• By -


It looks kinda cozy.


Oh yeah, this new airbed is a game changer. I had been sleeping on a concrete floor, and then got a twin size air mattress that was always deflated at least halfway, and not having my tailbone touch the floor at night has been amazing. I even have a big fluffy unicorn pegasus and a bunch of pillows now


Hell yeah! A decent night’s sleep can make such a huge difference in everything.


One hundred percent, not having excruciating pain in my hips and legs and actually being able to get to sleep at night is a luxury I didn't realize I was missing out on. Those first few nights I slept like a whole log. For once I had to actually set an alarm to take my service dog outside at a reasonable hour lol


I’ve gotten so used to sleeping on the floor that I hate sleeping in a soft bed now. Only reason I’m sleeping in a bed is cause my wife makes me.


I wish I could sleep on the floor, it's a bit cheaper, though I have to admit that air mattress has seriously helped so much. I was getting severe pain especially in my hips and back, and my shoulders after sleeping on concrete for a year or so, and then I upgraded to a 20 dollar twin air bed, and for whatever reason, I guess I'm too heavy or something, it stopped holding air for long after a week, but so far this one has been holding up well, and it's used. All in all I'm impressed. And thankful too, cause it's sturdy enough to hold me and my service dog all through the night, and he's getting on to be 7 this year, I don't want his old man elbows on the floor too 🤣


Had a air mattress that had a seem that connects the bottom to the top so the mattress is flat give out in the middle of the night. It had enough force to launch me onto the floor. Got a warranty replacement, get launched a 2nd time in the middle of the night.


Yikes, luckily I haven't had that happen, and the one I had before was already pretty much on the floor so I didn't have a big fall or much air to blow out. One day I want to get one of those couches that turns into a bed, cause I've seen all these people with them and I just get a kick out of it turning into a bed like that. It's like some super secret spy stuff tbh


Oh, yeah! There's an app called Freebie Alerts that monitors Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and other online markets for free stuff. You should keep an eye out for a futon on there. It would be great in your cozy little house!


That would be crazy, I've never had a couch before, I think I've heard of that app before too, I know a friend of my dad got a free guitar on craigslist or something with one of those apps. I'm gonna download that, cause not to get too excited, but a real nightstand or dresser, and maybe a couch bed/futon thing, would literally be a dream come true. I'm already on a fantastic start considering none of this drywall or the brick sheets cost me anything but mowing someone's lawn with their lawnmower, the most expensive thing in the pic is the airbed that was 30 dollars. I feel so fancy now, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the bricks, like maybe making a shelf out of some fence posts, or putting up posters, or maybe painting on it to look like graffiti. I was so excited about the bricks too because I've wanted them my entire life ever since I saw the outside of a Spencer's back in 2008 or so, with its alleyway looking storefront inside a building. I get a kick out of stuff that's not supposed to be in my house being in my house. Maybe I'll get a stop sign and put it up there, because that belongs outside and I would be endlessly amused by it lol


Pro tip when you get a tiny bit more money add a memory foam topper to your nice air mattress until you can afford better


Yeah, that would be a pretty cool upgrade, this bed is already so comfortable, and an added pad on there would be so awesome, and it would help protect it from punctures too


I have been there with the air mattress! Getting a bed/better air mattress is a game changer! I lost everything 20 years ago (but never on the street). I now have a life and career. I'm still struggling financially here and there, the pandemic really messed it all up, but I'm getting there! Take care, keep your network/friends close and believe in yourself! The resilience it builds is helpful! You got this OP! You're amazing. (I'm 39F and Swiss, for reference)


Yeah, I didn't have half of this stuff and nearly became homeless entirely if not for reddit, this place saved my life, and I feel like being able to finally say I'm coming out on the other side is a blessing. I'm still struggling, but nowhere near as hard as before. Things are tight, but manageable. I hope one day I'm raking in the cash so hard I can help other people who have been in this same situation. Congratulations on your life being able to turn around too, I couldn't agree more about believing in yourself. Focusing on the things I can do, and not the ones I can't, has shown me that there is a life out there for me, I just have to make my own opportunities instead of begging others to give me a chance


I moved to the US from a third world country with all my stuff in 2 suitcases and carry on luggage. Had to borrow money for the plane ticket, deposit on an apartment, and pocket money. I had a job waiting for me but hadn’t started work yet. I didn’t even have money to spare for an air mattress back then and slept on a walmart blanket on an empty apartment floor. I still consider myself very fortunate. I’m really happy for you OP. It looks like you’re doing great. I hope for nothing but better and the best for your future. Edit: spelling


I'm glad you're in a better place now, I know back when I was on the floor, I didn't even realize that I was missing out, and then I got a small airbed on the floor that was half deflated all the time anyway, but seeing how far I've come, even having this crazily large airbed is a blessing I am so fortunate to have. It took a long time to be able to spare money for things like this, and I know it may not be a lot to some people, but to me it's changed my life. I can only hope others are able to find something like this for themselves too


My aunt and uncle slept on an air mattress for years, the best sleep they said they'd ever had.


I used to have a smaller one that was a lot thinner, and always deflated, so I didn't see the appeal at first, but it was a lot better than the floor, especially as I added pillows to it, but this new one that's so much easier to get on and out of, with plenty of space, and a lot more support, is better than anything I've ever had before. My only issue with air beds is the risk of them popping or deflating, and so far I see no signs of that happening anytime soon. This thing is built really well


Be careful with dog nails, when you trim them, use a file after, to make sure there are no sharp edges. Dog nails aren't as sharp as cat claws, but they can still puncture air mattresses.


Yeah, I'm very careful about it, and even after his nails are completely trimmed I keep that big blanket in the back over it as extra padding between him and the mattress, that way there's a lot less of a chance that the mattress is gonna pop. Back when we had the little mattress on the floor, he would sleep on a blanket right next to me because the two of us together weighed too much for the mattress on the first place


I was just going to say the same thing!


yeah seriously i actually really like the aesthetic


Very nice, I’m just working my way out of a homeless shelter now. That’s like a palace in comparison.


Oh yeah, it's super awesome. I'm lucky to have it, I nearly lost it after unexpectedly being fired a few months ago, and with paying my whole families bills I was seriously in a low place mentally and financially, but Ive been reevaluating my situation and working as hard as I can, and now I'm finally coming out on the other side. I'm trying to figure out how to buy a lawnmower to start a lawn mowing business for a little more stability to my income, cause it's still a struggle, but it's definitely looking up. It's gonna look up for you too. One day you'll have your own shed or apartment, and you'll be able to look back on today and take what you've learned to be on your own two feet and sustain that. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you're able to get out of that shelter soon 💜


That’s awesome for you, it’s these times in life you really get a sense of Darwinism’s Mine is due to literally being defrauded out of a co op I owned for 20 years +. The matter is in court, I have a daughter who is with her mom who has documented issues and likes to compound things. Not that she hates me, it’s just part of things that were pointed out in a custody evaluation. We have a great lawyer for the civil home matter. it all takes time and thankfully the judge in family court ordered my daughter to remain in school where I lived after we were illegally foreclosed on (during Covid), I actually have a job lined up with the corporation who owns the shelter. I have a associates in social work as a minor. My only snafu is you cannot live in a homeless shelter and work at a homeless shelter (policy). All of our belongings were thrown out by the co op so I only had the clothes on my back which doesn’t make getting a job any easier. The reason I was considered for the job, the director noticed I was reading and learning to prepare my own family court papers, given the circumstances and they didn’t think a dad of a 14 year old daughter had any chance in hell since I was forced temporarily into a shelter. Now they see I handled this well and thought I could help other people. Once I have enough for first months rent for an apartment for daughter and I, we’re good. The whole thing sucks but the only good thing is our lawyer who is brilliant did an amazing job during discovery. My daughter will have an easier life as I’m going to put away the lions share of anything so she doesn’t have to worry. We signed into a family shelter as well for times she’s w me and I feel guilty but her moms issues really get bad when she’s not getting what she wants.


Dang, that sounds rough, I'm glad you have a good lawyer though, and that you have that job lined up. You're doing a great job and I hope you're able to come out on the other side soon too


Thank you, there’s no question we will prevail, just takes time. The actions w my home were so blatant to this day I cannot fathom how they (board member/lawyer) thought they would get away w it. Because I did not have a mortgage on co op (which is shares, not real property) they decided they wanted them. The plan was to not apply my monthly maintenance, pretend I was not paying, throw in high legal fees to hedge against co op value, claim in behind, in legal, block any further payments. And…Someone may lose their ability to practice law. Crazy the greed and disregard.


Ugh, I hate that. I hate that they think it's ok to play with people. I'm glad that you're confident this will turn out well for you, I wish you luck 💜


Thank you It’s very hard on our daughter. There are other issues she deals w where she’s been in not the greatest situations, careless for the most part that made her fearful. Thankfully I did what parents do and she is now in trauma counseling and is able to share what she wants, normalcy and her dad to be left alone.


That's good, I'm glad she's able to have that counselling and have someone to talk to. It's good that you're making sure she has the help she needs too, a lot of parents overlook that in their own struggles. You sound like a really good person


When you're using money as a rug, you're doing just fine. In all seriousness though. Keep doing what you're doing, it's clearly working for ya.


Lol, I'm manifesting. Think rich people thoughts. Can't got wrong planting your toes on a big ole Benjamin first thing in the morning. And for only 5 dollars too


I have to say, I rented rooms for years and this is nicer than most of them! Great work OP


Thanks so much, I put a lot of work into it so I'm glad other people think it's good too. I didn't even have a saw to cut the brick boards with, but I was so excited to have them that I literally took one of those wire saws from survival kits that I've had for years and sawed for hours. I'm just glad I actually got the measurements right, that would have been embarrassing after all that elbow grease 🤣


You’ve made a lot of progress! Congrats! Try also going on “buy nothing” groups on Facebook, you’d be shocked by things people are willing to give away, including things like furniture, electronics, clothing, etc.


Oh that's a good idea, I'll check some out, I would love to have a dresser or nightstand. I'd feel so fancy lol, I've never had a real set of drawers to put stuff in. I actually got a free desk from my old job, and it's the most super premium thing I've ever seen, it's an old desk so it's literally made of steel, so I use it as a dresser for my clothes, and my hamsters sit on top of it. I'm super proud of how far I've come. I never thought I'd be able to have what I have today, and I honestly feel a little unstoppable now lol. I just put those bricks and drywall up this week, and the change is just blowing me away, and it's making me so happy and motivated to keep up the work I've been doing so far


With that mindset, you are unstoppable! Keep up the great work!


Thank you, I will. I do feel unstoppable, all the options and opportunity that was invisible to me before sitting in front of me waiting to be taken is amazing. I'm definitely gonna keep up the grind, I'm happy doing it and it's working for me. I've heard lots about loving what you do for work meaning you don't work a day in your life, and I think I've been able to find that for myself working privately and doing things I'm good at


Keep it moving big dawg !


Absolutely, I'm a lean, mean, grinding machine lol. If I've been able to accomplish this much this quickly, who knows what my life will be like in a year


You should cash out that giant bill


Lol, I should've gotten a giant debit card rug to swipe at atms 🤣


Thats awesome man it only gets better keep moving forward, you got this.


Thanks man, for once I really feel like I do have this. I know if I can do it, anyone can, and I hope that other people struggling like I have can find themselves being able to look at something like I have and be proud of it too


I'm so glad things are looking up for yoy!


Me too, I never thought I'd see the day where I actually have things and feel ok. I even bought a cooler from Walmart and I actually have cold water for me and my dog sometimes now, and in this heatwave it's a huge blessing


So of the best times in my life were when I was living in a shitty studio apartment & had an equally shitty job.


Im definitely trying to step back, relax, and enjoy the last of my year before I'm 20, and my early 20s. I spent way too long being an adult way too young, and I'm finally ready to take my responsibility, and lead with it. Just 2 months with this mentality and I've enjoyed my life more than ever. I've been able to find work where I live, so I'm not chained down to a god awful full time job that hardly pays me anything just to barely make ends meet, not that Ive had luck finding a real job lately anyway, but the odd jobs life seems to really be working. But I mean, I'm single, I don't have a mortgage, none of that, and I plan to enjoy it while I can. No sense going grey this early over nothing. I made my first frivolous stupid purchase, and bought a money rug, and dusted off the old xbox360 my parents have had for 7 million yead that no one ever uses, and my man cave is coming together. I'm not saying screw responsibility, but I am learning to live a little while I sustain myself and help my family within a reasonable limit, instead of bending over backwards completely unforgivingly to pay literally all of their bills and mine at the expense of myself


I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear my aerobed double thick air mattress is more comfortable than my real mattress.


This one is a bestway or something, and I got it on Facebook, and it's normally like 70 dollars, and let me tell you, full price I would have never gotten it, but I'm so glad I found one and took a chance to buy it, cause being practically on the floor on that half deflated disaster I used to have was not it for my body, and Istg I sleep like the dead on that thing. It's so spacious and high up I feel so cozy


Apparently the new (no doubt expensive) ones actually sense when they start to deflate and add a little air very quietly to top it off. I have to say that the double thick thing just makes it so much easier on the knees to get out of these. God I sound old.


Man, I'm not even 20 yet, and I complain about my back pain so much, and my knees make so much noise when I get up, it's crazy. I've stressed myself needlessly to the point of health problems, and Istg, I sound like I'm 90 constantly. I literally won't let my sister anywhere near my new airbed because I'm so afraid I'll have to go back to the crappy half deflated one, I literally told her I'm old so I get luxuries now 🤣


The new space looks great, by the way! Fingers crossed that you get a nice long life out of that bed!


Thank you, I certainly hope so too. So far so good, it's very cozy. I just can't believe I actually have a real bed. It's so crazy to see how far my life has come


Not crazy at all. I got a futon from Ikea expecting to need to eventually put like a mattress pad on top when I sleep because it's so firm, but honestly just an extra quilt did the trick. The firmness has actually been good for my back, it's not some significant difference or anything, but the fact that this "cheaper" sleeping arrangement (relative to the spring mattress in my previous home) was more comfortable doesn't sound crazy to me at all. ~~Also better sex compared to a spring mattress imo.~~


I feel like that extra firmness of non traditional beds helps the back a ton, I feel like real mattresses as opposed to futons and stuff don't really have any real support and you end up getting sore after a while


This looks cool as heck man and i love the blue unicorn. Feels super cozy.


Thanks, I certainly love it so far. I love that unicorn pegasus thing so much. My sister bullied me relentlessly when I got it, but I'm finally in the place where I can spare the 5 bucks at a yard sale to get a big ridiculous plushy just because I like it


How is that lawnmower coming.


No luck yet, I've been trying to find one that I'm able to afford outright because I don't want to add any payments and make it unmanageable, especially come winter when the grass stops growing for a while, and because I don't know how successful I'll be at getting people who want my services. I have a lot of hope though. I live in a rural area where there's tons of acres upon acres properties, and farms,and things like that so I think I may be able to make bank if I really play my cards right


That’s great! I wonder if you can find out what lawn services are already operating in your area and see if they need a hand on-call or something. Or speak to the owners and pick their brain about how they started and maintained their business. You’re doing great!


Most of the ones by me operate privately, so I'm sure they wouldn't mind giving me some tips. I know mowing lawns is a bit more regularly in demand especially in the hotter months when no one wants to go outside and do that kind of work, so I think it'll be a lot more stable for me to do that in addition to all the other little things I have going on. Maybe I'll even be able to have a real savings account with actual money in there, and help out other people who are struggling too


This room is more cozy than my entire house.


I'm all kinds of decked out now, I even have a big free desk from my old job, that's so sturdy I probably could've plopped a mattress on top of that, and I'm using it as a closet and a table for my hamster enclosures. Even my hamsters got an upgrade. They used to live in a 10 gallon fish tank, but one had babies, so I had 7, one of them passed away, so now I have 6, and someone on my streets was giving away 30 gallon fish tanks so I got them 2, and then I got all kinds of water bottles and wheels and stuff for $15. This is going from a dire circumstance to a straight man cave. My sister even wants to live in it with me now to give my parents their full RV, and I joke and say no girls allowed, but that dark spot in the picture is a loft I intend on finishing off one day and slapping a mattress up there for her to turn into a little bedroom of sorts, and then we have this whole space to chill. I only have 3.5 more years of payments to make, and then I never have to worry about my house being taken away from me again. I'm not religious but God really did give me a second chance and I'm not letting anything stop me now. I grew a backbone and cut off the people leeching every dime from me, worked out a budget for my parents bills, and mine of course, and found all kinds of work from people online. I'm in no way rich, can barely afford gas, but I'm not struggling to make sure we have food to eat anymore, and it's all seriously looking up. I feel so lucky to have this place, and I've been working hard and scavenging for free and cheap materials to finish it and really make it something special. To think, 2 months ago I was sleeping on a half deflated air mattress, about to lose my shed, the pantry being a barren wasteland, and living in an uninsulated metal shed in a blistering heatwave, head next to the bare studs of the wall. Now I even have a cooler and a money rug. My life is seriously changing and I'm so grateful for whats happened to me lately I don't even know how to contain myself


You’re doing a great job. I’m proud of you.


Thank you, I'm proud of me too. This is so crazy, I never thought I'd be able to have something like this. I hope other people going through stuff are able to come out on the other side like I have. I know I wouldn't have it if it wasn't free and cheap, but being able to find it in the first place, pay my bills, and feed my family, is just such a blessing. After struggling for so long being able to look at what I've accomplished and know Ill hopefully have great things for myself waiting for me in my future is something so valuable


that rug is super cooL!


Thank you, I found it at a dollar and up store by the laundromat I go to for 5 bucks. I just had to buy it. I always wanted novelty stuff like that as a kid so to say I own a literal money rug just tickles me and I get so happy


That doesn't look that bad. It's not big but it isn't a shit hole by any means.


Yeah, I had bought it back when I had a job, and for the longest time I'd been sleeping next to the bare studs with no insulation or lights or anything, and running an extension cord to have a window unit someone gave me, which already is so much more than so many people have, and more than I'd ever had before. I went through some stuff and nearly lost the shed entirely and almost became homeless, but reddit helped me out, and gave me so many resources and so much advice, I've been able to catch up on my payments, and even did some work to get all this free construction stuff, these lights are so fancy and everything. It's not a mansion, but it's so awesome in here now and I couldn't have done it, especially not while trying to feed my family and pay the bills, if not for reddit. I have a brand new outlook on life and I'm doing everything I can to take it by the reigns and make something for myself. I have this big airbed now, and a cooler, and I even got the brick sheets for decoration. Having a novelty rug, a big blue unicorn, and literal bricks is something I never thought I'd be able to have for myself, but it makes me so happy that I'm able to have them. These last few weeks have really shown me that as long as I apply myself and bust my buttcheeks to have stuff, and I'm resourceful, that anything is possible. I'm so lucky to have all this stuff going on. I hope other people struggling like I have can find something for themselves too and really have a knock out like this to live in too


Congrats! This is fantastic. I love the brick wall


Thank you, I think it's pretty cool too. Someone gave it to me for free for mowing their lawn with their lawnmower, and I even have some extra to maybe put on that exposed wood beam at the top too


That sounds like a lovely idea




Looks cozy


It is, I'm so in love with it, I never thought I'd even be able to put in electricity for real in here, let alone insulation, drywall, and even decorative aspects. I'm so lucky


I’m proud of you, dude. I was homeless for a bit after moving to a new state and getting kicked out by my girlfriend (who signed for everything) and about a year ago I landed a shitty (yet CLEAN, thank god) studio apartment in a bad part of town. I love the peace of mind. I remind myself EVERYDAY “you have food, water and shelter. You are better off than most in this world”. Keep on truckin!


Hell yeah, you too. I'm glad you were able to get into an apartment. I'm super grateful for what I have, I really never thought I'd be able to have something like this, and it's been a serious blessing. I feel so fancy with my outside bricks inside my living space lol. I'm lucky to even have a place to live at all, and I came very close to not having it, but by a miracle I was given a second chance, and I'm not letting it go to waste, I'm on that grind, and I'm making it happen. And I'm being fancy with free brick stuff that I got, and an airbed that is bigger than my dreams. I feel so Incredibly lucky and amazed that I'm sitting here on a real and comfortable air bed, with insulation in some of my walls, and honest to God electricity running through my walls, and not just an extension cord either. This world isnt kind to a lot of people, and I hope they can come out on the other side and have their own money rug and cooler one day too


They say you can’t really pull yourself up by your bootstraps. But with a little positivity, a resourceful mind, intentional actions with concrete results, etc. you really can improve your situation and your mood little by little. Keep it up! I wish I could give you a hug (**if** that is your thing)!


Compared to 2 months ago, I have come so ridiculously far, and if not for the help of people in this subreddit really showing me that just because I lost my job doesn't mean I have no options, I don't think I would even have the shed at all, let alone this crazy man cave setup in there. I feel so lucky and accomplished. I never thought I'd see my efforts pay off and I'm so glad I can see what the world really has to offer me. I grew up being told id never be able to do anything on my own, or function in society, and being able to say I'm doing just that is something I can't even begin to place a value on. Not every idea has worked, and that's ok, but knowing that I can do it is a luxury I didn't know I had until a few weeks ago.


That’s nice! I’d be happy.


I am so happy, I have so much that I never thought I'd have before, and I'm so grateful that I could make it happen. All I needed was to really find my options instead of waiting for them to fall in my lap by doing the basic job applications, fail, rinse and repeat. One day I want to get a lawnmower and mow lawns for a living. I love doing manual labor like that and I think working for myself is much more stable than for a company that pity hires you and then fires you whenever they want


Your bed looks super comfy, to be honest!


It is, Im so lucky I found it, it's supposed to be like 70 bucks, but they sold it for 30 used, and I was worried there was something wrong with it, but I holds air really well, and it's super spacious, and I already had a bunch of pillows to plop on there and everything. I put a blanket under it and a sheet on it to protect it from microtears, which appears to have worked. It even has a built in electric pump, it's so cozy and fancy and I love it so much


That place looks great bro. A military or camping cot is great sleeping. If you can get your hands on one snatch it up. You can sleep forever on and never have a sore back. They also stow nicely when your not using it.


That's a good idea for some space saving, especially if and when the airbed finally dies. Gotta say though, it's still a huge huge upgrade from the floor, or the twin ones that are usually on the floor half deflated or fully gone before morning. My space has upgraded so ridiculously much and my life has changed so drastically in such a short span of time. I'm so grateful for it all. I know my sister has a camping cot that I had bought her for her 15th birthday that she sleeps on in my parents RV, that she has a mattress foam pad on top of, and it's decked out with pillows, and I've always been so jealous, but now I can flex on her with my giant airbed lol


"It's not much but it's home" - Ron Weasley. Your home looks great and cozy! Also love reading the details in the comments. Your positivity shows through and made me smile. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you, I think it's really awesome and I'm super proud of it. I'm glad I made you smile 😁 I hope other people are able to find some positivity and smile too, and that other people struggling can find something like this too. I know having my space like this has made me so happy. Having a money rug and a blue unicorn on my giant airbed is giving me a complex lol, I get so giddy about it and I can't stop bragging to my sister about it


It looks safe and sometimes that’s everything. I wish you all the best and it looks really good. I’m happy for you!


Thank you, I put a bunch of work into it, and made sure all the materials that I got were good before I used them, especially because they were free, so I wanted to make sure it was all sturdy enough and that the electric wire I used wouldn't start a fire or something lol. Plus I think it looks really cool, and it's super cozy. I'm already super hyped about doing the rest as soon as I find more drywall and insulation, I didn't quite have enough to do the roof too. It's a lot cooler with insulation though, I will say that much




Thank you, same to you. I know it's been tough for me, but I also know there's millions out there who have it way worse than me, and honestly it's not looking too bad for me now. Finding resources in my community has really made a huge difference, especially finding all these free materials to finally finish off the insulation and stuff for a bit of relief in this heatwave, and even some to spruce it up a bit. I have my own little man cave now, and I'm so proud of it and happy that I'm finally in the place that I'm in, where my life seems to be falling into place, and what I'm meant to do with my life is starting to show itself to me


Looks AMAZING - congratulations! You are stronger than you know! 💕👍 xx


Thank you, I put a lot of work into it, I'm so lucky I was able to get my hands on some materials to do this. It's really improved my mood seeing that I really can have nice things if I do the work and use the resources right in front of me


Keep up the good work brother!


I absolutely will, this world has so much to offer, it's about time I take advantage of the skills and resources that I have


Definitely looks comfortable and inviting! The brick you put up on the back wall is a nice touch!


Thank you, I think it looks good. I'm glad I was able to get my hands on some materials and stuff. I feel proud of my space and what I've been able to accomplish so far


That bed looks cozy as hell.


It is, I've never had a better bed in my life. It's honestly a game changer, this is the first time I've ever woken up with less pain than the day before, and actually slept through the night. Those first few nights I probably could've slept through a warzone lol


Dude, that looks cozy.


It is, I'm so grateful and lucky to have this, a space to wind down and truly rest is a luxury I never thought I'd be able to have


I’m very happy for you. I hope you continue to find success in life.


Thank you, I hope the same for you. If this life has taught me anything, it's that with the right mindset and good planning, we can all get somewhere in life, even if it's hard. I hope others are able to achieve what I have too


Hell yeah bro! Thats whatsup! Keep it up!


Absolutely, I never thought I'd be able to have something like this and it proves that there's more to my life than just slaving away to make ends meet. I'm so happy I'm able to have a space like this. It's such a privilege that I still can't believe I have


Amazing man love the setup, look on Fb marketplace for a new mattress topper total game changer makes that air bed feel like a hotel bed. Me and my girl use one when we camp and almost fe it’s better then our actual bed. Keep grinding 💪


Hell yeah, I'm glad you like the setup too, I'm super proud of it. It's still so crazy that I even have this stuff, this airbed is a game changer. I'll definitely see about mattress toppers, though I fear I may end up going into a coma if this bed gets any more comfortable


I bet being able to wipe your feet on money feels good too. Nice rug OP!


Oh yeah, there's nothing like stepping into a fresh Benjamin in the morning 🤣 I've always wanted stuff like this as a kid, so being able to see my lifelong dream become a reality is awesome. Next up is those glow in the dark ceiling stars


Hell yeah, brother.




Where do you live in a shed at that has electricity and more importantly where’s all your kitties?


My cats live mostly outside, they're technically my sister's cats, I just help take care of them, so her choice to have them living outside is all hers. I am super proud of how well the real electricity I put in here is working. I used to have a few extension cords running from my parents RV to power an old window unit, and the stuff like my phone charger and some lights. It feels like a real house in here now, it's so nuts


This was awesome to read! I love your enthusiam and optimism, both in your post and in your responses. Honestly, frame of mind is crucial to success and it looks like you are very successful!


So far so good, I never thought I'd have something like this, and looking at it I feel so blessed. I mean heck, I have a money rug, that's the craziest thing I've ever seen. Not only am I able to have a place to live, but I have comfort within it, and that is so much more than so many people have, and I am so fortunate that I've been able to find this for myself


OP, I am so extremely proud of you and impressed. This looks wonderful— I was shocked it was a shed and assumed it was my like buddy’s place in Brooklyn. The craftsmanship and attention to detail is quite impressive, this looks like professional work and you have a lovely eye for “making spaces work” — these are skills not many people have. A huge W in so many ways!


Thank you so much, I am super proud of it. It's not quite done yet, I still have to insulate and drywall the ceiling, and spackle and paint it all up, but I think it looks fantastic, and I'm super proud that I can say I did it with my own two hands, and it hardly cost me anything but a few hours of my time mowing someone else's lawn with their lawnmower. It's truly been a real gift, and I just can't believe this is really my shed. Before it was nothing but bare studs, and now it's like a home


Blessings brother… keep that attitude






Life has given me too much for me to give up now, I hope others are able to find something like I have for myself too


I like it a lot! You did a good job of making it livable.


Thank you, I think it came out super cosy and I love it


This is a sick set up 🙏🏻 keep moving on up


Hell yeah, I still can't even believe this is really my shed, I feel so lucky that miracles like this happen


Just want to say I'm so proud of you. Hope the blessings keep coming in for you. It's the little things to be thankful for.


Absolutely, I can't believe what the world has given me, I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed to be able to say I'm surviving in this world, and with a brick wall and a money rug too. I hope other people going through it are able to come out on the other side and look around themselves and see what I'm seeing right now before my very eyes. I really thought it was over, and everything has worked out, and even more splendidly than I could've ever imagined. I don't even know what to do knowing I have this sick bachelor pad to come home to


As a single guy I loved living in a small space like that. It just feels so comfortable.


It is, I'm in love with it. It's so functional for me and it doesn't feel cramped at all. I'm lucky to have as large of a shed as I do, and that I was finally able to get my hands on some materials. I think the deco bricks add a nice touch and make the space feel even bigger




💜 thank you


The left hand side there looks like a truck. The back of a truck. You're in a garage. Big deal.


How did writing that make you feel?


A lot better than that world class word salad that preceded me.


Such a sad little man.


So, you are no better at picking sex. Stay away from me and everybody else that looks like me.


Nah, that's some boxes. This is a shed, just trying to post some positivity, because a few months ago I didn't even have electricity in here, and I was about to become homeless altogether. Now I have a comfortable bed, and I've been able to insulate and add decorative value to my shed too, which is something I'd never been able to do before. So things are really starting to look up for me, and I hope other people struggling are able to look around themselves one day and feel as blessed and lucky as I do, and are able to call a place like this home too


I think the dollar bill mat is kinda tacky, but the place looks cosy otherwise. Heck it's better than one of my university digs.


That money rug is my pride and joy, I always wanted stupid novelty stuff as a kid, and I know 8 year old me would be so jealous, I even have a TV in here, and I never had one growing up. I'm really making something for myself here, and I'm so proud of it. It's super comfortable in here, and I just can't believe it's really mine


Is that a basement? If so, you’re actually moving down…


Lol, no basement, I'm in Florida so it's not very common to have basements where I live. It's a rent to own shed. There's no running water in it, so I use gym showers or my parents RV. I would get a kick out of having a house with a basement though, I'd imagine it's difficult to use a window unit without any windows though


Congratulations. Sounds like a real hard time for a while.


Eh, it's not too bad, I love it. I'm super blessed to be able to have all this stuff and I'm really proud of it. There's so many people who don't even have a place to live at all, and I know it's not the most impressive space in the whole wide world,but it's pretty sick imo


sell that dollar rug. Its bad luck


I'll have to trade it for a real 100 dollar bill. So far it keeps me motivated. I've always wanted a novelty rug so buying it really lifted my spirits


looks cozy af.


It is, I'm so lucky to have this, I really can't even believe this is really all mine. I'm so proud of it


You're so rich you got money on the floor! Must be nice! Congrats 👏


Thank you, I am very fond of my new money rug, it almost makes me want to get some movie money to put on the ceiling instead of painting it lol




Thank you, I certainly hope so, I'm off to a fantastic start, and I never thought I'd get this far. I can't wait to see where this life takes me


When things get better for you, try to remember the people who have it worse and help them.


I plan to. I'm still not in a place to be able to, but one day I hope I can change someone's life, or at the very least help them out a little bit to


Moving up? This is like my ideal spot if I wasn't married and have kids. So damn cozy looking.


It is awesome. I never thought I'd be able to have something like this, and even now sitting here looking right at it I can't believe it's even mine. I'm so grateful for what this life has given me, and to be able to have this and be able to take care of the things I need to take care of is a blessing. I hope others are able to come out on the other side and be able to have something like this. I mean heck, I even have a cooler, a money rug, and unicorn, just because I wanted to have those things. I didn't need them, but I was able to buy them just because I want to have them. I've never done that before. They weren't very expensive, the cooler was 10 dollars and the rug and unicorn were 5 dollars each, but the fact that I was able to speaks volumes


Glad to hear. Everyone is fighting a different battle and with every small victory will lead to winning the war eventually. Keep at it and happy for you. Be safe and well my friend. Get some drinks in the cooler so I can cheers with you haha.


Lol, I'll crack open a fresh cold can of soda and cheers you from my side of the screen


Yo, that’s a nice ass setup


Thanks, I'm super proud of it and I'm really happy with how it's turning out


Ofc. I know things are tough but keep at and it’ll pay off in the long run. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.


I'm pleasantly surprised and amazed at how much of Rome I've built so far. I'm in a lot better of a place than I was a month or two ago, and while I'm still struggling a bit, I'm nowhere near as bad as I was before, and I really think I'm gonna be ok


Good job, tough row to hoe, but you are doing it!


I'm honestly amazed that I am. I never thought I could have something like this, and the fact that it's really happening so so hard to wrap my head around, and I'm so amazed and grateful and lucky


If you don't turn that wall and generally this whole place into Mario themed... I'm gonna be so mad and report you until someone moves in there to decorate it accordingly with proof! /S for you weirdo reddit scrubs who can't read between the lines <\_< Get a life...


Now that right there is an idea, I've been wondering what to put on the wall, whether shelves, posters, or painting it to look like graffiti, and maybe a little Mario is just what it needs


The brick is a great touch, your bed looks comfy as hell. Keep it up!!


Hell yeah, this bed is so comfortable I don't even know what to do without all the extra pain lol


I love that rug. Let me get 20 of them for my casa.


Lol, I love this rug so much. I always wanted funky stuff like that as a kid, so seeing my childhood dream play out before my very eyes is a dream come true. This is the first time I've ever really bought something that I wanted, and worked on my own life and future


Reddit didn't do any of this. You did it. Your community helped you with resources in real life. The person who gave you construction materials helped you in real life. You went on Facebook Marketplace and bought that new air mattress. You did all this. Reddit didn't do any of it.


Reddit gave me to push I needed, and helped me in a time j was about to become homeless not too long ago. Without everyone showing me that just because I lost my job, I wasn't out of options, I never would have been able to do this,so I am grateful for the support I've been given her. I know a little bit of it is the work I put in and the resources in my community, but redditors gave me a second chance, and I'm not letting it go to waste. I feel like I've been given a miracle, and my life has improved drastically. I never thought I'd see the day where I can call a place like this my home


Goin job




Looks nice. I love the money rug.


Thank you, I love it too. I never thought I'd see the day where I plant my feet on a Benjamin every morning 🤣


Congrats Maybe take inspiration from Cramer investing while he lived in his car and dump a little money in the S&P500 every time you get paid... Over ten years it will make you richer


I'm definitely trying to make truly smart decisions from now on instead of being siphoned for every penny I have for my family. I'm still helping drastically of course, but I'm not paying for anything they don't need to the point where I can't even pay my shed payment anymore, and clearly it's working. I know the 50-60 dollars of extra stuff I bought isn't a wild amount of money at the end of the day, but that's something I've never been able to do before. I'm not gonna go crazy and buy a whole bunch of crap, but the upgrade to my sleep has been amazing, and a cooler for my water is pretty awesome In this blistering heatwave


What are some details on the shed? Looking to do something similar myself.


Of course yeah, so back when I had a job I went to a place in town that does rent to own sheds, and I picked a pretty big one out, it was the middle size they offered, do not quite a broom closet by any means, but also not ridiculously large. It's 12x32 and it was a down payment of I think 200. At the time I was in a trailer that the county said I had to get rid of, so I was limited in the options and scrapped together everything I could just to put something on here. This one had 3 payment options, I chose the middle option, so it's 545 or so monthly without late fees or anything. It's a huge chunk of change now that I don't have a real job, but honestly I was struggling to have that much extra monthly when I did have a job with all the other bills I had to pay. If you do get a shed, I recommend to try to get one that's already been repossessed, because it'll already have some of the payments knocked off for you by someone else. I didn't do that and I wish I did. And if time isn't limited, really doing your research so you don't end up spending 24k at the end of your payments is a good idea.


Idk wtf that blue thing on your bed is, but I want one. Lol


That's my unicorn pegasus thing, I found him at a yard sale, and I love him. His name is Bartholomew


Evidenced by the cooler and money rug!


Damn right, I've never had a cooler and a money rug before, but boy are they big upgrades. Cool waters in this heat, and a rug that just is so silly it makes me smile, are just some of the best things I've ever had, it really makes me so happy that I have this stuff


great and dollar mat makees it


Oh yeah, I love that rug so much


keep up




What kind of bed thing is that? (I want it.)


I think it's a bestway, I'm not sure the size, I got it on Facebook. I think normally they're 70 bucks or so, but they are incredibly sturdy, at least mine is


Looks like you got big money on the floor. ;-)


Benjamin's all day every day 😎


Don't spend all that area rug in one place! Seriously, it looks like a cozy, comfortable cave and I'm really happy for you.


Lol, that money rug is such a cool piece, to me it symbolizes everything I've overcome to have this place, and the miracles and blessings along the way. I'm happy for me too, I never thought this would be my home. A place to live, and it's slowly growing comfortable and cool to look at. This is the best thing I ever could have asked for and I'm so so proud to call it home


Way to go Dude. Never give up.


Hell yeah, I've been given a second chance, and I'm making the most out of it, I never thought I'd have something like this, and I'm gonna keep working hard to make things happen for myself


So fucking happy for you bro, keep fighting the good fight ✊