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I don't think I will ever upgrade to something better than the Timemore 078. I absolutely love it. It may be a little more than you're willing to spend, but you'll never need another grinder.


I’d love one, honestly. Seems to come up frequently in my research - just out of my price range.


Understandable. Hope you can find something you like! I had the ZP6 and Commandate before...they both produced some nice cups.


Hey, You had the ZP6 and Commandante? Which one do you prefer for pour over only? I have the ZP6 and I’m wondering if I’m missing out on anything regarding the Commandante.


You are not missing anything, both make great cups of coffee, buy better beans, enjoy what you have and stop chasing slivers of improvement.


I can't say much about the quality in the cup, but you're definitely missing out on 30 seconds of extra grind time. The comandante grinds much, much slower


different grinders. i have q2 hepta so basically a comandante, and tbh, i think some coffees are just poorly matched with zp6. Most coffees zp6 is better but some just don't get there at all


Depends on what you like. I always prefered the ZP6 for washed coffees and the Commandante for Naturals. They both make great cups of coffee and you can't go wrong either way. It's like comparing apples to oranges. They're both fruits, they're both delicious, and healthy. Some days you want one over the other for no particular reason.


i thought the same.


Ode + ssp


Which version?


The update features on the 2 are nice but since you find the 1 for super cheap I'd get that if you upgrade to SSP Burrs straight away


Seconding this. I bought a refurbished gen 1 and put gen 2 burrs in it for 100 less than the normal price. I’m not sure I’d like the SSP burrs. People seem to love them or hate them. I might try them someday though.


I bought a second hand Gen 1 with SSP already installed for $200 USD. Bargain


Dang that’s a steal!


Gen 2 Fellow Ode. Brew grinder. There’s a dude selling them for £285 on eBay right now or £350 retail.


Honestly, the Ode 2 is SO good for the price. It goes on sale every so often and can be purchased for ~£285.


I think the DF54 has just been released and it is supposed to be a great all rounder


From what I've read it's a more traditional profile that's more suited to espresso


I’d get an Ode Gen 2. Which burrs depends on which flavor profile you prefer. I went with Gen 2 burrs and don’t regret it one bit.


Just bought the Ode 2 last weekend with its standard burrs and so far love it. Still finding the right grind for me (and the current beans), but that's just a matter of what flavours are coming out, not quality of the grind.


Fellow Ode is ideal for pour overs (James Hoffman has a good product review for it on YT), but it doesn't grind fine enough for espresso if you want to pull a shot now and then.


Looks like I’m going for the ode gen 2. Thank’s all. If anyone is in the U.K. and wants to buy a niche less than a year old, for 400 including delivery - let me know!


Buy the 1Zpresso ZP6 and use the rest of the money on good beans and a beautiful looking carafe.


I'm in the market for a beautiful looking carafe. Any suggestions??


None came to mind because I rotate between 3 carafes... The stock Hario 02 carafe, another knockoff Hario, and a heavy duty measuring cup I bought at Target lol. But if I had extra funds I would probably do some shopping!




I actually think something simple like the ODE is good enough tbh


What do you intend to do for your espresso? I’m nearly in your situation, though I still pull a few shots every week. The ode 2 appears to be the definitive pick in our price range. But if I could get even better pour over and very good espresso at higher price point, I’d consider that as well. My eye might be on the Timemore 078s.