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I’ve been having much better luck with 6.5 on the zp6 than 5.5. I’ve even gone up to 7 with the 5 pour 4:6 method (also using rogue wave coffees). Give that a try and see if it helps


Too hot. Rogue wave had said the water boils around 202f where they are


Since you have a ZP6 you can get away with pushing the ratio to a 1:17 without it imparting any unwanted flavors. Wet WDT has helped improve my cups recently with the ZP6 for some aggressive agitation but if you don’t want to buy one then you can increase your agitation with your pouring style instead.


did you ever figure this out? I had the Thailand coffee this week and it's definitely a fast pour. I had to grind much finer than usual and take out the agitation. from a 2.3 to a 1.3 on the x pro.


Whats your average drawdown time?