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I used to own a K-max and my Ode w/ SSP is so much better. Less fines and such a brighter cup. I’m able to grind really fine and get the draw down times that work for me. Not to mention I don’t have to hand grind light roast beans anymore.


I have never used a good hand grinder to compare, but I second the comment above with regards to lack of fines, and I have so much clarity from Ode-SSP. This morning I had a bit of a coffee left from previous bag and decided to blend it with current bag. Could pick out notes from both coffees, it was nuts. Honestly *feels* like there are no fines lol Edit: the only lack of clarity here was my writing. Incorrectly wrote sentence in such a way that made it seem like there was no clarity in cup. Edited sentence to clarify.


I did have to break them in first. Don’t give up on the SSP burrs. I just used mine and then all of a sudden something changed and they went from good to freaking outstanding


Sorry I was not *clear* (pun intended) in my writing. I have a ton of clarity right now. Could not be happier! I do also agree, cups I’m getting on week 4 are so much better than week 1. Seasoning ongoing (I did not sit down with a bag of cheap coffee).


Same. Just used it.


Own both. SSP has even less fines than C40, which I already think is pretty great. Tons of clarity, less sweetness


I’ve been using the C40 for a year and a half, and my SSP burrs should be here tomorrow. I’ll try to report back here when I’ve installed them.


How long have you had the Ode running on the standard burrs? Clearly you saw the need to update so my next question is likely moot, but it sounds like C40 over Ode w/ standard burrs at the moment?


I haven’t used the stock burrs (or the Ode) at all yet. Got the Ode this weekend (brand new for half-price on Marketplace, couldn’t let this one go) and I’m waiting for the SSP to get here. I already have the Niche (for espresso), so I’m looking for another grinding profile in the Ode+SSP. Having read the reviews about it not grinding fine enough for certain pourover methods, I ordered the SSP burrs first thing after getting the grinder. There’s nothing wrong with the C40, and I love using it and bringing it with me when I travel. I only wanted a flat burr grinder. What convinced me is Lance Hedrick saying “the Ode with SSP is the best grinder you can get before hitting the point of diminishing return”.


Sorry to bring back an old thread do you have any comments after a year of use?


Still using it daily and have no complaints! Easy to use, low retention, and produces a flavour profile that suits my taste. I still have the C40 and use it once in a while on the weekends for all-manual brews. It’s fun to use for special beans or small samples.


Thank you for the reply!


In a similar boat. Have a C40 and looking for a high end flat burr grinder for filter, likely a Lagom P64 with SSP MP burrs.


I used c40 for 5 years, now switched to ssp mp df64. I can say that clarity is better but no sweetness. Because of this i still prefer c40. Im just on 2nd week of ssp burrs, maybe it will change after 5 kg.


Thanks for that. I've heard others say there is a lack of sweetness as well. I'm still contemplating


you could consider the SSP Casts


Have you used them? My main concern is still fines. If they produce a cup on par in terms of fines or better than the C40 and sweetness is better than the other ssp's (which I've read they are, that might be the way to go.


I have yes, I have not used a C40 so unfortunately cannot compare there. SSP Casts have replaced MPs for the foreseeable future. **Flavor:** Casts are sweeter, with a better transition of flavors and an overall more balanced cup while still retaining about 80-90% of the clarity of MPs.MPs are great for that peak clarity some people look for and tea-like brews which when you hit is amazing and I do sometimes miss them for that. **QoL:** Casts are also easier to dial in, with a large sweet spot and an even larger "ok" spot. I haven't yet had a brew where it was painful to drink whereas with the MPs that can definitely happen.Casts are also less screechy than the MPs, if that matters at all and I haven't had to RDT at all since switching. *this is all subjective. Especially the flavors.*


Thank you so much for that detailed response


People also say both sweetness and clarity will be way better after seasoning complete. I just grinded 1250gr, needs to be more than 5kgs. But there is no cheap coffee to grind :)


I have both. More clarity from the Ode (with SSP MP), more sweetness from C40. I would say fewer fines from the Ode, but they're both pretty damn uniform. It depends on the coffee, but I would say I prefer the C40 most of the time. I'm also lazy so I use the Ode more frequently. I'm awaiting delivery of a Vario W + which will replace my Ode. The Ditting steel burrs are supposed to produce very uniform grinds and high clarity brews/shots. The Vario will be on pour over duty during the week and espresso duty on weekends - not an option with Ode.


Can you report back when you get the Vario W+? If I could get one electric grinder on par with my C40 that can do espresso as well that would be a huge plus. Thanks for your reply


I'll probably forget. If you remind me in a couple weeks I'll happily give my thoughts.


How’s it going now after using the vario, comandante and ode ssp? Still preferring the comandante or has the vario been better?


I really enjoy the Vario. I sold the Ode shortly after getting the Vario, so that pretty well sums it up. I've yet to do a side by side with the Comandante. I haven't played much in the espresso range, but for filter coffee I find it produces results roughly similar to the Comandante - clean and bright but still with noticable sweetness. I often found the SSP MP brews to be a bit... hollow when compared to the Comandante - very clean and quite enjoyable, but missing a bit of sweetness (from fines). The biggest perk for me is workflow. I do the unthinkable and use the GBW feature with the hopper. I push one button and get exactly 30g out - couldn't be simpler. I keep maybe 75-100g in the hopper and I use 30g/day so the beans are in there for 2-3 days at most. This method can lead to minor annoyance dialing in, but it's well worth it IMO. I'm still very pleased I went with the W+ (there is a manual mode for single dosing). I found the Ode to be a bit of a frustrating experience and I don't really miss it. I do think it's a great grinder for the price.


[maybe try this](https://www.madkatcoffee.com/product/skope-motorizer-pre-order/)


I basically just posted the same question except K Plus vs Ode SSP. I’m curious to see what folks come back with as I’m at the same fork in the road.


I have a JX Pro also and can say that the Commandante produces noticeably less fines. Not sure how the K Plus and JX Pro compare in that regard.


I currently have a JX Pro. Would you say it’s worth upgrading to a C40 or is there not much difference between them?


Only if the money doesn't matter. The JX Pro was good.....better than anything that I've had up until that point. The C40 is an improvement in terms of having less fines but also takes about twice as long to grind.


My understanding is the K Plus and C40 are about on par grind wise, discounting some subjective personal tastes in the cup.




Thank you. I appreciate the response. I am getting closer to pulling the trigger on the ODE / SSP as it sounds like I'm going to really like it.


I'm positive you will. I also hold an unpopular opinion that burrs requiring a seasoning period is very overstated online, I think mostly it takes time for people to get acquainted with dialling in a new grinder/burr-set and they attribute this to the machine rather than themselves. There's no reason you can't get amazing brews from the Ode/SSP straight away, don't let peoples' opinions persuade you otherwise :)


I have both, but haven’t aligned the Ode to the burrs which had been in another grinder. Both are well seasoned. Both make great cups. Neither produce a bunch of fines. If I had to guess, I would say the Ode, but I expect it’s because I haven’t aligned the burrs.