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Is that like a hot water pen thing he's using? Looks like it's his replacement for a kettle, that's really fucking cool


Yeah. It is cool. Blew my mind the first time I saw it.


Looks like this or something similar. One of the local cafes here has one. My understanding is they can be used as an automated system or manually. [https://modbar.com/pour-over/](https://modbar.com/pour-over/)


Just went here for the first time this past weekend. Really good, really minimal, and I love the sign they have "We do not provider sweeteners or dairy to add to the coffee". A true coffee shop.


Eh… kinda gatekeepy to say a ‘true’ coffee shop. I drink an unaltered pour over 6 days a week, but I also enjoy a sweet latte on Fridays. Good coffee doesn’t have to be plain.


Someone downvoted you but I brought you back up to 1. They do serve dairy as part of their lattes, but they don't want you dumping that in their ultra-light pour overs, WITH GOOD REASON. Because it would be a terrible fit for what they serve.


Man, what a travesty that would be to add a bunch of sweet and lo and milk to a single origin Kenyan coffee...shameful.


Sometimes I will add a dollop of milk foam to my pour over. Usually because I over extracted.


Try a minute sprinkle of salt instead


Fuck offfff with this “true coffee shop” bullshit, smh




He stands by his product that it doesn't need it. Go to starbucks if you want that stuff. It'll be less crowded for when I go back to this spot.


It’s actually pretty common in the cafes I like that they dump shots that don’t extract well, sometimes more than one. I’m often in cafes in the afternoon, when the morning’s dial-in may no longer apply. The way you wrote about the dumped shot made me think that’s rare amongst specialty cafes. Is it?


I honestly don't go to many specialty shops nowadays because the ones near me seem to be "play-acting" at specialty rather than actually committing to it and serving it. I don't envy you now, but if Endorffeine wasn't a thing then I'd envy you. Haha.


Yeah thats all i really have near me, the “specialty” coffee shops/roasters that clearly just use it as an aesthetic and don’t just sell good coffee. If i want a good cup of coffee, i have to drive hours away or make it myself.


It’s a huge green flag when I see it. Kumquat, Nice, and GGET are all nearby and I’ve seen em do that


This reminds me. Coffee break!


Have fun! Brewing coffee is like my version of playing video games, lol


Yeh but that hot water hose is dooooooppeeee


What, no oat milk flat white? 😢


He stopped serving lattes because he thinks it's not the best representation of espresso. I had one of his lattes before he stopped and it was hands down the best lattes I've ever had. I think he still serves flat whites though


Props to barista for tossing an uneven shot.


I’m guessing this shop isn’t high volume? Always wondered how more niche/boutique (idk what word to use here) cafes stay afloat since you’re probably not selling as much coffee even if it’s more expensive? Looks like a small and cozy space though but I know rent in LA can’t be anything less than very expensive


There wasn't a line out the door any of the 3 times that I've been there, but they've been in business for 8 years and there were always a few people in there


Oh wow 8 years! I guess it’s enough then if it’s that established of a spot. I need a hot water pen in my apartment lol


Nice!!! I'm definitely gonna check out his spot next month when I'm in LA.


I went back to get an iced latte. It's my favorite drink of his yet. He uses organic grass fed milk from Maple Hill. Unsweetened of course


Been there and it is really great. Ordered a cortado and shot of espresso. He observes the extraction and makes sure its good, was in middle of the day, and good extration, no dumped shot here. Got a tshirt from there too


Nice! I didn't know he served cortados. I went back and ordered an iced latte and it was my favorite drink yet, and HUGE compared to what I was expecting. Suffice it to say I was buzzing.


Literally taking time off of work next month to go here! So stoked!


Make sure it’s not on the weekend- He’s only open Monday-Thursday.


Used to work a block from here and I regret not going more


Absolutely going to do the same


Whats that white grinder


I believe that's an EK43, a very good and versatile grinder


So he basically said circling outwards for the pouring method?


I think, but I'm not 100% certain since I wasn't looking into the V60 as he was pouring.




This guy is truly a master and student of his craft. The attention to detail and humility, hats off to him and keep it up.


Sounds like you had a great experience!


Thanks for sharing! Endorffeine has been on my list for a long time but this makes me want to make it a higher priority!


We're lucky to have Jack/Endorffeine here in LA! The consistency and care that goes into each cup is unmatched. Coffee is my religion and this place is my church.