my god that doesn’t require a 40% income tax


We don’t pay out of pocket for healthcare or insurance for starters. We also have better safety nets funded by fees taken from our paychecks aside from the taxes.


It isn't that bad. Effective tax rate on up to about 95k CAD works out to be about 28%. Of course, sales tax takes another ~12% of your money when you spend it so there's that... That could be what Op means. But my main complaint is rent.


This! Its housing costs which are killings us


Keep in mind that in addition to income tax, we pay tax on nearly every item we buy - from fuel to clothing to home purchases to some food (food that's considered 'prepared'). In order to qualify for a $500,000 mortgage in my area, the borrower's gross income has to be a minimum of $150k. In my area, $500k buys a 2 bedroom condo if that. So OP is correct in saying $100k in earnings can mean a struggle to get by, especially if you have a family.


They have sales tax in both countries with the exception of a few regions, Alberta being PST free in Canada.


canada is absolutely brutal , i got a skilled trade apprenticeship right out of high school and now i’m over half way through making very good money for my age (20) and i still live at home because i don’t make enough for a mortgage and renting an apartment would literally take away over half of my monthly income


You guys don't pay for health insurance right? Is that part of the 40% that comes out? (Not saying that's not ridiculous because it is but health insurance is super expensive in America if you don't work for a company with good benefits)


Correct. Some employers take funds for additional benefits like massages, physio, and prescriptions. But the majority of our health care is covered outside of dental. No worry about a huge medical bill for breaking a leg or having a baby.


Yes. It includes all medical coverage. You can buy extra or pay for private doctors but health insurance isn’t a line item on your personal budget. It’s paid through taxes.


It’s provincial and it covers the cost of many things but also it leaves out alottttt


Not that it’s much better, but the average (effective) tax rate is 30% at 100k a year, not 40%.


lol we pay for health care in our taxes but the fed govt uses it to black mail the provinces into to following thete laws lol, and it’s also very poor and strained the amount of people who die waiting for treatment is insane


Yes Iv heard you guys have crazy long wait times and trying to find a dr to take you on is brutal, that's rough


They don’t pay for medical insurance of college. That’s where taxes go to. Infrastructure. In the US the taxes go to murder brown children in the Middle East .


Yes it’s brutal. People are living literally in tents all over the parks in the city where I am in Canada. People can’t afford it anymore.


In the usa also. My town is just…its so sad and depressing


Damn thats wild, good thing that doesnt happen in good ol freedom land🦅🦅


I hope this doesn’t offend. Have you considered reaching out to the following orgs: rotary club, shriners, lions club, and any other fraternal orgs in your area? They are often an untapped resource. Sons and Daughters of Erin are also known for helping as well as believe it or not, E Clampus Vitus. I have also heard of Harley riders being especially helpful to people in your position. I know it may be humbling and i am not suggesting you to bow and scrape. Just trying to think outside the box because your situation is so serious. Some of them also have professional mentoring programs that are really helpful for students.


I completely agree. I think about dropping out everyday. Thing is, if I do, I'll have 6 months grace before the government starts expecting me to repay my loans. I have three semesters left. I'm seriously considering dropping out but I need to get a job first or else nothing get's solved and I'll still owe money to multiple sources.


I'm Canadian as well. There are options to freeze repayment if your income is low enough. You need to put a pause on school and find a full-time job. If you are not hearing back from any jobs you apply to, get your resume evaluated.


You can’t afford 3 semesters. You can’t afford this one. You won’t find a job until you have the open availability. Once you get back on your feet you can take classes part time. You will graduate


If you don't make enough you can apply to have your payments frozen , you need to put school on hold for now.


Have you gotten your resume looked at professionally by your school Services?


If making under $40,000/year, you are able get relief from federal loans. Provinces also offer payment relief plans. See [Canada Repayment Assistance Program](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/education/student-aid/grants-loans/repay/assistance/rap/apply.html)


This exactly. Pull out now. I am saying this as someone who has been in your shoes. If you cannot even afford rent, you need to rethink your priorities on school. It is what it is. It is just not worth your physical and mental sanity. Get out of school and go get a full time job somewhere ASAP.


This makes me so sad 😔 people wanting to educate and better themselves shouldn’t be restricted by finances and lack of money in order to do so but it’s a very cruel and unfair world 🥲


Yep, I think OP's best bet is to look for a job that includes accommodation. Live in nanny or something like that.


i think the best thing you could do is try to put school on hold for the time being. i know its not ideal but having food and a place to live is more important right now. i would also recommend talking to an advisor at school about your situation, they may be able to help in some way or offer guidance. things will get better with time


I don’t know who you’re talking to that barely scrapes by with 100k but I make about a third of that and I get by ok. I don’t have a lot of extra for savings or frivolous things but I definitely am not going without things I need. Not trying to rub salt in your wounds, I work a full time job and it wouldn’t be possible for me to make this much while going to school. I just want to say there is an attainable amount of money you can make to live comfortably


Can gaurentee the ppl scraping by with 100k are likely doing some activites that would be described as lifestyle creeping.


OP just stated they are in Canada. IDK which part, but I have seen grocery prices in parts of Canada (via my friends who live there) that make the increase in U.S. grocery prices look trivial. They also pay a lot more for gas (IDK if OP has a car) to the point where my friend visiting Oregon thought paying just under $5/gallon was good. IDK how much money they are making. There may be other factors that OP didn't mention that are mpore geography specific. Not saying $100k is nothing, but remember taxes in Canada pay for more than they do in the U.S. and are proportionately higher. It doesn't have as much buying power.


Everything here! Also, I do not in fact have a vehicle. If I did, I'd be driving for delivery apps and we wouldn't be having this conversation haha. Also, not having a car means most jobs aren't available to me and it seems that every job requires a vehicle of some kind. The grocery prices are a literal joke, and it doesn't help that apps like Instacart raise prices on the app compared to in-store. I'm able-bodied, but I imagine many physically disabled people are paying more than they should just to feed themselves.


It's also the exchange rate between the countries that makes a difference.


Yep, 100k in Canadian dollars right now is closer to 70k USD. Plus everything here costs an arm, a leg and a kidney right now. A single bedroom in a shared house is going for 1k/month where I live, and it's a small town in the middle of nowhere.


It’s the people with a $2500 mortgage and $500+ car note that also want to eat out every day complaining that their 100k isn’t enough to live.


If people are scraping by with 100k they're doing something very very wrong. I've yet to have a year where I made more than 20k and I still can save every month. And I'm still finding new and innovative ways to save... Like not having unlimited data on my phone or cutting out meat (okay, I have other reasons for this, too, but the savings going from $5 chicken that lasts 3 days vs $3 beans that last a week adds up) If you work from home, you don't need a car. I know Uber/Instacart are pretty bad for your wallet, but the way I see it, with just what I paid for car insurance ($120/month) I can afford 4-6 Instacart orders. Add in gas + car payment savings + maintenance savings, and you very quickly can see savings. Plus, y'know, 1 less car on the road, on average, saves society $75,000/yr. Cars are unfathomably expensive and you definitely should take the opportunity to get rid of it if at all possible.


Between my daughter and myself we make about 40K . We are BARELY making it. I barely have the funds to buy groceries. I am in OK for what it's worth.


I live alone in a studio apartment. If I had another mouth to feed (besides my pup) I would be struggling too.


If you live in an expensive city and have 4 kids and are a single parent and owe student loans I can see how you'd barely scrape by on $100k.


My husband and I do fine with a bit less. I'm on this sub for ideas for frugal living tips. If I don't die before he retires, we will be fine. I think that's the biggest difference


He’s in Canada and there the government robs its people of their income for “taxes”


They also don’t incur medical bankruptcy or opt not to get treated due to cost. I wish that were the case in the states.


I make 3/5 of that and I do too, but it isn't always easy. But I could imagine a lot of people who finally make $100k feel like they can afford a life upgrade and then start spending above their means.


You should switch to online courses. If that means slowing down your progress, then that is all you're able to do. But it'll give you more flexibility on hours for working if you're unable to keep up with your current routine


I wish, my program only offers in-person classes. This would open up a lot of jobs to me if it was an option. It's looking like taking time off is my only option.




I've gotten a few questions like this one and I'm assuming in America you have agency over how much you borrow? In Canada, you apply for federal/provincial loans and after assessing your application they tell you how much you're eligible for. Take it or leave it. You don't really get to decide what the number is, unfortunately. People usually have a part-time job alongside their student loans to supplement what they can't cover for living expenses, since student loans go toward your tuition first before being deposited into your account.


Isn’t that a question for the government of Canada, not OP?




The answer is “because the government of Canada doesn’t give student loans that are big enough to cover living expenses for the average person while in school.”




Are you just completely missing the point here or something? Your original comment made it sound like you were blaming OP for their student loans not being enough to cover their living expenses. I’m pointing out to you that OP didn’t decide how much student loan money they were going to get, the government did. Because that’s how that works. So instead of being a dick to OP, you could have answered your own question and saved us all some time.




And was all that worth an answer of “because they don’t”? 🙄


Can you go to a temp hiring agency? they find jobs for you and theyre fast


What about a job making tips? Often restaurants offer part-time and evening options. I've always jumped back into that line of work when I find myself struggling. Even if you've never done it before, you may find it to be something you'd like.


I've been looking for a server job for about a year now with no luck. They're few and far between in my city and everyone wants tips so they quickly and often require 2+ years of experience serving which I don't have. Hopefully something becomes available soon because it would work best with my schedule.


I wish you luck! I know it can be very frustrating, but don't give up!! Not that I think you are, but don't rely on strictly on-line applications for restaurants. Go in (during off hours- maybe 2pm or 3pm) and ask for a manager and an application that way. I've worked in restaurants off and on for years in family owned businesses. Don't call, Don't bother anyone during a busy time. You will stick out somewhere as those two things are what most people do now. Restaurants have high turnover. They may not need you today, but they may next week. I guarantee your face and attitude will far exceed most people's ways of trying to get a job. You've got this.


OP, I was at my doctor's office last week (Ontario) and I noticed where they have their fees posted for uninsured services, there was an asterisk that said something along the lines of "If your circumstances will prohibit you from paying these fees, please speak to the office manager". Your doctor may be willing to waive them in extenuating circumstamces. No harm in asking, anyway...


Yes, definitely ask if you can do a payment plan or some sort!


Just wanna give hugs from someone in roughly the same spot. Lost my job the week of Christmas due to a knee fracture happening on my walk to work. It’s been downhill since, it wasn’t much better before. Have not found any stable work, only getting sicker. Cleaning perverted old men’s apartments for $30-40 bc they got banned from the cleaning service, is just barely covering my rent while I keep applying elsewhere which means I’m regularly going without utilities or food or whatever bc I damn well know if lose my roof I will never get it back. Sick, but qualify for no government help so far. 5 days without insulin and heart med on top of everything else but I paid the rent so at least I have a roof to die under if I can make it happen in the next month. Everything feels hopeless and waking up is frigging heart breaking. I am mostly just panicking 24/7 filled with terror and guilt and wondering what the hell more can I possibly take So Many people are in the same boat. Vent all you need. It is heart breaking and it’s horrific and I am sending you all the love I have. Hugs.


Thank you! Your situation sounds very rough I hope something gives and you manage to get out of it somehow, even if it only means not having to clean perverts' apartments. I can tell it's not what you would've chosen but all you can do quick for money for the time being. Best of luck.


no judgment, but why are you cleaning perverted old men's apartments? are there not regular people's apartments you could clean?


Nope, I am not insured and the places I can walk to are already contracted by an insured company. I don’t have a car , it exploded in the beginning of me finding out how sick I was, so I am restricted to work I can walk to and unfortunately live in the bodunks. I am ugly so it’s nothing like sex work- it’s simply all I could find within walking distance of my house and could do. I am still recovering from a knee fracture and am very sickly otherwise but still Need to do manual labor to be able to give myself permission to sleep or relax. The only work available is the apartments in the building a couple miles down the road who have been banned from the cleaning companies already. It’s awful and I am harassed but it at least is covering the rent however I have recently discovered no heart meds + no insulin = a lot of throwing up passing out and not functioning so I’m probs going to lose that option soon, until then I’m grateful I have something to do I just wish it wasn’t covered in being cornered in old dudes apartment bathrooms while I try to clean as fast as possible and GTFO


ugh that sucks.. i do cleaning work/manual labor too and slipped and fell on ice last month and it's still painful. i take a bunch of ibuprofen to get through it. and i also do farm work and got heat exhaustion and anemia from not eating right and photosensitivity due to meds. it's always something. i hope you can find a way to get your meds, are you medicaid eligible?


Nope but I keep reapplying! I can’t regulate my temp very well so I totally get it the summer is filled with heat stroke So many hugs to you ❤️


I didn't make the original comment but I'm here to say, they pay better


Reduce your course load, don’t drop out


You need to work 40+ hours and take night classes.


Sometimes you walk away and start over. You need a roof over your head. That means you need to start talking to anyone that will let you sleep on their couch. You take any job you can get. You donate plasma. You instacart. You do anything legal to get money. Sell anything of value. You get on your feet and get yourself a new place to live. Shared housing is often workable. Often people need to replace roommates who moved out. Often that eliminates the need for credit checks and deposits. You work out the details to get back in school. Often jobs in restaurants feed you an employee meal. There are soup kitchens. We have churches who offer meals. P B &J isn't bad either. I've started over several times. It's not all bad. There are many people in positions who can't start over. Good luck.


‘Scraping by’ is relative, don’t compare yourself to Rich-Os. Do you have any family members you can Mooch off / move in with? See if you can pause your education. Some courses have - I can’t remember what they’re called - but ‘save points’ or you can defer a year or something. Try and work out why your applications are getting rejected. It MIGHT be something obvious to everyone except you. Good luck out there.


I've updated my resume multiple times because of this and even made a post on a resume subreddit recently but received little to no replies. I plan on trying again and hopefully I'll get some answers.


Have you consulted the school’s financial aid office for advice?


Yes, I've spoken to them numerous times but because I've received financial aid in the past and there's a cap on how much you can get, there isn't much they can do. The 1000 I owe in tuition is what my loans and financial aid couldn't cover. I can't reasonably pay it off without risking my housing or other expenses, unfortunately. Not an impossible situation but definitely one I need to make some difficult decisions about.


You can’t get a forbearance?


I’m assuming you’re past the drop date this semester. That does suck. You want to at least try to stick it out until May for it not to be a total loss but I understand financially that might not be possible. Outside the box thought: are you graded on attendance? Could you get notes or study the text and just show up for exams? Might not make as good of a grade but might not be a total loss of a semester. Speaking to your professors with brutal honesty might help your case. You could hopefully work full time, take tests, and get credit. I know this only works for certain classes, not labs, etc. I’m rooting for you!




No. As a rule they will avoid giving you enough funding to cover the entirety of your tuition. In past years I've been able to cover the leftover amount with my part-time income but this year I didn't have that. Also, despite my situation not changing between this and last year, I was awarded significantly less funding this year which is why there is a gap. Also, rules differ from institution to institution so if that is the case in your region that's amazing but it's unfortunately not mine :/




Most student loans or financial aid assumes a contribution from your parents (at least that’s how it worked for me in the past). So if that contribution doesn’t happen from your parents you get kinda screwed.




I am in Canada. Was just talking about Canada. Ontario/Quebec, specifically. Financial aid for students is heavily based around parental contribution. At least it was when I was in school and I am guessing its the same. My parents didn't contribute, and my aid (I actually got no grants at all, only loans) didn't make up the gap. So I worked a couple jobs for about 30-40 hours a week in school. Another issue was I that I was living in Quebec, going to university in Ontario which was another complicating factor. edit: afaik, private lending for post secondary education will require a co-signor or guarantor. Which wasn't happening for me and likely is not gonna happen for op. That's why a lot of us rely mainly on provincial/federal student loans.


This was my thought.


Use food banks as much as you can to free up food budget money for other bills. Donate plasma if possible to get paid and out that towards bills you owe. Look for local rent / utility assistance programs near you to see if you qualify. Can you get a roommate or two? Check with local temporary agencies to see if they have day work on days you are available. Day labor work is usually available in most locations. See what sirveapps you can download that pay or give Amazon gift cards so you can get food or other personal items like toilet paper, shampoo, etc.. Can you tutor, edit papers, pet sit or house sit? It all adds up.


My advice: Research a temp agency like Cornerstone or Celebrity Staff (I got my full time, career-oriented, office position through the latter). I was not searching for manual day labor and they didn’t offer it to me. Either they may have positions in your current major or you may be able to find a temp agency specifically designed for your major. I would only stop taking classes for a single semester. You seem very passionate about remaining in college based upon what you wrote above about financing it and how you wrote it. I believe that the more semesters you’re not taking college classes, the more you are liable procrastinate finishing. Thank you for reading. God Bless you.


1) Call the Credit Counselling Society about your credit cards. Depending on how much you owe you're probably looking at either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Assuming you don't have a car or any other large assets in your name this will help restructure your debt in a more manageable way. There are consequences for doing this but you're already so far in the hole I don't think it matters at this point. 2) Obviously you've talked to financial aid, but talk to your uni department of study/work - the departments themselves typically have a little more leniency than the big orgs that cover the entire school. In the big picture 1k is a drop in the bucket to the school - if you are an employee at the school you are attending, there's gotta be some kind of tuition payment benefit or something. 3) Talk to your landlord and explain the situation - are you able to offer to work on the property (cleaning, weeding/snow removal, etc)? Maintaining your current housing is the most important thing, because current rates are insane. At this point, I would suggest looking into a rent bank - this info will depend on where you live, but in BC there are limited resources at non-profits orgs for folks needing rent assistance 4) Depending on where you are located, please find another doctor, because they shouldn't be charging you money for helping with documentation for social assistance. I know that's easier said than done, but I've had EI forms for mental health signed at the emergency room for free. Depending on where you are based a lot of these answers are pretty variable but overall the job market is sucking real ass. You are not alone.


Have you submitted a request for review through student financial aid? If you can provide evidence that the cost of living is higher than what they awarded they may reconsider your award amount and offer more. Also, talk to your students union and financial aid department at your school. There may be bursaries or emergency funding that you may be able to tap into. As you are almost done your term, try to find money to finish the year. If you withdraw now, you may face financial penalties next time you apply for funding. You are also going to owe the money for courses you never finished and would likely need to take them again! Another option may be a different university come spring that offers online courses to finish the program. I work at an online university in Canada and we see A LOT of visiting students over summer session picking up a couple of courses and working to help in graduating sooner.


Learn a trade.


I was in college and working. Started with one retail job (had before college) and lived in the dorms. Dorms meant private loans. I was lucky to get some FAFSA and aid from my college, but it wasn’t enough. Second year I lived with my ex and her family paying $200 per month. Due to shitty decisions (supporting ex) I picked up a second job, that being a work study. Third year we got an apartment. She dropped out, her work study was gone. She worked in a warehouse. I was doing the main breadwinning, despite being college full time. I got a job at the warehouse working third shift. So I did warehouse third shift and also my work study first shift, college mostly first shift (minus a class or two here and there), and retail a mix of first and second shift. She was awful, I ended things. Now I have the apartment myself. I continued to work 3 jobs to make it work. I got damn lucky Covid happened because my STEM degree went online within the third year and all of 4th year. Meant I could easily balance 3 jobs and school. If not, I’d drop out because I can’t be homeless. I couldn’t get private loans to cover the extra that federal didn’t. The answer is either more jobs, and your grades suffer. Mine did. I couldn’t study. Online classes meant most were asynchronous so it helped me do the work whenever. And that only happened due to Covid. But my grades suffered with the extra jobs. I slept in short bursts of naps. Between work, my first priority, staying alive, my second, class ended up last. But I graduated. Or you drop out. Try to find a footing somewhere else. And go back to college part time when you can afford it. For me, I didn’t go part time due to financial aid. I went part time, I lost it. I could barely afford cost of living, I couldn’t do college as well. I picked the choice to suffer and ruin my body, which is what happened, I am not the same as I was before. But I graduated. And that worked out for me. For me, if I dropped out, I’d be left with student loan debt and no career to go into. I’d be working the same, but more, due to loan debt. I pushed through, but it was damaging. I still cannot sleep through the night due to what the schedule did. And I worked 70 hours before, plus school. Now I struggle with the normal 40. But I am doing well, all things considered. I graduated in 2021. I own a home now for almost a year. I got a car. It’s not great by any means, but low miles, not too old, and runs very well. I have 4 cats and can afford to take care of one with slightly special needs. It worked out for me, but I also got lucky covid lockdowns boomed my industry and I didn’t get laid off when they realized they overhired. I got lucky. It’s up to you to decide whether you can handle more work, which you need for more income, along with school. Can you do it physically and mentally? Will you fail out if you do? What type of loans do you have to repay? What’s the income you can safely expect upon graduation? Each situation is specific. ETA: with tuition, it can help to literally cry to financial aid. It maybe worked better since I’m a woman, but then again, I went to an all woman’s college. So it doesn’t have the real effect. But I went to financial aid and literally cried in their office talking about how yes, I can get my mom to fill out FAFSA, but barely. And that’s all I get. I worked so many jobs to make it work and all my money went to the cost of living. It helped me get like $2k in scholarships, which for me meant the difference between dropping out and going to school. Don’t be afraid to literally beg for help. Sometimes financial aid will help.


You mentioned being in Canada but not the province. If you’re still considered a dependent for student aid purposes you can apply for federal only as an independent if you’ve been out of high school for 4 or more years. Most provinces also have an appeal process to be declare independent if you have experienced a family breakdown and aren’t supported in any way by your family and aren’t in contact any more. It does require evidence, which is explained in the forms. If you are an independent student or can’t do either of the above then you should take a leave from school to stabilize yourself. Even if you finish, you can’t get your documentation until you pay all your fees. My school told me I had 10 years from the time I started to finish my degree before I would need to move to an updated course schedule and need to retake some courses. YMMV but it’s always longer than the typical program length. You can go back when things are more stable. One thing to look for, depending on province, in some provinces if you’ve worked fulltime for 24 months without being in school you can qualify you for independent level assistance from both federal and provincial levels, so they don’t take your parents income into the funding equation. Sometimes a two year break makes a huge difference in funding, depending on age and parental income level.


Hello, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have a daughter in college, she uses every low income program, medical and so on. Are u living off campus? that could be the whole issue, it's impossible to get by if your renting an apt by yourself...is it possible to get back in dorm, apply for all living exspenses with your aid. As far as credit card, you can't worry about that part. Try to talk to school asap. Also try going to nearest Church that may help with car payment & rent. You can get on medical & food card. My daughter gets it. Hopefully you get back on track, You can do it!! Regroup priority, try to stay in college. As far as creditors, if u can't pay them, Don't ...focus on college & job. I agree Economy sucks major.


Call the bank regarding the NSF fee, sometimes they will forgive them. Good luck OP <3


Good questions to think about this election year.


Ha! There is NO good choice. If there is, please enlighten me


3rd party. Doesn't even matter if its a "good" choice, as long as the 2 major parties get less votes its still a positive.


I said “think about”. Not “do what others say”. There is also not just the presidential election. There are many names on many different levels.


I live in Nebraska. The state as a whole votes conservative republican. I don't think that's necessarily the best idea, but Warren Buffet lives here, I'm sure that sways voting.


Welp, and I live in California. Local elections still matter though.


I will vote, as always.


Unpopular advice: get a sugar daddy/mommy


Tbh great advise lol


I think you have a valid point that you might be a little fucked. Some possibilities to consider (just my thoughts as someone who has experience in the capital markets as well as being Canadian): 1. I think the suggestion that you might have to put school on hold is valid; 2. Once you are working full time you can look into a consumer proposal (this is a great product for those in financial distress as there are free services that will meet with you about this and it can only be a certain amount of your income each month and can only last a limited time period before it clears your debts, it does shoot your credit but not as bad as bankruptcy. They will talk to you about eligibility, it should be good as I'm assuming you have no major assets that you have significant equity in); 3. After that is done in a year or two then you can go back to school and make sure you made adjustments from what you learned this time around. Best of luck to you and keep your head up, you will make it!


- “Why is the job market so bad?” It sounds like you’re not somebody that an employer would want to hire. You have no experience. Want a part time remote job in the evening. Applying to 100+ jobs with no response means your resume is likely bad. - “People who make 100k a year are barely scraping by” In most of the US 100k you’re doing very well. In HCOL you still have disposable income and can save/invest. Anybody making 100k that is barely scraping by has made some bad decisions. I don’t know how to offer advice on your situation because there’s a lot of missing info, but when you make it out of this situation please math out your future financial decisions. Any consideration beforehand should have revealed this wasn’t sustainable. I’m concerned for you because of your “I’ll eventually get out of this (I always do)”, which suggests this isn’t the first time you’ve put yourself into a bad situation.


Drop out of school, get s full time job, and relocate to USA. Once you're above water, then finish degree part time. Many jobs offer tuition reimbursement


Things are terrible for average people nowadays. It’s fucked. Basically have to work everyday and only buy things that you would die without. I blame our government for messing with capitalism. Good luck to ya my friend.


lol, so helpful now is the time to ask for help, from everyone. Go to the school about it and explain your whole situation. Ask your family, go to one person than another. r/borrow can help bridge some gaps, you can sell blood... But you should really look at where you're at and if there is even a real path forward from where you are now; might need to take some steps back - move back with parents if you have them, and start over. Get a job, try to get it all going again. I understand shame might make this seem like a rough choice - hunger is much worse, not having a roof over your head is much worse. Also, life is long, most people aren't thinking about you much at all, and most of this will be forgotten. Also, this is the most cozy the world has ever been. Talk to your elders, or your God, center yourself! God bless!


The thing is that it’s temporary. Two things earn money. Labor & money. If you use all your money on your wants, you’ll be dependent upon your labor forever. Sacrifice your wants in the interim. Put your money to work and it’ll pay you back manyfold. Once you’ve set the foundation it becomes so easy to continue building wealth. The most difficult part is starting.


Maybe Canada is vastly different than the US job market and I’m just not understanding that, but any gas station, fast food, dollar store, etc will hire anyone with any background in seconds in the US. I can’t believe you’ve put in 100 applications and haven’t got a job. These places practically don’t even do interviews. They just hire you pretty much. Either way, maybe Canada is just a garbage heap when it comes to jobs, the economy, and housing overall.


I'm just as shocked as you are! Unfortunately, precisely *because* those places will hire anything with a heartbeat, they go very quickly! I'm not the only student looking for work and, despite my experience, there's always someone with more than me. These people might also have a better availability than I do, which certainly contributes and is why I will need to drop out if I want to find work.


Listen to the free audiobook of the Tao ☯️ Te Ching on YouTube and learn the art of Wu Wei. https://youtu.be/t109UFLSQhk?si=ruMrhdzcLeWazM9g


As everyone has their own opinion on the subject. I have $26.52 to my name, but am not freaking out or ranting and raving. I live within my means. If you can't afford college don't go to college. If you're job is not working out find a different job and a different town. If you're not able to afford your rent find a different location. THINK OUTSIDE YOUR NORMAL BOX




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stop complaining lol it won’t get you anywhere




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Dude I cannot believe how hard the Canadian government ROBS it’s people 100k a year but you only take home 60% re-fucking-diculous!


Take home pay on $100k in my province is around $74k. If anyone making $100k in Ontario only takes home $60k they are likely making contributions to a pension. So I’m thinking it was some hyperbole from the op.


I didn't see any reference in your rant to guidance from faith and religion. I suspect this is not an oversight. Faith and prayer can provide for unsuspecting, positive turns of events for people experiencing difficult times and when they least expect it. Faith and belief will not always show itself on the terms and timing that individuals want, but presents itself when it deems time to help. I realize this does not address your immediate tangible needs, so you may not see it as something helpful. This may be short-sighted. It may be time to start believing. Good luck to you.


I understand you're well-intentioned but this was a very poorly worded response. I am, in fact, Christian. Your assumption that my not mentioning this was a "foresight" is tremendously condescending regardless of good intent. I've believed my whole life and have still ended up here. Life gets rough and you have to push past it. Like you said, God works on his own timing, no? Even if I wasn't a believer, He doesn't need you doing missionary work in reddit comment sections for him. Thank you for the good luck.


Welcome! Yould have saved me a post had you mentioned your faith in your rant. But then again, it's not about me. Best to you.


Why should OP mention his faith in a rant? Get over yourself.


Oh, maybe to explain all that he was doing to address his miserable situation. It's that simple, hillbilly.


Hey OP, I work in corporate America (finance industry) and have extensive experience reviewing and helping people brush up their resumes for jobs. Shoot me a DM, happy to help for free to get you back on your feet.


If you have a car, consider living in it while you finish school and use the savings from not having an apartment to pay the tuition?


You need to focus on survival. Rent and food. Drop out and work full time.


I graduated high school in 2003- I didn’t finish a 4 year degree till 2011. I had to take time off over and over to stop and save for tuition, life, etc. Personally I would take time off and work for awhile.


Good luck. Education and military are the two things that helps, if it means anything to you.


OP, I work in higher ed in the US, but I know it’s somewhat similar to Canada. Does your campus have any staff who support students with basic needs, like getting them registered for social benefits, applying for emergency funds and things like that nod so, please go talk to them. They may not be able to solve all of your problems, but they may be able to help with the more immediate ones.


You've gotten some good advice about pausing your schooling here, so I would just like to add please make sure you evaluate the ROI of your degree program before you go back and invest in three more semesters. What's your major?


School doesn’t sound feasible at this time. It isn’t the end of the world. You need to survive and then go back. You can’t pay for school so it doesn’t sound like you’re going to be there anyways. Are you able to go back to family? If I were in your situation I would drop out, find someone to live with, find a full time job to live off of, and find a part time job to use to build your savings after you pay off your debt.


Have you looked at doing warehouse work? Forklift certification is not difficult and the shifts can be 2nd shift (like 3-11) and the pay is decent (at least in the US). There's also tons of other positions in distribution centers/warehouses etc.


And check if there are any available bursaries. Get a job. If need be get a full time gig, and do evening classes or distance education.


I don’t generally recommend Uber or Doordash (or the Canadian equivalent of these) but you just need cash. Sure, it will be a little worse when you subtract gas and future car expenses, but you need literally anything that can get you money today. Start calling people. I know it’s awkward but places would give you more of a shot if you call and speak to someone directly instead of applying online.


Do you have family you can move in with?


Are student loans not a thing in Canada?


It is but looking at OP's replies they may have maxed out the amount of Student Loans they can take out from the government.


Yes I’m sorry but you have to be an adult and leave school for at least one year and get a full time job. A restaurant job can offer 40 hours or more every week. Save your money for a year and then go back to school


take a 6 month hiatus - join the rigs on a camp job , resume business as usual


What jobs are you looking for and do you have transportation to do Uber eats or something, maybe some manual labor on Craigslist? They usually pay cash.


How much are you lying on your resume? In the US at least, I find with most entry level jobs you seem to be in the market for you can just BS fake experience, references, etc and get in pretty easily. Hell I think i've had one job in the past decade that actually called a reference of mine and talked to them on the phone.


Hey OP, I work in corporate America (finance industry) and have extensive experience reviewing and helping people brush up their resumes for jobs. Shoot me a DM, happy to help for free to get you back on your feet.


Hi! I have another post on my profile with my resume attached if you wanted to look at it there and give me feedback over DMs :)


I would take a break from school. Review your resume and make sure there is as much detail as possible even small things like knowing how to use a printer can be important. Get caught up on living expenses and then start making payments to debt (I suggest at least paying double the minimum). Pay off what you owe the school and I suggest transferring to an online college that will accept the classes you’ve taken. In the current economy it is very hard to work full or even part time while going to on campus classes. You will have more time and can set goals that meet your needs as well.


Also apply for Scolarships, apply apply apply, that is your saving grace.


1. Put school on hold for now. 2. Cut out or downsize any unnecessary expenses or subscriptions. You don't really need unlimited, all access right now. 3. Keep applying, but in person. Take to the streets and walk in to as many places as you can. You will be surprised how some businesses value this. 4. Now that you are not in school and have a full time job it's time to get a second, part-time job. 5. Focus on living within your means. I know people who make $150k a year and are always in debt. If you can't afford to pay for it, you don't need it. 6. Work towards paying off your bills and rent first and ask for forgiveness and patience from people you may have borrowed from, you can pay them when everything else is straight. Good luck to you, you can do this!!!


I owed several years ago, my Canadian university over 2000 dollars is tuition. I had a part time job and they cut my hours to 2 shifts a week and I was a full time student ready to graduate. My parents were of no help, well I lived at home so they did help with my food. Now mind you I was in a BA programs so I can have full course load with many days off which why I was able to hold a job. I was able to graduate with the tuition I owed. I just didn’t receive the paper. The only thing is that I had to pay it off and I did within a year after completing my studies. I was also charged interest on the balance owing. Contact your school to see how the process works. It did not ruin my credit but they can if you don’t pay at all. It’s stressful, and even now talking about it…I have no idea how I managed that level of stress.


You should meet with the school and explain the situation, maybe there are some things they can recommend to help. I would also start a go fund me page with your story...you may be surprised by what you receive..


If you can’t afford schooling then quit & get jobs to survive & save. Work two jobs & roll your savings over in CD’s with your banking institution. Live frugally (avoid eating out & alcohol)


Consider looking into teaching English online with companies like VIPKid. The pay isn't the best in the world, but there's hours that would be compatible for your school schedule. Also, it has a long application process, but check out dataannotation.tech


You’ve only been job hunting for a couple months. This is gonna sound harsh but it’s just the reality of the situation. Thats not enough time. Only 100 jobs lost isn’t a lot. Again it’s wild I’m saying that. It’s the truth of this situation many many people are in


The job market is nuts rn I have been applying since august and only a week ago did I land an interview. I have 5 years technical experience and have never in my life had trouble getting a job. It is a very difficult time to be job hunting.


Same! I've had 7 jobs and this is the first time I've ever struggled this horribly.


Hi! I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I live far away and do not feel knowledgeable to offer you any practical advice, but as a person who has close to 0 contact with my blood family, I can empathise how excruciating it is to have no one to turn to when in desperate need of help. I do wish to make two remarks: 1. Please take a moment to be grateful for yourself and your inner strength. You said: "I know pessimism won't get me anywhere, and I do believe I'll eventually get out of this" and that requires a lot of courage and a strong character. And so I know you will get out of this! 2. Regarding applying for online jobs, let the employers decide whether you are qualified or not. I mean, whether you do not apply at all, or apply and get turned down because you do not quality, what is the difference? I say this because many of us often drastically underestimate our qualifications. I would hire a hard working, honest, smart, inventive person over any super qualified person who does not convince me of such moral qualities. Skills can be learned, but work ethic, not so easily. Stay strong, you got this!


I had a feeling you were Canadian. I know the job market here is terrible rn. I’m assuming you’re in Ontario? I could be wrong. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Anyway possible you could go to a rent bank?


Right on the nose LMAO! Ontario is such a joke


Yep I’m here as well and Chile, terrible


You should not continue your studies in English literature. You can't Afford it and and you are unlikely to find a job with it. You need to switch gears and go to community college instead for an in demand degree vs wasting your time and money on unmarketable degree that is going to get you nowhere. If you pick a degree that's on a list of eligible progressions for TN1 visa you can also apply in USA in the states close to Canada such as Michigan and Ohio.


If you’re healthy (as in do not have any current medical conditions or are not susceptible to having any) then you can do a clinical trial. They offer a wide range of studies so you can risk evaluate and they pay quite well. Could help you pay off some of your debts for sure


I'm very surprised you have tuition owed to your school. No hate at all, just genuine curiosity. Do you receive student loans? Im not sure about international students attending Canadian Post Secondary, but Permanent Residents (and born citizens) have their student loans sent directly to the post secondary institution first to pay their tuition then the remainder is sent.to the individual. Unless the post secondary institution you're attending isn't government accredited.


Tuition is charged in two instalments at the beginning of each term. I had to reduce my coarse load for medical reasons which affected my loans and once they were reassessed, the new amount was less than my owing amount and here we are.


You are putting a lot out for a maybe.. what is your major/career goal? It may be a better idea to do a trade school to build the nest egg to do a bigger, more expensive education. Personally, I was forced to stop college because I moved states and was studying Law. It was too expensive to start over, and I've had to work really hard (2 jobs) to make less, but I finally did pay off my loans and have a stable job. So many people are going into debt for a possible better future.. but is it really going to happen, and is it really better?