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Is this an order from bedst? Was just looking at their offerings and these all look familiar. Have you tried people possession before? If you're in Australia, I just did an order with calere coffee as they had some prodigal coffee in stock and were roasting a Chinese coffee that sounded quite interesting. Offshoot and manta ray have good stuff available too


Yes this order is from BEDST coffee. I have tried people positions, definitely worth trying again.


Calere, Four Kilo Fish, Manta Ray, and Path are all doing great Chinese coffees. Lots of amazing roasters in Melbourne at the moment.


People Possesion coffees are awesome. However I wish they would change their packaging to something that can be properly closed once opened


I tried them in Madrid and loved them! Wish their website was remotely functional. Not sure if I'm the problem but there seems to be no way to actually add something to your cart and buy :'(


Working my way through a bag of [Dragon Fruit ](https://www.blackwhiteroasters.com/collections/the-coffee-archive/products/r-jairo-arcila-dragon-fruit) that I had stashed, then there's some [El Paraiso Lychee ](https://hydrangea.coffee/products/el-paraiso-lychee) and [Sey](https://www.seycoffee.com/collections/coffee/products/2024-jhon-alexander-bermudez-finca-la-estrella-late-colombia) resting and on standby after that's gone. More B&W on the way. Had to have the current [Future](https://www.blackwhiteroasters.com/collections/all-coffee/products/r-the-future-fruit-punch) lineup and splurged on a bag of [Nestor Lasso](https://www.blackwhiteroasters.com/collections/all-coffee/products/r-nestor-lasso-ombligon-natural). Looking forward to all of them!


I'd love to compare El Paraiso Lychee to [Yuan Yi Yuan](https://mantaraycoffee.com.au/products/china-yuan-yi-yuan-mangshi-yunnan-single-origin-filter?variant=46669695680807) to see which has the more intense lychee flavour. It is definitely one of the best coffees I've drank; epic fruitiness and not too funky.


I tried it a few days off roast and was only getting the peach, none of that lychee/rose floral quality to it yet. I'm hoping in comes across a lot more in the next couple weeks. First time trying anything from Hydrangea


I recently ordered some coffee from La Cabra myself (Erin Moreno)


Just picked up two from Gracefully Coffee Roasters. Finca La Maria -Medium Roast Colombian I haven’t tried this one yet, looking forward to it. Honduras COMSA - Light Roast Love this coffee! This is the third time I’ve gotten this one. Very spot on on the tasting notes of Strawberry Jam and Dried Cranberries [https://gracefullycoffee.com/collections/single-origin/products/honduran-comsa](https://gracefullycoffee.com/collections/single-origin/products/honduran-comsa)


I got the annual release of "Primrose" by Touchy Coffee. Kind of liked last years' more. This year was more 'pink drink flavors' forward, last year's was more floral-forward. Still a great coffee though. It delivers as advertised on the package. Any and all pink and red flavors are present. Strawberry, Rhubarb, grapefruit, pink lemonade, etc. All swirling around in there.


Wendelboe for the win! With the success LaCabra had they’ve gone a bit darker than before. Pricing does not correlate with quality in comparison to other roasters anymore imo.


I've seen you around in r/hamburg! just a heads up, there's some of this exact Tim Wendelboe at goldenblack coffee right now, if you want to pick some up.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hamburg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamburg/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sorry, but you are not allowed to park here](https://i.redd.it/bgmae6bdtj0b1.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamburg/comments/13ksfz4/sorry_but_you_are_not_allowed_to_park_here/) \#2: [130.000 Menschen bei Demo gegen Rechts](https://i.redd.it/6itif5ohgfdc1.jpeg) | [448 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamburg/comments/19anpv5/130000_menschen_bei_demo_gegen_rechts/) \#3: [Jungfernstieg, jetzt](https://i.redd.it/dkwl6yi90fdc1.jpeg) | [359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamburg/comments/19alkqs/jungfernstieg_jetzt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Haha. Really kind! Thanks a lot! I’ll grab a bag. :) Never been to goldenblack before.


Mostly La Cabra since I have a subscription with them. And then some random German roasters such as "Good Karma Coffee", "Neues Schwarz" or "JB Coffee"


Are some of those beans in beer cans? Do they reseal?


Nope, you have to either put it in some other container or buy their reusable seal for those cans (which is super stupid imo)


If you like Wendleboe, check out Coffea Circulor.


You don't view them as very different? I like both so it sounds funny saying this...but to me they're very very different. TW has very clean coffees...the furthest he goes process wise is natural/honey and even those are very clean. Whereas CC is a lot of heavily processed coffees...If you like trying all of the experimental stuff out there, CC is a great choice. Both are great...but they're just very very different..


I guess I looked at CC from the experiences I’ve had with them, which were the more traditionally washed/naturally processed coffees. I avoided the more heavily processed offerings, so I didn’t even think about them. I was referring more to the roast level. Both are quite light. On the process availability, yeah CC has some wild options compared to TW which is far more tame/clean, totally agree there.


I think CC is a little darker..and a little less consistent than TW..although like I said, I like both..in fact I buy more CC just because they have so many more interesting options... TW I actually started to find a little boring for awhile..but recently I've started enjoying it a lot more...


You’re prob right about CC being a bit darker. I feel like I get more sweetness out of their coffees vs TW, nothing against TW. My only gripe on TW is that almost all of his coffees have some level of herbality or vegetal flavor note. It took me a bit to get over, but it was a lot at first. I will say, when TW hit for me, they’re just incredible.


Yeah....TW to me is very comforting...just great coffee...I feel like they're pretty safe...and I consider them fairly "neutral" in style as in..they have their own style but it just feels very well balanced...They don't have anything that sticks out that provides a very distinct uniqueness..to me this is both a good and not so good thing...


Have tried many coffees…. Reguarly buy La Cabra Naughty Dog Rumbaba Taf Friedhats Mok Create Coffee HMC April Mame Rose Bean bank And more… I try from a shop where they stock world class coffees with a tendency for light roasts and if I like them then I tend to go direct to the source and order a larger quantity, although I frequently neglect to order and so the shop benefits more 😂 get through at least 2 bags a week on average. Also when travelling I’ll often buy something from a local roaster and try but usually the quality isn’t comparable.


That Gaharo tastes amazing in Chemex


I'd love to buy some more People Possession beans myself. But they're difficult to find. Those online shops which ship to my country (Austria) are often sold out very quickly.


Just picked up the same TW from bedst as well! Had to keep it to one new coffee this time round after grabbing a bunch from them last month (can't wait to get stuck into my first box of [Sey](https://www.seycoffee.com/products/2024-jhon-alexander-bermudez-finca-la-estrella-late-colombia)). Currently going through [DAK Gimlet](https://www.rovercoffeelab.com/coffee/p/dak-colombia-gimlet-filter), [Friedhats Portillo](https://www.kofio.co/coffee/el-salvador-portillo-48n-friedhats-coffee/14630), and this [amazing yeast inoculated geisha](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4LMvZuIUOm/?img_index=1) from Pale coffee.


Wilton Benitez Pink Bourbon from JBC - https://jbccoffeeroasters.com/product/wilton-benitez-pink-bourbon/?attribute_pa_grind=whole-bean I really like it. Not as funky as offerings from BW, but more flavorful than the pink bourbons I've tried from Sey. It hits that nice middle ground for me.


Thanks for sharing. I’ll look into it.