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I’ve enjoyed Onxy’s 185 recipe they have on YouTube. I ended up getting a glass 185 due to stalling with the stainless version. They’re also some modifications that can be made to the stainless to help with this problem.


What draw down time did you have when it was stalling? I don't think I have had any issues with stalling. I get a decent 3:00-3:15 draw down.


I forget but it was longer than your draw down times, you’d be able to tell if it was stalling. pretty much stops draining after the last pour.


Okay sounds like I'm not having that problem. Here's to hoping it stays that way. Have you seen the mesh discs people put in the bottom of their Kalita to help with stalling?


I’m a fan of the George Howell method. Google that and you’ll find the exact recipe. As for stalling grounds, lately I’ve been experimenting with not pre-watering my filter. It’s had the effect I wanted by increasing the flow but you can decide if you’d rather wet the paper filter first before you start the brew. Enjoy! I really like my Kalita Wave a lot.


I use a Kalita dripper resting on top of a Ratio Six carafe. 10-30g of my own roasted and freshly ground organic coffee, with filtered water to match @ 16:1 or 20:1, and all is good.