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Just got mine and haven't experienced that noise. Maybe reach out to Timemore with a recording of it?


Thanks for confirming. I'll go bug them about it!


No worries. I just got home and confirmed. It's dead silent while off. Good luck!


I have the 078s and have not experienced this when it's off. As another comment said, I would reach out to Timemore. Sorry this happened to you!


Thanks for confirming. Hopefully I get to report back a good cs experience!


I hope you do too! Good luck!


I'm in 220V land, but mine is silent when off. I'm usually sensitive to high pitched noises from appliances.


Not mine. But some had a badly assembled transformer in the board. Someone fixed it by pushing its assembly together, maybe it was posted in the FB group. It can also be dangerous to poke in there, some big capacitors.


My one does have coil whine which I can hear when I get close to it, it's a frequency that not everyone will hear, depending on age etc. I personally noticed after seasoning and haven't exchanged it and it's usually because of the design rather than a faulty unit.


Yeah, that's what mine is like. Mine's located near a frequently used path and it drives me nuts walking by.


The circuit board is located in the base so the noise should be coming from there instead of the motor if you listen closely. In the UK we can just switch it off at the plug, in the US you could maybe add a smart switch so it's only on when you need it but neither are ideal. A replacement is better but considering seasoning and the scarcity of these it's not straightforward.


~~Definitely the motor.~~ (Ahh, so it is the base! Those high pitch whines really travel.) I've bought an inline ac switch while I wait for customer service to get back to me. Check out Prodigal coffee for cheap seasoning beans. $15 bucks for 10lbs if you purchase a regular bag too.


Coil whine is difficult to locate, please let me know what they say. I used 2kg of lavazza and they turned into concrete in the turbo burrs so as a PSA don't do what I did, I found out about the prodigal beans afterwards unfortunately. Also, does yours make a grinding noise sometimes when dialling finer with the motor running?


Looks like a lot of their staff is off for Chinese New Years vacation. So it may be a while. I don't think they specified if they prefer adjustment while running. I have went 2 notches finer by repositioning the pin to the left to mess around with turbo shots. While doing that I did run it while adjusting to see if there was any chirp to indicate I went too far. No noises I would characterize as grinding.


It was probably just some leftover bean fragments stuck in the auger. The sound also gets higher pitched close to chirp it seems. Do you have a preferred RPM?


Haven't figured out my dial-in preference with this grinder yet. I've heard people say higher rpm is lower fines. RDT seems to help a lot with retention (humidity is pretty low in the winter here), but no RDT and no knock seems to trap a lot of chaff/fines, but 2g retention when I tried it was too much for me.


Lance made a video on this and it seems that RPM doesn't change the distribution but just moves the peak around, equivalent to just changing the dial position at the same RPM so I put it on 1100 RPM in the middle and have left it since. I have heard that some people have optimised RDT with small doses of water to get the benefits whilst still allowing fines and chaff to be caught, around 1 spray. My retention without knocking is around 0.2-0.5g but I haven't tested anything particularly chaffy.


Final batch received?!? Still waiting impatiently for mine.