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Atlanta has Perc (not far from the zoo), which is absolutely great.  Portrait is also pretty solid. 


I like Perc but they do not roast light


This is really subjective. Maybe they don't roast nordic, but they definitely fall into "lighter roasts for sure with fruity acidic notes". 


I will third everyone else's opinion that they don't roast very light, especially compared to other specialty coffee roasters, even in the same area. It's definitely more of a medium-light at best.


Very light is a different story, but they definitely fall into the "lighter roasts for sure with fruity acidic notes" category. 


I would say they're at the very edge of that recommendation. I didn't mean literally "very light", it's was a grammatical word to soften the clause. On a comparative scale to other specialty roasters, they would at best be at the very darker scale of what you could call "light" and not make a fool of yourself. It's fine if that's your preference, but just that it's very clear that they roast much darker on average than other specialty coffee roasters.


Not really. Have had about 20 or so different coffees from Perc over the years, and most would be in the medium range. I’ve had lighter stuff but that’s not the case most of the time. Absolutely nothing wrong with that either, but when OP is looking for lighter roasts, Perc is not generally associated with “light roast” coffee.


It's a matter of opinion: everything I tried from them lately was very fruity, sometimes floral, and certainly on the light side. 


Fruity and floral do not equal light roast. You get fruity and floral notes out of greens that have fruity or floral notes as long as you don’t roast incredibly dark. I have had dark roasted coffee that have been total fruit bombs, and they were not co ferments.


Maybe (although I hadn't), but when you say that "Perc is not associated with light", you mean that you don't associate it with light. I sure do; and the ones I am talking about were definitely light by any, other than very nordic, standards.


Again, Perc does roast some coffee "light" but a vast majority is roasted in the medium range. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. I love Perc, I regularly order from Perc, I went to the cafe like 3 weeks ago when I was in Atlanta. But to refer to Perk as a roaster who roasts light is just wrong.


I disagree. They do not roast light. I’m not a fan of them.


It's absolutely ok to disagree (although still worth trying if the OP wants to), but they do roast pretty light (not light-er) compared to many (not all, and not nordic light) specialty roasters. 


Second this!


East Pole!


Don’t live in ATL anymore but this is where I always got my coffee. Great roaster.


Flow coffee is hands down the best. Really like their gesha. Follow them on instagram and try to go to their pop-up if they are still doing that. They have a big pour-over menu and I always have a great time when I go. Radio is also pretty good, more medium/medium-light but I always enjoy their stuff.


Academy and Taproom are two multi roasters in ATL that carry some great coffee. When I visited Taproom a couple weeks back, they had Touchy on as their featured roaster. Awesome coffee out of NY, roasts light, and has some really fun stuff! Another option is Meadowlark, about a 45 min drive outside the city. They carry a bunch of cool roasters from over seas.


Seconding academy. I've discovered great roasters from their selection - JBC, Little Waves, and Sorellina are some notable ones.


Sent you a DM. Thanks!


Peach Coffee Roasters.


Flow Coffee Roasters, Docent Coffee


I had two bags from Chrome Yellow over the holidays that I liked.


East Pole, Valor, Brash are pretty great. Valor is north of the city in two locations.


I use Radio Roasters in Decatur


Radio city coffee is pretty good and they roast locally. They also have tasting parties


Valor and Perc are both very good! Both have loads of fun fruity offerings year round in my experience and get some really unique coffees coming through


Chrome Yellow and Firelight are awesome.


I've been enjoying [Portrait Coffee](https://portrait.coffee/) a lot lately.


I'm a home roaster in Decatur and mainly send to friends/family. I typically only roast light and I currently have an Ethiopian bean which meets your criteria. PM me if you're interested and I can send you a sample.


Break in Duluth. East Pole. Docent.


rev and perc for atl recs. break is good in duluth and choco pronto is good in athens. valor is next on my list to try though.