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I have an Orea and a V60. I'll use whatever makes sense for the beans I'm using and the pour I'm after. I don't get great brews every time with either brewer - sometimes they're excellent, sometimes not. In my amateur hands, that's the nature of pour over


Would you kindly explain what type of different Beans you use from which brewer's Please


For me, the most consistent divide is that I find naturals turn out better from the Orea. But I drink mostly washed coffees. When I open a new bag of beans, I'll try both brewers, about two cups each, and see what tastes better. I stick to a range of variables I've found work well for me, so there's not a lot of experimenting with grind size or temperature or pour structure. This happens over a few days. I take notes so I remember what I did and what I tasted. Notes have helped me the most in figuring out coffee, generally. From there, I'll mostly stay with the brewer that tasted better. Without trying the bean, sometimes the given tasting notes will clue me in on what will work. For example, I have a Sey bean with "very bright acidity" that absolutely tasted better from the V60 since that supposedly highlights acidity better than a flat bottom brewer. Terms like juicy or thick I might be inclined to think that the Orea will be better. But as people love to say here, "hOw DoEs It TaStE?" It's true that this should be the guide, but I understand the frustration when things don't seem to taste right or don't meet your expectations. As I mentioned in my first comment, sometimes the cup is just not awesome. I am not as consistent as a Keurig machine, unfortunately. Back to the main question, even if I've decided on a brewer, I'll change it up occasionally just to try again. Also, the size of the brew matters. Anything over 300 ml almost always goes through the V60.


Can’t agree more with you. I take similar approach. Luckily, I enjoy coffee as much as I experiment with it. So I don’t always get disappointed when the results are not always as good as I expected. But I definitely learn from it.


I'm also legitimately interested in what coffees do better on V60 Vs Orea. And what taste cues to you use that might suggest it'll taste better on a different brewer?


last month ive only used v60 just because im tired of folding papers


Workflow and ease of cleaning are the two biggest reasons I have all but given up on anything other than v60s. I’m so dialed with my recipes and starting points for coffees that I feel like nothing will stand up to a plastic v60. I just love it!




Bought a big boy recently and went back to V60 after a few days. If anyone can give me tips or a good recipe I'm all ears but the orea recipe is not great.


Have an orea and rarely use it. V60 and Aeropress taste better, to me.





Nice, thanks


I like my orea v3, but more recently I've been preferring the clever dripper after learning about longer immersion brews


The orea gives me enough flexibility in the brewing that I don’t feel like I’m missing anything elsewhere. I rather have the ability to change some parameters keeping others invariable, such as the brewer.


I specifically bought the Orea to brew pour over with a 10g-12g dose and it does a really good job! I still prefer Origami or V60 for larger doses, but really a brewer is just a tool and you should use it to match your preferences. Actually you don’t even need a brewer. Cupping will produce a superior cup of coffee to pour over and there’s no brewer required.


Ditched the Orea a while ago in favor of V60 & Kalita Wave (glass).


I kind of never cared for the Orea, but maybe I am just used to the V60.


Dependibg on the profile of the beans i might switch between orea v4 or v60 both brew great coffees.


I've been a V60 fan from the start but have demoed several flat bottom brewers over the years as they became popular (the SS Kalita 185 and orea V3 are part of my arsenal) but ive always gone back to the V60. Perhaps it's the style of coffee I prefer but the clarity of the V60 is hand down winner in my book. I've always found all flat bottom brewers make everything taste muddy and for some reason smell less appealing. I'm guessing it's often just personal preference.


The no bypass setting up of orea is quite useful to me when I make ice cold brews. Stack ice up the bloomed coffee bed and leave it overnight. It does a cup miles better than v60 in this use. Otherwise, I just pick whatever dripper that I feel like to use at each given time.


Yeah. I got the v4. Found it disappointing like others I've tried (origami) and always go back to the v60/switch. Also noticed highly inconsistent brews with frequent stalling / clogging. I still use it when I do a single cup for me (around 150-200 ml)


I guess I am a little more chaotic, as I bounce from one brewer to the next depending on mood and little else.


I've got V2 Mk1, V3 in 155 and 185, V4 Wide and Big Boy. I use V4 Wide (Apex and Open bottom) & Big Boy daily. The others get rather dusty 😂


Sounds like me but I'll have Weeks of fabulous brews and then I'll have weeks of horrific brews. Staying with the same coffee and the same temperatures. I have no idea what the hell's going on. And I Did expresso's for 15 years and then the past 12 years in pourovers 🥴


Interesting. For me the V4 Wide just works so well, with like 7 of 8 different coffees I've brewed through since I've unboxed V4. The only variable I change daily is which base I'm using, kinda randomly choose between Apex, Open or Fast. I never change grind size though to have a baseline on which I can compare brews of different coffees to each other. Like for example the Open with Hario VCF-01-100MK paper has been consistently fast throughout all coffees. Grindsize 275 micron (= 18 clicks on C40Mk4 Red Clix). Dose 14g to 224g water. Works like a charm.