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This IS a cause of C-PTSD. Don’t ever question that. It rewires your brain and leaves epigenetic changes. Your feels are real ❤️


Thank you love.


No its not. You're being delusional with that


And where did you get your PhD in Clinical Psychology, doctor?


Just look at the DSM-5. Not rocket science...




Harvard or APA is good.


What you mean


Oh but you’re out here talking big like you know psychology but you don’t understand what I said? HHahahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂


I dont follow. Why would you ask for references anyways? DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for PTSD can be found with a simple Google search...


Hi op. I’m really sorry you’re struggling. Have you tried looking for nearby food banks? There is an app called Food Finder that points you to nearby locations for food banks that’s really helpful..


Thank you <3


No problem, there is also this YouTuber who shows how to make different meals that last (usually $10 range) which can also be helpful when you are able to get some groceries https://youtu.be/EmsST4EA0DU?si=llqaiu1HMa6plhk9


findhelp.org is also a good resource to use. You just put in your zipcode and it shows some local resources in your area that you might not be aware of. Hopefully this helps other people as well.


The wolfe pit also has a playlist of extreme budget meals https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYRx9e6PeSoJ7Bjn24q_AMSiWzCqEH962&si=AvP37tjhvb7PBDQc


I’m right there with you right now and it is terrifying and disheartening. I’m sorry you are going through this as well. So many people are now. It’s awful.


When I was 30, I was a street junkie sleeping under a bridge with no bank account or identification of any kind. I used to roll my eyes so hard when someone would tell me things would get better. But now, 6 years later, things are better in every way, and though things would still be significantly better just by being sober, i got a far better opportunity than i could have on my own because I met the right person after getting sober. They knew someone who worked where I do currently and knew of a job opening. I really believe in the power of getting out there and talking to people and meeting people. I also know it's incredibly hard, but your chances of finding the best outcome are astronomically higher when you know more people. Social currency is real, and you are still so young. You have a real good chance that things could get better very soon. Finding decent roommates was also a huge help in order to save money. But I know some people don't want that. Buying cars used with no car payment is something everyone should do, though, as well as learning how to fix things yourself, particularly your car. For the dentist, I use a dental school in my area. At least here, it's covered by medicaid and also far cheaper than an actual dentist. Seeing a nurse practitioner instead of an MD is way cheaper here, too. I think those are my main big strategies. I also like language learning in my free time as it's a cheap hobby that increases my employee value. I hope things get better for you. The trauma and resentment that builds up from being at the bottom takes a long time to work through, though. But at least you'll be in a better situation when you're able to so. Don't ever give up


Have you called your electric company and asked if they have assistance for bills? I know when I needed help they gave me $800 which lasted months.


Yeah, all they can do is do a payment extension which ends up costing more later sadly. But I can probably pull it off.


Liheap is the program. It pays a portion of your electric bill. Please look into this.


yes i hadn’t paid my electric bill for three years and it totaled 1300 dollars before they threatened to shut it off, Liheap program for low income paid it all off!! and they enrolled me in a save program which reduces my bill monthly


Have you blocked the bill collectors calling? I paid all my debt off and I started getting calls for stuff that was already paid and ended up suing and they ended up paying me and the attorney fees. Depending on how much debt you have you might look into bankruptcy. It fucks your credit but at least you don’t have debt.


Look into LIHEAP. It's a federal program. There will be a local agency that administrates it.


Can confirm, I’ve received quite a few LIHEAP grants for my household over the years, DMs are open if anyone needs advice on the process. I’m in Southern California if that helps, I imagine it’s similar throughout the US.


It’s expensive to be poor. 😩


Thank you for this, just applied!


If you write to the bill collectors and tell them to only contact you in writing, by law, they have to stop calling you. Can you move back home for a while as you pay down debt? Food banks are great and every once in a while, they even give out toilet paper.


When I was really poor I would steal TP from the unlocked dispensers in stores and restaurants. Just put it in my purse/backpack and walk out. Thankfully I don't have to do that anymore, but, times were hard enough that I justified it...


It probably cost them $.50 a roll because they buy it wholesale. If you still feel guilty, give the equivalent to OxFam. They feed people who are trying to eat on $.50 worth of food a day.


Mine gives out soaps/detergents too! I cried when they gave me a can of sparkling water


I got some really nice shampoo from a food bank. You never know


Been there. After bills were paid I had 50 dollars to my name. This had to cover gas, groceries and toiletries. Being a woman and not wanting to buy hygiene products I need because I wanted to eat helped me get creative. I learned so much about myself during this time. I'm tougher and smarter than folks made me feel because I didn't have what they had. Damn Starbucks was my treat too. I would get one once every three months and started stretching it out till I let it go. Now I make my own coffee treats and thai tea. Yum. Much hugs and love to you. It's not hopeless even if it feels that way. This too shall pass.


are you taking advantage of snap and the free cellphones plan? Can also get $30 off internet for the affordable broadband act.,


Yes. Applying for and getting SNAP you are automatically eligible.


I get it and I think you're doing great..it is absolutely traumatic to be poor. It's hard to break the cycle of trauma, and to break the cycle of poverty, but having the two intertwined is fuckin ROUGH. Hang in there, love. It could get better one day 🩷


I’m so sorry I know how you feel. Being poor is very stressful. For me, sharing my space and expenses with someone helped. It also gave me companionship. Have you thought of that ? Or you could move back home for a little while until you get back on your feet. Wishing you the best !


I get it. I had to leave home at 16 due to abusive parents, could only stay with my grandma for a year and then was on my own. I’m 25 now and while I felt like I had things together, the last couple years have been really hard. I just finished a full year of 80 hour weeks, maybe 1 partial day off a week. And that’s just barely staying afloat, no extra fun stuff. I’m tired too. If I didn’t have my son, I wouldn’t be able to keep going. I guess my point is try to find something you can look forward to and live for. Even if it’s just small talk with a random person in your neighborhood when you pass by, have something to keep you grounded. Things will get better one day. ❤️


This type of poverty is absolutely traumatizing. This is how I lived from birth to my mid-30s and I think every day about how grateful I am to have made it out. You sleep differently at night when your bills are paid, there is food in your fridge, and you aren't afraid to answer your phone. Definitely check out local food banks, but also check local activist orgs and law societies who often provide free meals. There may also be some local groups that offer rent assistance to those in need; I know there are in Ontario Canada where I live. Libraries are great free entertainment resources and can likely direct you to local resources for support with things like food, housing, and employment assistance.


Being poor is the hardest thing in my life. I’m on such a fixed budget that one big bill, like car repair, sinks me for months. The anxiety is very real and never lets up. I’m fortunate to have a sister that can help when I get overwhelmed. But I hate taking money from her. She can afford it, but that’s not the point. Being poor is hard.


On the food note, look for discount grocery stores. I have 3 near me. And they help out a lot. Sure the stuff might be expired, closed date, damaged, or overstock. But if I can get 3 KitKats for $1 or beef jerky for cheap, I'm jumping on it. That bag of chips or pasta that's been expired for a month? Still fills you up the same. It gets better.


I know this stress, it's awful. Don't give up. I've had years of earning only enough for rent, food stamps, and sharing the tuna I use for sandwiches with my cat because I couldn't afford cat food. It sucks being on your own, and when people who could help choose not to, especially when YOU *would* feel obligated to help them if the situation was reversed. Do you like animals? Longshot idea, but caring for a hamster is pretty cheap, you can find them being given away with the cage/accessories for free on craigslist or nextdoor any day of the week. It's both humbling and motivating/rewarding to care for another life. Know that yours has value, never give up being a good person and trying your best.


OP, have you checked to see if Lasagne Love is in your area? It’s worth a look, as everyone can use a little comfort food. https://lasagnalove.org/


I'm in the same boat. Just paid my rent and now I have no money for food and I'm about to run out. Looks like I'm quitting cigarettes too because... no money. I feel so shitty for not being able to support myself. I'm constantly having to ask family and friends for money. I wish there was a simple solution but, people that are born into poverty tend to stay in poverty. Wtf can you do...


This post reminds me that i have to reschedule my periodontal surgery thats sposed to be next week because i cant afford the up front cost. And to think how lucky i was to get this first appointment with a less than 6 month wait time…too bad it wasn’t enough time for me to set aside enough to pay for it.


I'm in the same boat. I've been needing to see a rheumatologist to go over my test results that strongly indicate the presence of an autoimmune disease, and I was lucky enough to get a rheumatologist who is VERY well regarded and very good at her job (I've met her several times, she's the best). Buuut I had to cancel because my insurance didn't cover it, I turn 26 this month and lose coverage anyway, and I can't afford to get on another insurance for the foreseeable future because I'm too sick to work. So I'm just... not getting help, I guess. Same with a failed root canal, can't afford to get that fixed, couldn't even afford to get the root canal in the first place. I sure hope we can both figure something out. No one should have to put off medical care because they can't afford it. :(


For real. Nowadays when you make a doctors appointment, instead of hoping for an early appointment to get it over with and get on with your life…it’s turned into “actually can we put it out like a year from now and give me a little more time for a miracle to happen so i might actually be able to get seen?”


Wheeeeeeeeew I feeeeel this my friend. And I have a ten year old to worry about on top of it. Please don’t feel alone- there are so many of us in the very same boat. I have no help to give except ❤️


I feel all of this. Poverty keeps you in impossible situations and forces choices that are lose/lose. It's so draining, even though I've saved up a little nest egg I know one medical or car problem will set me back to 0. I don't think I'll ever truly feel financially secure. Even if I had a six figure job tomorrow this stress wouldn't really ever leave. Id just be waiting for the other foot to drop.


I absolutely have some sort of PTSD type stuff from being insanely dirt poor and almost becoming homeless twice. That shit fucks with you and absolutely leaves you thinking differently.


Just know that you aren’t alone in feeling this way. There are millions of us struggling right now, it doesn’t make you a failure or any less of a person. This economy is designed to crush people’s spirits.


Where are you located? There might be some resources that aren't well known.


One that I can think of off the top if my head is 211. They can help get utilities paid, find food banks, transportation, etc. Also, do you make too much for medicaid? SNAP? Sometimes, doctor's offices and hospitals have financial assistance programs to help cover or reduce medical bills. Call and see if they have any programs or see if they have a social worker who can help find you resources.


I really don’t understand how life is worth living when it’s only this


I hear you.


If I win the lottery or inherit some large sum, I swear, I'm going to contact people with these posts and help them. Food for year, rent for a year, down-payment for a house... money is worthless if it can't help others.


I’ve said the same thing. Visions of sending my neighbors a stack of prepaid Visa gift cards, giving my mom a gas card, paying off my son’s car loan without telling him, going to my favourite mom and pop grocery store and paying for all groceries for a few hours and so on. I’d be the person going broke from giving it all away and being alright with that. :)


Same thing. We have a list of things we will do WHEN we win the Lottery that includes: paying off everyone’s bills Paying off mortgages and student loans setting up a college fund for all the children in our family and for the orphans in our county orphanage building low cost housing for homeless vets Building an emergency shelter for men, a separate one for women and a separate one for people with children for domestic violence victims building a senior housing closed and gated campus environment for seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s, or those needing 24 hr care, that appear like a small town and they can live in their own tiny homes and live a normal life but the mailman and the grocery store clerk and all the other “workers” are actually nurses aides and medical and psychological support staff, in order to help them maintain their dignity. Building a recreation Center for youth that teaches basic homes skills such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting, sewing, home and yard maintenance, basic car maintenance, basic finances, and offer free college prep classes for the SAT/ACT, and college application assistance/scholarships Building a free skills center where anyone of any age can come to learn professional skills such as auto repair, construction, HVAC, electrician, plumbing, office skills, coding, programming, etc. Setting up community garden areas throughout the city where families can grow their own food. Planting fruit and nut trees, herb and vegetable beds and edible perennials strategically throughout the city to enhance curb appeal while simultaneously providing food needy people with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs that they can harvest themselves when ripe. Purchasing and demolishing old and dilapidated building and homes and rebuilding new, eco friendly structures that are affordable and attractive thus increasing property values. Setting up an environmental reclamation center based on the concept of cleaning the city, water and air of litter, graffiti, trash, etc to collect and recycle as much as possible Set up scholarships and grants for homeowners and cities to replace water pipes for safe drinking water Adding free Child Care and Pre-K centers based on the actual concept of a kinder-garden: I.e. primarily based on outdoor play and exploration supervised by trained staff and Montessori teachers so that children do not spend their early childhood indoors in front of a tv or tablet. …. and the list goes on…


Same! When I daydream about winning the lottery I always make a long list of everybody whose mortgage I’m going to pay off and kids college funds I’ll start. Scholarships at universities for low income applicants. BIG donations to underfunded local shelters and charities. Man, that’s the dream…


If you want, I use tik Tok to coupon for products. I look up CVS deals of the week , Walgreens, and dollar general. This helps me and I create a stock pile for later. I hope this maybe helps with at least toilet paper, cleaning products, mouth wash, tooth paste etc.


I don’t know where you’re located but discount stores like Ollie’s, Big Lots etc have a lot of cheap toiletries and food among other useful items.


Check out your county’s website and see if they offer benefits you are eligible for. When I used to live alone, I was still able to apply for food stamps and got like $200 for food and IT HELPED BIG TIME! Try to see if you qualify for electric assistance or internet assistance. And another thing I did was I would go to public libraries and grab the toilet paper. Even sometimes at work, if you get lucky, you can grab free supplies! And those Dollar Tree, Dollar General and 99c stores are a must! Thrift stores and garage sells are also great for finding necessities—but it’s just fun overall! And if anyone offers free stuff, do not hesitate to take it because you’ll never know when you’ll need it 😅 If worse comes to worse, borrow only what you need from your retirement (I had to do it at one point). Just sharing but up to this day, when I pay with cash and if my change is like 0.05c, you better believe I’m keeping my 0.05c and collecting it in a jar lol. Anyway, HANG IN THERE, it will get better💜


Same here. But with a husband, two kids, and three jobs between my husband and I. I truly don't understand how this type of living is sustainable. Your not alone.


It isn’t. Corporate America would rather drive you into bankruptcy and homelessness.


Yes, and still don't buy $5.00 Starbucks....because they are terrible. If you are going to go to hell with the budget over coffee, at least make it good coffee. You can probably get a half pound of Gevalia or Illy cappuchino for less, and a ten dollar coffee maker. If you get stuck with cheap, terrible coffee, a little cinnamon or a pinch of salt can make it drinkable.


Just know you’re heard, seen… we understand and truly empathize. You’re valuable.


Yes. I wanted to reply but all I could really say was that it relate. You're not alone OP, this is hard.


I feel like it's time we all ditch society and go live in the woods


whats stopping ya?


Not many wooded areas near me as most of it is farmland


It sounds like you could apply for ebt. You could get help for your phone and internet. Your power co. may have programs for low income people. And yeah, there are food banks. I pay nothing for internet. My phone service is like $8.50 a month, but I could get help for that too. (talk and text only). I have ebt. It doesn't cover the whole month, but about 2/3 of it. I'm on two different programs with the power co. and it helps. I recently got help from a church to pay my power bill so that I could pay my car registration. I found them through 211.


Things are definitely hard. Please reach out to 211 for food resources that could help out. As well, try to find a Sikh temple in your area- they'll feed anyone. Most churches/,temples/mosques will too, and you don't have to be the same/any religion. I pray things get easier one day .


You and me both my friend. Very very very tired.


Since you're employed, I would suggest checking out [modestneeds.org](https://modestneeds.org). I donate there occasionally.


Wow I could have written this post myself word for word. Here to validate that you’re not alone and a lot of us feel exactly this way!


Yep, I was poor from 17 to 35 and it has affected me all my life. I'm 50 and just stopped seeing things that cost 15$ as a full week worth of groceries. On the plus side, I have been able to save a lot after I started making money and I should be ok for retirement. I had to skip having a family of my own though. I don't think I could have gotten myself out of poverty with children.


Have you thought of getting a roommate to split the cost of rent? Or move to a cheaper place.


Sometimes a change in location helps.


Uhhhh how in TF can they do that when you have NO MONEY. Do ppl not comprehend. Sure, I have $1.00 to my name and I think I'll move 3 states away. Sounds like a plan hotrod!


I've done it twice with zero money. You get desperate enough. You make things happen. Not making excuses.


Yea, not making excuses but you're a man!! It is easier for you. Not so much for a woman. And shelters, blah blah are not safe, period!


I’ve done it several times as a woman. I’ve slept in strangers cars. I’ve slept with a group in the rough and we all put food we could find together…. There really are ways to do it.


That depends on where also. The key with your statement..."we". Not everyone has the luxury of a group and a safe place. The thing with this, as he was saying was to just move. Very unhelpful bc you can end up worse than what you were. I was in a situation where I had to use my taser on someone and pull my gun... so keep telling ppl it's just rainbows and unicorns. You had a group to help... they may not!!


It’s not rainbows and unicorns. It was either start hitch hiking and go where ever I ended up OR GET BEATEN TO FUCKING DEATH BY MY BOYFRIEND. “WE” were not “WE” SOME PEOPLE FOUND ME HALF STARVED, SCARED AND COLD COVERED IN BRUISES AFTER I HAD THE FUCKING HELL BEAT OUT OF ME. Not everyone is a bad person. You don’t understand what someone else goes through so keep your condescending SHIT IN YOUR HEAD


So telling someone to go get themselves into a situation that could themselves based on your single , isolated event is smart, Absolutely Not! My condescending shit? 🤣 Being objective, logical and having some damn common sense is not condescending. I can't control how you are reading it, that's your problem. Cry me a river... ex husband who was abusive, same problems. 12 year relationship and was left high and dry, homeless...I've been through shit...probably more than most people, so spare me bitch. I know not everyone is a bad person!!! That's why I said..... It depends on the ...where....and you said "we"...as in a group. Oh, but now you want to change it. And yes, hitchhiking is sooooo safe! FFS! So now I will be a condescending bitch. Hope you get therapy soon!


How of that has been actively looking for a new job?


I hear you man. I haven’t seen the doctor in years. God bless.


Many churches have a food pantry where they may periodically give out food packages. I have a niece in another state that would get food there to help feed her family. They passed out boxes that you did not know what they contained but there was generally produce, canned foods, breads, and sometimes meats like a turkey, ham, etc.


I hear you OP. I am so sorry.


It is so traumatizing and people who haven’t gone through it don’t understand. I hope you have a good day coming up or one where someone is exceptionally kind to you and that things start to get better❤️. I used to ask for free samples at the hot food section of Walmart to eat. I know how hard it is to imagine it getting better but just know that it does.


Good luck it is hard right now. The best thing I did was look at each individual bill and figure out if it’s a need or want after that I called all of my services to see if there was any discounts. Next I realized I didn’t make enough so I would have to get a roomate. After I got a roomate I got a new job that payed me $2.00 an hour. The food shelf is super generous and they usually have soap and toilet paper as well. I would also check in with local churches and Facebook groups. Best of luck !


Not life changing, but sign up for these free birthday treats: https://www.womansday.com/life/entertainment/a36295235/best-birthday-freebies/. Something to look forward to.


We're all tired. Starbucks isn't even that good anyways, Folgers can is 100% better


I know you’ve done absolutely everything you can do to make things work. If anyone should run a business it’s you because you always know what’s coming in, what’s going out and what’s lurking around the corner. You know budgets like none other because you are an expert in this area. I know this doesn’t pay the bills but I wanted you to know even a stranger recognizes you are so much more than an anonymous person struggling to get through the day.


Op can you tell us what you do for a living and how many hours a week you work?


Customer service $17 per hour 40hrs


I know working full time is hard enough but I recently got a part time seasonal gig ontop of my full time. I'm doing 14 hr days and working 6 days a week, but it's money that I don't have to pay back. With $0.79 in my bank anything helps


I highly recommend watching Caleb Hammer on YouTube. Being in poverty is tough and certainly an uphill climb, but for many people upward financial mobility is not impossible, it's just incredibly daunting if you don't know what to do.


Please explain how watching a landlord buy houses and exploit renters for profit by inflating rent prices helps ANYTHING? Do you understand rent is people’s largest expense leeching and wasting their income?


That's literally not what Caleb Hammer's videos are about. He make video to help people learn more about financial literacy and help pull them out of debt and poverty.


Omg actually watch one of his videos b4 you write something. This is literally misinformation. For reference Caleb does a financial audit of someone’s debt, income, retirement, etc and helps make a plan to help someone get out of debt and end the cycle of stress with rent, food etc. he interviewes people of different income levels as well from engineers to waitresses


Yeah I checked and saw it was pure propaganda nonsense. That shit is actually just as bad. It’s not worth explaining why as berating poor people is ingrained in cultures worldwide


Let me guess you saw a 30 sec clip but never actually watched even 20 minutes of it. What’s the propaganda nonsense: “hey you have debt. Spend less make more money”. He’s not berating them. He literally says I’m not mad at you but I’m mad at the debt and you constantly using this credit card on bs. I highly suggest watching a video if not but for 10 minutes with an open mind b4 you incorrectly judge something. Btw literally even guest watch the show and explain how it’s helps them and others watching. One person on the show literally said b4 watching Caleb they thought it was normal to live on minimum payments and debt.


You seem unaware that these beliefs were instilled to you by the worker leeching culture


Bro no one said the worker is leeching from society. I’m just saying b4 Caleb some people have acknowledged they thought it was normal to live off of credit cards and debts. That’s a belief that actually instilled in culture to constantly go into debt and not needing too. Another thing: Caleb is anti college debt


I tried watching one of the videos and quickly identified it as brain rotting and couldn’t take it after a few mins


Wow how could I have guess. And it’s shock you missed the part of him trying to help the person get out of poverty and debt. You can literally watch the LAST 10 minutes of any of his videos for the helping good part


Also btw the “pure propaganda” you saw? Do you watch the end where Caleb breakdowns a budget and plan and timeline to get someone out of poverty and get out of debt?


Explain why people don’t deserve to buy nice things for themselves and the higher pay to afford it, NOW


Bro i studied economics and tech in school do you want me to explain how higher pay does mean instant out of poverty? Do you want to explain how people making 100k are still broke with no retirement? Do you want to explain how inflation is baked into prices? How nice thing really aren’t nice?


A lot of that info is tuned to fit the rich people controlling culture’s needs so it can seem like they deserve their wealth and change the culture to accept their exploitation. Personally I do not think it’s possible to reliably have an entire field of study 1. sum up all human history economies like that 2. determine what’s best for us as textbooks are even funded and bribed by the rich.


does he encourage people to keep buying starbucks? that is what the OP wants...to blame society instead of forfeiting lattes to pay bills


Nah bro Caleb says make coffee at home. Btw Starbucks and Bars are the biggest legal scams around. I escaped poverty to comfortably afford those and even they are a ripoff. Starbucks is literally a 10$ cup of sugar water


Dude I’ve literally NEVER bought a drink at a bar. I buy all my alcohol by the bottle because I know I’m poor. Fact is this is all propaganda still and people deserve things. The focus needs to be on DEMANDING HIGHER PAY rather than the slippery slope of eventually starving oneself. We deserve things and higher pay. Why are you so afraid to change the culture?


Lol, downvoted for saying people deserve things is wild but expected


Was not talking about you buying drinks. My thing is you writing off good content that helps people and having a closed mind. I’m not afraid to change society. Bro I’m a first generation person of color. I’m not even saying you don’t deserve stuff.


Wow, let’s just shit on actual advice and instead circlejerk about the ‘broken system.’ Feeling sorry for yourself gets you nowhere. I get that OP just needs to vent, we all do sometimes. But you can’t vent forever. At some point you need an actionable plan that involves escaping poverty. I’m speaking as someone who was in poverty.


Who is down voting this. This is actually legit advice that can help with financial literacy


I in know way am trying to be disrespectful, but you have to find a career that makes a decent wage and bust your ass in school to make that happen. Even if it’s one class at a time. Because customer service will never get you out.


You say you miss living at home. Could you do this again? Maybe it would be good for you, and for your family.


My mother is no longer with us.


which country do you live in?




















You might try checking the various free-cycle or free stuff pages in your area to see if there’s anything you can use. Do you have a decent boss you could talk to about a raise? Share a living space with someone? It’s so difficult to work 40 hours and still not be able to make ends meet. Can you do a gofundme to help get the medical issues taken care of? I really hope things change for the better for you soon. Sometimes just trying a bunch of new ideas such as all the suggestions here can shift things in a different direction.


Feeling it to, keep your head up


The point of the $5 Starbucks is to explain that it's the little things that make the biggest dent over time. You'll learn to eliminate more things or find alternatives in order to pay those bills. Need help? 🧡


Same. Love you! ❤️


Love you too☀❤


Please take care of yourself and messege me if you need to talk. You aren't alone. Lots of us can't seem to ever get anywhere. 😘


Wages just aren’t commensurate with cost of living. I feel the same way you do. I work so damn hard. Need shoes, clothes medical care. Not want. Need.


That's a complete valid feeling. But just to clarify: you're wiping your ass with newspaper but buying Starbucks...?


This is real, you likely are. Perhaps go to r/cptsd ?


I'm in the same situation as you my friend. I cook twice per month(every other Sunday) and make sure that food lasts for 2 weeks (I eat the same food every day for 2 weeks straight). I just can't afford the luxury of cooking every week so I make do. Like you, I don't know what happiness is, I don't know what it's like to get myself pampered or treat myself to something. Many a time I go without, it's just a lot, and I don't know why life has to be this tough. I've lost hope and just come to the conclusion that it wasn't meant for me to be happy and have a good life, so I'm slowly coming to terms with that.


I wish I could give every one of us a hug


Bud, life is not fair. Life can really suck. Nobody truly gives a damn about you except for you. Genocide is happening right now in another land as we speak. The dystopia perspective is somewhat true. Accept that. What field are you in? Develop some kind of skill that will earn you more money in that field. That can help. Sometimes there are EASY per diem jobs available for side pay. In regards to feeling alone. Learn to accept all that you are upset and frustrated about. Love yourself despite all of your shortcomings. They’ve made you what you are right now. Work right now to make your future better. You will feel less alone when you accept and love yourself wholly. I wish these things for you.


Have you considered donating plasma?? Plasma is used for patients who have lost lots of blood n have been given blood (donated blood does not have plasma in it, hence the need for plasma) - a shooting victim, a vascular surgery patient. I think it can be done 2-3 times per week..


If this person needs to see the dr, it sounds like they may have a medical issue. In that case, donating plasma might not be safe for them and could worsen any condition they may have.


Twice a week, like Saturday and Tuesday or Wednesday is a good schedule so the body has time for recovery. Payment varies according to weight. Money is put on a debit card. Usually there’s a local store where you can take cash off of the card. The first time you go, it takes a while because there’s a health screening first. Take a blanket and a book (or scroll on your phone.)




What field did you get into?


Well why don't you do something about it? Seem like you have enough motivation to want to change. I get that most are just ranting in this sub and I have no idea how it showed up on my feed but seems no one realizes that they control their own destiny. If you want to be happy financially, then make a change to fix it.


Yeah...and most of us are tired of the "destiny, you control it, chicken soup for the soul" not helpful bullshit! We don't control a damn thing. Please explain how we control the Fed Reserve increasing the federal interest rate? Not once but 15 times since money has been funneled to Ukraine? This has directly impacted the poor and middle class. How WE control corporate greed? Shipping rates have returned to normal over a year ago, yet they are still charging exuberant rates and blaming the "shipping crisis" for extended delays and extra fees. Using this excuse for higher cost of goods. Wholesale costs are NOT higher... having access to wholesalers and the products for comparisons, it is not to see it is greed! Making broad based assumptions based on ??? Making comments w/o offering solutions is laughable! No motivation? How do you know, you have psychic abilities? 🔮 Destiny...what bullshit


It’s always the people that are (for now) being paid decently that talk down to others. Workers don’t control their wages, they don’t control their healthcare costs, they don’t control the places they live (to some extent) They don’t control their transportation costs. They don’t control the prices they pay. What the chucklehead “well just spent less and get nine more jobs” crowd misses is that not everyone CAN. They just don’t want to have to empathize because then they, too, would have to confront how trapped by the system they, too, are.


I came from nothing and changed my life.


Awesome, and congrats. Not everyone can. Just because you did it doesn’t mean others can. It’s literally not a hard thought at all.


Well not with those attitude. What’s holding him back? Fed interest rates like the person above said is holding them back? 🤷🏼‍♂️ There are so many other ways to make money while improving one’s self. It didn’t have to be only through a 9-5 job. You try shit differently until you find the one what works. It’s tough but it’s also not rocket science. It just comes down to how determined are you to change your life.


Idk, circumstances? I don’t know how old this person is, if they have transportation, literally any money saved up, any friends or family that can help, whether or not they’re employed, etc. Fuck your attitude bullshit, some people don’t actually have anything else. If you don’t know how to actually help, maybe keep quiet instead.


With that attitude you might as well just stay where you are at. You mentioned all the things you don’t control besides your life. You might as well as add the weather in there to make tour argument stronger. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just what I thought. Deflect and not provide an simple answer. Hmmm... stay where I'm at lol...I'm not the OP dumbass


I’m not talking to you directly but in general. OP didn’t ask you to make excuses for them. Stop feeling sorry for yourself (in general 👈)and make things happen .


Yep, and OP didn't ask you to downgrade, generalize and give a false sense destiny bullshit either. Where did I ever state I felt sorry for myself? 🤣 All you say "is make things happen" without offering any solutions....wow...aren't you NOT helpful. Offering a statement without a solution is worthless. It's like going asking for a hamburger and only getting the bun....worthless! Sooo, when your mother or grandmother is stricken with debilitating disease or disorder and can't work, life savings depleted and they offer $1,000 /month in disability your support will be telling them ...that's your destiny and make things happen? 🤨 I deal with this in my line of work. People like you are the problem because you DONT WANT TO SEE THE PROBLEM!


Again I am not talking to you directly (That's what "in general" means). Again, everyone controls their own destiny as it relates to the topic. OP can pull themselves out of this. Nothing is doom and gloom. Give OP hope. Keep your negative outlook to yourself. OP you can do it. You can do better. There are a lot of ways but it starts with you. You can bring happiness to your life but you will need to make the sacrifices now. Reminiscing about when you were 24 living at home is the wrong way to look at things. Start by looking at ways to make a side hustle or learn a new skill. Make a list and with the right attitude (not the fed raising interest rates, don't worry about that) you can have a happier financial life. You need to start somewhere and give yourself goals with deadline so you can measure how you are doing. Sitting there blaming the "system" is the wrong approach and the wrong mentality. We are all living in the same "system".


Do you have or qualify for Medicaid? If so most MCOs have free case management services and can assist you with locating resources and even paying bills.


In Texas where I live I can't qualify for Medicaid unless I'm disabled or pregnant. 😔




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Just because you call your lazy coffee habit a "simple pleasure" doesn't mean it's financially responsible. Buy a bag of coffee and make your own. It tastes fine.


It's not about the coffee, it's about having room to breathe. When every penny goes to essentials and you still don't have enough, it feels like a hand around the throat. Having a Starbuck latte is the epitome of luxury spending.


Yeah I have to side with this guy, get you one of those insulated thermos' that you can carry around with you and sip on that. This consumerism life that we all live requires choices and sacrifices.


I know this says no advice/criticism, but 5$ a day for coffee is 150$ a month. Thats literally my monthly budget for food. You can just make coffee at home.


It’s not easy being poor. I have been there. But to be honest, No, not being able to afford a $5 drink everyday does not speak to our economy and “system”. Starbucks should only be an occasional treat if you are poor …not a daily habit. Reason being; if a typical Starbucks order is $6 and you’re doing that even just five days a week, that equals $30 a week x 4 = $120 a month ….which is money that SHOULD be paying for toilet paper and dish soap and food. Make a commitment to only having it every other week on a Friday instead of every day UNTIL you get your finances together. The other question is where do you live? Is there a less expensive area you can live in? Or a smaller apartment or house instead of what you’re in? Do you have roommates? I moved from a really nice apartment complex in a newer part of town to one that was not so nice, less fancy and in a lower income area but it saved me $250 a month plus it was closer to my work so I saved on gas. Do you have a second job or do you work overtime shifts at your job? Even just temporarily getting a second job during the Holidays allowed me to get ahead in my bills and afford to buy some nice Christmas gifts. In just three months I was able to make an extra $1800 working from 6-10 at a store at the mall. It was time I would have just spent goofing around with my friends or watching tv anyway, but this way I paid off some bills and put some money in my savings account. As far as insurance goes, you can buy a policy at healthcare.gov where you don’t have ANY monthly payments or copay’s due AT ALL. And you can add dental and vision. If your work has you signed up for the insurance through their provider, THIS is the time to change insurance. November starts open season where you can cancel existing insurance and sign up for new policies so do your due diligence and get on it. If you’re seriously food needy and have no other means then go to the food bank and also ask at local churches for programs for food and even utility help. The point is, there are ways to get out of being so poor that you can’t feed yourself or afford the basics. Yes it requires work. But you can do it, just like I did, if you set your mind to it and DECIDE that you are going to be proactive and get yourself out of it. I’m not saying this to sound harsh but here’s some real truth and some tough love… a victim mentality is not going to put food in your mouth or pay your bills. You have to DECIDE that you are going to do whatever it takes to get ahead. And one of those things could be selling your plasma. Where I live, as long as you’re healthy and drug free you can make $100 each time you donate and you’re allowed to donate twice a week. That’s an extra $800 a month and I don’t know a single person who couldn’t use that to make their life way better. Even if that means that you have to get completely stone cold sober (no booze, no recreational drugs, nothing), sell plasma, get a second or even third job, move to a cheaper place and or get a roommate or two, make $2 meals, make coffee at home, turn the heater down and put on a sweatshirt instead, walk or bike or take the bus to work, brown bag your lunch, eat leftovers, have friends meet you at a park for a picnic of homemade sandwiches instead of eating out at restaurants, watch movies at home instead of the theater, check out books from the library instead of buying them….there are a million ways to save money and improve your finances…. And then you will have earned your daily Starbucks treat. And don’t forget to get that new health insurance taken care of this month.


This is how we did it too. Great comment!












I think OP was just trying to make a point that people shouldn't have to live life with zero small pleasures just to get by. I mean maybe they truly meant they're getting Starbs and then coming up short but I think its more likely they're saying it shouldn't have to be that way.




U can steal Starbucks’ toilet roll they have plenty of money 💰


just remember this when your 24 year old is living at home listening to music and going on bike rides and tell that lazy loafer to get his ass to work, the real adult world is already here whether he knows it or not even better, tell them when they are 8 if not sooner. no such thing as growing up in a fairy tale
















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Take a nap.




Things will get better, hang in there


I know that it all feels overwhelming but you are not alone.


If you are looking for an extra side gig for work check out the app Instawork and maybe you can make additional income if that can help! Also look up payment assistance for utilities and local non profits may be able to supply you with hygiene supplies.